Sex crime & the plutocratic putsch.


dev carter

Sex crime & the plutocratic putsch.
Judy Spence -State minister for police and corrective services has a
moral crusade on her hands. In the role of blowtorch Judy she's sold
on the notion of eternal punishment on Earth as it is in Hell. She's
all revved up for implementation of a policy whose rationale is along
the lines of -

As violent sexual predators (VSPs) can't be rehabilitated, the state
should lock them up and throw away the key.

This is "zero tolerance" and it fits the two second soundbite policy
format that the plutocratic state deems to be in everyone's interest.
But the plutocrats are inconsistent about enemies of the people- they
would not extend zero tolerance to include rapists/ murders among
their troops in Iraq or Afghanistan.

Most people are ignorant of the fact that a plutocratic putsch is well
underway. When plutocracy controls all the mass media and reduces
political discussion to a two second soundbite, the corporate takeover
of the world in the interests of the plutocrats is assured.

What also escapes the consciousness of the general public is awareness
of the method behind plutocratic reaction. From the war on drugs, to
the war on sex crime, to the war on Islamic militancy, the goal is the
same- take any definable act, demonize and criminalize it and engineer
as much chaos as possible in a climate of ignorance and confusion so
that more power may be claimed to fight a losing battle.

The robber barons cannot steal money from you or enslave the masses
directly- they must legitimize the theft by the creation of the
plutocratic state and do it indirectly. The must manufacture disorder.
The chaos and confusion engineered by reaction, is the smoke screen
behind which they reduce their taxes to zero and increase yours. The
class that own 95% of all wealth does not pay 95% of the bill for
government infrastructure and maintenance, they pay as little as
possible. The reaction they engineer is designed to create demand for
supplies and services from their war materials and armaments
factories, from their drug companies, from their energy supply
companies, and from their prison farms. With control of the state,
profits from the diversion of general taxation into such goods and
services, draws back all their tax money paid directly as income tax
'status quo ante bellum'.

When one eliminates democracy, by eliminating the electoral chances of
political opponents, plutocracy's last obstacle is the 'rule of law'.
As their ultimate goal is a neo- fascist plutocratic state where they
effectively pay no tax, how would it be realized other than by a power
struggles against the last vestiges of tradition- a state's legal

For plutocracy's ultra Right storm troopers, the test becomes one of
defining "enemies of the people" that democracy and its legal
institutions will abandon and thereafter treat as "non-citizens" fit
for lifetime incarceration or extermination via civil or military
action. On the home front the target has been pedophiles and violent
sexual predators, whereas on the international front it has been
Muslims who oppose a Greater Israel and western expansionism and
hegemony over oil resources.

The plutocrat's tactics are to create a crisis by disturbing the
natural order of things. Their first goal is to undermine the
effectiveness of a democratic state by cutting taxes to an extent that
crime and other undesirable consequences flow from the lack of
infrastructure and integration. Highly integrated economies have low
homicide rates around 1 per 100,000. The Scandinavian countries with
high expenditure on social security and Japan with full employment
policies have historically achieved such low rates. In the plutocratic
USA the rate is around 9-10 per 100,000.

The plutocratic global tactics were to massively arm the Israeli
Zionists against the local Islamists and to fully support expansionist
Zionist wars of aggression.

When crime and terrorism such as 9/11 increase as a consequence of
these tactics, the plutocrats use the outcome to justify a further
erosion of individual rights and a virtual confiscation of the
national coffers to finance a war that will require massive
procurements and military supplies. Their goal is to eliminate rights
by fiat alone, so that whole groups may be deemed "enemies of the
people". In Australia, the plutocratic campaign has been against
"violent men", "pedophiles" and "sex offenders". Now when the public
has been suitably conditioned by ultra right media campaigns, what
better target than male VSPs with a history of sex crime against

Anyone not swept along with a rising populist crusade against
pedophile VSPs from shock jocks, to media vigilants, to the victims
groups baying for more blood is open to suspicion. From Academia to
the bureaucracy comes full agreement or a stony silence. One squeak of
dissention raises the possibility of being labeled a pedophile
sympathizer and potentially a closet pedophile. Who are prepared to
risk career prospects for "thought crime"- that of thinking of
alternative interpretations that rock the boat of collective
certainty, for no simple tangible gain?

When everyone shuts up, plutocracy may test its power.

