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Sarcastic American!

Articles of Impeachment To Be Filed On Cheney
Looks like he's reached his boiling point.

Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio), the most liberal of the Democratic
presidential candidates in the primary field, declared in a letter
sent to his Democratic House colleagues this morning that he plans to
file articles of impeachment against Vice President Dick Cheney.

Kucinich has made ending the war in Iraq the central theme of his
campaign. He has even taken aim at the leading Democratic presidential
candidates in the field for their votes on authorizing the war.

Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution gives Congress the authority
to impeach the president, vice president and "all civil Officers of
the United States" for "treason, bribery, or other high Crimes and

Sources tell the Sleuth that in light of the mass killings at Virginia
Tech Monday, Kucinich's impeachment plans have been put on hold. There
will be no action this week, they say.

Kucinich's office had no comment on the Congressman's "Dear Colleague"
letter -- which apparently was drafted over the weekend, before the
school massacre -- or on what the focus of articles of impeachment
against Cheney would be.

But Kucinich shouldn't hold his breath on getting anywhere with his
impeachment plan. "We'll see a Kucinich Administration before we'll
see a Cheney impeachment," quipped one Democratic aide.

Here is the text of his letter, a copy of which was forwarded to the

April 17, 2007

Dear Colleague:

This week I intend to introduce Articles of Impeachment with respect
to the conduct of Vice President Cheney. Please have your staff
contact my office . . . if you would like to receive a confidential
copy of the document prior to its introduction in the House.



Dennis J. Kucinich

Member of Congress

By Mary Ann Akers | April 17, 2007; 10:09 AM ET
Previous: Bush Administration: Breakdown |

CommentsPlease email us to report offensive comments.

It may never happen, but Kucinich is right to propose it. The lies,
deception, and seemingly endless corruption require more than a
Congressional scolding. Bush too must be held accountable, yet the
great irony is Bush can't be impeached because if it were successful,
then Cheney would become president.

Posted by: Arcadian | April 17, 2007 10:35 AM

Ah, yes, but the question is whether or not it'll stick, or if this is
the last we ever hear from Kucinich after the WH finds out?

I'm off to find a tub of popcorn -- if it does stick, this could be an
interesting ride.

Posted by: | April 17, 2007 10:39 AM

You know...oddly enough, this sounds like a stroke of genius! The
media waters have been thoroughly poisoned with the idea that
impeachment proceedings against Bush as a no-go because of the Clinton
impeachment. By the same logic, the failure to convict even ONE person
- even if they were innocent - somehow makes it impossible to even try
to convict the most depraved mass-murderer.

But going after the Vice-President is different. He's even more
unpopular than Bush, for one thing. And I don't believe that a Vice-
President has ever been impeached in the history of the US, so this is
actually something quite new.

I understand why the perpetually-cowed Democrats in Congress are too
terrified to dream of impeaching Bush, no matter how thoroughly he
deserves it. But for some reason, it seems just barely possible that
they might feel better about supporting a Cheney impeachment bid.


Posted by: Quasit | April 17, 2007 10:47 AM

At first, I thought this was brilliant--finally someone has the
courage to hold the engine driving the train accountable. However, on
second thought, this (if it were to succeed and Cheney were to leave
office) would get the next Republican president into office.
Appointing a new vice president would be a dream for the GOP. Good
intentions Kucinich, but bad idea overall.

Posted by: DreA | April 17, 2007 10:51 AM

The proposed action by Kucinich may well explain why he is near last
place among even Democratic presidential candidates: political zeal
not balanced by political smarts.
The Constitution allows impeachment for high crimes-normally
interpreted as felonies- or misdemeanors that warrant removal from
office despite being elected by the people. It doesn't call for
impeachment for bad judgment or political ineptitude. This makes about
as much sense as impeaching Clinton did. The most probable results
will be to a) suggest Kucinich is desperate to revive a sinking
campaign, b) ensure that the Republicans rally around Bush whether
they believe in him or not.
We need to hope the leadership of the Democratic Party is smarter than
Kucinich and will defeat the move in committee. If Bush is indeed
wrong, then he and his party should be defeated at the polls.

Posted by: John G. | April 17, 2007 11:00 AM

Who's dick cheney?

Posted by: | April 17, 2007 11:06 AM

It is too bad the shooter at VT spent all of his mojo on students and

Posted by: mmather | April 17, 2007 11:20 AM

Maybe Kucinich knows something the rest of us don't. Maybe he evidence
that links Cheney's office to that infamous Italian letter. Or maybe,
based on Cheney's statements in the media regarding our success in
Iraq, he's going to try to impeach Cheney based on the assertion that
the guy is effing crazy. Or maybe, he's going to go after him for
obstructing an investigation when he refused to see the authorities
for 14 hours after he shot a man (surely he wasn't drunk when that

Posted by: caneiac01 | April 17, 2007 11:22 AM

Of course cheney should be impeached and Bush simultaneously. With
investigations, the evidence would be overwhelming that they did
indeed manipulate intelligence and lie to america about iraq's wmds,
ties to 911 and imminent threat. Additionally, they committed crimes
of authorizing torture, illegal spying and illegal detentions.
Democrats need some balls like Kucinich. Does america stand for
criminal leaders? The rest of the world is viewing america as a
torturing arrogant beast that invades other countries and is
guantanomo. We have lost our moral authority and the way to regain it
is impeachment!

Posted by: Abel tomlinson | April 17, 2007 11:28 AM

Also, 51% of americans support impeachment, so we are the majority,
including 20% of republicans, so it is bipartisan. If they support
Bush as the head of their party, then they are represented by a
criminal and their party will die.

