

john winston

Subject: What Do Our Leaders Know About UFOs. Part 6.
Nov. 4, 2007.

There is a chance that this material may not be true and
is a hoax.
This is the opion of Ricard Boylan. I'm going to
continue to post the material in case it might be true.
Please make up your on mind about it.


Subject: 1 of 7: Setup piece for Project SERPO #27:
R-agan P-esidential Release
Date: 10/30/2007
Hi All,
For the original material go to _
Below is just the start of what is being released.

LEVELS OF THE U.S. G-VERNMENT as part of a continuing
public acclimation program.

WHAT: Transcripts of highly c-assified audio cassette
recordings made of 40th U.S. pr-sident RO-ALD RE-GAN's
briefings with his top level and key advisers on the
EXTRATERRESTRIAL subject matter. There are six (6)
briefings in the first set; "Project SERPO" POSTING #27a
is only the first one (1) of the six (6) transcribed sets.

The RE-GAN ET TRANSCRIPTS are located in POSTING #27a, "3
of 7" and "4 of 7." This does NOT include the "BONUS!
SERPO POSTING #27" stream.

WHEN: Presi-ent REA-AN was briefed on many aspects of the
EXTRATERRESTRIAL subject matter from March 6-8, 1981 and
then again on October 9-12 of the same year.

WHERE: Presi-ent REA-AN was briefed on both occasions at
the pres-dential retreat at Camp David, MD.

HOW: At Presi-ent REAG-N's request, these briefings were
both tape recorded AND transcribed via the coordination and
administration by a "Top Se-ret Codeword-cleared" CI-
administrative assistant named XXXXX XXXXX. The recordings
comprise many meetings/briefings in a combination of 60 min
and 90 min cassettes for a total of 54 tapes.

Of the 54 tapes, 40 have been completed by D-D-DI-
personnel; you are reading the transcripts of one of six
(1 of 6) briefings Presi-ent REA-AN made between
Friday-Sunday, March 6-8, 1981.

-OD/D-A personnel were able to gain access to and
possession and ownership of these tapes because SOME of the
recordings deal with an ALIEN THREAT from a specific HAV
[Hostile Alien Ra-e] and therefore fall under the purview,
control and jurisdictional authority of the Dept of

WHY: The reasons to disclose this information now is

1) As in the case of the "Project SERPO" disclosures, the
25-year time limit on classified USG projects had expired
and could -- after much legal vetting and wrangling
between DO- lawyers and those USG employees who WANT it
released -- be CONSIDERED for public release and into the
public domain.
The "Project SERPO" final report was issued in 1980 + 25
years = 2005 ...Wednesday, Nov 2, 2005 was the first
"Project SERPO" release.

The RON-LD R-AGAN Pre-idential ET Briefings: 1981 + 25
years = 2006 issues to be worked out and resolved
brings us to late 2007.

2) MANY other countries are disclosing their encounters
with extraterrestrials -- especially Ca-ada, the UK (MoD
files) and Latin America -- so some amount of pressure has
been placed and brought to bear on the normally
tight-lipped USG "bl-ck world" to be more open about what
they/we have in our "TS/Codeword" files.

SUGGESTION: I'm acutely aware that MANY of you will gloss
over POSTING #27 which is a lengthy biographical piece I
personally researched, compiled and wrote on Ronal- Rea-an
woven together from 10 (ten) different sources in my
immense personal library (see bottom of POSTING #27 for
bibliography) and which took me ~80 hours to edit into the
final product you'll read.

I know that you'll all want to "get to the good stuff"
first, BUT I would implore you to GO BACK and read the
Reag-n linear narrative I edited as it provides some GREAT
insight into the man, will lead one to believe that given
his engaging, natural wit and charm that he used to joke
with a great deal of the time that in fact he WOULD HAVE
said -- and joked -- the way he did during the highly
classified briefings he received on the EXTRATERRESTRIAL

You'll also learn about some little, virtually UNknown
facts surrounding the attempted 1981 assassination on his
life -- as well as others -- under the section heading,

SERPO posting, I've been given a very wide, great and sole
discretionary latitude in HOW I release the material to the
public in terms of presentation, formatting, style and

For THIS release, I was surprisingly provided the names
of ALL eight (8) individuals who participated in the
classified briefing plus even the name of the CI- briefing
transcriber. Five (5) of the presidential briefing
participants are still alive -- plus the -IA transcriber --
so I made the "executive"/editorial decision to MASK THOSE
NAMES from public view and replace them with "ADVISER #1"
- "ADVISER #4."

For the fifth individual, he is referred to only as "The
CARETAKER." The CI- transcriber is referred to as just
that. GREAT pains, lengths and efforts were undertaken by
me to delete their names when they were mentioned by other
speakers. If I glossed over and missed one, then so be it
though I hope not.

Including Pr-sident REA-AN, only three (3) individuals
are named as they have all passed on to the afterlife.

