Slutty Teens and their stupid parents


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2005
Here is something that pisses me off beyond belief.
My cousin is 13 YEARS OLD! She wears belly shirts, gets manicures and pedicures (has for over a year), goes tanning, has her bellybutton pierced, and has been dying her hair since she was NINE!
What the hell ever happened to being a kid?? She looks like shes 17. You should see the hoochie mama clothes she wears! AND MY STUPID ASS AUNT AND UNCLE ALLOW IT!!!!
You know what my parents did when I pierced my bellybutton in the sixth grade? Told me to take it the **** out or it was getting ripped out. Now I understand why. No wonder kids are getting knocked up at 12. Their parents allow them to act like they are much older. My family always thought she would be the first to get knocked up (which is sad, because she is one of the youngest of the cousins. I, the oldest, am 23. Ten year difference, and I am just having my first child in January). She's gonna end up being a crackwhore with ten kids at the rate she is going.
I seriously cannot stand stupid ass teenage girls who think they are grown. They automatically put on that appeal you have mentioned that says "Hey horny teenage boys! Come **** me!" That is how stupid teenage boys percieve it. And that is how young pregnancies and STDs start for the most part. And to hear them bitch about it makes me want to slap the living **** out of them for being so ****ing stupid. If I was a parent, I wouldn't wanna completely control my children's lives but a line must be drawn somewhere and the last thing I want is some young ass girl dressed like a **** toy.

Parents either need to get on their ****ing game or don't have any goddamn children AT ALL. It is that simple!
So Sorry to hear about your cousin,sounds like her parents dont want her life to be better than theirs. We Have a 9 yr old Daughter(10 in Sept.),and we got her mind right when she was younger,now she knows that No is No,and that to keep pissing us off is no way to get her way.She is not allowed to go to the house of girls whos Parents do not Care what their child wears,(we have a few here)They can come here,Dressed like a Kid,but I do not want my child to be influenced by people who will allow their daughter to dress Slutty,or act badly,I was raised with Discipline and So my Children will too.
funny thing is I dont have to spank my kids like my Dad did My Brothers and Me.No time-out either,just my "Mr.Meanface"as my sons call it,is enough.
They are 8 and 6,play football,baseball, no soccer(the soccer kids are all spoiled rotten brats where i live)and take care of their animals(horses,goats,rabbits).
The other Parents know I will not tolerate any backtalk from their kids when at MY house,and they are great when they know that up front,before they do or say something bad,that I dont want my kids to be around that.
I am a Baseball coach and the kids Like the way I do things,they know the rules and remember them,Its funny to see a kid get mad and look at me to see if I am watching,you know he wants to pull tude,but he just smiles at me and comes to dugout to kick the MAD_BAG..I think they like the structure/rules and I dont have any problems,they come ready to practice or play without any fighting ,bitching or attitude.
Just to let ya know,we have 2 older boys,22 and 20,oldest works as a bartender(makes good money while going to school)
and the other is in the Air Force,Stationed in Korea,going to School too.
We never had to go to Jail to get them out,Because from very young age I drummed into them that their 1st chance is now and I WILL NOT come to bail them out at 3am because they didnt think before they did something stupid.They will sit in a JailCell until they go in front of a Judge.Amazing how a picture in their mind of Waiting til Monday to get out will Keep them from doing something on Friday night.(the night most teens get in trouble)
Keep in mind your Children will fight you if they arent taught when young that you want them to have a better life then You do.
And any where they go,I have eyes on them,even if they think they are out of my sight.Enough of the Rant from The Crazy Yankee from NY who lives on the Corner.
I have a cousin that was actin' like a slut.At first when she came from somalia,she was such a good girl.Then in less that 6 months upon arrival,the girl was seen wearing slutty clothes with a cigarette in her hand.
Then she went too far when she started stealin' from local stores.She ended up in jail twice and she's just 14 years.I was like,let me at the bitch.
Now she's back in somalia herding goats.Perfect endin' if you ask me.
There is no limit on how pissed off about this **** I can be

KIDS AREN'T ****ING SEXY. They never will be, so they need to stop ****ing acting like it. Instead, they need to ACT LIKE A ****ING KID.

But no, for some ****ed up reason they think dressing like a cheap skank will get them somewhere, and that getting ****ed as early as possible is the only way to keep themselves from being a loser. And if they get knocked up they just think "Oh it's no biggie. If I get pregnant I'll just get an abortion"

KVH says "you gotta be ****ing kidding me."

Hiking up health care and tax dollars just so they can play their ****ing little sex games makes me ****ing sick.
Bullshit like that nearly makes me think that the Republicanazis aren't so bad.

Sex is no ****ing game, and they need to stop treating it like it is.

For some reason I think it's the media glamorizing all the pop skanks and their image, and now kids think that it's such a great life. THE MEDIA NEEDS TO TELL THE WHOLE STORY. About how by time their careers are over, they're all just laying in the gutter shooting up junk and sucking **** just to get the next meal.