Posted by: Abel Tomlinson | April 17, 2007 11:29 AM


Posted by: R.E.LENZ | April 17, 2007 11:46 AM

The lack of leadership by the Democratic Party makes really solidifies
my Green Party affiliation.
Criminals should not be allowed to run our country.

Posted by: Robert | April 17, 2007 11:51 AM

Go Dennis!
Dick is a great start in holding this administration accountable,
screw the polls and political talking points, Dennis has the truth on
his side!

Posted by: Michael | April 17, 2007 12:00 PM

Why won't the Democrats pursue this? I don't understand. There is
plenty of already documented, sworn evidence from Fitzgerald. In fact,
at his last press conference Patrick Fitzgerald stated that he would
be happy to send Congress any evidence they want. An invitation?
Cheney's approval rating is only about 18%. Moreover, he is at the
root of all the war mongering that comes out of this administration
because people are afraid to cross him. Let's all stand up for
Cheney's impeachment and make this happen from the grass roots. One
person can make a difference.

Posted by: D. Wakefield | April 17, 2007 12:06 PM

i say definitely start with cheney... he would be more dangerous if
bush got axed, bush is just a dumb puppethead for the real evil doers
behind the scenes in their governmental undisclosed locations

Posted by: | April 17, 2007 12:07 PM

According to Sue Lindsey's article (of the Associated Press), the
first statement the White House made after the VT shooting was the

"A White House spokesman said

President Bush was horrified by the rampage and offered his prayers to
the victims and the people of Virginia. "The president believes that
there is a right for people to bear arms, but that all laws must be
followed," spokeswoman Dana Perino said "

Why aren't journalists jumping on this? Doesn't this show how special
interest oriented he is and how he is out of touch with the main
stream and reality?

Posted by: | April 17, 2007 12:23 PM

Kucinich should introduce a single article over Geneva Convention
violations. Cheney has publicly dismissed the horror that is
waterboarding as "dunking."

The Hamdan ruling has already established the reality of Geneva
violations. These acts are also federal crimes under US Code: Title

This would put the DC Dem "leadership" (and that craven quipping Dem
aide) on the spot to defend or oppose war crimes. The GOP Senators
would be put on the same spot in a Senate trial.

It is the charge that would stick.

In fact, it is a "slam dunk."


Posted by: thedeanpeople | April 17, 2007 12:28 PM

Well, Kucinichs lame grandstand play got him his 15 minutes of fame,
but it wont save his candidacy. Somehow I suspect in the world he
walks in Kucinich sees this as a way to firm up his base in
preparation for his run to the White House. My only question is if
that is the case just what world is Kucinich in?

Posted by: Dave Anthony | April 17, 2007 12:58 PM

I am sick and tired of hearing all these damn excuses why Bush and
Cheney should not be impeached. Politicians are not above the law,
dammit! Kucinich speaks for the majority of the Americans. Democrats,
hear this, Don't let those bastards blame you for losing a non-
winnable war. This is on their shoulders and is theirs to keep. Win or

Posted by: forest sprague | April 17, 2007 01:09 PM

Impeach them both. it'll be a good thing.

President Pelosi would severely piss Hillary off.

Posted by: Mike | April 17, 2007 01:16 PM

Both Cheney and Bush have misled and betrayed our country, our
democracy and our TRUST. They have commited high crimes and
misdemeanors, which can be read HERE:

The momentum for impeachment is growing every day. This online
petition has already gathered nearly 90,000 signatures of THE PEOPLE:

We are in the midst of a Constitutional crises, and guess what? Our
government isn't going to fix things unless WE THE PEOPLE stand up and
make a big stink about it. This is a non-partisan issue. Bush and
Cheney have betrayed their own party as well. They are not true to
democracy; they are traitors and enemies of democracy and if they are
not stopped, we are going to lose our country, and our world, to
corporate power.

The demand for impeachment is a cry from the American People for the
protection of DEMOCRACY as we have known it! Whether they are
impeached, or not, at least we the people are starting to make noise
about the injustice happening RIGHT NOW to America the Beautiful!!!

A true patriot of democracy and the USA

Posted by: gracefounddog | April 17, 2007 01:16 PM

hats off to Kucinich! Cheney, then Bush. Impeachment proceedings are
likely to blow the lid off a lot of things we've been getting inklings
of for years... such as, but not limited to:

How are Duke Cunningham, corrupt Lobbyists like Jack Abramoff and
Cheney connected?

Why did Cheney really target Valerie Plame Wilson, taking down her
counter-WMD-proliferation network?

Why did we listen to phoney bunk from drunks and liars about Iraqi

Was Cheney behind the Niger yellowcake scam in the first place?

What was Cheney doing on 9/11/01? The Secretary of Transportation's
witness testimony of Cheney's actions were strange!

Is Cheney profiting from the war in Iraq and its aftermaths?

Posted by: enzo titolo | April 17, 2007 01:20 PM

it is brillant because cheney will pass the blame to bush, both will
go down and we will have Pres. Pelosi!

Posted by: bks | April 17, 2007 01:22 PM

This will be a brilliant move. It will insure. upon impeachment (and
conviction), that this criminal will not have a chance to be the head
of the government. One thing at a time, in it's own time, when the
time is right. The chimp will get his due...