Among the hysterical mob, few people understand or care about what
their legal institutions are or what they have attempted historically
to achieve. Let me try to shine some light on their purpose as I see

The legal institutions are trying to reconcile two world views. On
left hand- the progressive viewpoint, the world view of science or
reality as it "is", and on the right hand - the conservative
viewpoint, the worldview based on traditional belief and ideals, or
reality as many would "expect" or would like it to be.

Plutocracy supports conservative elements and saviors postponed
gratification that monotheism offers- pie in the sky means less demand
for pie in the stomach and a roof over one's head.

Legal decisions attempt to arrive at outcomes that are respected by
both the progressive and traditional schools of thought. A failure to
gain respect for such outcomes, would result in reprisals by the
disaffected parties. Tit for tat reprisals are a threat to public
order and safety as they may lead to a vicious cycle of violence and
mass destruction of property.

To go too far left or too far right may deliver a far worse outcome
than following a middle course that both parties will respect.

Legal institutions are a hurdle that the plutocrats cross by stacking
the bench through the political appointment of creationist judges, by
mass media action campaigns, and by attempting to strip judges of
their independence- the power to make decisions in the common interest
in accordance with the law. Funding the election campaigns of
creationist candidates also helps in creating the array of forces
favorable to plutocratic interests.

The scientific viewpoint, the Darwinian view of man, has no problem
with human sexuality at all. Humans along with bonobos and Chimpanzees
are part of the primate line where sex plays a social role not purely
a reproductive one and masturbation, rape, quid pro quo sexual
contacts, homosexuality and inter generational sexual contacts are
natural traits. Social sexuality - inherited from a common ancestor
may be an important factor in the psychological wellbeing of both
species. The primate psychological omni-sexuality is casual and
opportunistic in character and guilt free but increasingly constrained
and exploited by monotheist religious traditions that developed with
the growth of urbanization and the end of a hunter gatherer nomadic
culture. Religious power is based on illiteracy, superstition, and
mass ignorance and the creation of guilt and fear in the masses.

Our traditional viewpoint comes from the impact of monotheistic
creationism on lawmakers and the reactionary character of legislation
towards specific sex acts deemed "immoral". For creationists -
evolution does not exist, so it is not unexpected that the word bonobo
is not even in my MS word US language dictionary!

Now, the legal system must reconcile how much of human sexuality,
given our primate sexual genetics, is it rational to dehumanize? If
copulation between post pubescent couples is to be expected, then just
how much human sexual intercourse can be rationally criminalized?
Given the willing participation of both parties in a proscribed act,
the court via legal process must ultimately label the criminal - the
male, the female or both! But catching too many "criminals" would
either bankrupt the state or create a backlash of popular dissent. Or
does one simply open the floodgates and let individuals do as they
please and infuriate evangelical religious conservatives by permitting
the less devote among them to occasionally indulge their natural
instincts in opportunistic promiscuity?

What would liberalization do to the vast billions in profits
plutocracy reaps from the sale of pharmaceuticals- when much of human
psychological and psychiatric disorder is ultimately discover to be
nothing but monogamous sexual boredom and far too little healthy
promiscuous primate sex! What would happen to stocks prices, if
"stress disorder was discovered to be totally non-existent among males
who had 3-4 different sexual partners every week- that primate sex is
the natural human tranquilizer?

Profits for plutocracy is ensured by entrenching creationism and
sexual repression and the attempt to repackage creationism as
"intelligent design" is a good illustration of how essential sexual
"guilt" is to their business interests- so their agenda is to make the
masses more guilty about sex rather than less. In the popular mind
genetics makes men more violence than women, more likely to use force
to gain wants either directly or via coercion. Here the plutocrats may
use a perception about an attribute to filter sexual acts into
manageable proportions. Men become the easier target- for domestic
violence; for sexual violence against women; for sexual exploitation
in the workplace; for sexual exploitation of minors- now generally
labeled pedophilia. In order to exploit natural phenomena for their
own ends, plutocrats need to make each act they target totally a moral
issue and exclude alternative explanations. Vast sways of human
behavior are now commonly no longer natural phenomena but defined
pseudo-objectively as "abuse". It becomes trivial for the plutocrats
to mount a morals campaign not to stamp out "human nature", but to
stamp out "abuse" thus avoiding the religious overtones were they to
attempt to categorize proscribed acts as 'immoral use'.

