Security improved, Army plans to pull back!



August 15, 2007
4 Truck Bombs Kill 200 in Kurdish Area of Iraq
Four truck bombs exploded in two Iraqi villages in a Kurdish-speaking area
near the Syrian border on Tuesday. The Iraqi authorities said at least 200
people had been killed, The Associated Press reported.

The bombs destroyed houses and sent hundreds of the wounded to at least six
hospitals as far as 150 miles away, the authorities said.

Hours after the blasts, victims were still buried in dusty rubble as
American helicopters ferried away the wounded.

"Half the houses are completely collapsed because they were made from clay,"
said Capt. Mohammed Ahmad of the Iraqi Army's 3rd Division. He said scores
of families were obliterated in the blast that wiped out a market and a bus

Another Iraqi officer described the scene as apocalyptic: "It looks like a
nuclear bomb hit the villages," he said.

The bombs - including at least one rigged to a fuel tanker - detonated in
quick succession around 8 p.m. in Qahtaniya and Jazeera, two towns populated
mostly by Yazidis, a Kurdish-speaking sect that mixes elements of Islam with
the teachings of an ancient Persian religion.

The group has long been a minority in Iraq, and after some Yazidis stoned a
Yazidi woman to death for dating a Sunni Arab man in April, members of the
sect became frequent targets of Sunni attacks. When a video of the Yazidi
woman being stoned appeared on the Internet, gunmen stopped minibuses full
of Yazidi laborers and killed 23 of them. Many Yazidis have recently moved
to villages farther west, where they make up a majority. The deadly assault
on Tuesday crushed the hope that there would be safety in numbers -
especially near the border with Syria, which American officials have long
described as an entry point for foreign fighters.

The blasts capped one of the worst days of violence in months and raised
further questions about whether the American military effort has pushed
insurgents into less populated areas.

The explosions also came only a few hours after Iraqi leaders met for lunch
in advance of a "crisis summit" meeting to discuss how to solve their
sectarian divisions and smooth out their knotted government.

The gathering, like many before it, produced no results. An aide to
President Jalal Talabani called the lunch "an icebreaker," but Adnan
Dulaimi, leader of the largest Sunni bloc, said nothing political was

"It was only an invitation for lunch," he said. "We didn't engage in any

American officials have been pushing Iraqi leaders to hammer out a grand
compromise on several outstanding issues, from a new oil law to provincial
elections. But in the midst of the continued stalemate - with the Shiite-led
government of Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki missing 11 cabinet
ministers who have quit in protest - violence and the American effort to
stop it continued to shudder through the country.

In an attack on Tuesday that seemed destined to heighten political tensions,
at least 100 gunmen in Iraqi Army uniforms kidnapped several senior Oil
Ministry officials from their homes in a fortified government compound. The
captives - the deputy oil minister, Abdul Jabar al-Wagaa, three department
heads and one of the officials' sons - were abducted from a guarded area
that sits about 300 yards from an Iraqi Army checkpoint often manned with

The motives for the kidnappings remained unclear. Mr. Wagaa, the most senior
deputy minister, is a Sunni Muslim from Baiji, where Iraq's oil refining is
concentrated. Attacks by gunmen wearing army or police uniforms are
typically attributed to Shiite militias that work within the security

But the Iraqi oil minister, Hussain al-Shahristani, said the abduction did
not appear to be sectarian because at least two of the victims were Shiites.

"The goal of this operation is to stop the work of the government and to
damage the political process," he told the state news channel, Iraqiya.

Elsewhere in Iraq on Tuesday, a truck bomb in Taji, north of Baghdad, killed
at least 10 people and destroyed a bridge on the main highway connecting the
capital with northern cities like Mosul.

Witnesses said the explosion destroyed the bridge, which was damaged in May
by a car bomb, and sent several vehicles into a canal. Afterward, American
and Iraqi divers could be seen trying to pull people out of the water.

Military officials said the cause of a helicopter crash on Tuesday that
killed five Americans in Anbar Province, west of Baghdad, was still under
investigation. A statement said the dual rotor CH-47 Chinook went down
"while conducting a routine post-maintenance-check flight."

