slipknot question


New member
hey i love slipknot. and a while ago i burned stonesour from a friend. he said stone sour was slip before well... they were slpiknot. i was just wondering if anyone knew the whole story behind it. i hear songs from stonesour on the radio and songs from slipknot, i just wanted to know the whole story. does anyone have any info? jw. thanks

~Val~ :thumbsup:



New member
Well I know that Corey the lead singer of Slipknot is the also the lead-singer of Stone Cour if that helps :p


New member
kk ya that helps i'm jus wondering if all of slipknot was in it, like if they changed their name like LP did from hybid theory or if it was a different band or whatever


New member
I was told that Slipknot are a great band, and a friend suggested listening to them. I've never heard any of their stuff! Are they any good?

Luv, Fallen Angel xx



New member
wait and bleed....its my fave song by them...i only heard 3 though..i think craig is the coolest member...

i think you should listen to them lol



New member
stone sour was around before slipknot, they were ont big, but once the knot got big, corey decided to go work with them as a side project and due to his fame in the knot, stonesour got big...thats the story behind the knot and stonesour
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