Screaming Paris Hilton sent back to jail

  • Thread starter Igor The Terrible
  • Start date

Igor The Terrible

Isn't this just I mean
heartbreaking!!! :D The poor little brat goes back to jail for the
entire 45 days of her original sentence.

What the **** was the dumb blond thinking? She is exempt from the
laws of the land? I bet if every Jor or Jane six-pack who got a DUI
and subsequently got caught driving on a suspended license only got a
three day hitch in the poky would thumb their noses at the system and
the roads and highways would be dozens of times worse than they are
now--and that's on a good day.

Obviously this ruling (back pedaling) on the judge's part had nothing
to do with better judgement on his part; rather he might be a bit
concerned of getting his ass kicked off the bench had he sucked to the
money. The idea of sending the little sow back to her home to serve
out the remainder of her sentence pissed off a lot of people--
including civil liberty activists--and rightfully so. If there is no
justice for all, there is no point in having any.

LMAO, I'm sure this ruling will be the talk of Looneywood for a good
time to come.

Screaming Paris Hilton sent back to jail
Today at 12:22 pm

Paris Hilton was taken from a courtroom screaming and crying Friday
seconds after a judge ordered her returned to jail to serve out her
entire 45-day sentence for a parole violation in a reckless driving

"It's not right!" shouted the weeping Hilton. "Mom!" she called out to
her mother in the audience.

Hilton, who was brought to court in handcuffs in a sheriff's car, came
into the courtroom disheveled and weeping. Her hair was askew and she
wore a gray fuzzy sweatshirt over slacks. She wore no makeup and she
cried throughout the hearing.

Her body also shook constantly as she dabbed at her eyes. Several
times she turned to her parents, seated behind her in the courtroom,
and mouthed, "I love you."

She had been brought to court in sheriff's custody today for a court
hearing on her early release from jail after back-and-forth decisions
on whether she could participate by telephone from her home.

Hilton, appearing to be in handcuffs, cried after she was placed into
a black-and-white patrol car, which sped away from her home with
lights flashing as news helicopters pursued, broadcasting live TV

The car carrying her disappeared into the courthouse's underground
parking lot, avoiding a swarm of news media, and her parents then

In the hearing, which began at late morning, a judge was to listen to
the city attorney's complaint that the county sheriff did not have the
right to reassign her to electronically monitored home detention after
only three days in jail for violating probation in a reckless driving

On Thursday, Superior Court Judge Michael T. Sauer ordered that Hilton
be brought to Friday's hearing. But early Friday a court spokesman
announced that she would be allowed to participate by telephone, which
is common in misdemeanor cases. Then, in a reversal, the spokesman
said the judge had ordered the Sheriff's Department to pick her up and
bring her to court.

The frenzy began early Thursday when sheriff's officials released
Hilton because of an undisclosed medical condition and sent her home
under house arrest. She had been in jail for three days.

Hilton was fitted with an electronic monitoring ankle bracelet and was
expected to finish her 45-day sentence for a reckless driving
probation violation at her four-bedroom, three-bath home.

The decision by Sheriff Lee Baca to move Hilton chafed prosecutors and
Sauer, who spelled out during sentencing that Hilton was not allowed
to serve house detention.

Late Thursday, Sauer issued the order for Hilton to return to court
after the city attorney filed a petition demanding that Hilton be
returned to jail and to show cause why Baca shouldn't be held in
contempt of court.

Baca does not have to be in court, and it was unclear who would
represent the Sheriff's Department.

The move also was met with outrage from the sheriff's deputies union,
members of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, civil rights
leaders, defense attorneys and others.

"What transpired here is outrageous," county Supervisor Don Knabe told
The Associated Press, adding he received more than 400 angry e-mails
and hundreds more phone calls from around the country.

Hilton's return home "gives the impression of ... celebrity justice
being handed out," he said.

Baca dismissed the criticism, saying the decision was made based on
medical advice.

