Site not working...?


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
Fjällhöga Nord
ok so at evening times accoring to swedish time lol well almost like afternoon according to the american time..this site doesn´t work sometime for me and other members here..
this has happened for about 3-4 times now...
what´s going on?
I haven't had that, but I'd like to clear the time thing up, Swedish time is GMT +1, so people can sort that out.
*phew* thanx Fribby but yeah the same thing happened today and it wasn´t only me..I was chating with Hybi and she had the same problem...
The site is causing server overload. We are working to solve the problem. We are going to have to relocate to a new host yet again.
Hey I had that problem as well, it didn't work for me at around 7 or 8 pm GMT. That's about the same time as Heart_LP mentioned, I guess that's the time of the day when most traffic is here.