SF Asks CA High Court To Allow Fag Marriages


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SF Asks High Court To Allow Same-Sex Marriages
April 2, 2007

SAN FRANCISCO -- Lawyers for the city of San Francisco urged the California
Supreme Court Monday to reject what they called the state's "antiquated
separate-but-equal theory" on same-sex marriage.

City lawyers wrote in a brief that domestic partnerships may "soften the
sting," but that "California still treats lesbians and gay men as
second-class citizens" by denying them the right to marry.

The attorneys claimed, "By excluding them from society's most cherished and
revered institution, the state announces to same-sex couples, and their
children, that they are not worthy of the same dignity and respect as

The city argument was one of several filed at the court's headquarters in
San Francisco Monday, the deadline for lodging opening briefs in the

The high court is considering a total of six consolidated cases. Four were
filed by the city and 19 gay and lesbian couples supporting same-sex
marriage and two by traditional-values groups opposing it.

The state attorney general's office, which is defending California laws that
restrict marriage to unions of a man and a woman, must file its reply by
June 1.

The high court has not yet set a date for hearing the cases. After holding a
hearing, it will have 90 days to issue a written ruling.

State attorneys have previously argued that it is reasonable to limit
marriage to heterosexual couples while giving same-sex couples the same
rights and protections through domestic partnerships.

San Francisco and the same-sex couples are appealing a ruling in which a
Court of Appeal panel by a 2-1 vote in October upheld several state laws
requiring marriage to be between a man and a woman.

That court overturned a decision in which a San Francisco Superior Court
judge said in 2005 that same-sex couples have a state constitutional right
to marry.

The city and same-sex couples contend the California constitution's
guarantees of equal protection, due process and privacy provide a right to
gay and lesbian marriage.

Randy Thomasson, a Sacramento-based opponent of same-sex marriage, said
today, "Nearly everybody knows that children do best with both a father and
a mother. No relationship between two people can compare itself to marriage,
which is an exclusive relationship between a husband and wife."

Thomasson is a proponent of a proposed statewide ballot initiative that
would make a restriction limiting marriage to heterosexuals part of the
state constitution.