See ya in a KIA: U.S. auto industry eliminates or proposes cutting 132,000 jobs since May 2005



Well, laid-off American auto workers can always open up flower boutiques...
well, can't they? Or, perhaps they can feed their families by giving golf
lessons to each other...that's sound economic policy, right?


Chrysler To Cut 13,000 Jobs, Restructure

Struggling Automaker Says It Will Cut Jobs, Close Delaware Assembly Plant

CBS News Interactive: On The Job
(CBS News) AUBURN HILLS, Mich. For Chrysler workers, Feb. 14 will now be
known as the Valentine's Day massacre.

On Wednesday, Chrysler announced its long-awaited restructuring, which
included a 16 percent reduction in its work force, shift reductions, a plant
closing and a surprise hint that the plan could lead to a DaimlerChrysler

Chrysler lost more than $1 billion last year, reports CBS News correspondent
Anthony Mason. To survive, the company says it needs to cut 13,000 jobs.

The Chrysler plan calls for closing the company's Newark, Del., assembly
plant, and reducing shifts at plants in Warren, Mich., and St. Louis. A
parts distribution center near Cleveland also will be closed, and reductions
could occur at other plants that make components for those facilities.

Chrysler blamed the wrenching restructuring on poor sales after a shift in
consumer taste from SUVs and trucks to more fuel-efficient vehicles. Workers
blamed management.

"It's a shame that Chrysler didn't give us something better. That's not our
fault," said Victor Harris, 56, who works in the paint shop at the Newark
plant and has been employed there for 35 years.

Aside from the job cuts, Chrysler's German parent, DaimlerChrysler AG, said
it is looking at all options to revive its fortunes, including partners for
the troubled Chrysler. Its chairman wouldn't rule out a possible sale of the
U.S. operation.

With Chrysler's job losses, the domestic auto industry has eliminated or
proposed cutting 132,000 manufacturing jobs at 64 U.S. plants since May
2005, said Sean McAlinden, chief economist and vice president of research at
the nonprofit Center for Automotive Research in Ann Arbor.

The devastation was partially offset by foreign brands expanding their
manufacturing operations in the United States. During that same period,
foreign brands, such as Japan's Toyota Motor Corp., and their suppliers have
created 30,000 to 40,000 factory jobs in the United States. That should rise
to 50,000 to 60,000 by 2009, McAlinden said.

Chrysler announced its plan at its Auburn Hills headquarters, saying it
hoped the move would return its U.S. operations to profitability by next
year. Like the other domestic automakers - Ford Motor Co. and General Motors
Corp. - DaimlerChrysler's earnings have been hit hard by rising labor costs
and slumping sales as consumers have turned to foreign models. For years,
the so-called Big Three pinned their fortunes on higher-priced sport utility
vehicles and trucks, but that strategy soured when gas prices climbed to
near $3 a gallon.

Under the Chrysler plan, 11,000 production workers - 9,000 in the United
States and 2,000 in Canada - will lose their jobs over the next three years,
and 2,000 salaried jobs also will be cut - 1,000 this year and 1,000 in

"Today's action by DaimlerChrysler is devastating news for thousands of
workers, their families and their communities," United Auto Workers
President Ron Gettelfinger and Vice President General Holiefield said in a
joint statement. "While Chrysler Group's recent losses are not the fault of
UAW members, they will suffer because of the reductions announced today."

"We believe that this represents a solid plan to return to profitability and
lay the groundwork for a solid future," Chrysler CEO Tom LaSorda said at a
news conference.

DaimlerChrysler Chairman Dieter Zetsche, asked repeatedly about a potential
sale or partners for Chrysler, refused to comment.

"I cannot and will not go into any further detail about the announcement we
made today," he said during a news conference.

"In this regard we do not exclude any option in order to find the best
solution for both the Chrysler Group and DaimlerChrysler," Zetsche said.