If male sexual behavior or tendency towards using violence is
perceived as natural, it cannot rationally be defined as abuse.
Plutocrats seek this disjunction from reality because the ultimate
goal is not to stamp out "abuse" per se but power to stamp out anyone
they may label as "abusers" and ultimately "enemies".

If men can be held accountable for their lack of morals or expectation
of fair play but they cannot rationally be punished and incarcerated
because of eye or hair color, testosterone level and their omni sexual
primate disposition, this disjunction is crucial. When the old left
is no more and their remnants are ideologically silent bed partners
with the ultra Right there are no detractors or critics of rightist
extremism- the plutocrats have won and everything is on the table, for
escalating crises to seize yet more power for looting the public

When the plutocrats engineer the modern psycho-moral realm of
systematic disingenuous certainty, reality takes the back seat and the
ignorant tend to believe that a moral expectation is a right not
merely a statistical probability. In the plutocrat mindset because
"abuse" is by definition wrong, "abusers" are by definition "evil" and
as a consequence, need to be combated and eliminated entirely from
civilized plutocratic society. When mass gross ignorance becomes the
norm, ritualism replaces reason and fabricated community moral values
may be treated as sacrosanct. Throughout history, from the dark ages
to the present moral certitude comes hand in hand with reactionary
justice- pogroms, inquisitions, witch burnings, pedophile and VSP
hunts on the home front, and more recently the hunting down of
militant Islamists and those in close proximity to them on the
plutocratic war front.

As our recent history demonstrates, there's nothing more dangerous
than a revved up moral crusader with pedal to the metal for the
preservation of plutocratic values under the guise of "national" or
"community values". Nothing may stand in their way, not even
creditable public legal institutions built over centuries to reinforce
a balance between progressive and traditionalists views with
sanctions while respecting scientific truth. Under attack from a
morals crusade, modern legal institutions are charged with the
virtually impossible obligation to never to fall short of plutocracy's
engineered mass expectation of perfection- that of giving us even more
certainty in a world where only statistical outcomes are possible.

When they do fall short, scapegoats on the bench of justice must be
Moral hysteria is the state blowtorch Judy and her ilk get themselves
into when the legal institutions charged with enshrining what ever
psycho-moral reality meme-set currently prescribe to, don't deliver
on revved up crusader expectation of zero tolerance for something.
After millions spent in various mass media "end it now" campaigns, we
are told all of civilized society is now outraged and are at the end
of their tether having tried everything to no avail- a final solution
must be achieved- "it" has got to cease forthwith!

In the plutocratic press, the culprit is readily found, stories abound
that the judges and courts were all too soft, prisons are like holiday
camps, vicious rapists are on sabbatical and out in the community
prior to being released. What was needed according to the shock jocks
and right wing plutocrat funded think tanks was flame thrower justice-
hell on Earth for the despicable morally depraved who will never stop

This is the American plutocrats 'shock and awe' propaganda of 'mission
accomplished' only via violence. In other words, selling to the
general public the nonsense that more violence is required to make for
less violence and a peaceful world. It explains why the US masses are
so poor at controlling anything at all via their compromised
democratic process and getting more so by the minute given the
plutocratic conquest of the state, moving regularly from one crisis to
the next spiraling down a bottomless pit of wholesale infrastructure
decay. But importantly, for the plutocrats while the masses are
burdened with a mountain of debt, the key military corporations
controlled by the plutocrats have never reaped so much profit by the
dysfunctional carnage engineered on the home front and the war front.
The have given future generations of their middle and lower class
slaves the bill for their plunder.

When you impose penalties against human nature you don't change 'it',
you merely make the activity clandestine - underground and out of
sight. If the penalty for rape is the same as the penalty for murder
there is a rational incentive for rapists to murder since successfully
disposal of a victim reduces the chances of arrest. This reality
explains why the USA, the country with the highest penalties for
sexual and other crimes has higher rates of murder, serial killing and
more likely than not, permanently expired missing persons than most
developed nations. The influence of American culture on Australia has
more than likely doubled our crime rate.

