Slackers piss me off

Big Momma

Active Member
Sep 24, 2005
I lost my job in the Enron fallout. I'd been at my job for 15 years and loved it but Andersen got shut down.

I couldn't find a job so I temped. I pimped myself out at $10-$15 per hour doing any job I could find. As a temp I worked my ass off because I was glad to have the work. Temping led to the job I have now. I did a great job as a temp there so I was offered a permanent position.

Now I'm in a position to hire temps, and I use the agency I worked for as a temp. I know what it's like to be a temp so I'm really nice to them. I know how difficult it is. That is, I WAS nice until the last temp I got.

This bitch had a sense of entitlement bigger than her ample ass. She thought that as a temp she was only there to warm the chair. She thought that because she was brought in to get up to speed before the person she was temping for left the company, the person leaving should answer the phones and she shouldn't until that person left.

She also decided that since I'm not "the" manager, she didn't have to do projects I assigned to her. I'd give her an assignment and she'd spend the day talking on the phone on personal calls, surfing the net and watching TV all day (broker's desk, MSN is on all day long all over the floor). She thought she was cute and would keep her IE window open really small and troll craigslist with the Outlook screen maximized.

We have an inhouse chef, but we have to pay for that service. She said that because her hours were 7-4, she didn't have time to make breakfast and lunch so we should pay for it. Never mind the rest of us work the same hours and pay for it.

She'd be late every day and make up wild stories about why her work ID didn't work. When all of the parties got together to try to figure out the problem, we realized that it was because she didn't get her photo ID attached to the four weeks time.

She did minimal work on the projects that she did work on, and did a shitty job at that. She actually approached the CEO's assistant and wanted an audience with him, and the head of the IT department, showing her website and saying how great she'd be in IT. The website was remedial at best.

Maybe I'm old, but I have a different work ethic. I earn my pay. I don't feel entitled to anything.

She's gone now. I canned her ass. When she left I had to clean out her email box, and all I found was responses to craigslist ads, personal emails and personal tasks in her task list.

Somebody please tell me that what we get is what we earn. Please tell me that not everyone thinks they can float through life and are entitled to everything and anything.