I don't have any kids (and I won't) but if I did, the rule would be "Lose your Virginity, lose the roof over your head"
I have a cousin that was actin' like a slut.At first when she came from somalia,she was such a good girl.Then in less that 6 months upon arrival,the girl was seen wearing slutty clothes with a cigarette in her hand.
Welcome to the UK!
Land of equal opportunity........and wankers :eek:
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
For some reason I think it's the media glamorizing all the pop skanks and their image, and now kids think that it's such a great life. THE MEDIA NEEDS TO TELL THE WHOLE STORY. About how by time their careers are over, they're all just laying in the gutter shooting up junk and sucking **** just to get the next meal.
I don't have any kids (and I won't) but if I did, the rule would be "Lose your Virginity, lose the roof over your head"

I totally agree.The media needs to give out good messages to kids not just dress like this and get the best lookin' guys .It just puts more pressure on kids to compete with one another and as a result they lose their innocence and forget how it felt to be just a kid.
I'm 19 years old and I love playin' around!so why the hell don't kids younger than me be able to enjoy themselves instead of acting older than their age?
As I say:'what's the world comin' to?'
Hugh G. Rekshun said:
Welcome to the UK!
Land of equal opportunity........and wankers :eek:

No,many have come to the UK and have not forgotten their culture and roots.
e.g ME.
Now my other two cousins are slowly changing.their clothes are gettin' less and less,I just hope they know when to pause!
so why the hell don't kids younger than me be able to enjoy themselves instead of acting older than their age?
As I say:'what's the world comin' to?'

The media brainwashed them, and it's because thats what the corporations want. Corporations know that sex sells, so why not market it to the age group that's the most hormonal? Crapitali$m doesnt just kill, it corrupts as well
Look at who they have for idols: Britney Spears UNTALENTED SKANK, who if you ask me, isn't that good looking to begin with
Christina Aguilera
Those two bitches dress like hookers. I don't understand what guys see in them. I had a flat belly damn pregnancy and have NEVER worn a belly shirt. And I hate the shorts they sell most places now, cause' your ass hangs out the bottom. And this is what twleve year olds wear? **** that. If I have a daughter, she will NOT be wearing **** like that. Or be wearing eyeliner at 12. Totally unnecessary. You can't even tell the difference between a 13 year old and a 17 year old anymore!!
While I agree alotta the fashion choices are a bit....silly, I think you people have to realize that the way you feel about the younger generations dressing is no different than the way your parents, and their parents before them, felt about the clothing you wore at that age, and most of you turned out fine. In general the older generations always dissaprove of the younger generations, from their music choices to their clothing tastes, its nothing new.

And if a girl has the body and face, it doesn't matter what she wears, guys are gonna lust after her.
Shut up you sex crazed teen.
I have felt this way for quite some time. I'm 23, NOT 53. I was a teen just a few years ago, and while the clothes weren't QUITE as bad they have been slowly progressing some were quite questionable.
Shut up you sex crazed teen

Hey hey hey calm down,he's just voicing his opinion.Plus not all teens are sex crazed.
He's right on the last point.Men hardly care about the clothes you're wearing,they just spend most of their time imagining you without them.
I know,sick like that.
angie said:
Shut up you sex crazed teen.
I have felt this way for quite some time. I'm 23, NOT 53. I was a teen just a few years ago, and while the clothes weren't QUITE as bad they have been slowly progressing some were quite questionable.

So I'm a sex crazed teen now because I don't think women should be forced to wear Burka's, hrrmmm?

I think this problem wouldn't be as much of a problem if we taught these kids better safe-sex habits. And yes, 12-13 is a little young, but as long as they aren't on the corner then I don't see much of a problem with it.

How about you mind your goddamn business? If he has a problem with it, let HIM take it up with me.

Touchy, touchy. Calm down girl, no need to go berserk now.
angie said:
How about you mind your goddamn business? If he has a problem with it, let HIM take it up with me.

OOOH,again calm down ,I wasn't trying to poke any fun at you.Wow,if everyone got upset over little things as this,this forum would hit rock bottom.
Crazywumbat said:
So I'm a sex crazed teen now because I don't think women should be forced to wear Burka's, hrrmmm?

I think this problem wouldn't be as much of a problem if we taught these kids better safe-sex habits. And yes, 12-13 is a little young, but as long as they aren't on the corner then I don't see much of a problem with it.

Touchy, touchy. Calm down girl, no need to go berserk now.

I see a BIG problem with 12 and 13 year olds having sex. They're still kids. They have no business having sex. Maybe if their parents weren't so goddamn lazy and actually RAISED their kids there wouldn't be such a problem.
Nope. Crazy Cuban with pregnancy hormones raging. It ain't pretty, to say the least. :cool: