Set USB Capabilities


reizaal last

you have to set the "capabilities" attribute in registry to dword hexdecimal = 6, to unlist from the safe removal, set to = 10.

0. make sure u know what you are doing.

1. on XP, right click on My Computer - Properties - Hardware - Device Manager, navigate to USB controler, and open properties for usb mass storage device. go to details tab, and note the device instance value ie. USB\VID_414&PID\22AF000000

2. run registry.exe navigate to that key local machine\system\controlset001\enum\usb\VID_414&PID\22AF000000 edit permission, set everyone to write, then click on "capabilities" and set to "6" OR "10", which one you prefer.

3. click on safe to remove icon, or if the icon is missing, run this "c:\windows\system32\rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL hotplug.dll"

4. to remove other items in the safe removal list, just find the device instance ID, ie. cd rom, network card etc, and set value to "10", to add set value to "6"

rempuii7 wrote:

Re: USB Flash Drive/Card Reader not in "Safely Remove Hardware" list


Chris;3505398 Wrote:

Chris The reason you can't remove it safely now is because the more the

computer use it the harder it is difficult to remove as more and more

application are using it,and when you try to remove from safely remove

hardware it will not allow anymore.

As for Clayton question I have no other suggestion except clean

installation of your OS




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On Saturday, February 02, 2008 12:56 PM

Chri wrote:

USB Flash Drive/Card Reader not in "Safely Remove Hardware" list

Recently, when I plugged in USB flash drive or card reader, the "Safely

Remove Hardware" list never show them anymore. It only shows the plugged

infra-red device.

Anyone who can help me to solve this problem? I would like these devices

showed on the list again or otherwise I don't know how to safely remove them.

Thank you very much for your kind help!

On Saturday, February 02, 2008 8:15 PM

Clayton wrote:

Does it show up in My Computer?

Does it show up in My Computer?

On Sunday, February 03, 2008 11:52 AM

Chri wrote:

Yes, it shows on My Computer and it works properly.

Yes, it shows on My Computer and it works properly. The only problem is I

cannot safely remove it. And it worked in the past.

Best regards,

Chris Lee.

"Clayton" wrote:

On Tuesday, February 05, 2008 12:23 PM

Chri wrote:

Is it any way to control this by modifying the registry?

Is it any way to control this by modifying the registry?

Thank you very much for your help!

"Chris" wrote:

On Wednesday, February 06, 2008 10:30 AM

M.I.5? wrote:

Re: USB Flash Drive/Card Reader not in "Safely Remove Hardware" list

"Chris" <> wrote in message

Drives do not show in 'Safely Remove Hardware' if they are set up for

write-through cacheing (optimised for fast removal). This should be the

default option for flash memory drives.

Write a short scrap file to your flash drive and then unplug it as soon as

the activity light goes out. If the file is on the drive then you have

write-through cacheing set up.

On Friday, February 08, 2008 10:02 AM

Chri wrote:

I have updated Write Caching and Safe Removal option to "Optimize for

I have updated Write Caching and Safe Removal option to "Optimize for

performance" but the device still does not appear in the "Safely Remove

Hardware" list! So weird!

"M.I.5??" wrote:

On Saturday, February 09, 2008 1:27 PM

Uwe Sieber wrote:

Re: USB Flash Drive/Card Reader not in "Safely Remove Hardware" list

M.I.5? wrote:

That's not true. All availlable information state that

the hplug.dll checks for some device capabilties but

not for any policies.

> This should be the

Correct, it is. And if your first statement would be true

then by default not a single USB drive would be shown in

'Safely remove hardware'.


On Sunday, February 10, 2008 11:01 PM

Chri wrote:

RE: USB Flash Drive/Card Reader not in "Safely Remove Hardware" list

Some more information:

When I remove the hardware and plug the USB drive again, it shows new

hardware found. At this moment, the device shows on the "Safely Remove

Hardware" list. However, once a drive letter is assigned to this device, it

is removed from the "Safely Remove Hardware" list again!

Is it possible that some viruses will cause this situation? If so, anyone

know what viruses? I am using Norton 360 and I don't think it can detect all

popular viruses.

Best regards,

Chris Lee.

"Chris" wrote:

On Monday, February 11, 2008 3:11 AM

Uwe Sieber wrote:

If the device is detected as new each time thenprobably writing some of the

If the device is detected as new each time then

probably writing some of the required registry

keys fails, so they are not found next time. One

of these keys might be the 'capabilities' value

which is the main criterion for a device beeing

shown in 'Safely remove hardware'.

Norton 360 is known for causing strange effects with

USB drives.


Chris wrote:

On Thursday, February 14, 2008 2:58 AM

M.I.5? wrote:

Re: USB Flash Drive/Card Reader not in "Safely Remove Hardware" list

A quick check reveals that you are correct. However, if all the removable

drives are optimized for removal then the 'Safely Remove Hardware' icon

should not show in the system tray.

On Thursday, February 14, 2008 3:02 AM

M.I.5? wrote:

Re: USB Flash Drive/Card Reader not in "Safely Remove Hardware" list

"M.I.5?" <> wrote in message


Corrigendum: A check on another machine shows a different behaviour.

Optimised for removal devies do not appear on the list provided by 'Safely

Remove Hardware', so my initial statement may have validity.

On Tuesday, July 08, 2008 1:09 AM

rempuii7 wrote:

Re: USB Flash Drive/Card Reader not in "Safely Remove Hardware" list

Chris;3505398 Wrote:

Chris The reason you can't remove it safely now is because the more the

computer use it the harder it is difficult to remove as more and more

application are using it,and when you try to remove from safely remove

hardware it will not allow anymore.

As for Clayton question I have no other suggestion except clean

installation of your OS




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