

john winston

Subject: The Bad Dudes. Reptilians. Oct 24, 2007.

This mentions somewhat about Mt. Shasta.


A friend of mine in Salt Lake City, K.S., was visiting a Nordstrom
store in the mid 1990's, when she saw three "teenagers" walking by.
The strange thing was that two of them were almost 7 feet tall,
identical looking, and their faces were entirely void of blemishes!
Their arms rached almost to their knees, and the "boy" who
accompanied them was gamboling around them in a manner that reminded
her of a gargoyle. (JW If you want to see what a Reptoid looks like
go to Europe and look at the statue heads that look over the sides
of the buildings. Some people call them demons or devils but these
are Reptoids.)
As they passed her and her grandson [who, like the two tall boys,
was blond haired and had the popular short "bowl cut" type hair
style, 6 ft. tall] she faintly overheard one of them say, after
looking towards her teenaged grandson, "Is he one of us?" At which
the other replied in the negative.

This woman was completely flabergasted, however being an abductee
- as was her grandson - she was well familiar with other reports of
reptilian abductors and "infiltrators".

Another man, J.B., claims to be a nocturnal astral v-mpire-k-ller,
part of a team of nocturnal astral/dream warriors, a type of astral
special forces who have declared wa- on the fifth density reptilian
life-force va-pires -- the very same fifth density dracos who have
reportedly taken over powerful world leaders, having assimilated
their 'hosts' into their own beings which manifest in true reptilian
form as some type of "wer-drac" manifestation during their s-cret
"b-ood-fests". J.B. later confirmed the claims of K.S. when he
stated that reptilian infiltrators [or chameleoids - both the 5th
density "snatchers" and the 3rd density "shifters"] favored a
particular shopping center in Salt Lake City. Some of these fifth
density snatchers may actually have gained their third density
solidity by fully assimilating/absorbing their "hosts" in similar
fashion as the legendary "wer" people, thus becoming third density
"shifters". Actually, all three types may exist, the
repti-poltergeist parasites or "SNATCHERS"; actual third density and
most likely subterraneous reptiloid "SHIFTERS" - using laser
holograms, technotic projection, superficial bio-phasing, etc., to
accomplish the shifts; and the intermediary entities or

Others suggest that not only in southern Utah near Page, Arizona
but also in northern Utah near Dugway [Page and Dugway according to
former Dulce base security officer Thomas E. C-stello being the two
MAJOR underground connections between the DULCE New Mexico base and
the GROOM Lake Nevada base], massive societal infiltration of
reptilian entities in human guise has occured. These reports are
widespread, however these "chameleoids" have been seen more
profusely near Dulce New Mexico, Dugway Utah, and Area 51 Nevada.
There are also rumors of draconian infiltration of the federal and
state g-vernment agencies, m-litary facilities, mental health
facilities, r-ligious organization, industrial complex, and even high
levels of the p-lice forces in the state of Utah by especially the
subterraneous counterparts of the "reptilian" species who exist
EN MASSE within the underground levels beneath the state, since the
connections between the Dulce and Groom bases not only involve
artificial tunnel passages, but also an ancient and huge natural
cavern network which the "aliens" have reportedly "stolen" from
native American sub-colonies in years past in remarkably similar
fashion as the early "Shaverian" (JW I knew Richard Shaver by
writing back and forth to him, and reading his books.) accounts
of subterranean Tero/Dero conflicts... the final takeover of these
cavern-colonies or tribes coinciding with the outbreak of the Dulce
and Groom -ars which raged from between 1979 to 1985 and resulted in
many of "our" joint operational multi-trillion dollar underground
facilities being taken over by the Dracos, their "Grey" subordinates,
and in some cases insectoid collaborators [more of our tax dollars
disappearing "down the tubes" to feed these va-perial parasites]...


