Here's a sweet article from Shoutwire... it's a great site for debate too!
I'm Sorry, America - You're Not The Smartestin [Politics] / [General Politics] (769) (Blog It)
ZaWolven posted this 172 days 15 hours ago
I am about to become very unpopular. Actually I’ve probably already started with the title and description of this article, but now I’ve started I might as well go on, so here goes. America as a nation is without doubt the most bigoted, brainwashed, hypocritical and racist society on the face of the earth.
So what prompted this sweeping statement about a nation of over 300 million people? Well it’s partly down to the response we got to the news that we’ve hired an editor based in Saudi Arabia. News which resulted in some of the most childish, stupidest and pathetic racist comments I’ve ever seen, directed variously at the religion of Islam, Arabic people in general and our new editor in particular. Which was odd because anyone who actually read the article would have spotted that he wasn’t actually Arabic at all. Just goes to further prove my point that Americans are idiots who can’t even be bothered to read stuff that’s right in front in them.
OK, so not all the malicious comments were from people in the USA (although a large percentage of them were) and I realise that not all Americans are the mindless bigots who posted. But I’m going to generalise. The reason for this is because Islam is frequently generalised as a violent religion only followed by terrorists, based on the actions of a few extremists. So therefore following the same logic, I can generalise all Americans as small-minded idiots based on the offensive attitudes of a comparatively small minority.
According to Americans, the entire Muslim population of over 1.3 billion people are followers of a terrorist nation and are all likely, at the flick of a switch, to turn into maniacal suicide bombers and are the single biggest threat to the peaceful world of Christianity. This is what is technically known as bullshit. Islam as an everyday religion is no more violent than Christianity. Yes, its holy book does contain sections which state its OK to kill non-believers, but if I pulled apart the Bible I could find extract after extract which tells of how other religions are evil, women are inferior and anyone who has any possessions they can call their own is going straight to ****. Most Christians choose not to follow the more controversial sections of the Bible because they live in the real world, and likewise most Muslims choose not to enact their theoretical right to behead anyone wearing a crucifix for the same reasons.
But that’s really beside the point. I’m not here to defend Islam. I’m here to attack America. What gives this nation of overweight, under-intelligent morons the right to tell other people their ways of life are wrong, and that America is a shining example of the way the world ought to be? Why should the rest of the world look to you as anything other than a scaled-up school bully who picks on the kid with glasses? How are you any different from the “terrorist nations” such as Iran? You’re both run by elected religious fundamentalists. You’re both threatening to attack another country because you don’t like their customs or religion. And you both have a shocking intolerance of anyone who tries to explain to you where you’re going wrong.
Before I go, one of the accusations levelled at “moderate Muslims” as we have to call the normal people in the Middle East is that they refuse to come out and condemn the extremists who give the rest of them a bad name. Well, the same can be said of Americans. So if you are a moderate American with an iota of logic and common sense who’s been outraged by this article, you should be doing the same. You should be coming out and telling the extremists just how stupid they are. Because if you don’t, you’re no better than they are.
Reasoning behind the article...
Good morning/afternoon/evening. Is it safe for me to stick my head above ground again without being in danger of getting it shot off? Because I see that my little polemic rant yesterday caused quite a bit of controversy. I was expecting most of it, of course, but still some of the comments made were very interesting.
Before I go any further, I would like to make it quite clear that the article was intended to be ironic and satirical, and for anyone who missed that and was deeply offended, I apologize. I certainly do not believe all Americans to be “bigoted, brainwashed, hypocritical and racist”. Although there are always a few, you do get them in every country. Although some of you felt that the very childish, insulting nature of the content wasn’t the best way to go about making my point and devalued my arguments, I chose to go down that route because I did want as many people as possible to read it and have a reaction to it. Which they certainly did, although admittedly it wasn’t the subtlest way of going about it.
One of the main reasons for writing in such a tone was because, unfortunately, it seems the only way to get any point across today is to be as offensive as possible. This is evident from the fact that the article is already pushing 200 shouts and over 350 comments. I’m not stating these statistics as some badge of honour or anything, and I do not like the fact that many of the most shouted articles to appear on ShoutWire have contained controversial, borderline offensive content, but it just proves that controversy sells and is far more interesting than sensible debate. If I’d just written in my normal, more restrained style, I’d be willing to bet that it would have got around 30-50 shouts and maybe 30 or so comments before it disappeared into the depths of the archives. This way, I may have offended quite a few people and came across as a total *******, but if it gets even a few people thinking about some of the serious problems with the issues of stereotyping, generalization and the world’s opinion of America, I believe it was worth it.
Now the original article was intended to be a forerunner to a serious article about just why America has such a bad image problem with the rest of the world, but I’m now going to put that on hold for a while because after reading through the various responses the original article got, I just wanted to analyse and respond to some of the comments it received. Watch out for the America article (minus childish insults) in a few days.
Firstly, many of you pointed out that the vast generalisations I made were inaccurate and should never be made based on the actions of a minority. Which is very true and I’m very glad so many of you felt strongly enough to point that out. However, it is a major problem in the world today and something which is very damaging to relationships, both between individuals and countries. We’ve all heard the stereotypes about Americans being fat, Muslims being terrorists and all Britons having bad teeth. These stereotypes have been the basis of much comedy for decades and I’m not for one minute suggesting they be abolished in favour of political correctness, as that would be foolish. I also recognize that nothing is going to change many people’s attitudes, but when these misconceptions spill over into other areas of life, such as politics and journalism, suddenly we have major problems which those of us not afflicted by terminal idiocy have to deal with.
Secondly, to the people who may have missed the irony altogether. Although the language used in my article was extreme, the general message is one that is repeated time and time again. Today, it’s mostly aimed at Muslims. 20 years ago, it would have been about communists. But it’s only when it gets turned around to ourselves that we tend to notice it. It’s interesting that more than any of the articles and comments that attacked other religions and races, this article was accused of bigotry and hypocrisy. Which it was of course, and although the language was worse, the sentiment and general bias was taken directly from comments I’ve read on ShoutWire addressed towards other cultures.
Finally, to the people who agreed wholeheartedly with the content of the article. I must stress again that America, like any other country in the world, has both its good and bad sides. There will be racist idiots in America, but there will also be sensible, open-minded individuals who are quite capable of thinking for themselves. And if you genuinely believe all Americans to be idiots, I suggest that you may also need to get out and see the world more.
That’s just some of what I really wanted to say, but if I make this article much longer people will start to get bored. So I’d just like to assure you all that normal service has now been resumed and my next editorial will hopefully be a return to the sensible, logical views I usually aim for (How successful I am at this is a whole other argument).