Smoking: Kicking the Habit.


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2005
After nearly twenty and four years of smoking cigarettes, I am giving up the habit. I must've started by stealing my father's cig butts in the ashtray and sneaking outside to finish them off. I thought that the smoking made me look cool, older, and sophisticated... well it did!

Above all the obvious reasons, I am quitting because I can't stand the obligation of smoking day to day and week to week. Buying a carton here and a pack there, knowing and looking forward to lighting up as soon as I step outside or after a meal or after a good **** for that matter. No longer will I be a slave to the weakness of my character.

I haven't formally quit, but I have cut way the hell back. Normally by two o'clock in the afternoon I have had about eight cigarettes and will have three to five more in the evening. Now I have cut down to three a day and they will always follow a meal. Eventually, I will dwindle that down to one a day and finally zero a day.

What do I do for cravings? They are tough... I am fighting a craving right now. I've been chewing on toothpicks, coffee stirrers, and bubble gum. Most of all, spitting and munching sunflower seeds has helped. If I had the opportunity to perform cunnilingus on a hottie, that would most defiinitely help thwart the Black Nipple of Nicotine.

Why am I posting this in the Off Topic Forum forum? Easy. As I stated above, I no longer desire to be thrall to tobacco. That said, I am stopping out of sheer spite of anyone who has told me, preached to me, or complained to me about my smoking habits and the effects that it has on my health. God-mother****ing-dammit... they were right.

So far, physically, I feel great! I've always been in great shape, because of my job, but this morning I felt I could push-mower cut thirty lawns. I even did pullups for the first time since Basic Training.

So to all you smoking kiddies out there, huff and puff away until you turn 36 and give it up. Save the money that you would spend on cigarettes and start an emu farm or something.
Good for you bro. Myself on the other hand well it is most imperative that i continue to smoke. Heres why. If I stop smoking I will become even more healthy than I already am. this would lead to me having more energy to do things that would probably get me into trouble.(that would be bad). Also it is important that the majority of my cash go to the cig manufacturers, otherwise I would have all of that extra cash just laying around and we all know that it would also be used to purchase things that would undoubtedly get me into trouble. So my advice to you ROY is to take thisopportunity to save yourself lots of pain in the future by either simply throwing your money in the trash or giving it to some crack head that will surely put it to a most responsible use.:cool:
When the hell is smoking going to be cool again?

Ya know, that whole retro thing?

I hate myself for smoking. I'm gonna be so ****ing pissed when I get told of the advanced pulmonary disease and emphysema I have bought myself to the tune of about $1500 annually.

Whats really sad? I'm smoking right now, and I love it. MMMMMM that sweet country smoke.
Haven't totally quit but you're down from 13 to 3? That's great!
My mom quit coffee and cigarettes at the same time. Needless to say it was hell for her and everyone around her. She's always munching sunflower seeds too.
Keep it up^^
Jhony5 said:
When the hell is smoking going to be cool again?

Ya know, that whole retro thing?

I hate myself for smoking. I'm gonna be so ****ing pissed when I get told of the advanced pulmonary disease and emphysema I have bought myself to the tune of about $1500 annually.

Whats really sad? I'm smoking right now, and I love it. MMMMMM that sweet country smoke.

Ohhh... I love to smoke. I love my not-so heavy pack of desert ungulates, however I am thinking about my ****. Most women don't like smokers and my **** likes pretty women. So....
RoyalOrleans said:
Ohhh... I love to smoke. I love my not-so heavy pack of desert ungulates, however I am thinking about my ****. Most women don't like smokers and my **** likes pretty women. So....

Did you know that smoking can cause circulation problems in the extremeties??

Making a statement like this on our fourm is a good start. Becuse now we can give you hell if you don't. Like your gonna care though.

But I'm telling you right now RO the best way to quit is cold turkey! You take the pack you have right now and twist it up a chuck it in the trash can. If you can do that you will give yourself more will power. If drink you will get the what I call the " I don't give a shits" and light up more. It's gonna be a bitch anyway you look at it but this way your chances are better you quit and you quit sooner.

This is from someone that's been there, done that.
It must be hell for ya, dude, but if you can kick the habit, that'd be awesome.

It makes me glad that I never smoked though...I don't know if I would have the willpower and the discipline to quit.
Lethalfind said:
Did you know that smoking can cause circulation problems in the extremeties??


For the length of time that I smoked, I never ever had a problem with the General. He salutes at a cool breeze blowing through my kitchen window.
snafu said:
Making a statement like this on our fourm is a good start. Becuse now we can give you hell if you don't. Like your gonna care though.

But I'm telling you right now RO the best way to quit is cold turkey! You take the pack you have right now and twist it up a chuck it in the trash can. If you can do that you will give yourself more will power. If drink you will get the what I call the " I don't give a shits" and light up more. It's gonna be a bitch anyway you look at it but this way your chances are better you quit and you quit sooner.

This is from someone that's been there, done that.

I appreciate the advice, but I have tried the cold turkey approach. Worked for two to three days and on the fourth I broke down. I am only as strong as my greatest weakness.

So I must replace a vice with a vice. Which the word 'vice' is latin and means 'in place of'. So I am slowly weening myself off of the cigarettes with gum, toothpicks, sunflower seeds, and something I discovered last night: orange flavored tic-tacs.
jokersarewild said:
It must be hell for ya, dude, but if you can kick the habit, that'd be awesome.

It makes me glad that I never smoked though...I don't know if I would have the willpower and the discipline to quit.

Don't ever start the habit, my young padawan.
RoyalOrleans said:
For the length of time that I smoked, I never ever had a problem with the General. He salutes at a cool breeze blowing through my kitchen window.

So a hurricane is just painful huh?
Old Pat Roberston had a doctor come in with two lungs. One from a 80 year old man and one from a 35 year old. The 80 year old didn
RoyalOrleans said:
Yeah... let's not talk down to me right now. I'm on the verge of tearing my hair out.

Find a cute chick. Get laid. I've heard it helps. And I'm too short to talk down to you.:D