Daimler paid $40 billion for Chrysler, reports Mason. If they do sell,
estimates are they would now get less that half of that.

Zetsche acknowledged feeling pressure about Chrysler, which the company said
was a drag on its parent's earnings. But as recently as last year, Chrysler
was helping to prop up Mercedes, which only recently recovered from lagging
quality and profits.

Jeremy Anwyl, president of the automotive information Web site,
said potential buyers for Chrysler would be limited because of the price
tag. He speculated that the company would be attractive to a Chinese
automaker because it has a dealership network that could distribute
China-built cars in the United States. Chrysler Group and China's Chery
Automobile Co. late last year agreed on a plan for the Chinese manufacturer
to build small cars to be sold worldwide.

Nissan Motor Co. and Renault SA also could be suitors because Chrysler is
strong in products such as minivans and trucks where Nissan is relatively
weak, Anwyl said.

And several private equity groups recently have poured billions into
troubled auto parts makers.

"There's so much money in terms of the private equity funds across all
industries right now," Anwyl said. But if such a purchase took place, the
firms would have to demonstrate quick results, something unlikely with
Chrysler, Anwyl said.

Gerald Meyers, a former auto executive who teaches at the University of
Michigan, said DaimlerChrysler's work to develop and integrate common
vehicle platforms and components suggests the divorce would be unlikely.

"Once you've scrambled those eggs, it's really murder trying to separate
them. I think Zetsche's decided to tough it out and try to make his plan
work," Meyers said.

Jim Press, who runs Toyota Motor Corp.'s North American operations, said
Wednesday the company had no interest in any Chrysler assets, though he
noted Toyota would always consider an alliance if it presented a "win-win"
for both sides. He cited his company's longtime joint manufacturing venture
with General Motors in Fremont, Calif.

Bank of America analyst Ronald Tadross said he "would not be surprised if
there is good interest in Chrysler. We see Chrysler as a decent business, at
least relative to the other U.S. domestic manufacturers."

Chrysler said Wednesday that its fourth-quarter earnings plunged on weaker
demand at the Chrysler unit, where sales fell 7 percent. DaimlerChrysler's
profit fell to $761 million, or 74 cents per share, as revenue slipped to
$53.7 billion.

DaimlerChrysler earned $4.26 billion, or $4.17 per share, in 2006 compared
with 2005 earnings of $3.76 billion, or $3.70 per share.

LaSorda said the company expects to lose money again in 2007, but less on an
operating basis than in 2006. He also said the company expects to take a
$1.3 billion charge this year for restructuring expenses.

The job cuts at Chrysler will reduce by 400,000 the number of vehicles that
operations can produce each year.

The Delaware plant, which makes the slow-selling Dodge Durango and Chrysler
Aspen mid-sized sport utility vehicles, employs about 2,100 workers.
Chrysler plans to close it in 2009, with a shift reduction this year.

Dean Almuwalld, who works in painting on the Newark plant's assembly line
and has worked at the plant for 13 years, learned its future from news

"I'll take a transfer," the 33-year-old said as he walked into the local
United Auto Workers hall. Almuwalld said he has relatives in Detroit. "I've
got family there, so I'm ready to go."

The Warren truck plant, with 3,313 hourly employees, makes the Dodge Ram and
Dakota pickups, which saw sales decline last year. Chrysler plans to
eliminate a shift there this year.

Harbert Jones said he likely would keep his job at the Warren plant. Still,
he said, these are "terrible times" for his fellow Chrysler workers.

The other plant to lose a shift is the St. Louis South assembly plant, which
makes Chrysler and Dodge minivans. It has 2,850 workers and will lose the
shift in 2008.

The Cleveland-area parts distribution center, which employs 95, will close
sometime this year, Chrysler said.

LaSorda said after the plant cuts, Chrysler will be using 100 percent of its
factory capacity going into 2008.

He also said the company will double production of four-cylinder engines at
its new Dundee, Mich., plant, and it also plans to build a new V-6 engine at
a plant location to be announced later.