ISSUE: Though I was NOT asked to do this, in my mind, an
obvious problem would definitely arise: These still-living
advisers would be hounded, pestered and questioned
mercilessly and without end by both real UFO investigators
and "armchair" researchers thereby bringing continued
DISCLOSURE of these audio recordings to a complete HALT.

The pressure for me to CEASE and DESIST, as well as the
special unit within the DO-/D-A who made this information
available would be enormous. I am ONLY interested in
getting I-N-F-O-R-M-A-T-I-O-N out to the UFO community and
public at large, NOT in "outing" the individuals who
participated in these PRIVATE briefings ... at least NOT
while five of the eight (5 of 8) participants are still
very much alive. If I receive directions to proceed
otherwise, I certainly will, but until that time, it's MY

As ANONYMOUS remarked to me: "Victor, the really 'good
stuff' is yet to come after the first release!"

Speaking for myself only, I too WANT to see that "really
good stuff" and I'll do NOTHING to jeopardize at all.

This will be my FINAL word on THIS matter and I'll
entertain NO suggestions, advice or ideas at all about it
.... I'll NOT dignify ANY inquiries regarding this
particular issue with even so much as a simple reply. I

In addition to the many LEGAL issues which surrounded,
hobbled and held up this release for months on end, two
(2) m-litary historians reviewed and signed off on this
material as well as an astronomer from C-rnell Univ.

It is my high HONOR, distinct PRIVILEGE and great
PLEASURE to send this 8-part stream to (in order):

a) UFO Thread List, M-Z (hundreds);

b) UFO Thread List, A-L (hundreds);

c) 24 senior USG officials + 1 MI5 member (active), MI6
(retired), Soviet K-B (retired);

d) small list of personal friends, former students of
mine, ex-girlfriends and cyberstalking victims (~12);

e) B-sh Admin White House (2)

f) U.S. Se-ret Service Presi-ential Protective Service
Detail (1);

g) COR-ELL UNIV, Space Sciences Division, Astronomy Dept,
NA-A's Mars Rover Project, USG "bl-ck world" contract
astronomer (1);

h) retired employee of the NS- who greatly assisted me
in not only the proofreading and photo configuration and
selection, but advised me and provided valuable input and
insight on key aspects of this VERY SPECIAL release.

i) ANONYMOUS/DI--6 (6) who will forward all eight (8)
parts to key members of the USG intel commuinity, both here
and abroad.

I hope you are all ENRICHED and EDUCATED beyond belief
and your wildest dreams by what you are about to read!

FEEDBACK? E-mail me at my regular e-mail address, NOT
this one ... I will NOT respond to ANY e-mails sent here
and plan on closing DOWN this address soon.
It was solely opened for this particular stream ... no
more Wizard ... he's departed for Planet SERPO....
-- (


Subject: Multi-D News Extra Terrestrials Visiting Us.
Date: 10/31/2007 8:02:41 A.M. Central Daylight Time

Hi All,
According to a briefing that Pre-ident Ron-ld Rea-an
received in 1981, since at least 1947 there have been 5
[five] different species visiting planet Earth. They are as

According to MJ-, a division from within M--12, the
Trantaloids are the only ones from among the five Star
Being species visiting Earth that are outright
antagonistic towards Humans.

Part 6.

John Winston.
Subject: How Much Do Our Leaders Know About UFOs. Part 7, 2007.

Actually I made a mistake and didn't the part 5. I just failed to use
the number.

This talks about how they used George Adamski to further their cause.


