Senior Quotes


New member
Senior quotes are the quotes that you can have under your picture in the yearbook (only for seniors, obviously). I'm trying to think of a senior quote to use but it's kinda hard. I wanted to use a LP lyric but I can't find one that would work, so I'm trying to think of another song lyric.. or just a quote. Does anyone have any ideas of what I should put?

So far, I'm thinking about putting:

These are the moments

These are the times

Let's make the best out of our lives.

-The Calling

But I'd appreciate some other suggestions.

And I was also wondering if anybody else (of the people on here that already graduated.. or are graduating this year and already know what they're gunna put) had a senior quote. I don't even know if all schools have them. Just wondering.



New member
When my school did this, when we "graduated" from secondary school (lol) we did maybe half a page about each person (it was a small school), so I don't really know how you'd put all that in one quote lol + I'd really have to know you to really be able to help with that.

Well, I do like Sui's idea, that's a good one :thumbsup:



New member
two girls at my school last year, wrote their quotes in german, One girl wrote I Wear Underwear, and the other girl wrote I Dont Wear Underwear.......

the school printed over a thousand year books, and then a german teacher realised at the last minute, so they had to go through each book, one by one with a permant pen, crossing both those quotes out.

Kinda funny :thumbsup:


Dark Angel

New member
I'm thinking of puting in one by Mark Twain, since I can't find a funny one at the moment. It goes something like this:

'My mom had trouble with me growing up. But I think she enjoyed it.'

Obviously our school doesn't allow cuss words in ours, so half of LPs are out. :p



New member
^ Almost ALL of Linkin Park's lyrics don't involve cussing lol. I can't think of one that does right at this present moment in time actually o_0

Aw we didn't do that when we left high school. We just progressed to college lol. Hm anyway that's really cool. It depends whether you wanna leave some kind of inspiring and very logic quote, or something humourous. I personally would think of something funny and really lame lol... umm like... "Don't follow in my footsteps, because I run into a lot of walls" >.> Sorry that was ghey, but you get the picture lol.

You could try *Fire Hot Quotes* I guess. They have a large database full of different ones, so maybe that'll help. Or Sugar N Spice quotes :D

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