Three American soldiers also died from a roadside bomb on Monday near Mosul,
the military said in a statement. Two others died from attacks in western
Baghdad, one on Tuesday, another on Monday.

Meanwhile, in Diyala Province, roughly 10,000 American soldiers and 6,000
Iraqis continued to push through villages surrounding Baquba in what
commanders described as a large-scale offensive aimed at Sunni extremists.

The operation follows a major effort in June to seize control of Baquba, the
area's main city, from organizations like Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia, a
homegrown Sunni Arab extremist group with some foreign operatives. Many
gunmen fled when the American and Iraqi troops arrived in force.

Military officials said the latest phase, named Lightning Hammer, began
Monday and sought to attack the insurgents where they found refuge,
especially among villages outside Baquba.

"The Iraqi Army and Coalition Forces are committed to the people of Diyala,
they are committed to fighting for the Iraqi people's security," said Maj.
Gen. Benjamin Mixon, commander of Multinational Division North, which covers
the area. "We will aggressively and persistently target Al Qaeda, an
organization that brings nothing but hatred, destruction and disregard for
the very foundation of the Iraqi peoples' principles and faith."

Military officials did not say whether the truck bombings could also be a
result of their efforts in other areas.

Residents in and around Qahtaniya said the area held many members of Al
Qaeda in Mesopotamia. Past operations have pushed insurgents to new
locations only to return later, but it is not clear where the attackers on
Tuesday were based.
Sid9 wrote:
> August 15, 2007
> 4 Truck Bombs Kill 200 in Kurdish Area of Iraq
> Four truck bombs exploded in two Iraqi villages in a Kurdish-speaking area
> near the Syrian border on Tuesday. The Iraqi authorities said at least 200
> people had been killed, The Associated Press reported.
> The bombs destroyed houses and sent hundreds of the wounded to at least six
> hospitals as far as 150 miles away, the authorities said.
> Hours after the blasts, victims were still buried in dusty rubble as
> American helicopters ferried away the wounded.
> "Half the houses are completely collapsed because they were made from clay,"
> said Capt. Mohammed Ahmad of the Iraqi Army's 3rd Division. He said scores
> of families were obliterated in the blast that wiped out a market and a bus
> station.
> Another Iraqi officer described the scene as apocalyptic: "It looks like a
> nuclear bomb hit the villages," he said.
> The bombs - including at least one rigged to a fuel tanker - detonated in
> quick succession around 8 p.m. in Qahtaniya and Jazeera, two towns populated
> mostly by Yazidis, a Kurdish-speaking sect that mixes elements of Islam with
> the teachings of an ancient Persian religion.
> The group has long been a minority in Iraq, and after some Yazidis stoned a
> Yazidi woman to death for dating a Sunni Arab man in April, members of the
> sect became frequent targets of Sunni attacks. When a video of the Yazidi
> woman being stoned appeared on the Internet, gunmen stopped minibuses full
> of Yazidi laborers and killed 23 of them. Many Yazidis have recently moved
> to villages farther west, where they make up a majority. The deadly assault
> on Tuesday crushed the hope that there would be safety in numbers -
> especially near the border with Syria, which American officials have long
> described as an entry point for foreign fighters.
> The blasts capped one of the worst days of violence in months and raised
> further questions about whether the American military effort has pushed
> insurgents into less populated areas.
> The explosions also came only a few hours after Iraqi leaders met for lunch
> in advance of a "crisis summit" meeting to discuss how to solve their
> sectarian divisions and smooth out their knotted government.
> The gathering, like many before it, produced no results. An aide to
> President Jalal Talabani called the lunch "an icebreaker," but Adnan
> Dulaimi, leader of the largest Sunni bloc, said nothing political was
> discussed.
> "It was only an invitation for lunch," he said. "We didn't engage in any
> negotiations."
> American officials have been pushing Iraqi leaders to hammer out a grand
> compromise on several outstanding issues, from a new oil law to provincial
> elections. But in the midst of the continued stalemate - with the Shiite-led