ADVISER #1: Mr P-esident, I can give you some details of an incident that
inside the Soviet Union in 1970.
WM C-SEY: Do we want to go there?
ADVISER #4: May I say something, Mr Director?
WM CAS-Y: Go ahead, ADVISER #4, step in.
ADVISER #4: I think this particular incident inside the Soviet Union will
the Pre-ident an example of what the world has and will experience in the
There is no way we can control visitors from outer space from traveling to
and visiting our planet. Some astronomers find it difficult to believe that
aliens can find Earth. We are on the outer reaches of our galaxy. Our sun is
of hundreds of thousands of such stars within our galactic neighborhood. But
Ebens found us, they found Earth. And we are not the only country on Earth
that has
been visited by the Ebens.
Now, as for the other four (4) species. We know they have visited us in
the past
and will visit us in the future. We are like a petri dish within the
We are a diverse planet. We must be very interesting to other
I'm SURE other intelligent life forms in the universe must have some sort of
communications among the [sentient] life forms. Maybe they broadcasted that
has intelligent life. Maybe that is why we are [being] visited. Getting back
ADVISER #1, regarding the incident inside the Soviet Union, Mr Pre-ident,
there are
many such sightings all over the world. We must understand that the visitors
can roam our planet at will without us doing much about it. However, I
believe that we must prepare for the EVENTUAL DAY WHEN SOME HOSTILE LIFE
TO TAKE OVER OUR PLANET. We must be prepared. I hope you understand why I
what I said, Mr Presid-nt.
PRESID-NT: Yes, indeed, ADVISER #4, very well said. I agree with you. I
all of those sightings ... well, some of them are real .... I mean, we are
being visited, today, now, in this time period.
WM CASE-: Yes, Mr Preside-t, we are.
PR-SIDENT: OK, ADVISER #1, please continue, we cut you off.
ADVISER #1: OK, thanks, Mr Pre-ident. As I was saying, actually a series of
incidents occurred over about a week. Our intelligence gathering stations
inside and outside of the Soviet Union picked up voice transmissions between
Soviet Air Defense pilots and ground controllers regarding a number of UFOs
which were being chased by Soviet pilots. The incident started in central
Siberia and ended over the Black Sea.
Literally thousands of Soviets observed the UFOs and at least 20 different
fighter pilots chased the UFOs. The Soviets attempted on two occasions to
down the UFOs, but to no avail. That is probably the best evidence that
things are happening over the Soviet Union. We think these UFOs were the
ones. We call them hos-ile because they tend to land, take humans, conduct
experiments on them and then release the humans. Their spacecraft are
in design than the Ebens.
-RESIDENT: Wait one minute, ADVISER #1, you mean to say that we have one
their spaceships? Or are you telling me we have some other evidence of their
ADVISER #1: Mr Presid-nt, we have photographs of their ships. This gets a
complicated because some of our intelligence comes from the Ebens.
PRE-IDENT: You mean from the EBE guy?
ADVISER #1: Yes, but from other sources of information connected to the
WM CASE-: Mr Presi-ent, we'll have to go to those dreaded words you don't
like ...
higher levels if you wish.
PRE-IDENT: No, well, no ... oh ... OK ... just give me this briefing first.
We can schedule the higher level ones later.
ADVISER #1: Simply speaking, we know the difference between the Eben
and the hostile aliens' spacecraft.
PRESI-ENT: Do you have a ... huh ... name for them, I mean the bad ones?
The CARETAKER: May I interrupt, Mr Pr-sident?
WM C-SEY: Wait, OK, I guess we can proceed.
PRESID-NT: Well, huh. (Too many speaking at once; several conversations not
? (Not understood) ?
The CARETAKER: OK.... (Several sentences said, but not understood.)
WM CA-EY: Yes, go ahead, CARETAKER.
PRESIDE-T: No, I didn't mean to interrupt.
The CARETAKER: Thank you, Mr Pr-sident. We call the hostile aliens simply
that, HAV, meaning Hostile Alien Visitors. M--12 placed that code on them
in the '50s.
WM CAS-Y: OK, we opened the box so let's just tell the pr-sident what we
about the others.
ADVISER #1: The names? What? (Several sentences not understood.) OK, well,
technical? Or what?

WM CASEY: (Not understood), well, (not understood), OK, I guess it means the
technical stuff.
PRESIDENT: You mean to say, these H-A-Vs have been visiting us and
our people since the '50s?
The CARETAKER: Mr President, yes, well, they have been around since then,
Director Casey....
WM CASEY: Mr President, we have some indication that they might have been
this for some time. But we really have to consider all of the evidence,
in our reports, and compare that to some of the open source information.
are always humans that will exaggerate and just tell lies, compared to the
ones or the ones who were abducted and subjected to experiments. We have to
sort through the differences and place some aside and look at the real
of abductions. But we can be sure that the Ebens have NEVER done this. They
are extremely peaceful and would not harm a living soul, including animals.
ADVISER #1: I suggest we go ahead and give the President the information on
ADVISER #4: I agree.
WM CASEY: OK, give the President the names, CARETAKER.
The CARETAKER: Names, the technical names?
WM CASEY: Yes, OK, (not understood) well about the (not understood) I can
with that, but we have to be real sure that this information stays HERE. We
cannot allow this to flow (not understood) from (not understood).
The CARETAKER: OK, thank you. Mr President, the five (5) species are called,
Ebens, Archquloids, Quadloids, Heplaloids and Trantaloids. These names were
given to the alien's species by the intelligence community, specifically
The Ebens are friendly; the Trantaloids are the dangerous ones.
[SEE: ]
PRESIDENT: My God, just knowing we have names for these things are amazing.
Which one did we capture?
WM CASEY: Mr President, we have a Trantaloid, but it is dead. We captured it
1961 in Canada and we had it in captivity until 1962, when it died. We'll
you a photograph ... CARETAKER?
The CARETAKER: Director, I don't have one with me. But, I will get one
over to us.
WM CASEY: Mr President, we can provide that during our next meeting
this subject.
WM CASEY: (not understood) ... the part of the story where (not understood),
we can look back.
PRESIDENT: OK, let's continue.
The CARETAKER: Mr President, getting back to my presentation, all of our
information is safely contained in a number of locations.
PRESIDENT: Don't tell me where, I don't want to know specific locations.
let or leave that up to you and the caretakers of the material. I don't want
to be in a position or know this ... maybe I will later.
The CARETAKER: OK, Mr President, I'll keep this in general terms. I just
to assure you that all of the information is safely tucked away at secure
locations, including the devices and flying craft that we have.
PRESIDENT: May I assume one of these places is located in California?
The CARETAKER: Some of the items are tested at Livermore and flown around
but they are kept in Nevada.
PRESIDENT: OK, yes, I think I was briefed on sensitive military
back in February ... west of Las Vegas, I guess.
The CARETAKER: Yes, Mr President. We call it the Groom Lake Complex.
PRESIDENT: OK, I was told about that. The same place we have Soviet fighter
The CARETAKER: Yes, Mr President, the same place. May I continue?
PRESIDENT: Yes, by all means, do.
The CARETAKER: In order to protect all this information and the fact that
United States Government has evidence of our planet being visited by
we developed over the years a very effective program to safeguard the
We call it "Project DOVE." It is a complex series of [disinformation]
by our military intelligence agencies to disinform the public. As you know,
President, we have some highly classified aircraft.
In order to keep these aircraft secret, we tend to convince, at times, the
and press that maybe UFOs are real in order to make the public THINK what
are seeing are actually UFOs instead of OUR own secret aircraft even though
know maybe some of the sightings are of actual UFOs. As I said before, this
complicated, but it is a form of counterintelligence. We give the public
actual facts and let them run with it.
The rest is taken care of by them. If you consider the FIRST PERSON who
us with this disinformation program, Mr GEORGE ADAMSKI, back in the early
and up to all of the movie productions of UFO-related movies. This helps the
public to keep their minds open, but also allows us to keep our secret
away from the public's knowledge. That includes some of the craft that were
lent to us by the Ebens.

