So is it wrong?


New member
William Bennett said some things recently that made most peoples blood boil...

"If it were your sole purpose to reduce crime, you could abort every black baby in this country, and your crime rate would go down. That would be an impossible, ridiculous and morally reprehensible thing to do, but your crime rate would go down,"

I intend to show that what he said is both truthful, and stupid...

First off... as of 2004, Blacks are 12% of the population, Hispanics are 13%, and Caucasians are 75%. With a current population of 297 Million, that works out to

222,750,000 Whites

38,610,000 Hispanics

35,640,000 Blacks

"Based on current rates of first incarceration, an estimated 32% of black males will enter State or Federal prison during their lifetime, compared to 17% of Hispanic males and 5.9% of white males"

That means that 13.1 Million Whites and 6.6 Hispanics and 11.4 Million Blacks will eventually end up in prison if current population was maintained for the terms of their lives...

with these stats from the federal government, You can see that what this man said is stupid... from these stats, it seems at least that a better choice would be to abort all the White babies... after all, we will have the highest number of people in the prison system won't we?

And if you take a gander at the 'Violent' crime stats, you can easily calculate the white people account for 52% of persons in prison for this crime type while blacks account for 34% and Hispanics 14% of the violent crime prisoners!

So where does this guy get off saying that aborting all the BLACK babies would significantly reduce the crime rate?

Well... not that I agree with him, but there is some element of truth to what he says. (you can send me hate mail to lord.enki@***.net ... But hear me out first)

First, if you consider the birth rate per 1000 of the respective races... You'll see that the birth rate for whites is 11.7/1000, or 1.2% a year. The same statistic is 16.1/1000 or 1.6% for blacks, and 2.3% for Hispanics.

more on this in a bit... In order to 'level the playing field' and get an accurate assessment you must adjust the selected populations so they are equal...

Population of whites X 1 = 222,750,000

Population of blacks X 16 = 222,750,000

Population of Hispanics X 17.33 = 222,750,000

We will call that number the 'adjustment'.

Let's just say that we want to know which of the three races to abort to reduce the crime rate by the year 2020. That means that we need to figure on 15 years of population increase...

In 15 years, the populations should look like this if current trends continue...

Whites - 226,394,590

Blacks - 45,221,328

Hispanics - 50,220,973

In 2020, Our prisons will look like this

Whites - 13,357,281

Hispanics - 8,537,565

Blacks - 14,470,824

Looks just about right... And most liberals and other assorted swine will have you believe that those numbers show how evenly distributed the crime rate is among our different ethnicity's....


Don't forget that whites will be 74% of the population yet would only account for 13.3 million inmates, while Hispanics will be at 12% and will account for the lowest amount at 8.5... But blacks, at 13% will account for the highest rate of incarceration at 14.4 million inmates! Thing only get more frightening if you account for the difference in populations... according to these numbers, if all three populations had equal populations we would get this

2020 total Population with all races adjusted in 2005

---- 821,215,228

266,394,590 Whites

274,893,946 Blacks

280,026,692 Hispanics

15,717,281 Whites will occupy our prisons

87,966,063 Blacks and

47,764,231 Hispanics

Either way you cut it, the blacks are going to be the highest rate of incarceration by race in the country! If you look at all things Equally, they would be 6 times more likely to be incarcerated then whites and almost twice as likely than Hispanics! But if you choose to ignore the fact that they only account to 13% of the population, THEY ARE STILL GOING TO BE THE LARGEST POPULATION IN PRISON IN THE NEXT 10 YEARS....


In closing I would like to say that I do NOT support 'aborting' every black child in this country... But, I think only a FOOL would dilute themselves into believing that black people are not more likely to commit crime... This lie that we tell ourselves and our children that no one man is prone to certain behavior is BS! This self diluting will eventually be the unravelling of this country... Instead of dealing with our problems like adults, we lie to ourselves about them, and then act surprised when **** happens as a result!

We need to grow up as a nation and face our problems like men!

I don't understand how people can look at numbers like this, and see looting on TV of people supposedly starving and looking for food WHEN YOU CAN CLEARLY SEE THEM STEALING TVs!

So there you have it... My take.... commence the hate speech!



New member
Yikes. Bill is in trouble here.

Sad when you tell the truth you are in trouble.

Plz, someone tell me he is wrong.

Math does not lie! ... But, fullauto, the reason the politicians are attacking this guy is not because of the numbers, or the truth, it is because they are so **** PC they are afraid to not criticize him, even if that criticism flies into the face of logic.


New member
That sounds well and you did your homework.

Being the devils advocate here.. :rolleyes:

I would like to put one crimp in this theory.



Crispy Critter

New member
People that cannot leap out of government programs in five years should not be allowed to breed....

People members of gangs, convicted of drug trafficing should not be allowed to breed...

Lazy people should not be allowed to breed...



New member
People that cannot leap out of government programs in five years should not be allowed to breed....
People members of gangs, convicted of drug trafficing should not be allowed to breed...

Lazy people should not be allowed to breed...
Lets try and get this bill passed!