Posted by: Jack Alexander | April 17, 2007 01:23 PM

Cheney is one of the best vote-getting tools the Democrats have in
their arsenal and every time he opens his scowly mouth out pops more
reason for an Independent or moderate Republican to think seriously
about defecting from the GOP. This is the nasty RealPolitik reason
Cheney will never be impeached. . . he is too valuable a motivator for
the Dem base!

Posted by: Christian in NYC | April 17, 2007 01:24 PM

At least someone has the guts to do something. To whatever it might
lead. But the American people need to wake up and get rid off the
corrupt administration and its cronies. Finally some real news!

Posted by: Democrate in NOVA | April 17, 2007 01:30 PM

Kucinich likely has an accurate picture of his lightweight status in
the pecking order.

But he surely isn't dumb. Just MAYBE,he's moving on some brand new
impeachable dirt on Five Deferment Dick.

I advise the congressman not to board any small planes that are
scheduled to land on icey runways.

Posted by: muzza | April 17, 2007 01:30 PM

This is the only thing a congress person can do in the face of the
abuse of power exhibited by the administration. Any representative
that does not go along with these investigations is defying their oath
of office to protect the constitution against enemies both foreign and
domestic. Go Kucinich!

Posted by: Matthew G | April 17, 2007 01:43 PM

Democrats are still learning something that the GOP learned long ago:
don't run from your party's most extreme elements.

The GOP has relied for years on the "repeating it makes it so"
phenomenon. Even if Kucinich's request goes nowhere, he's the first
representative to mention it. If the Democrats wanted to, they could
make use of it.

Posted by: Sammy | April 17, 2007 01:49 PM

Impeach! Yes democrats, go right ahead and spend the next two years
focusing on that, assuring another win for the Republicans.

Posted by: Peachy | April 17, 2007 01:53 PM

Thank you Dennis I knew if anyone would come through it would be you.
At least one politician still believes that the constitution is a
useful safeguard of the rights of the people of the United States
against the dangers of unbalanced executive power. For this president,
vice president and the future of the democracy we need more brave and
constitutionally mandated action like this. You have my support for
this action.

Posted by: John L. | April 17, 2007 01:57 PM

If Bush and Cheney are not impeached then the idea of impeachment
should never again be brought up. For the future of OUR democracy and
the whole idea of "We the People" impeachment is the ONLY way to
restore the ideals of our Founding Fathers.

Posted by: Ravenwood | April 17, 2007 01:57 PM


Posted by: suexian | April 17, 2007 01:58 PM

YESSSSSS!!! Is America finally demanding our people to be responsible?

Posted by: ddezignz | April 17, 2007 02:10 PM

Coo Coo Kucinich is running toward his base and away from reason and
intellect. So whats new?

Posted by: TheHatMan | April 17, 2007 02:25 PM

I wish Kucinich would stop dreaming he has any shot at the presidency
in this world. If he set his sights just a little lower, like a major
cabinet position, he would be so much more effective. He is a
brilliant and principled man, but he has so little charisma, how can
he not see that?

that aside, I hope he has the cojones to follow through with this, and
I hope he isn't hung out to dry for it. if these bastards don't
deserve impeachment, then I can't imagine how far the next maniac mob
will feel they have a mandate to go unopposed. spineless dems, I wish
they'd just disband if they aren't going to even throw the ball back,
so pathetic.

and if this country elects another monster to replace that robot if
he's impeached, well to hell with us all.

Posted by: verdinckt | April 17, 2007 02:35 PM

What charges, specifically would be filed against Cheney--what crime
or misdemeanor would be charged?

Cheney is a vile, stupid, cowardly man. He deserves to be put through
every ringer we can think of, and I love that Kucinich is willing to
squeeze the *******. It may even work, if specific legal charges can
be found.

I may even kick a few bucks Kucinich's way if he can pull this off...

Posted by: windserf | April 17, 2007 02:38 PM


Posted by: Sarah R-M | April 17, 2007 02:42 PM

Contact your Rep.! Tell them to support Kucinich's Articles of
Impeachment! I called and emailed Rep. DeFazio, my rep. Please do the
same, email and call yours!

You can find your rep here:

Thanks Mary Ann for breaking the story.


Posted by: Jim | April 17, 2007 02:48 PM

Go for it Kucinich.

He has no chance of winning because he's as far to the left as Bush is
to the right, and I think people are done with the extremes for now.
Plus, impeachment has no chance of success due to the fact that
Democrats do not carry the perception of having strength, so nobody is
going to stand beside them in any endeavor of this magnitude.

So at the very least it could provide some entertainment as we head
into the campaign season. I give him points for being creative though.
Going after the VP is original. Maybe next he'll try to get Bush with
a Court Marshall.

Posted by: crid | April 17, 2007 02:51 PM

I dearly hope this turns out to be true and not merely a rumor. Cheney
is so vulnerable and there is no doubt he's the right place to start.
Kucinich is truly taking a powerful leadership role here and I admire
the man.
For those discounting his presidential aspirations, how about Kucinich/
Obama in 08. Who would the GOP put against that ticket on the heels of
an impeachment that inevitably reveals the depths of the GOPs
bloodthirsty militarism? McCain?

Posted by: Thank the Lord | April 17, 2007 02:57 PM

I love it when Democratic leftist fringe types talk about impeaching
Bush or Cheney since it really makes them seem like loons to the
majority of people. Why cant the Dems just get a president elected
rather than try to impeach? Also, exactly what crimes have been
committed? I would like specifics on that last one, not vague canards
like "lying to the people" or "mass murder".