Part 7.

John Winston.

Excerpt and link to the free ebook written in the 1950's by Orfeo Angelucci

Subject: Orfeo's Story. Nov. 5, 2007.

One of the many people who my teacher Merle Fagot
recommended to me is Orfeo Angelucci. I read his book and
here is some information from that book.



Edited by Ray Palmer

Published by



c. 1955, by Orfeo M. Angelucci



















Many persons have asked me why the space visitors should
have chosen me for contact rather than some other
individual whom they considered eminently better qualified
for such a contact than myself. Why, they infer, should the
space visitors have picked so insignificant a nonentity as
I for their revelations?

(JW We then skip part of his life where he talks about
being a rather sick person for a while.)


On August 4, 1946 I took cultures of the mold in three
stages of growth: embryonic, half mature and mature. I
placed the molds in baskets and attached the baskets to
eighteen Navy-type balloons and prepared to send them
aloft. But through an unfortunate accident the balloons
broke away prematurely, carrying the baskets with the
molds aloft with no means of retrieving them. My long
months of strenuous effort and careful planning were
hopelessly lost.

Heartsick, I sighed heavily as I watched the balloons and
my precious molds ascending higher and higher into the
clear blue sky. It was a perfect day, just the kind of
weather I had longed for to make my test, but now
everything was irreparably lost.

My family and a number of friends and neighbors were with
me watching the experiment. Also on hand were a reporter
and a photographer from the Trentonian, the Trenton daily
newspaper. Everyone was silent staring into the heavens
watching the balloons growing smaller and smaller as they
gained altitude. Everyone there and especially Mabel and my
father-in-law knew how keenly disappointed I was. Mabel put
her arm comfortingly about my shoulders and murmured:
"It's all right, Orfie. You can try again."

It was then that my father-in-law, Alfred Borgianini,
noticed a craft in the sky and called out: "Look! There's
an airplane, Orfeo. Maybe it will follow your balloons."

Everyone there saw the object and it was the consensus
that it had been attracted to the spot by the group of
ascending balloons. But as it hovered and circled overhead,
we were all soon aware that it was no ordinary airplane.
In the first place it maneuvered in an amazingly graceful
and effortless manner. Then as we gained a clearer view of
it, we were startled to see that it did not have the
familiar outline of any known type of aircraft. It was
definitely circular in appearance and glistened in the
sunshine. We looked at each other in surprise and
bewilderment and the photographer tried to get some shots
of the thing. Mabel exclaimed: "Why, I never saw such an
airplane before! It's round and it doesn't have any wings!"

Everyone agreed and we continued to stare as it gained
altitude and appeared to follow after the balloons until
it too vanished from our sight. For several days afterward
we discussed the strange object, but as in the case of most
mysteries, we forgot all about it within a week or two.
Today, however, any one of those persons who were with me
that day will vouch for the authenticity of that strange

Since then I have learned that the occasion of the
launching of the balloons was the first time I came under
direct observation of the extra-terrestrials. Although I
never then dreamed of the significance of the event, that
was their first contact with me.

From that moment on for the next five years and nine
months I remained under constant observation by beings from
another world, although I was wholly unaware of it.

(JW Then he went to Calif. and had a few jobs.)




I continued on Victory Boulevard toward home. I had the
illusion that the night was growing brighter as though
enveloped in a soft golden haze. Directly ahead and
slightly above my line of vision I saw a faintly
red-glowing oval-shaped object. At first it was so dim I
had to stare at it to be certain it was really there. But
gradually it increased in brilliance. It was about five
times as large as the red portion of a traffic light.
Nervously I rubbed my eyes; something was wrong with my
vision! But the thing remained there; not sharp and clearly
defined, but fuzzily luminous, definitely oval-shaped and
deep red in color.

