Sick of the same thing


New member
Okay, everybody body calls me stupid. I hate it. I'm not and know it. All they see is how I act. Or how I went froms A's and B's last year to D's and F's. Nobody will listen to why the grades slipped. The thing is, I'm not emotionaly (sp?) well this year. I mean, my best friend was depressed last year, and this year she told ME I was wrose then her! I could care less about school cuz I'm hated and paranoid there. So the grade mean I'm stupid. How is that? They didn't see me cry when I failed Science AND Spanish, and my family calling me stupid, like, really hurts. Even my fav teacher has given up on me.

Another thing is, my sis does everything she can to annoy (sp?) the **** out of me! Yeah, I know, ignore her. U can't with her! I mean saturday (last week) she got to me so bad, I was half tempted to kill myself just to get some peace! Like now, she's behind me doing **** so I'll leave the room. IT bugs me.

Last and not least, it's the fact that I'm always alone. When my family's not making fun of me, their ignoring me. Or just don't want me to talk. I don't live near any friends, so I hide in my.

Thanks for reading. Had to get that out.



New member
awww cmlp!

Don't worry things will get better!

And ur not stupid!!!

I had a panick attack the other day, I was like I'm gonna fail school and drop out and become a garbage collector

This is after I failed a maths topic test

I've never failed anything before, so I kinda went crazy

When u start feeling better about urself u'll find ur grades will get back up again

If u want to talk just add me to ur MSN



New member
Man that sux, I think Darkshadow is right you need to talk to somebody. For now all i can say is listen to LP for guidance, it'll make you feel better.


New member
You know, being alone is a sign of strength. It shows that you do not need anyone. When my mother left me alone, I was better off. So, if they all ignore you, find another way to amuse yourself without them.


New member
Have you gone to see your school's guidance counselor?
Last year. But when she asked if I was suicidal and I said I had thought about it, she said She'd call my mom if I didn't tell her. So the next day I said I did tell when I really didn't. Then my mom told me this year, if I did go to get help they'd lock me up in a mental hospital. I just have a fear on 1.) telling someone to their face I need help, and 2.) what will they do. So, besides here, I really don't talk.



New member
Well my school found out that I was suicidal and they never locked me up. I think your mom is just trying to scare you. No offense, but your parents don't seem to be the nicest people...I seriously think you need to talk to a professional.


New member
Your parents should be more supportive. But then again, my parents are like that as well o_0 But I ignore them =) I use to get A's and B's on my tests too, but now I'm scraping B's and C's just! It sucks, you're not stupid just because of some stupid tests. Personally, I think the reason why my grades were dropping was because I'm a lot more lazier with my school work, I don't spend that much time doing it, I go on the computer too much, I'de rather chat to friends in class and didn't listen to the teacher as much lol. Nothing too extream, but my grades were going and suddenly I was "stupid" by my parents lol. Why do you think yours dropped? I don't think you sound stupid at all! Geez! You sound a lot more intelligent than a lot of people. Anyway, I hate it that a test determines how "smart" you really are.

You should try to explain to your parents how it felt when they say stuff like that. Tell them you're trying your hardest. I think it's their attitude towards you that may be causing you to do worse in school. If they always call you "stupid", it gets into your head that you think you're stupid, and therefore you don't perform as well in school. Or something like that o_0. If non of that works, ignore them. Turn up your LP cd =D

Oh, and btw, all siblings are annoying >.< I have 4 younger ones so I would know lol. You probably need some privacy away from her.

Umm anyway, cheer up =D Have a more optimistic view on this.

(I suck at advice)



New member
OW (random coment). Any way the things o0SugaxNxSpice0o say is right. When you get older you get lazier, and tend to worry about what going on now then the future. How do schools lock you up if your suicidal? I was and all every one around me said was, "to the science closet." Don't ask, cause all i remeber was me being locked in their to keep me of the roof- **** friend.


New member
If you are not stupid, and youBELIEVE that than that's all you need. don't rely on other's judgements. If you have confidence, than thats all you need. But if you need help with your grades, than you should find help. obviously you wont find help in your parents. you just gotta remmeber, what everyone says, shouldn't define who you are


Active Members
Judging someone's intelligence on grades is stupid. Grades aren't a reflection of intelligence, but rather responsibility and dedication. Basically, a bad grade means you don't care for the most part. I know dumb people with straight A's, and very smart people with C's and D's.

Don't buy in to what they say, but I would advise you do get your grades up. Schoolwork may be the distraction you are looking for, at least until you can find some help. Never give up on school, or you will regret it like I have.

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