"It isn't wise to keep a person in jail with her problem over an
extended period of time and let the problem get worse," Baca told the
Los Angeles Times on Thursday.

"My message to those who don't like celebrities is that punishing
celebrities more than the average American is not justice," Baca said.

California Attorney General Jerry Brown criticized the Sheriff's
Department for letting Hilton out of jail, saying he believed she
should serve out her sentence.

"It does hold up the system to ridicule when the powerful and the
famous get special treatment," Brown told The Associated Press in an
interview before testifying at a congressional hearing in Washington,

"I'm sure there's a lot of people who've seen their family members go
to jail and have various ailments, physical and psychological, that
didn't get them released," he said. "I'd say it's time for a course

The Los Angeles County jail system is so overcrowded that attorneys
and jail officials have said it is not unusual for nonviolent
offenders like Hilton to be released after serving as little as 10
percent of their sentences.

In the hours after Hilton's release, it was a madcap scene outside her
house in the hills above the Sunset Strip. As word spread that the 26-
year-old poster child for bad celebrity behavior was back home, radio
helicopter pilots who normally report on traffic conditions were
dispatched to hover over her house and describe it to morning
commuters. Paparazzi photographers on the ground quickly assembled
outside its gates.

Shortly before noon, Hilton issued a statement through her attorney.

"I want to thank the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department and staff
of the Century Regional Detention Center for treating me fairly and
professionally," she said. "I am going to serve the remaining 40 days
of my sentence. I have learned a great deal from this ordeal and hope
that others have learned from my mistakes."

Hilton's path to jail began Sept. 7, when she failed a sobriety test
after police saw her weaving down a street in her Mercedes-Benz on
what she said was a late-night run to a hamburger stand.

She pleaded no contest to reckless driving and was sentenced to 36
months' probation, alcohol education and $1,500 in fines.

In the months that followed she was stopped twice by officers who
discovered her driving on a suspended license. The second stop landed
her in Sauer's courtroom, where he sentenced her to jail.


Associated Press Writer Erica Werner in Washington, D.C., contributed
to the report.

It doesn't take long to figure out what groups can be insulted and
what groups for which this is taboo. They made a movie called "Legally
Blonde", which of course I did not see. It's well known that you can
joke about blondes anywhere and it is accepted and you don't get
fired. If you joke about Blacks you do get fired. Blondes are fair
game because they are White and probably not Jews. Jews control the
media and the entire culture. Here is a quote from Mein Kampf:

"Thus another weapon beside that of freemasonry would have to be
secured. This was the Press. The Jew exercised all his skill and
tenacity in getting hold of it. By means of the Press he began
gradually to control public life in its entirety."

Women can only be insulted if they are blonde. It's actually White
men that the Jews really hate. In their show "Simpsons" they regularly
show all the men as stupid and all the women as smart. This is also
the Jewish show that said the French were "Cheese eating surrender
monkeys", for not going along with the Jews agenda. What if there was
a show calling Jews "money grubbing culture corrupters"? Of course
that would never be on TV. "Beavis and Butthead" are of course White

The Jews also hate Arabs. They want to steal Arab land of course.
But they also hate people who are against the homosexual perverts and
the feminists. Look at any film of the Jews country and see how many
female policemen they have. Arabs are the opposite of Jews. Maybe they
are too extreme on the opposite direction. But they have traditional
values that the USA and other liberal, Jewish controlled countries
don't have. The spokesmen for the so-called "right" in America are
Rush Limbaugh, who is probably a Jew, (He once said on his show he
and his Jewish rabbi--Rush used the words, "My rabbi"- had traveled to
Israel and met there privately with former Israeli Prime Minister
Shimon Peres.) and other Jewish neo-cons. The TV can then truthfully
declare that they are unbiased and they appear neutral and fair
between the Republicans and the Democrats, since they are both firmly
in the Jewish play pen and are not likely to wonder out.