New member
I am currently cooresponding with a member (or members I am not sure no names) from "The New Black Panther Party". I asked simply how they hope to change things toward the better for the black people on this country. I will paste the response I got (I am not sure if the person who wrote it speaks English clearly or is just as bad at typing as I am, I just used the contact link off teh site)

WE are interested in building up the black nation. WE can assisting in developing any other nation at this time. Culture miss is based on three criterion: Common language, common psyche and common history. Now, blacks and other non-whites have been tolerated at the expense of white supremacy and domination in America and all over the planet Earth. WE cannot be anti-semitic because one who is semitic is one who society would label "mulatto" or "mixed" in addition, we support black people and we fight for the freedom and justice (where the person who needs the most help receives it) for black and non-white people who are most being mistreated on

Now I am still working on decoding this one completely, and sent back a more specific set of questions. Now I braught this up because it is my opinion that if this party were to get any REAL power among the black comunity you would most likely see a RISE in violence. It appears from this, as well as many stories I have begun to read regarding the group, that not only are they preaching a seperatist lifestyle, but a raised aggression towards non-ethnic (so to speak) people. So instead of seeking a unified culture they are seeking a seperate power or somehow a nation within a nation which if it were ever to occur, would lead to heightened violence from both sides, more hate and break AWAY from the education system (as it is run by white primarily). So far I am NOT convinced that I am dealing with highly educated poeple in this group (just highly opinionated and dangerously passionate people). If anything does come of the corespondence I will post a thread detailing it further.

Anyway I forget what point I was making (cold meds are kicking in so bare with me) but I guess as much as it goes against my core beliefes or hopes for this world, and though I would never in this lifetime agree to the statement made by Bennett, I DO fear for the future should a group like this gain any power from teh black people of this country.

BTW, the original Black Panther party writes this group off as a hate group and also considers them VERY dangerous to the future of the american black comunity.

To be continued.........



New member
wow Tizz... you wrote what I call a 'show stopper'!

You must have touched a real nerve with some people because no one wants to respond or comment....

You can always tell when the is a 'real' post on GF, because all of a sudden, people's opinions seam to dry up all at once... It's like they found some information in the post that they were not aware of and have to take time to incorporate it into their dogma or dismiss it as BS.....


I'm throwing ya some rep for the show stopper! Let's hope we get some more... I love the way they challenge peoples dogma and positions!



New member
Hey, like I said, if the emails continue I will post them all here for ya. I am actually extrememly interested in joining their forum if it ever gets up and running. I will have to watch out though because more than one state has them as a hate group and they are on terrorist watch lists.I probably should not have used my personal email huh? LOL


New member
Our blacks are similarly represented in our prisons.

And for good reason.

Why are Aboriginals "over-represented" in jailsSimply because they commit more crime. According to the University of WA crime research centre, while Aboriginals make up less than 3% of the population, they commit 20% of the violent crime in Western Australia.

The research centre also found that one in five assaults, one in three robberies, more than one in three homicides and about one in ten sexual offences are inter-racial. About 93% of those involve Aboriginal offenders and non-Aboriginal victims.

That is why Aboriginals are "over-represented" in the criminal justice system. No amount of posturing and emotional blackmail can change the facts.
It is also a known fact that our indigenes recieve lighter sentences than non-indigenes.

There may be some validity to this term if Aboriginals received longer jail sentences than white offenders. But the reverse is the case. On average, Aboriginals receive 42% shorter jail terms than non-Aboriginals jailed for the same offence (read the article "Judges soft on Aboriginal criminals").
And finally some stats on the violence our indigenes show towards their own kind.

While the judges and do-gooders protect Aboriginal criminals (mainly males) from justice, they help perpetuate violence against Aboriginal women and children
The judges and do-gooders should read the following statistics and then hang their heads in shame:

Up to 50 per cent of Aboriginal children are victims of family violence and child abuse

A survey carried out among 120 households in Adelaide found 90 per cent of the women and 84 per cent of the young girls had been raped at some stage of their lives.

In most States, more than 70 per cent of assaults on Aboriginal women are carried out by their husbands or boyfriends

Aboriginal women are 20 times more likely than non-Aboriginal women to be victims of violence .
Are they misrepresented in our prison system? Not at all.

I doubt that Afro-Americans are like our blacks at all. Trouble is, negro rap is the new sound for our young blacks. It used to be Bob Marley. Go figure.

It's that victim mentality. The "brotherhood" of the persecuted.

Why do they hang onto that mentality?

There are more opportunities for young and old indigenes here. Do they take advantage of these opportunities? Hardly ever.



New member
OK, but what is the REASON for the ration? Have australian aboriginals ALWAYS been violent? Where does it come from?

Same in teh US... It is one thing to say that blacks have a high crime rate, but that is a useless statement until you can track down teh reasons for that crime or when exactly it all started. if you have a reason you can devise a solution



New member
For starters, the concept of an "aboriginal nation" is a fallacy. When colonists arrived, there were friendly tribes, and warlike tribes.

Even today, the war continues. So yes, Tizz, the violence has always been apparent. Now, on the issue of violence towards women and children, I don't beleive it has always been this way.

Alcohol usually plays a big role in violence within the family unit.

Petrol-sniffing is also a huge issue with all age groups, rendering them numb and unfeeling, brain-dead and uncaring.

An example; the recent case of an older man being "given" his promised bride (14 yrs old). The old man threatened the kid with a shotgun, sodomised her, beat her senseless, and tied her up so he could sleep. She escaped and made it to the local cop shop.

Old man was given a sentence of one day, for cultural reasons. Action groups forced a retrial. Sentence revised to a harsh one month.



New member
It was the same here with the whole war and peace tribes. The comination of forcing a sedintary lifestyle, forcing tribes together that otherwise would NEVER cohabitate on teh same patch of land, ad alcohol led to devistating results among native poeple. Banninf alcohol on tribal lands and getting back to tribal roots as well as pushing education have helped big time here. As for the balck population here, it is different than australia because the blacks of australia are the natives, here they are a forced transplant which is basically just part of the national population (I mean that in natives can claim a kind of nation within a nation factor as a cultural group where as the black poplulation is part of the general population in every way) I am not sure where it turned for the black comunity here (Crime is also quickly rising in teh hispanic population here, probably in part to alcohol and drugs) The trouble lies in pinpointing when it changed and why.
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