DaimlerChrysler shares rose $5.33, or 8.3 percent, to close at $69.78 on the
New York Stock Exchange.

>Struggling Automaker Says It Will Cut Jobs, Close Delaware Assembly Plant

>Chrysler blamed the wrenching restructuring on poor sales after a shift in
>consumer taste from SUVs and trucks to more fuel-efficient vehicles. Workers
>blamed management.

This happened in the seventies when gas prices went up- Toyota, Honda, etc.
gained market share because consumers wanted high MPG cars, and Detroit didn't
make them.

This happened in the eighties when gas prices went up- Toyota, Honda, etc.
gained market share because consumers wanted high MPG cars, and Detroit didn't
make them.

It has happened again. They went for the fast buck, and screw the future.
Bad management
"Dersu Uzala" <> wrote in message
>>Struggling Automaker Says It Will Cut Jobs, Close Delaware Assembly Plant

>>Chrysler blamed the wrenching restructuring on poor sales after a shift in
>>consumer taste from SUVs and trucks to more fuel-efficient vehicles.
>>blamed management.

> This happened in the seventies when gas prices went up- Toyota, Honda,
> etc.
> gained market share because consumers wanted high MPG cars, and Detroit
> didn't
> make them.
> This happened in the eighties when gas prices went up- Toyota, Honda, etc.
> gained market share because consumers wanted high MPG cars, and Detroit
> didn't
> make them.
> It has happened again. They went for the fast buck, and screw the future.
> Bad management

Exacty right...thanks for your thoughtful comments...ClassWarz
ClassWarz wrote:

> ClassWarz
> p.s. thank you to the millions of fans who've written in to request my
> can I not be so humble as to oblige?


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ClassWarz wrote:


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Waiving the right to remain silent, "ClassWarz" <No@ObedienceSkills.Con>

> Chrysler To Cut 13,000 Jobs, Restructure
> Struggling Automaker Says It Will Cut Jobs, Close Delaware Assembly Plant

Did you buy a Chrysler to help stop this..?

Larry J. - Remove spamtrap in ALLCAPS to e-mail

"A lack of common sense is now considered a disability,
with all the privileges that this entails."
"Ash" <army@dark.ness> wrote in message
> ClassWarz wrote:
> http://www.highwinds

Sockpuppet #1492 for 'Sam'

Hey Sam, you still haven't gotten over 'Canoza's' cyber-rape of you in 'Leif Erikson' he teased to to the point of even put up a teary farewell rant right after he raped you three
months ago! Now you act as his humiliated punk and lapdog. Shameful!
Visit a rape trauma center now!

Fetch, boy, fetch! Fetch me that farewell rant you posted back in November.

Look at how you are now reduced to posting ISP rules instead of fighting
back with your own words...that's a sign you've been raped!

"Larry in AZ" <> wrote in message
> Waiving the right to remain silent, "ClassWarz" <No@ObedienceSkills.Con>
> said:
>> Chrysler To Cut 13,000 Jobs, Restructure
>> Struggling Automaker Says It Will Cut Jobs, Close Delaware Assembly Plant

> Did you buy a Chrysler to help stop this..?

A Ford...I live near Mpls.


> --
> Larry J. - Remove spamtrap in ALLCAPS to e-mail
> "A lack of common sense is now considered a disability,
> with all the privileges that this entails."
"Ash" <army@dark.ness> wrote in message
> ClassWarz wrote:
>> ClassWarz
>> p.s. thank you to the millions of fans who've written in to request my
>> can I not be so humble as to oblige?

> http://www.highwinds-

Sockpuppet #1492 for 'Sam'

Hey Sam, you still haven't gotten over 'Canoza's' cyber-rape of you in 'Leif Erikson' he teased to to the point of even put up a teary farewell rant right after he raped you three
months ago! Now you act as his humiliated punk and lapdog. Shameful!
Visit a rape trauma center now!