One individual who I encounter from time to time, L.A. of
Colorado, told me that he had visited a native American PowWow some
years ago, having been on friendly terms with some of the native
American chiefs, when he ran into a "man" who he could tell by
subtle differences to be a chameleon, or reptilian humanoid in
human guize who was apparently attempting to infiltrate the native
American gathering [others have suggested that many native Americans
have a specific meta-gene factor that could potentially prove to be
very threatening to the reptilian agenda, which is why the "lizard
people" closely monitor native Americans and attempt to keep them
under their hypnotic "spell"].

L.A. confronted the alien, which backed down and admitted that it
was indeed not of this world and was only carrying out the orders of
his collective. At this L.A. told the reptilian that it did not have
to follow the collective and that he/it had the power of free choice.
However the alien claimed that it did not have free choice capability,
to which L.A. insisted that he/it had CHOSEN the words to use to
respond to his questions.

At this the alien went into some kind of temporary spasm or
convulsion and began to spout off a stream of strang technical words
and phrases just like a computer caught in some type of feedback
loop, the alien apparently having had its percieved sense of reality
and identity shaken to the core.


C-ntactee Maurice Doreal may add something new to all of this,
with his claim that he was invited -- by two "blond men" who
attended one of his lectures -- into an ancient neo-Mayan city under
Mt. Shasta, California called Telos [interesting enough, "Telos" is
also a Greek word meaning "uttermost" or "purpose"]. During later
contacts Doreal was shown some ancient 'holographic' libraries
beneath the Himalayas, and holographic records of a
technically-advanced ra-e of tall, blond and blue-eyed humans who
ruled a vast empire where the Gobi desert now lies.

These 'Nordics' were at w-r with a ra-e of reptilian or neo-saurian
humanoids -- velociraptor type humanoids, possibly the result of
ancient genetic engineering gone out of control? -- based on what at
the time was the semi-tropical continent of Antarctica. The 'Nordics'
literally drove the reptilian humanoids off the face of the earth,
the reptiloids taking refuge in vast underground cavern systems
[possibly akin to "Snakeworld", "Patala" or "Nagaloka" with it's
reptilian capital "Bhoga-vita" -- which is according to Hindu
tradition part of a seven leveled subterranean realm stretching from
Benares India to Lake Manosarowar Tibet, and inhabited by deadly
reptilian humanoids called the 'Nagas']. There they developed a
hive-like society in order to advanced their occult-technology.

The unusual thing however according to Doreal was that many of the
reptilians could, chameleon-like, masquerade as humans and they used
this ability to infiltrate human society and commit acts of sabotage.
Many of these were detected and executed, and the ancients used an
unusual method to root them out. It seemed as if the reptilian tongue
could not pronounce the word "KIN-IN-I-GIN". If a suspected reptilian
infiltrator was cornered and could not bring itself to pronouncing
the words, they were taken and if proven to be reptilian they were
dealt with accordingly.

This reminds me of yet another account from the early 1980's which
was covered in a now-defunct newletter called "THE CRYSTAL BALL",
which printed a "Shaver Mystery" special edition. This edition
recounted a story of Russian scientists who, searching for a
meteorite impact in northern Siberia, discovered an underground
facility beneath the ice and snow.
Several humanoid bodies were discovered in frozen suspended
animation. Some of these were revived but they proved to be far from
human, but rather reptilians who had somehow shape-shifted into
human form... whereas the true humans in this ancient scientific
colony could not be revived. Eventually the whole scientific team was
"assimilated" by the reptilians, the reptilians somehow reaching into
their minds and absorbing their memories and physical features. Other
scientists were called in and these in turn were assimilated/absorbed
by other reptilians. The story has it that the infiltration reached
even to the deepest levels of the Russian Politbureau and if true it
may have paved the way for other "infiltratration" agendas involving
other countries.

This story, code-named "The Siberian Affair" which is strangely
similar to the John Carpenter/Kurt Russel movie "THE THING", might
seem to be just so much more science-fiction to the average person,
however when comopared with all the rest of the accounts recorded
here and elsewhere, one really has to wonder...


John Winston.

Subject: The Bad Dudes. Reptilians. Oct. 24, 2007.

This talks about some of our leaders who are overshadowed by
Reptilians. Some of the following information may seem to weird
to believe but lets hope we get close to the truth in this



The following post was sent to the Eagle-net mailing list. I quote
here, however maintaining the anonymity of the sender:

Date: Mon, 3 May 1999 02:30:47 +0800
Hi Eagles...

Are there really Shape-shifting Reptilians??? If there are. Are
their abilities based on hologram and technology or is it organic
based in which the cells of the body will re-orient to the new shape.
What do you think?
Anyone knows??

Excerpt from David Icke book "The Biggest S-cret" concerning
shape-shifting reptilians

"In a remarkable period of 15 days as I travelled, around the
U-ited States in 1998, I met more than a dozen separate people who
told me of how they had seen humans transform into reptiles and go
back again in front of their eyes. Two television presenters had
just such an experience while interviewing, a man who was in favor
of the global centralisation of power known as the New W-rld Order.
After the live interview, the male presenter said to his colleague
that he had experienced an amazing sight during the interview. He
had seen the man's face transform into a lizard-like creature and
then return to human. His female fellow presenter was astounded
because she had seen the interviewee's hands turn reptilian. The
male presenter also told me of an experience a policeman friend had
while making a routine visit: to an office block in Aurora, near
Denver, Colorado. The policeman had commented to an executive of one
of the companies on the ground: floor of the extreme nature of
security in the building. She told him he should look at the higher
floors if he wanted to know how extensive it really was.
She also pointed to a lift which only went to certain floors at
the top of the building and, as they chatted, she told him of
something she had seen some weeks earlier. The lift had opened and
a very strange figure had emerged. He was white to the point of
being albino, but he had a face shaped like a lizard and his eye
pupils were vertical like a reptile's. This lizard-like figure, had
walked out of the lift and into an official-looking car waiting
outside. The policeman was so intrigued that he used his own time to
check on the companies at the top of the building served, by the
mystery lift. He found they were all fronts for the Central
I-telligence Agency, the C-A.

Then there are the experiences of Cathy O'Brien, the mind
controlled slave of the Un-ted States g-vernment for more than 25
years, which she details in her astonishing book, Trance Formation
Of America, written with Mark Ph-llips. She was s-xually abused as a
child and as an adult by a stream of famous people named in her book.
Among them were the US P-esidents, Gerald F-rd, Bill Cl-nton and,
most appallingly, George B-sh, a major player in the Brotherhood, as
my books and others have long exposed. It was Bu-h, a pa-dophile and
serial k-ller, who regularly abused and raped Cathy's daughter, Kelly
O'Brien, as a toddler before her mother's courageous exposure of these
staggering events forced the authorities to remove Kelly from the mind
control programme known as Project Monarch. Cathy writes in Trance
Formation Of America of how George Bus- was sitting in front of her
in his office in Washington DC when, he opened a book at a page
depicting "lizard-like aliens from a far off, deep space place."
Bu-h then claimed to be an 'alien' himself and appeared, before her
eyes, to transform 'like a chameleon' into a reptile. Cathy believed
that some kind of hologram had been activated to achieve this and
from her understanding at the time I can see why she rationalised her
experience in this way. Anyone would, because the truth is too
fantastic to comprehend until you see the build up of evidence.
'There's no doubt that alien~based mind programmes are part of
these mind control projects and that the whole UFO-extraterrestrial
scene is being massively manipulated, not least through Hollywood
films designed to mould public thinking. Cathy says in her book that
George L-cas, the producer of Star Wars, is an operative with NA-A
and the Na-ional S-curity Agency, the 'parent' body of the CI-."
But given the evidence presented by so many other people, I don't
believe that what B-sh said and Cathy saw was just a mind control
programme. I think he was revealing the Biggest Se-ret, that a
reptilian r-ce from another dimension has been controlling the
planet for thousands of years. I know other people who have seen
Bu-h shape-shift into a reptilian.

The pre-ident of Mexico in the 1980s, Miguel DeLa M-drid; also
used Cathy in her mind controlled state. She said he told her the
legend of the Iguana and explained that lizard-like extraterrestrials
had descended upon the Mayans in Mexico. The Mayan pyramids, their
advanced astronomical technology and ~ the sacrifice of v-rgins, was
inspired by lizard-like aliens, he told her."'
He added that these reptilians interbred with the Mayans to produce
a form of life they could inhabit. De La Ma-rid told Cathy that these
reptile-human bloodlines could, fluctuate between a human and iguana
appearance through chameleon-like abilities - "a perfect vehicle for
transforming into world leaders", he said. De la Ma-rid claimed to
have Mayan-lizard ancestry in his bl-od which allowed him to transform
back to an iguana at will. He then changed before her eyes, as Bu-h
had, and appeared to have a lizard-like tongue and eyes." Cathy
understandably believed this to be another holographic projection,
but was it really? Or was De La Madr-d saying something very close to
the truth? This theme of being like a chameleon is merely another
term for 'shape-shifting', a theme you find throughout the ancient
world and among open minded people, in the modern one too.

Shapeshifting is the ability to use your mind to project another
physical image for people to see. Everything is energy vibrating, at
different speeds, so if you use your mind to re-vibrate that energy
to a different resonance, you can appear in any form you choose.
Many witnesses have described how the so-called ~ 'Men in B-ack'
materialise and dernaterialise when they threaten people who are
communicating information about extraterrestrials and UFOs. They can
do this because they are interdimensional beings who can appear in
any form. This is the main reason for the obsession with interbreeding
among the E-ite bloodline families.
They are seeking to maintain a genetic structure which allows them
to move between dimensions and shape-shift between a human and
reptilian appearance.
Once the genetic structure falls too far from it's reptilian origin,
they can't shapeshift in this way.

Hunter S. T-ompson in his book, Fear And, Loathing, In Las Vegas,"
describes seeing reptiles while in a drugged condition and a guy I met
in the Uni-ed States (in those 15 days I mentioned earlier) told me a
similar story. He 'tripped' on a large amounts of L-D in the 1960s and
in his seriously mind-altered state he would see some people as humans
and others as humanoid lizards and other reptiles. For a while he
believed that: he was merely hallucinating, but as a regular 'tripper'
at high doses he began to realize that what he was seeing, usually by
the third day of a five-day 'trip', was not an hallucination, but the
vibratory veils lifting which allowed him to see beyond the physical
to the force controlling the person. In these moments the same people
always had lizard features and the same people always looked human.
They never switched. He also began to observe that those around him
who appeared lizard-like in his altered state always seemed to react
the same to movies, television programmes, etc. "We used to laugh and
say 'here come the lizards'," he told me. He believed there was, to
use his own phrase, a 'morphogenetic field' which transmitted to the
DNA of the lizard people and aligned the cell structure to the
reptilian genetic blueprint. The more reptilian genes a person carries
the easier it is for this communication, or rather control,: to take
place. And the ones with the cell structure most aligned to the
reptilian blueprint are the El-te families that run the world to this
day. It is not without reason that Diana, Princess of I/Vales used to
call the Windsors the 'lizards' and the 'reptiles' and said in all
seriousness: "They're not human". This was told to me by a close
confidant of Diana for nine years whom I quote at length later in the

Part 2.

John Winston.
Subject: Yogi And Mt. Shasta. Oct. 26, 2007.

Most of you know that I once had a dog called "Yogi The
Telepathic Dog". He passed away a few years ago but this
last week I had a dream with him.
We had a great time together and he was nice and young
again. We, in fact, we were both young during the dream.
This morning I attempted to contact the people that
sponsor a web site for Yogi. They still have it going.
It's called
I looked up the site called
and what did appear to my unbelieving eyes but the sight of
Mt. Shasta with a lenticular cloud over it. It was just as
I had seen it myself and it contained a celestial type
space ship. It was listed under a subject called
Mt. Shasta and Telos.
The following is some information from that web site.


