Security Essentials couldn't scan computer



I just logged onto my computer about 15 minutes ago & noticed in the icon tray that Microsoft Security Essentials Icon was orange, I opened MSE & it said my computer is at threat so I launched a quick scan. About a minute into the scan a window popped up saying

"Security Essentials couldn't scan your computer...
Some history items could not be displayed. Please wait a few minutes & try again.
If that doesn't work, clear the history & try again."
Error 0x8050800d

I waited for 3-4 min & tried the scan again & again I got the same error message, so I searched out the history - found a few quarantined items I was unaware of & deleted the history. I tried to run the scan again & got the same error message.
Anybody know how to fix this annoying error???

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The error suggests that the database for MSE is corrupt or that you've got deeper problems related to Windows itself (as suggested by the multitude of links in PA Bear's reply).
What operating system and service pack?
Prior Security Software?
Any security software still installed?
A possible reason for this problem is that you have conflicting security software installed fully or partially on the PC. Remove all other security software from the PC.
I suggest reinstalling MSE.’t-scan-computer