Shots Fired at Plane of Pakistan President Musharraf


Patriot Games


Shots Fired at Plane of Pakistan President Musharraf Wires Friday, July 6, 2007

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan -- Shots were fired after President Gen. Pervez
Musharraf's plane took off from a military base on Friday in what one
official described as a failed assassination attempt.

"It was an unsuccessful effort by miscreants to target the president's
plane," a senior security official told The Associated Press on condition of
anonymity because he is not authorized to speak on the record. "They fled
quickly, and our security agencies are still investigating."

Security forces quickly surrounded a house in Rawalpindi, a garrison city
south of the capital. Three other officials told the AP that two
anti-aircraft guns and a light machine gun were found on the rooftop.

The senior security official said Musharraf was aboard the plane at the
time, although he insisted that the president was not within the range of
the attackers' weapons.

Television footage from an overlooking building showed a large gun pointed
skyward next to a satellite dish as security officials rushed around. It was
unclear if the gun had been fired.

The house lies under the flight path of the main runway used by both the
Chaklala Air Base and the adjoining Islamabad International Airport.
Passenger jets thundered overhead as police and soldiers swarmed the area.