Session Remix


New member
Sorry folks, Using this song for something else. if you already have it, good for you, if you don't, sorry,you'll get it later in time.


New member
why brush your teeth when they're just going to get dirty again? Why eat when you're just going to have to eat later? Why shower because you're going to get dirty later?


New member
wtf r u going on about ^^^ ???

sessions is a remix of some **** they were playing for fun, then they turned that **** into good **** !

(not dissing em or anything.)



New member
oh it sounded like "Wtf dude why'd you make a remix, that **** is overrated!!!" but i guess you're not like that... sorry, there are some immature ******* in this world. Had to make sure. And its not just session. It has nearly every instrumental Linkin Park has made in there except for A.06, but that's a different story.

Do you mean the Part of Me 'secret' instrumental? Yeah, that's in there too....



New member
^^never heard of it to be honest.

but its true ! ! it was meant to be a pile of **** until joe turned it into a song ! and after when he agreed with the others thats its a good way to make a song.



New member
you're missing out.

it sounds like session and mario golf's soundtrack put to a sick hiphop beat.... what can I tell you.... that's why part of me is 12 minues long....

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