Posted by: flyoverman | April 17, 2007 02:57 PM

It will happen if we want it to! That's all it takes. So do you want
it? Another great representative to check out-

Posted by: Trevor Lyman | April 17, 2007 02:58 PM

If Kucinich follows through with this, he will instantly become the
first and only candidate running for President in 2008.

Everyone else is simply running for Unitary Executive - hoping to
assume the grossly expanded powers of this most corrupt, inept and
morally bankrupt President.

Yet Cheney is by far the more sinister character of the two.

If you are not yet convinced of the impeachable offenses of both Bush
and Cheney, please view them here:

And please contact Kucinich through the Congressional Switchboard at:
(202) 224-3121 to encourage him to do the right thing and follow
through with this.

Then call your Representative and Senator and tell them to sign on
with Kucinich. The Senate may not be in play at first, but the more
members committed to honoring their oaths to protect and defend the
Constitution of the United States of America against these DOMESTIC
ENEMIES TO THE CONSTITUTION who have occupied our White House.

Mikael Rudolph

Posted by: Mikael Rudolph | April 17, 2007 03:04 PM

How long will it take you propaganda disseminating genocidal
apologists to figure out that Bush and Cheney and their gang are mass
murderers, thieves, liars, and traitors. Anyone who had a basic civics
class in high school that required reading (and understanding) the US
Constitution and Bill of Rights should clearly see reason to impeach.
Oh, wait. I keep forgetting most Americans haven't actually had the
privilege of a proper civics class; so much for Democracy!

Posted by: King George | April 17, 2007 03:19 PM

Based on the Mineta 9.11 Commission Report testimony alone, Cheney
MUST be impeached.

Posted by: Right on... | April 17, 2007 03:23 PM

I find this all hard to believe. On 9/11/01 the entire United States
wanted Bush to do something and he did, the United States wanted to be
rid of Hussein and we are. Now comes the calls for PRESIDENT PELOSI
give me a break, she's conspiring with Syria who sponsors terrorism
and she's wanting to go to Iran, and anyone with a pea brain knows
days of power?? absolutly NADDA, NOTHING, ZILCH, oh and by the way,
she saw everyone but never had time to stop to see the troops, maybe
she realized that wouldn't be a real good idea.

Well ya'll are probably have your dreams come true next year and when
you get the likes of Hillary or some other block head I'll set back
and say "TOLD YA SO"

Posted by: Danny | April 17, 2007 03:27 PM

It's about time a Democrat actually had some spine. What could have
possibly come over America, to think that such a historically
spineless party would actually rise to the occasion this time?
Fortunately for us, there are still some mavericks like Kucinich who
have not yet been silenced by their ultra-right wing masters (i.e.
Hillary Clinton).

If the Republicans were like the Democrats, we'd have never gotten
into any of this -- not because of wisdom, but simply because the
Republicans would have pre-emptively psyched themselves out of every
victory with the same defeatist attitude shown by the "liberals"
commenting here.

Posted by: David Hennessy | April 17, 2007 03:28 PM

I can't prove this, but I don't have to because this is comment post
and not a court of law.

I believe that Dick Cheney was involved with the Anthrax attacks on
Patrick Lehey among others and that he ordered the downing of Paul
Wellstone's plane.

Remember, this guy likes torture. He might even like it in a kinky
way. Maybe he gets off to people suffering.

They call these people sadists. They do exist. They do tend to seek
powerful positions.

Posted by: Alexjonesfan | April 17, 2007 03:44 PM

The US of A wasn't born from people incapable of taking risk, and more
importantly, action in the face of wrongdoing. Assume what you want
about the outcome; but is there ever a time that it's not worth it to
do what is right? Justice needs to be done. Our country needs to be
restored. This will only be done through action and holding those
accountable that have had a hand in destroying what was once a great

Posted by: Stefan | April 17, 2007 03:47 PM

Typical of a scummy DLC dem operative to skewer the only real liberal
in the crummy party.

"We'll see a Kucinich Administration before we'll see a Cheney
impeachment," quipped one Democratic aide.

Why are the febrile effing dems so hot to dismiss impeachment for what
Are high crimes and misdemeanors, from lying us into war to massive
and blatant cronyism and corruption? This is not an imaginary or
politically motivated impeachment, like the repugs tried to do. They
had the guts to do a bogus impeachment but the dems don't have the
balls to go for a real one.

What a rotten party. I quit. I'll never vote Democrat again. What a
scummy, nonrepresentatie party. The Majority of Americans would now go
along with impeachment, and as disaster unfolds that majority will

The DEADocrats suck. And all they'll give us as a choice for the next
election is procorporate globalist warmonger Hillary, or prettyboy,
emptyhead Obama (I heard him speak the usual jingoism against Chavez,
which showed he has No idea of what we have done in Latin America for
ages, or what the real situation is.)

Posted by: Jim Mooney | April 17, 2007 03:53 PM

Funny how everyone wants to hang him high without evidence. I read
everything here and found no foundation for impeachment. What are the
charges? Sorry, he "Mislead" or "Lied" isn't impeachable unless the
lie is under oath. You people are fun to listen to but once again no
truthful reason other than you suspect him or just don't like him. It
takes a lot more than that kids.

Posted by: Rick | April 17, 2007 04:00 PM

See above. I'm with Jim.

Posted by: Herbert Hoover | April 17, 2007 04:03 PM

It would be awesome to see this war criminal impeached. The problem is
that Cheney has already made billions from his Haliburton deals so he
probably wouldn't even care if he was impeached. He's so rich he can
go buy 100,000 acres in any country he wishes, like Bush has already
bought land to plot his escape destination.