Needless to say, over reaction increases morally reprehensible
behavior, so if you want the quantity and severity to increase just go
down the American road of infrastructure decay and penalty escalation
from blowtorch, to flamethrower, to napalm bomb and whatever nonsense
the plutocratic media can instill in the mass mindset but get set for
a 4 fold increase in your moral portfolio of reprehensible acts as a
consequence if you undermine the already imperfect but functional
legal institutions.

No justice system is ever going to satisfy the malcontent crusader
gung ho victim's rights groups keen for compensation payouts and
revenge- they are an essential part of the plutocratic mission and
compensation is the bait for victim-hood.

Since the plutocratic press gives them wide exposure, they have revved
politicians like blowtorch Judy up and set her on an impossible
errand- for a silver bullet fix it. Like alien abductees, she feels
she has been chosen for an important mission- an apocalyptic solution.
For the plutocratic press objectivity and scientific truth is never
good news. The plutocratic press barons mission in life is to ensure
the font of 'evil' never runs dry, and tax increases are never on the
political agenda in any of the plutocracies they control.

Demons, villains and bad actors are forever running amok requiring
more police, more armies, and more guns from the arms factories of the
plutocrats to subdue them. From plutocratic prison farms across the
globe to the quagmires in Iraq and Afghanistan, public money is
reserved for the ultimate goal- Plutocracy's corporate, military and
paramilitary takeover of the world- game, set and match.

The explanation for higher "crime" levels is that plutocracy doesn't
want to pay its fair share of the tax burden to maintain social
infrastructure that would reduce it. Nor does it want crime to be
redefined objectively in Darwinian terms as that would make it
non-existent. It would take decades for a secular state and a
revolution to eradicate the impact of plutocracy and theism from the
consciousness of the masses.

Blowtorch Judy, the longest serving state MP, is ideologically just
where the plutocrats want her - all revved up for a mission impossible
that will ultimately deliver more mayhem and more of the same. When
sensationalism fills the space between the advertisements, and the
profits for the plutocrats keep rising who cares about reality, truth
and justice or policies that actually reduce so called "crime"?

When financial disaster strikes and profits fall who will be left to
care about democratic niceties or the rule of law.

The plutocratic media has just published a VSP list in the local rag
much to the satisfaction of Judy Spence who lamented that the justice
system opposed her "throw away the key" policy for VSPs as

Needless to say, the bench perceived the negative consequences of the
member's quest for blowtorch justice and eternal punishment for VSPs.

For the unconvinced let's guess at their reasoning taking the reviled
pedophiles as an example. If pedophilia were not a crime, their
victims would like as not, come home with their proverbial bag of
lollies or alternative quid pro quo and a story to tell about the
diversity of human nature.

As the reactionary penalties against pedophilia increase fewer victims
come home.

Draconian sentences send the message to pedophiles that have not been
apprehended that the state does not reward restraint on their part. If
found they will be treated like mass murderers and given life
sentences. By not rewarding restraint, the state rewards the
escalation of violence on the part of pedophiles who would seek to
avoid arrest by hiding evidence of the crime- the victim and the
victim's testimony. Thus the number of homicides associated with
pedophilia increase, so rampant escalation of penalties is not in the
interests of the justice system if one's true objective is to mitigate
the extent and seriousness of crime.

If the state and courts were to take the other extreme and reduce
penalties for pedophilia to zero, equally undesirable consequences
might follow. Those infected with HIV aids would more likely target
children for unsafe sex practices than more educated older teens and
young adults who are more aware of the risks. Deaths from HIV aids
among children would escalate.

However, escalating crime and violence is the goal of plutocracy- it
is crucial for plundering state coffers. Imperialism depends upon the
strategy to divide and conquer one's potential opposition.
Plutocratic fascism begins with a list of state enemies and a
hierarchy of quislings like our current crop of creationist and born
again politicians who do the plutocrats bidding without question in
order to gain and keep public office.

Plutocracy doesn't let state institutions such as the courts or
bureaucrats charged with rehabilitation of prisoners stand in its
path, and is totally unconcerned with such constitutional niceties.

As the economic and environmental disasters mount, more state enemies
are merely added to the list, and the public purse is used to bail out
the corporate robber barons facing bankruptcy when they burn their
fingers with bad investment decisions like sub-prime lending.

Public infrastructure crumbles at an even faster rate as a result, and
even more radical methods are entertained by the plutocratic agenda

The plutocratic putsch for the takeover of the world on all fronts is
well under way.

Dev Carter