> government of Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki missing 11 cabinet
> ministers who have quit in protest - violence and the American effort to
> stop it continued to shudder through the country.
> In an attack on Tuesday that seemed destined to heighten political tensions,
> at least 100 gunmen in Iraqi Army uniforms kidnapped several senior Oil
> Ministry officials from their homes in a fortified government compound. The
> captives - the deputy oil minister, Abdul Jabar al-Wagaa, three department
> heads and one of the officials' sons - were abducted from a guarded area
> that sits about 300 yards from an Iraqi Army checkpoint often manned with
> tanks.
> The motives for the kidnappings remained unclear. Mr. Wagaa, the most senior
> deputy minister, is a Sunni Muslim from Baiji, where Iraq's oil refining is
> concentrated. Attacks by gunmen wearing army or police uniforms are
> typically attributed to Shiite militias that work within the security
> forces.
> But the Iraqi oil minister, Hussain al-Shahristani, said the abduction did
> not appear to be sectarian because at least two of the victims were Shiites.
> "The goal of this operation is to stop the work of the government and to
> damage the political process," he told the state news channel, Iraqiya.
> Elsewhere in Iraq on Tuesday, a truck bomb in Taji, north of Baghdad, killed
> at least 10 people and destroyed a bridge on the main highway connecting the
> capital with northern cities like Mosul.
> Witnesses said the explosion destroyed the bridge, which was damaged in May
> by a car bomb, and sent several vehicles into a canal. Afterward, American
> and Iraqi divers could be seen trying to pull people out of the water.
> Military officials said the cause of a helicopter crash on Tuesday that
> killed five Americans in Anbar Province, west of Baghdad, was still under
> investigation. A statement said the dual rotor CH-47 Chinook went down
> "while conducting a routine post-maintenance-check flight."
> Three American soldiers also died from a roadside bomb on Monday near Mosul,
> the military said in a statement. Two others died from attacks in western
> Baghdad, one on Tuesday, another on Monday.
> Meanwhile, in Diyala Province, roughly 10,000 American soldiers and 6,000
> Iraqis continued to push through villages surrounding Baquba in what
> commanders described as a large-scale offensive aimed at Sunni extremists.
> The operation follows a major effort in June to seize control of Baquba, the
> area's main city, from organizations like Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia, a
> homegrown Sunni Arab extremist group with some foreign operatives. Many
> gunmen fled when the American and Iraqi troops arrived in force.
> Military officials said the latest phase, named Lightning Hammer, began
> Monday and sought to attack the insurgents where they found refuge,
> especially among villages outside Baquba.
> "The Iraqi Army and Coalition Forces are committed to the people of Diyala,
> they are committed to fighting for the Iraqi people's security," said Maj.
> Gen. Benjamin Mixon, commander of Multinational Division North, which covers
> the area. "We will aggressively and persistently target Al Qaeda, an
> organization that brings nothing but hatred, destruction and disregard for
> the very foundation of the Iraqi peoples' principles and faith."
> Military officials did not say whether the truck bombings could also be a
> result of their efforts in other areas.
> Residents in and around Qahtaniya said the area held many members of Al
> Qaeda in Mesopotamia. Past operations have pushed insurgents to new
> locations only to return later, but it is not clear where the attackers on
> Tuesday were based.

TWO days ago, al Qaeda det onated four massive truck bombs in three
Iraqi vil lages, killing at least 250 civilians (perhaps as many as 500)
and wounding many more. The bombings were a sign of al Qaeda's
frustration, desperation and fear.

The victims were ethnic Kurd Yazidis, members of a minor sect with
pre-Islamic roots. Muslim extremists condemn them (wrongly) as devil
worshippers. The Yazidis live on the fringes of society.

That's one of the two reasons al Qaeda targeted those settlements: The
terrorist leaders realize now that the carnage they wrought on fellow
Muslims backfired, turning once-sympathetic Sunni Arabs against them.
The fanatics calculated that Iraqis wouldn't care much about the Yazidis.

