set path=c:\install
c:\install\aclient.exe c:\install\aclient.inp -silent -install -scriptedinstall
c:\install\jre-6u31-windows-i586-s.exe /s
Line 3 was an addition to a pre-existing setupcomplete.cmd file that has been use for a while and worked quite well. If I leave it in it does not install. If I take out Line 2 then everything works. I have tried using start /wait on Lines 2 & 3 and that does not appear to be working. Any ideas?
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set path=c:\install
c:\install\aclient.exe c:\install\aclient.inp -silent -install -scriptedinstall
c:\install\jre-6u31-windows-i586-s.exe /s
Line 3 was an addition to a pre-existing setupcomplete.cmd file that has been use for a while and worked quite well. If I leave it in it does not install. If I take out Line 2 then everything works. I have tried using start /wait on Lines 2 & 3 and that does not appear to be working. Any ideas?
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