Introduction to Telos
"About Mount Shasta, Lemuria, and Telos"
Telos is the alleged Lemurian underground city of Mount
Mysterious stories about an underground city were one
factor that attracted me to live in Mount Shasta. I asked
Steve R-ynolds, the teacher of an English course on
critical writing at the College of the Siskiyous, if I
could use Telos as the subject of my special project. He
granted my desire. In an informal survey I asked twenty
people at the college, if they have heard about Telos of
Mount Shasta. All told me that they had never heard of
Telos. I have discovered very few inhabitants of Mount
Shasta who have actually heard of Telos. Some told me that
they doubt it exists. Only a tiny minority knew of Telos
and had actual experiences with it. I seek to convince
members of this audience that there is a conceivable
possibility that Telos is a reality and in Mount Shasta a
living legend.
Information about Telos
Paintings of Telos
Strange Stories about Telos
Interviews with Locals
Internet Sources about Telos
The Big Mystery: Are Ancient Lemuria and Telos Real?
Mission and Contacting Adama
Information about Telos
Continent of Ancient Lemuria or Mu
(According to the Leumarian Fellowship)
"Lemuria Map" @
Mount Shasta is one of the seven sacred mountains of our
The legend of the mountain includes stories about angels,
spirit-guides, UFOs, extraterrestrials, and great masters.
Lemurians allegedly live in the underground city of
Telos, This city serves as an inter-planetary and
inter-dimensional portal. Telos is also called "The
Crystal City of Light of the Seven Rays." In the future
Telos will manifest on the planet's surface. There will be
a merging of Telos and Mount Shasta City (Jones "About
Mount Shasta")
Telos is a large city about 1.5 million inhabitants. The
city exists in a dome. Its size is two miles in depth and
1.5 miles in area. Telos means "communication with
spirit." Its language is Solar Maru, the root language for
Sanskrit and Hebrew. The average height of its people is
6.5 to 7.5 feet.
The people of Telos live long lives. Many are thousands
of years old but look thirty or forty. Telos has a King
named Ra and a Queen called Ramu Mu. A council of twelve
that is composed of six men and women governs the city.
There is no money system as all the inhabitants basic
needs are cared for. They use barter to exchange luxury
goods. Their predominant spiritual activity is Ascension
that involves visiting different dimensions, particularly
moving from the third to the fifth dimension and is
learned in temple training.
Telos is a technologically advanced civilization. They
have a remarkable transportation system. The inner-city
transportation is composed of elevators and
electromagnetic sleds. The people of Telos travel between
other underground cities on an electromagnetic subway that
moves at 3,000 miles per hour. Telos is a member of the
Confederation of Planets, and its people travel to other
worlds. They possess inter-dimensional spacecraft. Their
computer system is amino acid based and is linked to other
underground cities and galactic civilizations. Each family
and individual has its own computer.
The city is made up of five levels. The most important is
the first level, which is the center of education,
administration, and commerce. Its central structure is a
temple that holds 50,000 people. Other facilities include
government buildings, entertainment centers, a palace for
the King and Queen, a spaceport, and schools. On other
levels, there are manufacturing centers, hydroponic
gardens, and circular houses ("Subterranean Worlds").
The history of Telos tells a story of Lemuria. The Age of
Lemuria extended from 4,500,000 B.C. to 12,000 B.C. This
huge land included areas of the Pacific Ocean, Hawaii,
Easter Island, Australia, and New Zealand.
Its east coast extended from present day California to
part of British Columbia.
They lived on the fifth dimension and could move between
the fifth and third dimension. Its race came from other
galaxies such as Sirius and Alpha Centauri.
The Lemurians created a paradise. About 25,000 years ago,
the two great civilizations of Atlantis and Lemuria fought
over ideology. The Lemurians believed less evolved cultures
should be left alone to evolve at their own pace, while
the Altantians believed that these lower civilizations
should be placed under the control of Atlantis and Lemuria.
They fought vicious wars with nuclear weapons. About 15,000
years before the big war that destroyed Lemuria their
priests petitioned Shamballa, the capital of the underworld
civilizations, to build a city under Mount Shasta to
preserve its civilization and records. People at that time
lived 20,000 to 30,000 years. The Lemurians convinced the
Masters of Wisdom of that era that they learned the lessons
of war and aggression. They were granted permission to
build a city under Mount Shasta. Another nuclear war took
place took place 12,000 years ago that devastated Lemuria.
The Lemurians built a city for 200,000 inhabitants under
Mount Shasta, but only 25,000 made it to the new city of
Telos. They moved the Lemurian records and sacred flames
to Telos (Jones. "About Lemuria and Telos"). (JW I am
aware that in the past I have reported that Lemuria sunk
because of the passing of a large object that also detroyed
the surface life of Mars. I don't don't know at the
present time, how to reconcile these two accounts.)
Telos is a city of the Argathan Network that is made up
of over 100 cities. Its capital and seat of government is
Shamballa. All cities are of the light. They honor
spiritual teachers of the surface including Sananda/Jesus,
Buddha, and Osiris. These cities were built to keep
records, sacred teachings, and technologies. Two other
cities are Posid and Rama. Posid is located in Mato Grasso
plains of Brazil and is Atlantian in origin with a
population about 1.3 million. Rama is the remnant of an
Indian surface city with a population about 1 million.
("Subterranean Worlds").
Jones, Aurelia Louise. "About Lemuria And Telos." The
Lemurian Connection. Mar, 2005. 15 Nov 2005.
Jones, Aurelia Louise. "About Mount Shasta." The Lemurian
Connection. 15 Mar.. 2003. 15 Nov. 2005.
"Subterranean Worlds." The Argatha Network.
Paintings Related to Telos
These painted pictures will help members of this audience
visualize people of Telos and buildings and scenes of
ancient Lemuria.
Rosela: A Current Ancient of Telos
"Rosela Elder of Telos"
Midsummer Scence of Ancient Lumeria

