Site Offers Crime Alerts and Maps


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Site Offers Crime Alerts and Maps

Monday, February 4, 2008

-- The inspiration for came a decade ago when Greg
Whisenant made the mistake of letting a stranger, who turned out to be a
burglar, into his apartment building in Arlington, Va.

At a neighborhood meeting that soon followed, Whisenant was surprised to
hear a woman say she had been followed in a parking lot. Whisenant pondered
how technology could make a difference.

"Why can't we have some kind of alert system that would tell me something
like that?" he wondered.

Now he has created it. A new service on, launched last year
and expanding nationwide, overlays police reports on maps, so people can
view where arrests and other police calls have been made. Users can
configure e-mail alerts to notify them of crimes in locations of interest
within a day.

The free site relies mainly on police departments paying $100 or $200 a
month, depending on their size, to have extract the
information from their internal systems and publish it online. Public
Engines LLC, Whisenant's seven-person company in Salt Lake City, pledges to
post no ads on the site.

About 40 law enforcement agencies have signed up, including police in San
Jose, Calif., and several Utah jurisdictions. The site also captures and
posts information from departments such as the one in Chicago that do not
pay Public Engines because they had built their own links into their

This coincides with a prominent trend in policing. Since New York City
police launched their "CompStat" system in 1994, law enforcement agencies
around the country have been capturing and analyzing crime information in
more careful detail, in hopes of better planning responses.

But these internal records generally do not come in a uniform, Web-friendly
fashion. Even Web sites with crime maps, like the one operated by police in
Washington, D.C., don't reveal details on individual reports. Instead such
details often are made available in police logs sent to local newspapers.

What's new in is its system for extracting the files from
disparate police databases.

Then it maps them online in one central location, through an easy Web trick
known as a "mashup." Since Google Inc. opened its mapping software to
third-party applications, free mashups like this have sprung up to let
people plot everything from photograph locations to the sources of campaign

One participant in, Sheriff Jim Winder of Salt Lake County,
said the $200 monthly fee will be worthwhile mainly because the site
provides a new way to increase his agency's public transparency.

"For people to have faith in and continue to be supportive of law
enforcement, they need to feel we're divulging all we possibly can," he
said. He added that the site's ability to make use of his department's
"byzantine" records system was "almost revolutionary."

Officer Melanie Hadley, a spokeswoman for police in Montgomery County, Md.,
said that before working with, her agency could offer no
search engine to let people "pinpoint exactly what was going on" in certain

This flood of information could have its downsides. lists only the block on which a crime occurred or was
reported, not the actual address, so as to protect victims' privacy. Even
so, the Salt Lake sheriff noted that neighbors on a tiny street might be
able to figure out, say, which house on their block had a domestic incident
that the participants would rather keep quiet.

While that kind of information was always available in department records,
"`public' and `readily accessible' are two different things," Winder said.'s likely users might be prospective home buyers or
neighborhood watch groups seeking insights into criminal activity. Yet it's
unclear whether seeing all the police reports from a certain neighborhood
will provoke more paranoia than caution.

"It's not our job to censor or to limit or preclude the information we give
out," Winder said. But he added: "It is a double-edged sword. More data
doesn't always equate knowledge."

Whisenant acknowledges that the site needs to improve its user friendliness.
For example, clicking icons for police reports in San Jose brings up such
arcane notations as "Final Disposition: A" and "Call Type: 242."

Eventually, Whisenant hopes to integrate more narratives from police
reports.'s partners in Washington, D.C., police already
include that for some reports, in classic "Dragnet" tone: "S-1 then struck
C-1 in the face with his fist causing C-1 to fall to the ground."

Whisenant believes that with an easier view of such information, people
might respond by taking a little bit more care _ leaving a porch light on or
closing the garage door, for example. What else people do with the data, he
suggests, is anyone's guess.