Posted by: | April 17, 2007 04:03 PM

How many kinds of treason must this one man commit, until SOMEONE
calls him out on it? Why, if "liberals" are such whimps, is it a
liberal standing up, taking the old man to task?

Posted by: Prissy | April 17, 2007 04:10 PM

The guy who wrote this blog response below is truly an a-h0le. No
wonder the whacky left gets ZERO respect beyond its own echo-chamber
in the blog-o-sphere.
"It is too bad the shooter at VT spent all of his mojo on students and

Posted by: mmather | April 17, 2007 11:20 AM"

Posted by: Dave From Alexandria | April 17, 2007 04:13 PM

what kind of moronic Democratic aide would "quip" that "We'll see a
Kucinich Administration before we'll see a Cheney impeachment."

Don't these people understand the crimes that Cheney has committed?
How despised he is by the American people? (protests at BYU!)

Cheney certainly should be impeached, and Democrats should be rallying
behind his impeachment, not cowering behind their lobbyist's losing

Posted by: mike g | April 17, 2007 04:13 PM

Rick, STOP..."without evidence" tells me you are either loyal to the
point of watching your constitution go up in smoke or you aren't
educated enough. I'll go with the latter. Now go to this website read all the court certified
evidence and then try to tell us he's innocent. It's all there in his
own handwriting...

Posted by: Uncle Sammy | April 17, 2007 04:14 PM

Rick - your stupidity is stunning.

Posted by: Dave | April 17, 2007 04:17 PM

Just another "non-binding" proposal

Posted by: yellowdog | April 17, 2007 04:17 PM

I hope this pans out. I'd like to see that evil SOB squirm.

Posted by: John Paul | April 17, 2007 04:22 PM

The fact that WaPo posts this without censor is impressive-especially
considering the Editor performance of the last 6 years. Did they
finally realize they better tell the truth or watch the country perish
until the rule of one man?

Posted by: | April 17, 2007 04:23 PM

Go Dennis Go!!!

Posted by: Jeff in Ohio | April 17, 2007 04:26 PM

Rep. Kucinich was right FROM THE BEGINNING when he voted against the
Iraq War and he is right about this also. One of the few in Congress
with the insight, integrity and guts to support the laws of the
Constitution. You show a lot of love for America Rep. Kucinich!!
Actions like yours may restore some sense of morality to the American
Govt. and begin to regain some respect overseas to America. It's
simply outrageous what this admin is doing to our beloved America and
to it's citizens.

Posted by: FreedomRider | April 17, 2007 04:26 PM

They deserve not only impeachment, but a full public trial in the
system they have undermined or ignored for six years. And if/when
found guilty, they should be placed in prison for hard time. Let them
try to spend their ill-gotten gains then!

BTW, if they run, they open themselves to being arrested and charged
under international law, under which it would be much harder for them
to evade serious punishment. Why do you think Bush wouldn't sign on to
the war crimes act?

Posted by: cosmogenium | April 17, 2007 04:30 PM

Seems the nation is waking up and finally rising up to the real

Good luck from Amsterdam

Posted by: J. Portland | April 17, 2007 04:30 PM

Impeach both Bush and Cheney simultaneously. That way if it works,
Pelosi becomes president.

It won't work, but it will be fun trying. After all, if Specter can
rail against the Patriot Act Reauthorization because it revokes the
right of habeus corpus, claiming that we would be doing away with one
of the rights passed on down from the magna carta, and then goes and
votes for the blasted thing, well, he will never vote to convict. What
a tool.

Posted by: coltergeist | April 17, 2007 04:31 PM

It is astounding to read some of the comments above, so many of them
have nothing to do with the subject of why impeachment makes sense for
Cheney and Dumbya. The obvious criminal activity of this
administration should have any American upset to say the least, but no
it has to be dragged down to a partisan issue.

Not only are the crimes of Cheney and Dumbya impeachablr offenses but
some of their dirty deeds are clearly in violation of international
law. I an not a Democrat and surly not a Neocon Republican but how
anyone could support some of these Dems that have taken impeachment
"off the table" is beyond me. What Clinton did was just so minor
compared to what is going on, these people are tyrants and need a jail
cell. I say give Cheney and Dumbya one more term - Life in prison.

Posted by: Dmitri | April 17, 2007 04:32 PM

maybe an article of impeachment should be about those missing e-mails
which will soon turn into entire missing computers no doubt. rumour
has it that one has been found in a field in wyoming. sources tell me
it appears to have been destroyed with several blast fired from of all
things, a shotgun! well, thats just a real crude way to attempt to
hide the facts. kucinich should worry about his voting record on iraq
as well. voting for an immediate withdrawal and therefore helping to
diminish support for the democrats lacks any sense of pragmatism
whtsoever dennis baby! so lets get real and get on to some reality,
o.k.? this is why even though you got my vote last time around you
won"t get it this time. we all want to get cheney and get out of iraq
but we need to go after the money and deadlines and not just cut and
run.cheney will hang himself and leave behind the legacy of a snarling
weasel and that's o.k. with me. patience, patience, dennis.

Posted by: logan | April 17, 2007 04:33 PM

Very smart to go after Cheney rather than Bush. Cheney control's the
show and it's his willful ignorance and incompetence that is primarily
responsible for the worst military fiasco in American history, as well
as the pervasive corruption of the Bush administration. It won't
stick, but you have to start somewhere.

