Senator and filmmaker take on FUX News


Harry Hope

"We felt it important right now to raise awareness and ask the media
to please ask the hard questions, before it's too late," said

"We've focused on TV because they are the ones who have the greatest,
quickest input. But over time, we will be asking and expanding this to
all media.

In a conference call announcing the campaign, Greenwald and Sanders,
I-Vt., said they don't have answers about what to do about Iran, but
said they fear the White House will make a unilateral decision to

"We have got to put pressure on the mass media not to play the same
craven role they played in Iraq, when they effectually collapsed and
became a megaphone for Bush's policies," Sanders said.

"What Robert is saying here is that the leader of that effort is Fox
News, which in many ways is simply a propaganda machine for the
Republican Party and the Bush administration."

From The Associated Press, 8/22/07:

Senator and filmmaker take on Fox News

By JOHN CURRAN, Associated Press Writer


Condemning the Fox News Channel as a warmonger that's agitating for a
U.S. attack on Iran, documentary filmmaker Robert Greenwald and
independent U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders announced an "online viral video
campaign" Wednesday calling on television news organizations "not to
follow Fox down the road to war again."

Greenwald, the director behind "Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on
Journalism" and "Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price," has compiled a
new three-minute video that mashes clips from Fox's coverage of the
2003 invasion of Iraq and its aftermath with recent coverage of
possible U.S. military action against Iran.

The video and an accompanying "open letter" to ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC
and CNN
Harry Hope wrote:
> "We felt it important right now to raise awareness and ask the media
> to please ask the hard questions, before it's too late," said
> Greenwald.
> "We've focused on TV because they are the ones who have the greatest,
> quickest input. But over time, we will be asking and expanding this to
> all media.
> In a conference call announcing the campaign, Greenwald and Sanders,
> I-Vt., said they don't have answers about what to do about Iran, but
> said they fear the White House will make a unilateral decision to
> attack.
> "We have got to put pressure on the mass media not to play the same
> craven role they played in Iraq, when they effectually collapsed and
> became a megaphone for Bush's policies," Sanders said.
> "What Robert is saying here is that the leader of that effort is Fox
> News, which in many ways is simply a propaganda machine for the
> Republican Party and the Bush administration."
> From The Associated Press, 8/22/07:
> Senator and filmmaker take on Fox News
> By JOHN CURRAN, Associated Press Writer
> Condemning the Fox News Channel as a warmonger that's agitating for a
> U.S. attack on Iran, documentary filmmaker Robert Greenwald and
> independent U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders announced an "online viral video
> campaign" Wednesday calling on television news organizations "not to
> follow Fox down the road to war again."
> Greenwald, the director behind "Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on
> Journalism" and "Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price," has compiled a
> new three-minute video that mashes clips from Fox's coverage of the
> 2003 invasion of Iraq and its aftermath with recent coverage of
> possible U.S. military action against Iran.
> The video and an accompanying "open letter" to ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC
> and CNN