As far as the Thieves of Baghdad (also known as Iraq's government) go,
the terrorists were right. Iraqi minorities, including Christians, have
been classified as fair game by Muslim butchers. Mainstream Iraqis
simply look away.

But the second reason for those dramatic bombings was that al Qaeda
needs to portray Iraq as a continuing failure of U.S. policy. Those dead
and maimed Yazidis were just props: The intended audience was Congress.

Al Qaeda has been badly battered. It's lost top leaders and thousands of
cadres. Even more painful for the Islamists, they've lost ground among
the people of Iraq, including former allies. Iraqis got a good taste of
al Qaeda. Now they're spitting it out.

The foreign terrorists slaughtering the innocent recognize that their
only remaining hope of pulling off a come-from-way-behind win is to
convince your senator and your congressman or -woman that it's
politically expedient to hand a default victory to a defeated al Qaeda.

Expect more attempts to generate massive bloodshed in Iraq in the
coming weeks. The terrorists are well aware of the
exaggerated-by-all-parties importance of Gen. David Petraeus' Sept. 15
progress report to Congress. They'll do all they can to embarrass the
general and provide ammunition to the surrender caucus.

Meanwhile, our military progress has become undeniable. Even Democratic
presidential aspirants have started hedging their peace-at-any-price
positions. To the horror of al Qaeda and left-wing bloggers alike,
cutting and running is starting to look unfashionable.

How has Petraeus changed the outlook so swiftly? Numerous factors are in
play, but two of his personal characteristics have helped keep him from
making a single wrong move thus far.

First, Petraeus is relentless. The result is that, for the first time,
our military approach has become relentless, too.

In the past, we followed up military wins by stepping back and hoping
that the reduction of Fallujah or the latest shoot-'em-up with Muqtada
al-Sadr's thugs would prove decisive. We were wrong every time - all our
forbearance achieved was to give our enemies time to recover.

Petraeus changed the rules, and God bless him for it. He may have a
high-school-prom smile for the media, but the general's a clinch fighter
who ignores the bell - and who isn't above landing a blow when the ref
ain't looking. It's exactly the approach we've needed.

The second quality is his leadership style. Micro-managers lose
control in war. While Petraeus is interested in every detail and spends
plenty of time on the ground with tactical commanders, he assigns
missions, gives the essential guidance - then trusts subordinates to do
their jobs.

Previous U.S. commanders worried about the wrong things, and they
worried all the time. Petraeus is concerned about the one thing that
matters: Winning.

He's that rarer-than-a-unicorn beast, a full general capable of
learning. Petraeus hasn't "defended his dissertation" in the face of
contrary facts. The politically correct counterinsurgency manual he
produced before taking up this assignment delighted the left-of-center
think-tank crowd - but they must be very disappointed today. Once in
command in Iraq, Petraeus kept the doctrinal bits that worked, but
dumped the baloney.

He's doing what it really takes: Fighting. Our troops are killing those
who need killing; tens of thousands of terrorists, insurgents and
militiamen are in lockup, with more coming in every day. And any member
of the NYPD can tell you that taking murderers off the streets works.

Petraeus is also pursuing political progress, but that effort's still
lagging. Not his fault: The most that our military can do is to help
establish the conditions for Iraq's leaders to succeed. But the old
rivalries, bitter hatreds and personal pettiness of Baghdad's
politicians have been more discouraging than the terror attacks.

That said, we're not really in Iraq for Iraq's sake now, but for our
own. The long-mismanaged situation has morphed from a grand attempt to
create a model democracy in the Middle East to become a fight for our
strategic security - knocking al Qaeda down, keeping Iran out (see
sidebar) and shaping a new Iraq that's at least benign where our
interests are concerned.

Here's how Gen. Petraeus summed it up for The Post on Tuesday: "Right
now, we're on the offensive, striving to build on the gains made in the
past two months by conducting strike operations to retain the initiative
against al-Qaeda-in-Iraq, to address the challenge of the
Iranian-supported Shia extremists and to try to reduce further the level
of ethno-sectarian violence in Baghdad and other fault line areas."

Al Qaeda down, Iran out and sectarian violence reduced. Sounds like a plan.