Senator Joe Biden - Close Gitmo

Crispy Critter said:
The Democrats are losing their minds!

Jesus Christ if so then take no prisoners just kill terrorist suspects and be done with it! What kind of losing game do the liberals want America to play? Or, do I lack sensitivity?

I dont totaly disagree with the plan myself. I got out of it that they would keep the ones that were needed to be kept and remove the rest that really dont have a reason to be there....after all they arent exactly the way our legal system is supposed to work...but this is the military and i dont know much about it as i stay FAR away from anything military (less its a soldier on

But relax, bush is at the helm rocketing our country into exile from the world....he wont let it happen so i guess i dont see what the fuss is really about anyhow.
Persoanlly I think they should have sank the ship that took those terrorist ****s there in the first place!

Sharks need food too! :eek: