sheet music


New member
help meeeeeeee!!!!!!!!! i cant find lp music sheets any were... ive been looking for at least 6 hours than i came across this site so i hope some one will be nice and help. :confused: . im looking for my december. :D its like my fave song and i wanna know how to play it on piano... thanx... :D


New member
please help ive been looking for my december for at least 6 hours with out sucsess... please some one help me. i whant to know how to play it on piano any help is greatly apreiciated. thank u all =)


New member
Well go to and search "Linkin Park My december piano tabs" or you can search keyboard tabs. I havent ever found any sites with Sheet music just tabs. Tabs are easy to learn and save money but sometimes are a little off. But it is better than nothing I guess. The Sheet music you buy at stores is even off lol. Because it was not written by Linkin Park.


New member

:eek: ... so many sites... all of which make my head hurt... wats wit all the numbers and dashes??????????????????????? :confused: there arnt any notes??????????? This is very confusing is there a peticular site to try.



New member
i got the tab off somewhere and converted it to music. i was somethin like:

f a a# a

f a a# a

e a a# a

f a a# a

and repeat.

i'm not sure if it's exact cause i just did it off the top of my head. it might be g instead of f and f instead of e. just try both.

that's just the little background piano thing.

and the numbers and dashes are for guitar tab.

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