Sixes and the Magical Altered Posts


Destroyer of Morons
Aug 11, 2004
Is it me or does all of Sixes's posts seem to be disappearing and being modified in some way that just screws up the continuity of some threads? I think some explanation is at hand here. I am just curious.
I think he did mention something about deleting his own posts so the mods couldn't mess with them anymore. (Waaaah)
He don't know us vewy well... do he ??;)

He can only soft delete them... WE can bring them back to life.:D
phreakwars said:
He don't know us vewy well... do he ??;)

He can only soft delete them... WE can bring them back to life.:D
Do it! Make the little bugger even more pissy. I'm done being mad, now it's just amusing.
I just wish he would stop doing the running away crap and get over it. He's done this at TAP and is now doing it here. It is just the internet, I try to take care of the guy because he occassionally comes up with good stuff. I wish he would quit letting the petty **** bother him. Eh...oh well.
Don't have time, I just got off of work about 1/2 an hour ago and need to get ready for my other job... kinda feel like firing someone today:D ... well.. laterz.



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