Posted by: Craig | April 17, 2007 04:36 PM

Well there is quite a body of work out there spelling out the grounds
for impeachment. United States v. George W. Bush et al. by Elizabeth
de la Vega, a former federal prosecutor is quite compelling. Also
there is The Case for Impeachment: The Legal Argument for Removing
President George W. Bush from Office by Dave Lindorff. AND there is
Impeach the President: The Case Against Bush and Cheney by Dennis Loo.
Sooo before you Fox News viewers go off deriding the loony left for
advocating impeachment you should educate yourselves. Here's a hint,
you are not going to find the facts on Fox News.

Posted by: Scotter | April 17, 2007 04:37 PM

"The lack of leadership by the Democratic Party makes really
solidifies my Green Party affiliation.
Criminals should not be allowed to run our country.

Posted by: Robert | April 17, 2007 11:51 AM"

Well Robert, while it's nice to have ideals and convictions that draw
you to the likes of the Green party, your inability to foresee the
effects of a wasted vote contributed to that moron Bush getting
installed as president in 2000. Thanks a lot.

Posted by: John Paul | April 17, 2007 04:39 PM

I'm all for it. Kucinich is currently getting my vote.

You cant impeach bush and put cheney in charge. BUT you can impeach
cheney and THEN impeach bush. cheney's arrogance will be his downfall,
the information that comes out in his trial would be enough to impeach

In a perfect world they would then be tried for warcrimes.

Posted by: KenF | April 17, 2007 04:39 PM

"The proposed action by Kucinich may well explain why he is near last
place among even Democratic presidential candidates: political zeal
not balanced by political smarts."

Dear John G:

I tend to think that your comment is somewhat ironic, considering that
Kucinich bases his "zeal" on solid evidence and not feelings and
rhetoric, which you classify as "political smarts," unlike his
Democratic counterparts that are doing far better in the polls. It
goes to show what a nice haircut, Armani suit and perfectly placed
photo ops can do. Quit pandering to mainstream media and wake up to

Posted by: Newman | April 17, 2007 04:40 PM

I think the one thing that everyone here has overlooked is that if
both Bush and Cheney are impeached, then Pelosi takes over. I think
that would be worse then letting those SOBs stay where they are until
the term is over.

Posted by: sane1inthecrowd | April 17, 2007 04:46 PM

"....quipped one Democratic aide?" Impeachment for high crimes and
misdemeanors is not a subject matter of "quips." It is deadly serious
business and this aide's boss better take the pulse of his/her
constituents ...I'm betting there is a lot of support for such an
action. We need to get the military and intelligence and treasury out
of Cheney's grimy, greedy little fingers.

Thank you, Dennis...your integrity is showing.

Posted by: Sandy D. | April 17, 2007 04:47 PM

Finally some good news out of this Congress. I wonder how long it will
be before the Congressional 'leadership' tries to pull the rug out
from under DK for fear of being called nasty names.


Posted by: Joe Hill | April 17, 2007 04:50 PM

Excellent move, one that I hope will be fruitful. Impeachment says a
lot about the character of the American people not tolerating a wrong
path administration deterined to ruin our country.

Don't worry about the Republicans, 22 of them switched sides and won
seats int eh House as Democrats. Hagel was the first in all Congress
to suggest Bush be impeached and he is a Republican.

Go Dennis go - if this is true it will make Mr. K popular with the
people and unpopular with all those guilty of ruining our counrty. On
the topic of impeachment, you are either with Bush and Cheney or you
are against them. I think most Americans are against them and for
their removal from office.


Posted by: Tivana | April 17, 2007 04:51 PM

What a dem love fest!!!
Take a pil and get over it Bush is our president and the majority put
him there.
Also congress rubber stamped the war in Iraq including the dems.

Posted by: BillyB | April 17, 2007 04:52 PM

And all those who support this corrupt administration should go sign
up to fight this war instead of offering up other peoples' children.
They have even upped the age limit so get off your lazy butts and go
fight since Bush has you so scared of the terrorists. Cowards.

Posted by: jaynine | April 17, 2007 04:54 PM

Rep. Kucinich will find he has more support than he could have

But why wait? Awful news of any kind should make action more immediate
instead of less so. After all, more people die everyday for Cheney's
and Bush's war.
To say enough death is not disrespectful; quite the contrary...Start
by going after Dr. Death.

Posted by: judy | April 17, 2007 04:57 PM

"What a dem love fest!!!
Take a pil and get over it Bush is our president and the majority put
him there.
Also congress rubber stamped the war in Iraq including the dems.

Posted by: BillyB | April 17, 2007 04:52 PM "

BillyB - Go back to your beer.

Posted by: John Paul | April 17, 2007 05:02 PM

Newman...Thanks for saying one of the things I wanted to go into.

ANYONE who puts down D.K. for this courageous and much-needed and,
apparently, well thought out move needs to go to and
learn a few things about this man. He is a dream come true for WE THE
PEOPLE! As someone else above said, stop being a pawn to mainstream
media. This man is the real deal for us REAL Americans...not the top
1% of tax-avoiding, ludicrously wealthy.

Dennis, Get the ball rolling on the bastards, and we'll sit back and
see the wussies in Dem party who squirm and the ones who stand beside

Posted by: Robert A. Brown | April 17, 2007 05:03 PM

Definitely start with Cheney, because if we impeach Bush first, then
Cheney gets to be president. Even FIVE MINUTES with Dick Cheney is 10
minutes TOO LONG

Posted by: Jimmy G | April 17, 2007 05:04 PM

Well praise the Lord and pass the peace pipe. If we now apply Darth
Cheney's One Percent Doctrine to him, it'll be a cinch.

