Second Largest Doctors Group Supports Medical Marijuana




February 15, 2008

(Washington D.C.) The American College of Physicians, the largest
medical specialty organization and the second largest physician group
in the United States, today issued a strong statement urging a
fundamental rethinking of U.S. government policy on medical marijuana,
stating, "ACP strongly urges protection from criminal or civil
penalties for patients who use medical marijuana as permitted by state

ACP's position paper specifically criticized the federal
classification of marijuana as a Schedule I drug, deemed by the
government as not having accepted medical uses or safety for use under
medical supervision. "ACP urges review of marijuana's status as a
Schedule I controlled substance and reclassification into a more
appropriate schedule, given the scientific evidence regarding
marijuana's safety and efficacy in some clinical conditions," the
statement declared.

Founded in 1915, ACP publishes Annals of Internal Medicine, the most
widely cited medical specialty journal in the world.

"This is a historic statement by one of the world's most respected
physician groups, and shows the growing scientific consensus that
marijuana is a safe, effective medicine for some patients, including
many battling life-threatening illnesses like cancer and AIDS," said
former U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Joycelyn Elders. "Large medical
associations move cautiously, and for the American College of
Physicians to note 'a clear discord' between scientific opinion and
government policy on medical marijuana is a stinging rebuke to our
government. It's time for politicians and bureaucrats to get out of
the way of good medicine and solid research."

"This statement by the American College of Physicians recognizes what
clinicians and researchers have been seeing for years, that for some
patients medical marijuana works when conventional drugs fail," said
Dr. Michael Saag, director of the Center for AIDS Research at the
University of Alabama Birmingham. "One of the challenges in HIV/AIDS
treatment is helping patients to adhere to drug regimens that may
cause nausea and other noxious side effects. The relief of these side
effects that marijuana provides can help patients stay on life-
extending therapies."

"This statement by America's second largest doctors' group demolishes
the myth that the medical community doesn't support medical
marijuana," said Rob Kampia, executive director of the Marijuana
Policy Project in Washington, D.C. "The ACP's statement smashes a
number of other myths, including the claims that adequate substitutes
are available or that marijuana is unsafe for medical use. 124,000
doctors have just said what our government refuses to hear, that it
makes no medical or moral sense to arrest the sick and suffering for
using medical marijuana."

The full ACP statement on medical marijuana, titled, "Supporting
Research into the Therapeutic Role of Marijuana," is available at

Currently, 12 states -- Alaska, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine,
Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont and
Washington -- permit seriously ill patients to use medical marijuana
without fear of arrest. Signatures have been filed for a medical
marijuana ballot initiative for the November ballot in Michigan, and
medical marijuana legislation is either under consideration or
expected to be introduced shortly in numerous states, including
Minnesota and Illinois.

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