I continued on Riverside Drive directly toward the
object, but it appeared to be receding from me so that I
remained relatively the same distance from it. As it was
almost one o'clock in the morning there was little traffic
on the road. Apparently no one else had noticed the object
as I saw no cars stopped to investigate. I wondered if I
also would have missed it above the glare of the headlights
if my strange symptoms had not drawn my eyes to it.

I drove across the bridge over the Los Angeles River with
the object still in view. Just the other side of the
bridge, to the right of the highway, is a lonely, deserted
stretch of road called Forest Lawn Drive. The object
stopped and hovered over the intersection. As I drew near,
it gained in brilliance and its red color grew deeper and
more glowing. Simultaneously, the physical symptoms I was
experiencing became more acute. I was aware of a tingling
sensation of pain and numbness in my arms and legs that
reminded me of contact with an electrical current.

Now the disk veered sharply to the right off the highway
and began moving slowly along Forest Lawn Drive. For the
first time it occurred to me that the fantastic thing
could be one of those flying saucers I had read about. I
turned my car onto Forest Lawn Drive and followed the

About a mile further along the disk swerved to the right,
away from the road, and hung motionless over an unfenced
field some distance below the road level. I drove off the
pavement about thirty feet to the edge of the declivity.
From there the glowing red disk was directly in front of me
and only a short distance away. As I watched it in
bewilderment it pulsated violently; then shot off into the
sky at a 30 or 40-degree angle and at very great speed.
High in the sky to the west it decelerated abruptly, hung
for a moment; then accelerated and disappeared like a

But just before the glowing red orb vanished, two smaller
objects came from it. These objects were definitely
circular in shape and of a soft, fluorescent green color.
They streaked down directly in front of my car and hovered
only a few feet away. I judged each to be about three feet
in diameter. Hanging silently in the air like iridescent
bubbles their green light fluctuated rhythmically in

Then, apparently coming from between those two eerie
balls of green fire, I heard a masculine voice in strong,
well-modulated tones and speaking perfect English.

Because of the nervous tension I was under at that
moment, amounting almost to a state of shock, it is
impossible for me to give a verbatim account of the
conversation which followed. The invisible speaker
obviously was endeavoring to choose words and phrases which
I could understand, but there were several things which
even now are not clear to me. I can only make a poor
approximation of the gist of his words.

I do, however, remember the first words spoken which
were: "Don't be afraid, Orfeo, we are friends!" Then the
voice requested that I get out of my car and "Come out
here." Mechanically, I pushed open the car door and got
out. I didn't feel fear, but I was so weak and shaky that I
could scarcely stand. I leaned against the front fender of
my car and looked at the twin pulsating circular objects
hovering a short distance in front of me.
The glowing disks created a soft illumination, but I
could see no person anywhere. I remember vaguely that the
voice spoke again calling me by my full name in words of
greeting. It further stated that the small green disks were
instruments of transmission and reception comparable to
nothing developed on earth. Then the voice added that
through the disks I was in direct communication with
friends from another world.

There was a pause and I dimly remember thinking that I
should say something, but I was stunned into utter silence.
I could only stare in fascination at those fantastic
balls of green fire and wonder if I had lost my mind.

When the voice spoke again I heard these startling words:
"Do you remember your eighteen balloons and the mold
cultures that you lost in the skies back in New Jersey,

I was astounded to hear the strange voice recalling an
incident out of the past which had happened so long ago
that I had almost forgotten it. "Yes .... yes sir, I do!"

"Do you also remember the strange, wingless craft that
appeared to be observing your activities?"

Suddenly the entire scene came back to me crystal clear
in memory. I remember Mabel, my wife, my father-in-law and
our friends and neighbors with me as we stared at that
strange, disk-shaped object in the sky. I recalled how the
object had appeared to follow the balloons bearing my
precious cultures of Aspergillus Clavatus mold. I had been
quite an experimenter in those days. It was then it dawned
upon me that the fluorescent disks were similar in shape
and behaved in the same erratic manner as had that
mysterious craft back in New Jersey. The only difference
was that I had seen the craft in daylight when it
glistened like metal whereas the disks glowed in the

"You do remember us, Orfeo," the golden voice stated. "We
were observing your efforts that day as we have watched
you since then."

Part 1.

John Winston.
Subject; The Orfeo Story. Part 2. .. Nov. 5, 2007.

This talks about him drinking from a certain type of cup.


All traces of fear left me at these words, but I could
not help but wonder what it all meant. Suddenly I realized
that I was feeling very thirsty.

As though in response to my thought, the voice said:
"Drink from the crystal cup you will find on the fender of
your car, Orfeo."

Astonished at his words, I glanced down and saw a kind of
goblet on the car fender. It glistened in the soft light.
Hesitantly I lifted it to my lips and tasted the drink. It
was the most delicious beverage I had ever tasted. I
drained the cup. Even as I was drinking a feeling of
strength and well-being swept over me and all of my
unpleasant symptoms vanished.