Dick Cheney believes if one percent of the details look fishy, there's
probably a whale in the picture. I agree when it comes to him.

Posted by: Kax | April 17, 2007 05:14 PM

Can't come soon enough.

Posted by: Send Him to Gitmo | April 17, 2007 05:14 PM

"Take a pil and get over it Bush is our president and the majority put
him there."
Posted by: BillyB | April 17, 2007 04:52 PM

.... a majority that has since dwindled to roughly 30 percent. The pill
to help "get over" this nightmare of an administration starts with an
'i' and ends with an "mpeachment". What a perfect way for the country
to tell Darth Cheney exactly what he told Sen. Leahy a few years ago
on the floor of the U.S. Senate.

Posted by: xii | April 17, 2007 05:17 PM

Dennis is awesome! It's about time someone in DC told the truth.

Posted by: BT | April 17, 2007 05:17 PM

Why should Kucinich wait on taking action - even though his articles
of impeachment don't have a chance in hell of being acted upon -
because of the Virginia Tech massacre? It sounds like he's just
looking for some much needed media attention.

Posted by: Eric blair | April 17, 2007 05:20 PM

xii: you mean Cheney used the F word? I'm horrified. Yeah, nail the

Posted by: John Paul | April 17, 2007 05:20 PM

What will Bush, Cheney's hand puppet, do without Cheney? While
Kucinich may not be the most astute politician or the most popular,
sometimes even a child can see the right of an action. We need to
remove the puppet master before he comes up something even bigger for
Bush to do.

Posted by: Bob | April 17, 2007 05:21 PM

Finally! Go Denis!!!

Posted by: SB | April 17, 2007 05:23 PM

There is surely much more cause (and evidence) to impeach Bush and/or
Cheney than there was to impeach Clinton.
However, impeachment is really not the proper mechanism for mitigating
against the damage of the Bush Administration. THere was an election
in 2006 where the voters had a chance to speak and there will be
another in 2008.
I suspect thre will be very few candidates asking either the outgoing
VP or POTUS to campaign for them.

Posted by: GR Sloan | April 17, 2007 05:27 PM

Thank you Dennis.

Posted by: Peter | April 17, 2007 05:28 PM

Impeachment of chaney,would be about the most stupid idea i have
heard. Bush is the supposed to be president,even though we know he
doe;s not run anything. cut off the head, and the tail will
die.Impeach bush ,problem solved. chaney will automatically
impeachment is enough, if it is G.Bush. signed tip.

Posted by: charles hendrix | April 17, 2007 05:29 PM

All Roads Lead to Dick Cheney

Posted by: Jesse Jones | April 17, 2007 05:30 PM

Bravo, Kucinich! Now, maybe the MSM and the pollsters will start
asking the impeachment question every week!

Posted by: sally | April 17, 2007 05:34 PM

Forget the political ramifications of this. This country needs, for a
brief moment at least, to step way back beyond politics and see what
has happened in the last six years. Perhaps we need a serious course-
correction and perhaps, if Cheney is indeed guilty of the things most
posters have written about, then this is the event that needs to
happen next. No one knows the effect truth will have on the future.
But I would be willing to bet that the airing out of all that has
festered in the minds on both sides would be a good thing for this
country. Lets do it and move on.
We've got big issues to tackle in the near future and I don't think
the current administration is up to the task. If nothing else, we can
show the world that we can ask the tough questions of our leaders. No
red, no blue just the white truth please.

Posted by: Jim | April 17, 2007 05:34 PM

IMPEACH CHENEY FIRST, as the bumper sticker says.
The ball is already rolling all over the United States: Yes, other Dems wouldn't initiate it -
they're too chicken. But if WE push for it and the media at least
get out of the way, Congress will follow (mooo!)

I saw All the President's Men again last night. We need just
a little luck and Woodward & Bernstein circa 1973 (bring back
THAT Washington Post) and the hearings, prosecutions and
resignations can be completed in a few short months.
No kidding.

Violence is cowardly. Peace takes courage.
Kucinich is a visionary with guts to spare.

Posted by: Nina | April 17, 2007 05:35 PM

You conspiracy spinners need to get back on your meds.

Posted by: Fel8Moi | April 17, 2007 05:37 PM

You folks need to stop beating the dead horse and get on with business
that impacts us all. Impeachment (Cheney or Bush) is of no value to
the American people. Quit trying to run up the score. It is time to
quit looking back and move forward. Work for your candidate in 08 and
quit living in the past. To be truthful, the biggest crime during this
administration was Sandy "Burglar" stealing and destroying classified
documents from the National Archive.
Bird (Las Cruces, NM)

Posted by: BIRD | April 17, 2007 05:38 PM

First Rosie on 9/11, now Dennis on impeachment... it seems our
"enemies" are becoming our friends.

Posted by: Anonymous Coward | April 17, 2007 05:38 PM

Impeachment is neccessary or we are endorsing everything that this
administration has done. Irregardless of consequences, crimes must be
punished. The guilty must be prosecuted, or justice dies.
Accountability has to be the word we live by. No one is above the law.
The Constitution spells out the relationship of the justice department
to the executive branch and warns that it must be diligent and on
gaurd against corruption by the executive branch. Justice must
prevail. The Vice President and the President should no longer
represent the people of the United States if they are criminals.

Posted by: Clarion | April 17, 2007 05:39 PM

Not enough votes in the senate.
Get busy everybody.
Get the word out.
Call, email, etc.