Fetch, boy, fetch! Fetch me that farewell rant you posted back in November.

Look at how you are now reduced to posting ISP rules instead of fighting
back with your own words...that's a sign you've been raped!

ClassWarz wrote:


Posting the same or similar message to one or more newsgroups (excessive
cross-posting or multiple-posting, also known as "SPAM") is explicitly

Complaints regarding Illegal Use or System or Network Security issues
should be sent to

For live incidents, please contact Highwinds Abuse at

Telephone Number: 407 249-2221
Fax Number: 407 647-0392
ClassWarz wrote:


Posting the same or similar message to one or more newsgroups (excessive
cross-posting or multiple-posting, also known as "SPAM") is explicitly

Complaints regarding Illegal Use or System or Network Security issues
should be sent to

For live incidents, please contact Highwinds Abuse at

Telephone Number: 407 249-2221
Fax Number: 407 647-0392
ClassWarz wrote:


Posting the same or similar message to one or more newsgroups (excessive
cross-posting or multiple-posting, also known as "SPAM") is explicitly

Complaints regarding Illegal Use or System or Network Security issues
should be sent to

For live incidents, please contact Highwinds Abuse at

Telephone Number: 407 249-2221
Fax Number: 407 647-0392
It's okay, those worker might work for Toyota, Lexus, Honda, Acura, Nissan,
Subaru, Volvo, SAAB, Volkswagen.

