Skin (Japanese)


Well-Known Member
Feb 29, 2004
Skin is an upcoming super group consisting of several Japanese rock musicians.

As of May 25, the line up is set to include:

Gackt (formerly of GacktJOB, Malice Mizer)
Yoshiki (Formerly of X Japan, Globe)
Sugizo (Formerly of Luna Sea)
Miyavi (Formerly of Dué le quartz)

The band will make it's debut at the Anime Expo '07 in Long Beach, CA (June 29) and on May 27, they have announced a full U.S. tour following the Expo, with shows in Japan sometime in November.
The group plans to release an album and already has made rough recordings of seven or eight songs.

Any J-rockers, here's your place to discuss this band.
I am personally really looking forward to hearing their music. With Gack & Yoshiki on Vo. and MYV & Sugizo on Gu. I think it's going to be amazing.
My only wonder is if they'll recruit any bassist(s)...
Now, if they were to get Reita from GazettE, then it would truly be a super group.
One of my friends online told me about this. I have to say I was shocked by this but not in a bad way. I think it's cool that all these great musicians are coming together. Now all they need is a bassist. LOL
One of my friends online told me about this. I have to say I was shocked by this but not in a bad way. I think it's cool that all these great musicians are coming together. Now all they need is a bassist. LOL

Lol, yeah... I was reading an interview with Yoshiki from the last day of the JRR concert, & here's what he had to say on the bassist subject:

Do you have someone in mind to play bass?
Yoshiki: Actually ....we haven't decided (laughs).
Super bands, more often then not dissapointly average. They always seem to lack the understanding and natural bonding together that make their bands great but with that missing u have a bunch of great musicians playing great but never really gelling.

U can hope though =)
Actually no. J-rock is just that. Japanese rock. The only 'poppy' music there is J-pop, which is, as you have guessed, Japanese pop. Nice try though.

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