Who's your favorite LP Member

Who's your favorite member of LP

  • Chester

    Votes: 15 28.3%
  • Mike

    Votes: 11 20.8%
  • Brad

    Votes: 1 1.9%
  • Rob

    Votes: 6 11.3%
  • Phoenix

    Votes: 1 1.9%
  • Mr.Hahn

    Votes: 3 5.7%
  • I like all of them

    Votes: 16 30.2%

  • Total voters


New member
lol dun be mean xP

for me MR HAHN rulez,coz hes asian,does art/cartoon stuff,has his own DJ rig,plays with the koolest rock band alive and wears glasses x]

i love them all,buh i had to vote Mr Hahn.



New member
I really like all of them but Mike is for sure THE hottest of the guys!

You just can't deny his cute face!

He's an awesome rapper and he is funny as ****!

The other guys also kicks ***, in their own special ways, but Mike is my fav... :p



New member
I wasn't being mean, just stating that threads like these are usually spam threads.

"OMG Mike iz SOOOO hawt!!!!111!!!!!oneonetwo"

*rolls eyes*



New member

Haha, no, Rob. Naturally.

But I find it strange ppl get so defensive when polls like these come up. LP said it best when they referred to looking at their songs like their kids, some we like more than others but we still love them all. They have favourites, why can't we? I also think we're all gonna relate to the band members in our own way for our own reasons. This isn't purely a popularity contest. It wouldn't be LP without any one of them... but we're allowed to say who we like more and why without having others jump up and down and carry on like we're dissing the band. The fact ppl love a member enough to say so means they love the band/the music/LP in general. Isn't that what counts?

Settle guys.

-Rav :D



New member
well, I personally like Brad. I mean, the fro, the awesome guitar skillz, and plus, everyone else is voting for Mike and Chester, so I thought I'd break off.


New member
But I find it strange ppl get so defensive when polls like these come up. LP said it best when they referred to looking at their songs like their kids, some we like more than others but we still love them all. They have favourites, why can't we? I also think we're all gonna relate to the band members in our own way for our own reasons. This isn't purely a popularity contest. It wouldn't be LP without any one of them... but we're allowed to say who we like more and why without having others jump up and down and carry on like we're dissing the band. The fact ppl love a member enough to say so means they love the band/the music/LP in general. Isn't that what counts?Settle guys.
First off, people aren't songs. Songs are objects. People aren't. When polls like this come up, it's very.... teeny bopperish, because you appear to have more interest in the person behind the music rather than the music itself, which, if it weren't FOR the music, you wouldn't even know they existed.

As it is, there are- er, there *should* be rules against spamming, and this is spamming.

This thread has no purpose other than to make certain members of the band look more important than the rest.

How many Mikes, and how many chesters are there, compared to everyone else?

You kids don't care about the music. You just like mike and chester, because they're vocalist, and twelve year old girls dig vocalists.



New member
holy **** calm down it's just a poll, no need to go haywire and be so offensive about it. if it offends you, dont post here. theres nothing wrong with the poll and thread, it's a poll by someone so chill.


New member
It's still spam....

Just worth mentioning though.... that most of the people that are here are here because the LPMB got runover with teenybopper n00bs, and quite frankly, i don't want this forum to be either.

It's just not right.



New member
First off, people aren't songs. Songs are objects. People aren't. When polls like this come up, it's very.... teeny bopperish, because you appear to have more interest in the person behind the music rather than the music itself, which, if it weren't FOR the music, you wouldn't even know they existed.
As it is, there are- er, there *should* be rules against spamming, and this is spamming.

This thread has no purpose other than to make certain members of the band look more important than the rest.

How many Mikes, and how many chesters are there, compared to everyone else?

You kids don't care about the music. You just like mike and chester, because they're vocalist, and twelve year old girls dig vocalists.
Far from the truth. I picked Mike not based on his music. But on his artistic abilities. The art he creates and his magnificant ideas. I think without thoes the music wouldn't have that same effect. While chester may have a certain impact on the music of Linkin Park I feel as though ,besides his voice, Chester isn't really a deciding factor on the way music from Linkin Park sounds. I doubt its "teeny boperish" by making one of these threads. Sure you'll get the occasional couple of people who pick Chester or Mike becuase they are lead members in the band, but in my opinion that's just the minority. If someone actually spends their time to sign up to a forum like this and takes the time to vote in something like this chances are they are a fan. And plus from what I've seen there are no teenybopper obssesed girls on here. Just weird ones who love to give out free E-cookies. I mean I see no reason to get angry and complain about it being spam, becuase people change their mind all the time. And it's not like we get one of these threads all the time. :thumbsup:



New member
Far from the truth. I picked Mike not based on his music. But on his artistic abilities. The art he creates and his magnificant ideas. I think without thoes the music wouldn't have that same effect. While chester may have a certain impact on the music of Linkin Park I feel as though ' date='besides his voice, Chester isn't really a deciding factor on the way music from Linkin Park sounds. I doubt its "teeny boperish" by making one of these threads. Sure you'll get the occasional couple of people who pick Chester or Mike becuase they are lead members in the band, but in my opinion that's just the minority. If someone actually spends their time to sign up to a forum like this and takes the time to vote in something like this chances are they are a fan. And plus from what I've seen there are no teenybopper obssesed girls on here. Just weird ones who love to give out free E-cookies. I mean I see no reason to get angry and complain about it being spam, becuase people change their mind all the time. And it's not like we get one of these threads all the time. :thumbsup:[/quote']Couldn't have put it better myself! :thumbsup:
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