shout box


Active Member
Apr 28, 2012
New Hampshire
Can you make it so when it refreshes it will go down instead of up? Every time it refreshes it moves the box back to old posts instead of moving forward...
Hmm.. Doesn't seem to do it on my phone. On the computer every time the shout box refreshes it scrolls to the top instead of the bottom. I know you swapped it so new posts are at the bottom already... So the shout box should refresh to the bottom.

Does that make sense? lol
Mine used to do that, too. I don't think it does that any more for me though. It would get very annoying!

Basically, when it refreshes it shows the old stuff from the top of the box, instead of the new stuff at the bottom of the box.
^^^same here, i had it happening, but now as i sit here and try it doesn't happen. Maybe it still does when there is a shout or a post ?
Well... It was fixed lol

I was having issue with it using explorer, now I'm using fire fox so it works right. The new post shows up at the bottom so when you have a post with 2 lines is reads correct. the way you just swapped it to makes it read funny