Painting by Loren D. Adams Jr.
The Nacaal Temple of Ancient
Painting by Loren D.Adams Jr.
Source for paintings by Loren D. Adams:
Painting by Glenda Green
"Portrait of Adama"
Adama is the head Priest and the spiritual leader of
Telos. He serves as the head of the Lemurian Council of
Light located in Telos. Adama is the Ambassador and a
diplomat to the Galatic Federation of Planets and
represents the beings below and humanity above. He is
commander of a project to maintain a crystalline grid
around the planet. Adama is also a leader of the Ascension
Project that aims to ascend humans to the fifth dimension.
This project includes the Christ, Maitreya, Sanada, and
Sanat Kamara. He represents the love and compassion of
Telos and the heart of the Divine Mother ("Meet Adama").
Glenda Green of Sedona painted this portrait. Adama
posed for this picture in her studio. She used these words
to describe the character of Adama:
"Humilty, graciousness, and tenderness (Jones "Adama's
Louise Aurelia Jones (JW I've had the pleasure of
meeting this lady and talking to her in her home when
she lived in a town called Shastina, which is a few
miles north of the mountain called Mt. Shasta.) in her
book, Telos presents these optimistic revelations of Adama
and other wisdom Masters.
Light beings of the Mount Shasta Brotherhood of Light and
the Lemurian Brotherhood help in the ascension process.
Ascension teaches surrender to the will of Divinity,
tranformation from an ego to the "I AM" Self, and the
journey to the fifth dimension. Adama states that the key
is love: "love of Self, love of God, and love for all the
family of Earth." Mankind has been waiting for this event
for many a millennia (152).

Part 1.