"ClassWarz" <No@ObedienceSkills.Con> wrote in message
> Well, laid-off American auto workers can always open up flower
> boutiques... well, can't they? Or, perhaps they can feed their families
> by giving golf lessons to each other...that's sound economic policy,
> right?
> quote
> Chrysler To Cut 13,000 Jobs, Restructure
> Struggling Automaker Says It Will Cut Jobs, Close Delaware Assembly Plant
> CBS News Interactive: On The Job
> (CBS News) AUBURN HILLS, Mich. For Chrysler workers, Feb. 14 will now be
> known as the Valentine's Day massacre.
> On Wednesday, Chrysler announced its long-awaited restructuring, which
> included a 16 percent reduction in its work force, shift reductions, a
> plant closing and a surprise hint that the plan could lead to a
> DaimlerChrysler divorce.
> Chrysler lost more than $1 billion last year, reports CBS News
> correspondent Anthony Mason. To survive, the company says it needs to cut
> 13,000 jobs.
> The Chrysler plan calls for closing the company's Newark, Del., assembly
> plant, and reducing shifts at plants in Warren, Mich., and St. Louis. A
> parts distribution center near Cleveland also will be closed, and
> reductions could occur at other plants that make components for those
> facilities.
> Chrysler blamed the wrenching restructuring on poor sales after a shift in
> consumer taste from SUVs and trucks to more fuel-efficient vehicles.
> Workers blamed management.
> "It's a shame that Chrysler didn't give us something better. That's not
> our fault," said Victor Harris, 56, who works in the paint shop at the
> Newark plant and has been employed there for 35 years.
> Aside from the job cuts, Chrysler's German parent, DaimlerChrysler AG,
> said it is looking at all options to revive its fortunes, including
> partners for the troubled Chrysler. Its chairman wouldn't rule out a
> possible sale of the U.S. operation.
> With Chrysler's job losses, the domestic auto industry has eliminated or
> proposed cutting 132,000 manufacturing jobs at 64 U.S. plants since May
> 2005, said Sean McAlinden, chief economist and vice president of research
> at the nonprofit Center for Automotive Research in Ann Arbor.
> The devastation was partially offset by foreign brands expanding their
> manufacturing operations in the United States. During that same period,
> foreign brands, such as Japan's Toyota Motor Corp., and their suppliers
> have created 30,000 to 40,000 factory jobs in the United States. That
> should rise to 50,000 to 60,000 by 2009, McAlinden said.
> Chrysler announced its plan at its Auburn Hills headquarters, saying it
> hoped the move would return its U.S. operations to profitability by next
> year. Like the other domestic automakers - Ford Motor Co. and General
> Motors Corp. - DaimlerChrysler's earnings have been hit hard by rising
> labor costs and slumping sales as consumers have turned to foreign models.
> For years, the so-called Big Three pinned their fortunes on higher-priced
> sport utility vehicles and trucks, but that strategy soured when gas
> prices climbed to near $3 a gallon.
> Under the Chrysler plan, 11,000 production workers - 9,000 in the United
> States and 2,000 in Canada - will lose their jobs over the next three
> years, and 2,000 salaried jobs also will be cut - 1,000 this year and
> 1,000 in 2008.
> "Today's action by DaimlerChrysler is devastating news for thousands of
> workers, their families and their communities," United Auto Workers
> President Ron Gettelfinger and Vice President General Holiefield said in a
> joint statement. "While Chrysler Group's recent losses are not the fault
> of UAW members, they will suffer because of the reductions announced
> today."
> "We believe that this represents a solid plan to return to profitability
> and lay the groundwork for a solid future," Chrysler CEO Tom LaSorda said
> at a news conference.
> DaimlerChrysler Chairman Dieter Zetsche, asked repeatedly about a
> potential sale or partners for Chrysler, refused to comment.
> "I cannot and will not go into any further detail about the announcement
> we made today," he said during a news conference.
> "In this regard we do not exclude any option in order to find the best
> solution for both the Chrysler Group and DaimlerChrysler," Zetsche said.
> Daimler paid $40 billion for Chrysler, reports Mason. If they do sell,
> estimates are they would now get less that half of that.
> Zetsche acknowledged feeling pressure about Chrysler, which the company
> said was a drag on its parent's earnings. But as recently as last year,
> Chrysler was helping to prop up Mercedes, which only recently recovered
> from lagging quality and profits.
> Jeremy Anwyl, president of the automotive information Web
> site, said potential buyers for Chrysler would be limited because of the
> price tag. He speculated that the company would be attractive to a Chinese
> automaker because it has a dealership network that could distribute
> China-built cars in the United States. Chrysler Group and China's Chery
> Automobile Co. late last year agreed on a plan for the Chinese
> manufacturer to build small cars to be sold worldwide.
> Nissan Motor Co. and Renault SA also could be suitors because Chrysler is
> strong in products such as minivans and trucks where Nissan is relatively
> weak, Anwyl said.
> And several private equity groups recently have poured billions into
> troubled auto parts makers.
> "There's so much money in terms of the private equity funds across all
> industries right now," Anwyl said. But if such a purchase took place, the
> firms would have to demonstrate quick results, something unlikely with
> Chrysler, Anwyl said.
> Gerald Meyers, a former auto executive who teaches at the University of
> Michigan, said DaimlerChrysler's work to develop and integrate common
> vehicle platforms and components suggests the divorce would be unlikely.
> "Once you've scrambled those eggs, it's really murder trying to separate
> them. I think Zetsche's decided to tough it out and try to make his plan
> work," Meyers said.
> Jim Press, who runs Toyota Motor Corp.'s North American operations, said
> Wednesday the company had no interest in any Chrysler assets, though he
> noted Toyota would always consider an alliance if it presented a "win-win"
> for both sides. He cited his company's longtime joint manufacturing
> venture with General Motors in Fremont, Calif.
> Bank of America analyst Ronald Tadross said he "would not be surprised if
> there is good interest in Chrysler. We see Chrysler as a decent business,
> at least relative to the other U.S. domestic manufacturers."
> Chrysler said Wednesday that its fourth-quarter earnings plunged on weaker
> demand at the Chrysler unit, where sales fell 7 percent. DaimlerChrysler's
> profit fell to $761 million, or 74 cents per share, as revenue slipped to
> $53.7 billion.
> DaimlerChrysler earned $4.26 billion, or $4.17 per share, in 2006 compared
> with 2005 earnings of $3.76 billion, or $3.70 per share.
> LaSorda said the company expects to lose money again in 2007, but less on
> an operating basis than in 2006. He also said the company expects to take
> a $1.3 billion charge this year for restructuring expenses.
> The job cuts at Chrysler will reduce by 400,000 the number of vehicles
> that operations can produce each year.
> The Delaware plant, which makes the slow-selling Dodge Durango and
> Chrysler Aspen mid-sized sport utility vehicles, employs about 2,100
> workers. Chrysler plans to close it in 2009, with a shift reduction this
> year.
> Dean Almuwalld, who works in painting on the Newark plant's assembly line
> and has worked at the plant for 13 years, learned its future from news
> reports.
> "I'll take a transfer," the 33-year-old said as he walked into the local
> United Auto Workers hall. Almuwalld said he has relatives in Detroit.
> "I've got family there, so I'm ready to go."
> The Warren truck plant, with 3,313 hourly employees, makes the Dodge Ram
> and Dakota pickups, which saw sales decline last year. Chrysler plans to
> eliminate a shift there this year.
> Harbert Jones said he likely would keep his job at the Warren plant.
> Still, he said, these are "terrible times" for his fellow Chrysler
> workers.
> The other plant to lose a shift is the St. Louis South assembly plant,
> which makes Chrysler and Dodge minivans. It has 2,850 workers and will
> lose the shift in 2008.
> The Cleveland-area parts distribution center, which employs 95, will close
> sometime this year, Chrysler said.
> LaSorda said after the plant cuts, Chrysler will be using 100 percent of
> its factory capacity going into 2008.
> He also said the company will double production of four-cylinder engines
> at its new Dundee, Mich., plant, and it also plans to build a new V-6
> engine at a plant location to be announced later.
> DaimlerChrysler shares rose $5.33, or 8.3 percent, to close at $69.78 on
> the New York Stock Exchange.
> (
"ClassWarz" <No@ObedienceSkills.Con> wrote in message
> Well, laid-off American auto workers can always open up flower
> boutiques... well, can't they? Or, perhaps they can feed their families
> by giving golf lessons to each other...that's sound economic policy,
> right?