"Oh thank you, sir," I said as I placed the empty cup
back on the fender of my car only to see it disappear.

At that moment another incredible phenomenon began to
occur. The twin disks were spaced about three feet apart.
Now the area between them began to glow with a soft green
light which gradually formed into a luminous
three-dimensional screen as the disks themselves faded

Within the luminous screen there appeared images of the
heads and shoulders of two persons, as though in a cinema
close-up. One was the image of a man and the other of a
woman. I say man and woman only because their outlines and
features were generally similar to men and women. But those
two figures struck me as being the ultimate of perfection.
There was an impressive nobility about them; their eyes
were larger and much more expressive and they emanated a
seeming radiance that filled me with wonder. Even more
confusing was the troubling thought somewhere in the back
of my mind that they were oddly familiar. Strangely enough,
the projected images of the two beings appeared to be
observing me. For they looked directly at me and smiled;
then their eyes looked about as though taking in the entire
scene. I had the uncomfortable feeling as they studied me
that they knew every thought in my mind; everything I'd
ever done and a vast amount about me that I didn't even
know myself. Intuitively, I sensed that I stood in a kind
of s-iritual n-kedness before them.
Also, I seemed to be in t-lepathic communication with
them, for thoughts, understandings and new comprehensions
that would have required hours of conversation to transmit,
flashed through my consciousness.

Before those two incredible Beings I felt that I was only
a shadow of the shining reality I sensed them to be. It is
difficult to express my feelings in words, for my
understanding of them was gained primarily through
i-tuitive perception.

After several moments the two figures faded and the
luminous screen vanished. Again the two disks flamed into
brilliant green fire.

Trembling violently from weakness and cold perspiration,
I was on the point of blacking out when I heard the voice
again. It was more kindly than ever as it said something
about my being understandably confused; but it assured me I
would understand everything that had happened later on.
Also, I remember these words: "The road will open, Orfeo."

I didn't understand. Instead the thought flashed through
my mind: "Why have they contacted me; a humble aircraft
worker - a nobody?"

The voice replied: "We see the individuals of Earth as
each one really is, Orfeo, and not as perceived by the
limited senses of man.
The people of your planet have been under observation for
centuries, but have only recently been re-surveyed. Every
point of progress in your society is registered with us.
We know you as you do not know yourselves. Every man, woman
and child is recorded in vital statistics by means of our
recording crystal disks. Each of you is infinitely more
important to us than to your fellow Earthlings because you
are not aware of the true mystery of your being.

"From among you we singled out three individuals who,
from the standpoint of our higher vibrational perception,
are best fitted for establishing contact. All three are
simple, humble and presently unknown persons. Of the other
two, one is living in Rome and the other in India. But for
our first contact with the people of Earth, Orfeo, we have
chosen you.

"We feel a deep sense of brotherhood toward Earth's
inhabitants because of an ancient kinship of our planet
with Earth. In you we can look far back in time and
recreate certain aspects of our former world. With deep
compassion and understanding we have watched your world
going through its 'growing pains'. We ask that you look
upon us simply as older brothers."

The voice continued, speaking rather rapidly. It stated
that they were well aware that the flying saucers had been
treated humorously by most people - as it was meant they
should be. In this way they wanted the people of Earth to
become only gradually aware of them and grow accustomed to
the idea of space visitors. It was best that we receive
them lightly at first for the sake of our own stability!

The voice stated that the disks were powered and
controlled by tapping into universal magnetic forces; thus
their activated molecules received and converted energy
inherent in all the universe.
It further explained that the complexities of the
apparently simple structure of their disks were so great
that to an Earthling a saucer would be considered as having
"synthetic brains", although each one is to a degree under
the remote control of a Mother Ship. Also, most of the
saucers, as well as the space craft of other planetary
e-olutions, are of a circular shape and vary in size from a
few inches to hundreds of feet in diameter.

A disk, the voice continued, is able not only to relay
whatever is transmitted to it from a Mother Ship, but also
it records precisely all visual, auditory and te-epathic
impressions that come within the scope of the disk. These
impressions are relayed to the Mother Ship where they are
permanently recorded upon what Earthlings would popularly
term "synthetic crystal brains". Thus for centuries had
been recorded a detailed account of Earth's civilization
and the sp-ritual evo-ution of individual persons.

The voice also stated that in addition to the remotely
controlled saucers there also existed space ships, some of
which had been seen by Earthlings. It was further explained
that the Etheric entities in reality had no need of
space-craft of any type and when they were employed by them
it was only for purposes of material manifestation to men.

I distinctly remember the voice making some such
statement as this: "Interplanetary ships and saucers of
various material densities can approximate the speed of
light. This seems impossible to you only because of a
natural principle which has not yet been discovered by your
scientists. Also, the Speed of Light is the Speed of Truth.
This statement is presently unintelligible to Earth's
peoples, but is a basic cosmic axiom.

