Show me your funky shoes!


New member
The thread's been done but I'm only revamping it.

Here is a pair of my beloved boots.

Swade knee-high lace up/zip up ugg boots.



New member
Show ya my slutty ones;

Left: play shoes, Right: work shoes. Haha.

No not the other way around, sickos! Haha



New member
My other shoes - I have one white pair of sandals missing out of this photo. The rest of my good shoes are back home.

Right to Left - My hooker boots! Haha. My crappy converse shoes with two different colours for its laces. And the leftest ones - my old school shoes that made me taller than I actually am.



New member
I've noticed my shoe collection has widened into high heels, stilettos and platform shoes. People ask me why I have such high shoes when already I'm tall. Because it's an obsession. XD

One out of my 'hooker' shoes that I managed to photo just before my phone broke.

I'm 6"2 with those shoes on.



New member
My work shoes:



The shoes I got in Coonamble and I still remember the look on Rav's face when I was in the shop "Can we leave yet?" Haha xD

The lace goes around the leg like the Roman shoes, but it didn't stay put for me so I just ended up just winding it around my ankles.

Ahh I love these shoes <3



New member
I may not have a picture of my shoes, but since my mom calls`em crapkickers, you should be able to get a pret-ty good mental image, yah?

On another note, I like Rav's play shoes. Sucker for leather. :)



New member
well i dont have any sexy shoes to show you guys.. im more of a casual shoe wear-er

my vans.. definitely one of my favorites, although i don't wear them much. i did a bit of coloring on them, and the big brown spot on one is where a paintball splattered on them and i never washed them so it got dirty.

my trusty Rainbows. i wear these almost every day of the year. when one pair wears out, back to the store for some fresh ones

my newest kicks. they're hot, the end

wowwww, these shoes are about 6 years old. as you can tell, i have only worn them in public about... 3 times. they are the funkiest shoes i have thats for sure

my Jesus sandals! i love them so so much. ten bucks at a mexican shop : D

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