This quote explains what is going on in the Middle East:

Der St
It doesn't take long to figure out what groups can be insulted and
what groups for which this is taboo. They made a movie called "Legally
Blonde", which of course I did not see. It's well known that you can
joke about blondes anywhere and it is accepted and you don't get
fired. If you joke about Blacks you do get fired. Blondes are fair
game because they are White and probably not Jews. Jews control the
media and the entire culture. Here is a quote from Mein Kampf:

"Thus another weapon beside that of freemasonry would have to be
secured. This was the Press. The Jew exercised all his skill and
tenacity in getting hold of it. By means of the Press he began
gradually to control public life in its entirety."

Women can only be insulted if they are blonde. It's actually White
men that the Jews really hate. In their show "Simpsons" they regularly
show all the men as stupid and all the women as smart. This is also
the Jewish show that said the French were "Cheese eating surrender
monkeys", for not going along with the Jews agenda. What if there was
a show calling Jews "money grubbing culture corrupters"? Of course
that would never be on TV. "Beavis and Butthead" are of course White

The Jews also hate Arabs. They want to steal Arab land of course.
But they also hate people who are against the homosexual perverts and
the feminists. Look at any film of the Jews country and see how many
female policemen they have. Arabs are the opposite of Jews. Maybe they
are too extreme on the opposite direction. But they have traditional
values that the USA and other liberal, Jewish controlled countries
don't have. The spokesmen for the so-called "right" in America are
Rush Limbaugh, who is probably a Jew, (He once said on his show he
and his Jewish rabbi--Rush used the words, "My rabbi"- had traveled to
Israel and met there privately with former Israeli Prime Minister
Shimon Peres.) and other Jewish neo-cons. The TV can then truthfully
declare that they are unbiased and they appear neutral and fair
between the Republicans and the Democrats, since they are both firmly
in the Jewish play pen and are not likely to wonder out.

This quote explains what is going on in the Middle East:

Der St
On Fri, 08 Jun 2007 13:10:43 -0700, Igor The Terrible
<> wrote:

>Obviously this ruling (back pedaling) on the judge's part had nothing
>to do with better judgement on his part; rather he might be a bit
>concerned of getting his ass kicked off the bench had he sucked to the
>money. The idea of sending the little sow back to her home to serve
>out the remainder of her sentence pissed off a lot of people--
>including civil liberty activists--and rightfully so. If there is no
>justice for all, there is no point in having any.

The judge had nothing to do with her being sent home. It was the Sheriff. The judge
had specifically said in his original order that house arrest was not to be
considered. That's why he put her back in jail....AAC
On Jun 9, 1:51 am, AnAmericanCitizen <> wrote:
> On Fri, 08 Jun 2007 13:10:43 -0700, Igor The Terrible
> <> wrote:
> >Obviously this ruling (back pedaling) on the judge's part had nothing
> >to do with better judgement on his part; rather he might be a bit
> >concerned of getting his ass kicked off the bench had he sucked to the
> >money. The idea of sending the little sow back to her home to serve
> >out the remainder of her sentence pissed off a lot of people--
> >including civil liberty activists--and rightfully so. If there is no
> >justice for all, there is no point in having any.

> The judge had nothing to do with her being sent home. It was the Sheriff. The judge
> had specifically said in his original order that house arrest was not to be
> considered. That's why he put her back in jail....AAC

Oops....I know the judge didn't...I'm out of context, typing slower
than I think and forever assuming everyone is on the same page. Baca
sent her home...and why not? He gets more contributions for celebs
than I would care to add up. But under normal circumstances, it would
be hard any working person to find equal justice in that venue. If
there hadn't been so much criticism hurled at this situation, perhaps
Paris would still be doing 1/2 of her sentence. :D Oh well.
Perhaps, this experience might do her some good; at least she will get
a "little" taste of what life is like on mean street without the
security blankets and safety nets. There is no doubt she has lived a
horrendously sheltered life and this time is as good as any for her to
learn that life is filled with consequences when you think you are
exempt from the rules that everyone (with a brain) plays by.

Live and learn