"Approaching the speed of light, the Time dimension, as
known upon Earth, becomes non-existent; hence in this
comparatively new dimension there are incredibly rapid
means of space travel which are beyond man's comprehension.
Also, within the Records of Light are to be found a
complete history of Earth and of every entity which has
in-arnated upon it.
Many of the saucers - of highly attenuated densities of
matter - were invisible to Earthly eyes and could only be
detected by radar. Also, any of the saucers could be
rendered invisible at any time, or could be disintegrated
by either e-plosion or implosion. Thus Earthlings had seen
some apparently burst in a blue or white flash while others
seemed simply to vanish in the air.

I remember wondering about Captain Mantell and several
others who believed they had contacted the saucers. In
reply to my thought I heard these words: "Captain Mantell
was not pursuing the planet Venus. He was endeavoring to
overtake and capture one of the remotely controlled disks.
His de-th was absolutely unavoidable!

"We wish to tell Earth's people that visitors from other
planets occasionally visit Earth's dense, heavy, gaseous
atmosphere. All are of kindly intent and none will harm
man. All intelligences capable of space travel can read
thoughts and see emotions. Man believes himself civilized,
but often his thoughts are barbaric and his emotions
lethal. We do not say this as criticism, but state it only
as fact.
Thus it is best to approach all planetary visitors with
friendly, welcoming thoughts!"

As I listened to his words I wondered why these
incredible beings hadn't landed several space ships at one
of our large airports and thus convinced the world simply
and quickly of their reality.

In answer, I heard these words: "That would be the way of
the entities of your Earth, Orfeo. but it is not our way.
Primarily because we function in dimensions unknown to man
and hence interpret all things differently. Also, because
there are planetary and cosmic laws as implacable as the
natural laws of Earth.

"Cosmic law actively prevents one planet from interfering
with the evolution of any other planet. In other words,
Orfeo, Earth must workout its own destiny! We will do
everything in our power to aid the people of Earth, but we
are definitely and greatly limited by cosmic law. It is
because the life evo-ution in its present stage of material
advancement upon Earth is endangered that we have made our
reappearance in the atmosphere of your planet. The danger
is far greater than Earth's people realize. The 'e-emy'
prepares in vast numbers and in se-ret."

Part 2.

John Winston.
Subject: The Orfeo Story. Part 3. Nov. 6, 2007.

This talks about him seeing an object that looks
similar to an Eskimo igloo.


For a moment the voice was still and then it said gently:
"Among the countless other worlds in the cosmos, Orfeo, the
children of Earth are as babes, although many of them
believe they are close to the ultimate of knowledge. Among
the worlds of the universe are many types of s-iritual and
physical e-olutions. Each form of intelligent life adapts
itself to the physical conditions prevalent upon its home
planet. Most of these ev-lutions exist in more highly
attenuated forms of matter than upon Earth. But the
majority are rather similar to man in appearance. There is
a definite reason for this being so.
In reality, we are Earth's older brothers and thus we
will aid Earth's people insofar as they, through free will,
will permit us to do so."

As I listened to that kind, gentle voice I began to feel
a warm, glowing wave of love enfold me; so powerful that it
seemed as a tangible soft, golden light. For a wonderful
moment I felt infinitely greater, finer and stronger than I
knew myself to be. It was as though momentarily I had
transcended mortality and was somehow related to these
superior beings.

"We'll contact you again, Orfeo," the voice said. "But
for now, friend, it is goodnight."

The two shimmering green disks faded almost out; then I
heard a low hum as they flamed brilliantly into glowing
green fire and shot up into the sky in the direction taken
earlier by the larger red disk.
In an incredibly short time they too had vanished,
leaving me standing alone by my car.

Bewilderment, incredulity, shock and stark fear flooded
over me - sudden conviction that I had lost my mind and
gone raving mad. What I had witnessed, I felt, just
couldn't have happened.

I raised my numbed hand and it was trembling violently. I
saw by my watch that it was almost two o'clock in the
morning. I climbed shakily into my car and kicked the
starter. Panic was mounting in me.
I twisted the steering wheel, gunned the engine and made
a sharp, fast U turn to get back onto the road. The tires
screamed and the car lurched.

I wanted to get home quickly. I wanted to get back to the
world of sane reality. I wanted someone to assure me I
wasn't going mad.

I drove with only a single objective in my mind - to get
home! When finally I made the turn onto Glendale Boulevard
and saw the lights of my apartment I breathed a heavy sigh
of relief; no place had ever so good to me!

I left the car in the driveway and ran into the house. My
wife was waiting up, worried and anxious because I was so

"Orfeo, what's the matter? What's wrong? You're white as
a sheet!"

I stood staring at her, unable to speak.

She came to me and grasped my hand. "Orfeo, you're sick!
I'm going to call a doctor."

I put my arms around her. I wanted only to feel her close
to me and for the moment to try not to think of what I had
been through.

She pleaded with me to tell her what had happened.

"Tomorrow - maybe tomorrow, Mae, I can tell you . . . ."

Finally we got to bed, but it was almost dawn before I
drifted into a troubled half sleep.

