Settlement reached in iPhone 4 ‘Antennagate’ suit


Active Member
Nov 17, 2003
South of Nowhere
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A settlement has been reached in a class-action lawsuit targeting the <a href="">iPhone 4′s antenna and reception problems</a>, reports <em>CNET</em>. U.S. residents who bought the handset will be offered either $15 or a free bumper case, however the offer is only valid for those individuals who did not take advantage of <a href="">Apple’s previous offer</a>. The settlement comes from 18 separate lawsuits that were consolidated into one, all claiming that Apple was “misrepresenting and concealing material information in the marketing, advertising, sale, and servicing of its iPhone 4–particularly as it relates to the quality of the mobile phone antenna and reception and related software.” Original buyers will be notified via email before April 30th, or they can visit, although the site is not yet live. After the notifications are sent, the claims period will last for 120 days.<span id="more-127724"></span>
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Via BRG - Boy Genius Report