Serbs sentenced for videotaped killings of Muslims

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Serbs sentenced for videotaped killings of Muslims
10 Apr 2007 15:32:55 GMT

By Beti Bilandzic

BELGRADE, April 10 (Reuters) - Four Serbian paramilitary soldiers who
videotaped their killing of six Bosnian Muslim youths in the last days
of the 1992-95 Bosnia war were found guilty on Tuesday by Serbia's war
crimes court.

The men from the feared Scorpions unit taped the murders and
circulated the trophy video among themselves. It was found by a Serb
human rights activist and broadcast in Serbia in 2005, shocking a
nation which until then had dismissed charges of Serb atrocities as
hostile propaganda.

The film shows the men taunting the Bosnian Muslim youths before
herding them into a clearing in the woods and shooting them in the
back, while smoking and chatting casually.

Scorpions chief Slobodan Medic and his aide Branislav Medic were
sentenced to 20 years in jail. Pero Petrasevic, the only defendant to
plead guilty, got 13 years. A fourth man got a five-year sentence and
a fifth was acquitted.

"By committing such acts against defenceless civilians, by showing off
their power and showing no remorse, the defendants gave the court no
option of milder sentences," said judge Gordana Bozilovic-Petrovic.

But relatives of the victims, who came from Bosnia and were brought
into court under heavy police escort, said they were outraged at the
court's leniency.

"This is an injustice," said Nura Alispahic, mother of a 16-year-old
victim. "They brought them there to kill children and now they freed
one and gave another five years."

Natasa Kandic, who made the tape public, said: "Considering the
gravity of the crime, the ruling did not deliver justice."

In the video, she said, the man sentenced to five years said to one
teenage captive: "Have you ever ****ed? Well, you never will." The
taunt was ample proof that he knew full well what was coming and was
clearly an accomplice, she told reporters.


The killing took place on July 17, 1995 in Trnovo, southeast Bosnia,
in the same week that Bosnian Serb troops killed 8,000 Muslim males
150 km (90 miles) away in the town of Srebrenica.

All six victims were from the Srebrenica area. But the court said
there was no evidence to directly link the killings to Europe's worst
atrocity since World War Two.

With the war still raging, Bosnia sued Serbia for genocide at the
International Court of Justice in 1993, saying it was helping Bosnian
Serb forces commit atrocities.

The U.N. court dismissed the claim this February, but said Serbia had
failed to prevent genocide and punish perpetrators.

Bosnian Serb commander Ratko Mladic and political leader Radovan
Karadzic, both charged with genocide for Srebrenica by a U.N. tribunal
in The Hague, are still on the run. The European Union froze talks
with Serbia a year ago over its failure to arrest Mladic, who was
hiding in Belgrade.

Serbia set up its own war crimes court in 2003 to show it was ready to
deal with the past. Tuesday's ruling was the latest in a small number
of war crimes cases Serb courts have so far handled, involving
atrocities in Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo.

"Everyone can now be assured that Serbia's judicial bodies are ready
and able to deal with such serious cases," said chief war crimes
prosecutor Vladimir Vukcevic after the ruling.

But he also said he would appeal against the lower sentences as well
as the acquittal.