John Winston.
Subject: Yogi And Mt. Shasta. Oct. 26, 2007.

This talks about Sharula, a person although she knows a
lot about Mt. Shasta, she says she is from inside the
mountain but is actullay a person who came to the town of
Mt. Shasta, studied a lot of information about Mt.Shasta
and then claimed to be from inside the mountain. Her name
is actually Bonie and she has cousins outside of Mt.
Shasta. She has a social security card and uses it when
she gets on an airplane, with her actually name on the
card. Bill Hamilton investigated her and found her to not
be from inside the mountain. I studied her teachings,
inside of her group and most of them were very good. I
heard her say that she wasn't a walkin. She said she was
about 7 feet tall while in the mountain and when she came
out they shrunk her to her present height which is about
5 feet 5 inches tall. She says that is why she is so
plump. You should get a laugh out of that. In spite of all
of this I still like Sharula. She has a strong following
of people.
Oh well you win a few and you loose a few.


Great emphasis is placed on raising the consciousnees of
humanity and oneself. It is discovering the Real Self and
unlimited divine being, exploring your heart, and finding
the golden a-gel of your life. You demonstrate magic and
grace of G-d. It means working with freedom, You ask what
are your dreams and goals and what you want to manifest in
this i-carnation. You let go of old beliefs that hold you
back and clear your emotional and mental bodies.
You need to flow beauty, joy, love, and bliss. You
recogonize your genuine identity as eternal, immortal, and
a glorious lover of Divinity and focus on the Godhead
within. This conscious raising has created a paradise and
a golden a-e of perfection in Telos (1070).
Relationships in Telos are based on unity and universal
consciousness. Oneness is the foundation of intimacy. They
relate to a significant other who is a mirror to love. The
Telosians love themselves and focus on the meaning of true
love. Men and women live as equal partners and consider
each other as two aspects of Go- women, the divine mother
and men, the divine father. Their are no problems of
physical survival and financial difficulties. They work
only 20 hours a week and the rest is free time. This
condition of abudance and prosperity allows for mature
love and consciousness and honoring the planet (71).
Another aim is emergence. Humanity on the surface must
be ready to receive the teachings of Telos. The people of
Telos measure the readiness of surface humity. This
includes both compasssion and heart opening of mankind. At
the time of writing the level was 65%, and the requirement
is 90%. To remain on the planet, you need to choose
C-risthood, D-vinity, and personal e-olution
through working with Mother Earth. You will be part of the
Creator's dispensation of love and light. You will be
lifted to the fifth dimension and a new world paradise of
magic. This will bring about the reunion of the two
civilizations (47).
Jones, Aurelia Louise. "Adama's Corner." The Leumarian
Connection. 15 Mar. 2005. 30 Nov. 2005. 30 Nov 2005.
Jones, Aurelia Louise. Telo: Revalations of the New
Mount Shasta: Mount Shasta Publishing, 2004.
"Meet Adama'" Star Doves. 15 Nov 2005. (JW I know Star
Doves through the internet and consider them to be friends
of mine.)
"The Veil 2000"
Lifting the Veil of S-crecy about Mount Shasta
Thomas Edwin C-stello, a former head of Dulce Base
Se-urity and in contact with extraterrestrials, claims that
Telos and Mount Shasta is a place where extraterrestrials,
Lemurian leaders, and humans meet. He also claims that
since the P-esidency of Grover Cleveland, all Pr-sidents of
the U-ited States secr-tly visited Telos. The treaty of
Mount Shasta was formulated during the Cleveland
Administration. Pres-dent T-uman in Telos presented the
King of the World the keys of the Unit-d States (Brandon).
Billie Meir, the Swiss C-ntactee and Semjase, the ET from
the Pleiades
Samjese, an extraterrestrial from the Pleiades, told
Billie Meir, the world famous co-tactee from Switzerland
this information from Mount Shasta. These statements are
the original quote that is verbatim.
In mountain is a city, which is inhabitated by
descendents extraterrestrially and which also receive
attendence from the world area from their brothers. It is
