Should Pat Robertson be barred from sitting on the Supreme Court?


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AP Lynchburg, VA

An anonymous source within the Federal Bureau of Investigation has

revealed an ongoing investigation into events surrounding the recent

death of Supreme Court Chief Justice Rehnquist. Sources say the FBI

has come into posession of a videotape of political evangelist Pat

Robertson asking for the deaths of Supreme Court justices while talking

to one of his hired "enforcers."

The Individual was referred to only as "Lord," and the FBI is not

releasing any information as to whether that is a proper name or

nickname. They have said that Robertson has in the past credited this

"Lord" with various acts of political assassination and terrorism.

While considered to be "very' very dangerous" thus far the Individual

is only wanted for questioning.

Anyone with any information is urged to contact your local law

enforcement authorities. The FBI strongly cautions everyone to NOT

approach this "Lord" person under any circumstances, as even a passing

glance has been known to result in an unprovoked and fatal attack.



New member
What are you talking about? Why would Pat Robertson be sitting on the Supreme Court?

Dosn't make sense.

John Roberts maybe.

And yes John Roberts should be Chief Justice!

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