You mean to say that getting paid $40 PER HOUR to bolt a bumper on a car and
they didn't SAVE any money????
Class War LOSER, aka ****wit for Fairly Ordinary
Republicans, sobbed:
> Well, laid-off American auto workers can always open up flower boutiques...
> well, can't they? Or, perhaps they can feed their families by giving golf
> lessons to each other...that's sound economic policy, right?
> quote
> Chrysler To Cut 13,000 Jobs, Restructure
> Struggling Automaker Says It Will Cut Jobs, Close Delaware Assembly Plant

Americans can't build cars that people want to buy.
It's that simple.
"Rudy Canoza" <> wrote in message
> Class War LOSER, aka ****wit for Fairly Ordinary Republicans, sobbed:
>> Well, laid-off American auto workers can always open up flower
>> boutiques... well, can't they? Or, perhaps they can feed their families
>> by giving golf lessons to each other...that's sound economic policy,
>> right?
>> Chrysler To Cut 13,000 Jobs, Restructure
>> Struggling Automaker Says It Will Cut Jobs, Close Delaware Assembly Plant

> Americans can't build cars that people want to buy. It's that simple.

Its ALMOST that simple.

1) There is still some brand loyalty. Ford Mustand, Ford F-150, Chevy
Cadillac, etc.

2) Americans would buy American IF cars of similar quality had similar
prices. They don't because our unions labor cost makes a similar car more
expensive. This is not really the unions' fault. Even without unions our
standard of living, therefore the cost of living, therefore the wage of the
American worker would have created the same problem - only it would have
taken somewhat longer to develop.