Site Problems or Bugs

Feckless Wench

New member
Just a typo as far as I can see.

Discus....a thing you chuck across a field interact verbally (or by typing)

Apart from that, the site looks great. Now how about enabling animated gifs to be used in the signature line.....pleeeeeeeeease? :)



Active Members
I'll fix it. Animated avat.ars are enabled. Maybe the size limit is the problem. What is the dimensions of the image and the size?

Feckless Wench

New member
Only a typo as far as I can see:

'Discus' should read 'discuss' - in the title line of the forum.

Aparr from that, site looks great. Now how about enabling animated gifs in the signature line.....pleeeeeease?



On "that other site" I never had the trouble of being "kicked out" if I left in the middle of a reply and then came back to it ten minutes later.

It happened twice today. First time caught me unawares, next time I was savvy enough to hit ctrl c prior to hitting submit.

I logged on..started interrupted, came back to reply, finished typing, hit 'submit', and the reply was lost as I was not "logged on".

perhaps a glitch?



Active Members
I missed this. When you login make sure you tick remember me. Otherwise the login will deactivate after 15 minutes.
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