

Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2004
Henderson, Kentucky
Okay, i have been wondering about this for a while now, but i just now thought about posting it on here to see what everyone else thought. Mike from LP is always wearing stuff that has DC Shoes' and Ecko's logos on it, like hats and pullovers and whatnot, right? well, how come nobody is calling him a sellout like they did to Jonathan Davis from Korn. Everybody called Davis a sellout when he started wearing the Adidas track suits. Now dont misunderstand what i'm saying here, i dont think either mike or jonathan are sellouts. i was just wondering why they didnt call mike that when they did call davis that.
Whoa, Whoa, whoa people. you are misunderstanding what i'm saying. Im not trying to call LP sellouts, never have thought that and never will think that. What i'm saying is that when Jonathan Davis of Korn decided to where Adidas track suits all of the time everyone called him and Korn a sellout. I was just wondering why the same things are not happening to LP because of Mike wearing the DC Shoes and Ecko brand stuff all the time. Did the people who called Korn a sellout finally mature and realize that it was a bunch of bullshit and that Korn never actually "soldout"? The only reason Jonathan Davis ever wore those track suits to begin with was because of their song "A.D.I.D.A.S." Translated into All Day I Dream About Sex. Anyways, i'm not putting LP down, I was just wanting to see if peoples opinions of what a "sellout" is had changed at all.
im not really talking to u in an offending way or however u wanna say it lol sorry people r just that way i guess probably cauz all the hip hop people where that brand and ya...but i still dont care it doesnt change their music by the way (OFFTOPIC)i like that song A.D.I.D.A.S.
XrockinfreakX said:
im not really talking to u in an offending way or however u wanna say it lol sorry people r just that way i guess probably cauz all the hip hop people where that brand and ya...but i still dont care it doesnt change their music by the way (OFFTOPIC)i like that song A.D.I.D.A.S.

Oh ok, my bad. i guess i was the one misunderstanding you guys. and yes that Korn song is a very good song. Love it. anyways...........yeah. ;)