this is a very majestic r-ce peaceful and well. The
entrance to their underground city is well camouflaged
under the eastern mountain point, it would be impossible
for ground connected people to find it... Their
gold-colored spaceships in spherical shape, because they
could space travel, can often be seen. (JW I beieve you
will find that their spaceships are colored silver and
the whole fleet is called The Silver Fleet.) Humans of this
race are very well proportioned in its features. Their hair
is mostly natural blond, long, and curly ("Inside the
Mount Shasta").
Mysterious Bells of Mount Shasta
Mount Shasta is known for its alleged bells that ring
from the Mountain. In 1945 Fredick M-rrison wrote an
article called "California Bell Legend." The Yaktavians
are reported to be the greatest bell makers on our planet
and manufacture their bell in the two cities of Iletheleme
and Yaktavia within the mountain.. Mo-rison describes the
situation: "Using the mastery over sound and vibrations,
the Yaktavians used their bells and chimes to hollow out
underground cities and produce light and power for the
cities. A great transparent bell, invisible until you get
within 18" of it, protects the sec-et mountain entrance to
their caverns" (Ashalyn).
Important Meeting About Emergence!
"Important Meeting"
An important meeting concerning the Emergengence of Telos
took place in Mount Shasta on October, 2003. There were
346 participants: 88 attented the live meeting, 111
listened to a live broadcast, 77 were in chat rooms, and
70 were on Bulletin Boards. The meeting is called Contact
Adama, the Head Priest of Telos, presented the program
for achieving direct contact with humans and the arrival
plan. The two places of Emergence are the Cave Springs in
Dunsmuir and a Cave at Big Bend Hot Springs.. He said the
program would start with planting gardens as part of the
Dunsmair Botanical Gardens. He encouraged the founding
welcoming committees in cities, towns, villages, and
barrios around the planet. Adama also asked gardens be
planted in special locations. He explained the codes of
entry to join the program; (1) attaing fifth dimmension
consciousness,(2) unconditional love for Self and others,
(3) duality consciousness unified 90% , (4) live the way
of harmlessnes that is also called asihmsa in Sankrit,
(5) clear and heal all negativity from the emotional body.
This allows you to be attuned to the high energy
frequencies of Telos, and (6) complete the seventh
spiritual iniation in the inner planes. This iniation puts
you into contact with the Office of C-rist under Lord
M-itreya and Lord S-nanda. Adama described the steps of
contact and emergence. First, seed will be sent to plant
gardens on the surface. Second, they will send small
animals. Third, they will send small groups of inner earth
people to greet chosen surface people.
Commander Astar, the ET commander of the Ashtar Command
Federation, said that if there is adequate success, ships
will land in designated sites.
Saint Germaine said that Ascended Masters from the
mountain will come forth from their inner retreats. He
also said love is the key. If you embody the highest love,
you will achieve spi-itual freedom (Winston).
Christmas and New Year Celebration of Telos
"Christmas With Us"
Princess Sharula relates this story about the Christmas
and New Year Celebration on December 21, 1999. She was
born in 1725 and is the daughter of the King and Queen of
Telos. The Princess now serves as the Ambassador of the
Argatha Network of cities to the above world. She works
with merging of the two worlds and a plan for creating
peace on earth. She now lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
The celebration of Christmas and New Years is held on
December 21, the day of the Winter Solistice, and lasts
24 hours with three major ceremonies at twelve midnight,
twelve noon, and six in the evening. It celebrates the the
return of the Ch-ist light into the world..The Cosmis
Chr-st is known as Je--s/Sa-anda who serves as the
sp-ritual chief of the the Un-ted Space Commands. The
celebration is held in a temple that holds 10,000 people.
The royal family, dignataries of other Argatha cities,
members of the Planetary Confederation, and residents from
Telos celebrate this event.
Princess Sharula describes the celebration at midnight.

Part 2.

John Winston.