Chapter 2


I spent nearly all day Saturday in bed. The shock of my
fantastic experience was so great that I found it
difficult to get back to actualities. I kept having the
feeling that the world I knew was a phantom world inhabited
only by shadows.

It was not until Sunday that I could bring myself to tell
my wife what had happened to me. I was afraid she would
think I had lost my mind. Thus it was with relief I heard
her say: "If you say it happened like that, Orfeo, I
believe you. You've always told me the truth. But this
thing is so strange and frightening - and you looked so
deathly white when you came in."

I could only put my arms around her as I replied: "It
scares me too, Mabel - I don't know what to think!"

Sunday afternoon I took my twelve year old son Richard
and drove back to the spot on Forest Lawn Drive where I had
seen the disks. There in the loose dirt I found the deep
skid marks the tires of my car had made Friday night.
Richard looked at me curiously and asked what I was
looking for. I pointed to the skid marks and told him that
was the spot where I hadseen what could only have been a
flying saucer. Richard stared incredulously. "But dad, I
thought you always laughed at people who believed in those

"You're right, son," I replied. "But that was only
because I didn't know any better. Friday night I saw three
of the saucers from this very spot."

Richard's eyes widened with interest. Then he began
shooting questions at me so fast that I had to ask him to
slow down. But I was glad he did not doubt my word.

Seeing those skid marks where I had gunned my car in
panic to get away from the eerie spot assured me of the
reality of my experience.
I was convinced that I had been in contact with beings
from another world.

Monday night I went back to my swing-shift job at
L-ckheed. It felt good to be back at work again! The
friendly banter, laughter and jokes of my coworkers were
just what I needed.

Beyond my family I told no one of that first experience,
as I knew I would be ridiculed. In fact even at home very
little was said about the saucers or my experience, for
the subject invariably upset my wife and filled her with
such apprehension that even the boys refrained from talking
much about it.

But when I was alone I thought long and often about those
incredible beings from that other world. The voice had
promised: "We'll contact you again, Orfeo." I wondered when
they would get in touch with me again and how? Had they
meant soon - or would it be months or even years? These and
hundreds of similar questions clamored in my mind.

I wondered if I was under constant observation by them.
If so, I thought that through t-lepathy I could signal them
to return. One night I went back to that lonely spot on
Forest Lawn Drive and tried to establish tel-pathic
communication. But it was useless! No glowing red disk
appeared - only the night and the empty skies that gave
back no answer.

Weeks passed and still no further sign from them. Doubts
began to trouble me. Time dulled the memory of that night
and I began to wonder if my experience had actually been
real after all.

Then early in July there began a fresh flood of
well-authenticated sightings of saucers in the skies over
Southern California. Local newspapers carried banner
headlines announcing FLYING SAUCERS OVEROS ANGELES! Some
people were convinced we had interplanetary visitors and
looked for mass landings at any moment.

Later in the month additional sensational sightings were
reported from many other States. It seemed the skies were
filled with the baffling mystery objects that defied all
natural laws and behaved more like phantoms than material
realities. As I avidly read each newaccount I became
convinced anew that I knew the s-cret of the flying
saucers. But I longed for more knowledge. I hoped and
p-ayed for another contact with those incredible beings I
had seen so briefly that Friday night.

July 23, 1952 I didn't go to work. I wasn't feeling well
and believed I was coming down with the flu. I was in bed
all day, but in the evening I felt a little better and
thought a walk in the fresh air would be good for me.

I walked down to the snack-bar at the Los Feliz Drive-In
theatre, several blocks from the eleven-unit
apartment-court where we live.
The small cafe has a warm, friendly atmosphere and it
gave my s-irits a big lift to listen to the small talk and
friendly ribbing. Because of the many recent newspaper
reports, the talk turned to flying saucers.

Ann, one of the waitresses, laughingly remarked that she
couldn't get enough sleep as her husband insisted upon
staying up most of the night watching the sky with
binoculars trying to get a glimpse of a saucer. This
brought on a round of flying saucer jokes and everyone
was laughing, including myself. The fact that I could laugh
indicates that I had pretty well gotten over the shock of
my experience.

When I'd finished my coffee I left the snack-bar and
started home. It was a little after ten o'clock. Beyond the
theatre is a lonely stretch of vacant lots. The place is
eerie and forbidding at night, for huge concrete buttresses
rise from it supporting the Hyperion Avenue Freeway Bridge
several hundred feet overhead. The bridge casts dense,
oblique shadows down below making it a shadowed no-man's

As I crossed the vacant lots in the deep shadows of the
bridge a peculiar feeling came over me. Instantly I
remembered that sensation - the tingling in my arms and
legs! I looked nervously over-head but saw nothing. The
feeling became more intense and with it came the dulling
of consciousness I had noted on that other occasion.

Between me and the bridge I noticed a misty obstruction.
I couldn't make out what it was. It looked like an Eskimo
igloo - or the phantom of an igloo. It seemed like a
luminous shadow without substance. I stared hard at the
object. It was absolutely incredible - like a huge, misty
soap bubble squatting on the ground emitting a fuzzy, pale

Part 3.

John Winston.