Posted by: V | April 17, 2007 05:39 PM

"It is too bad the shooter at VT spent all of his mojo on students and
faculty." Posted by: mmather | April 17, 2007 11:20 AM

Yeah, he should have saved some for the leftist traitors, like mmather
and the rest of you morons who are ENCOURAGING THE JIHADISTS TO FIGHT

Posted by: Joe Sixpack | April 17, 2007 05:40 PM

I sympathize with the passion I read in the comments, and also believe
that both should be removed from office.

Unfortunately I can't ignore that which no one has mentioned: if the
goal is removal, then at the moment impeachment simply won't work.

Even with a bare majority of Americans agreeing (& thus lessening
whatever backlash would come from a Senate trial in which they were
acquitted, as they would be), it requires a super majority of Senate
votes to remove an impeached office holder.

Go ahead, count the votes for removal in the Senate and tell me how
many Republicans will vote to remove these two (or either one
seperately) from office?

(Crickets chirping in the long, long, long silence.........)

Posted by: oddjob | April 17, 2007 05:40 PM

G_ddammit this is funny! I can only hope that Mrs. Pelosi is stupid
enough to help Lil' Dennis out and bring this to the floor! It would
be the death knell for the defeatocrat party, IMHO.

Posted by: Alan | April 17, 2007 05:41 PM

Bravo, Bravo!!! Dennis! Now we must ask ourselves how we can get the
rest of these gutless democrats to see what must be done now. I'm
quickly becoming as angry at the dems than I ever was against the
reps. How dare they not to have started holding these full-blown
criminals accountable for their hideous crimes against the American
people and millions of other people around the world; the Earth

Posted by: James Benton | April 17, 2007 05:42 PM

Liberal Scum.

Posted by: | April 17, 2007 05:43 PM

I've felt for several years that the reason why democratic congressmen
are only a few percentage points more popular than republicans is
because the people think they should be doing more to rid our nation
of cheney and bush. If Kucinich's popularity raises after he files to
impeach cheney it might finally send this message to the rest of the

Posted by: Orville Gunther | April 17, 2007 05:44 PM

Here is the best basis for impeachment.

Posted by: Attorney And Former Law School Professor | April 17, 2007
05:45 PM

jaynine: Many who support the War on Terror and the administration
ALREADY SERVED in the military, or didn't you realize that? Look at
the Gathering of Eagles last month, who protected the Vietnam Memorial
from leftist crazies:

Posted by: Frank | April 17, 2007 05:46 PM

If presidential candidates were chosen for their intellect and
commitment to the people of this country, Dennis Kucinich would have
gotten the nomination instead of the wealthy and well-connected Kerry.

But it could turn out ok in the end if Kucinich can pull this off.

Kucinich has courage, brains, and heart to spare - he deserves our
unfailing support because he's doing this for every citizen of this

Posted by: Leonard | April 17, 2007 05:48 PM

As this US Attorney scandal is investigated more thoroughly, it will
become apparent that the reason why this scandal is so scary, is the
election laws and voting irregularities are at the heart of the
scandal. One of the reasons the firings happened right after the Nov
election was that the GOP doesn't want to lose another eletction. My
analysis leads me to believe that both the 2000 and the 2004 election
were rigged to give Bush et al the win. They didn't rig the last
election enough. The rethuglicans never understood just how much they
were going to lose by. they estimated 7 to 10%. Never dreamed they
were goimg to lose by such big margins and the rigging couldn't make
up for that much of a difference. Just check the exit polls and the
actual numbers. As usual, they don't match up like they always did
before the Bush people and their corrupt voting machines were in
We have this one window of opportunity to get rid of these crooks. We
may never have another as these crooks are in the process of
consolidating power and stacking the courts and the US Attorneys and
the media and the Army and the Blackwell mercinary army. Impeach
Cheney and Bush and indict Rove and the others.

Posted by: Ali B | April 17, 2007 05:48 PM

I'll bet some of you hippies will go crazy next year when a
conservative GOP ex-senator named Fred Thompson is elected president.
Eight years of a real conservative like Reagan might be enough to
bring this country back to where it was when I was growing up.

Posted by: Harry Lime | April 17, 2007 05:50 PM

......"But Kucinich shouldn't hold his breath on getting anywhere with
his impeachment plan. "We'll see a Kucinich Administration before
we'll see a Cheney impeachment," quipped one Democratic aide."....

The new dynamics of NH politics are not well known outside of local
activist circles, but I can assure you that we are laughing at the
uninformed media coronations of the "Big Three" Dems. Watch & learn,

Posted by: IrregardlessNH | April 17, 2007 05:53 PM

I'm all for giving the VP a fair trail, and then hanging the .

Posted by: g Anton | April 17, 2007 05:54 PM

This may not have the backing of the House and Senate. It may not even
have the backing of the many spineless Democrats, but it's the right
thing to do.

Posted by: bill | April 17, 2007 05:58 PM

About time.

Posted by: LeepII | April 17, 2007 06:00 PM

"Peachy" writes: "Impeach! Yes democrats, go right ahead and spend the
next two years focusing on that, assuring another win for the

You mean, like removing Nixon insured a win for the RepugniCONs in

Exposing the lies and criminality of the Bush/Cheney Gang is going to
ensure the election of a RepugniCON in '08? Sorry, not buying it.

Impeachment proceedings -- even if unsuccessful -- would drag the full
depravity of this maladministration into the light of the day. It's
the RepugniCONs' worst nightmare. So save your "helpful" advice, okay?

Posted by: hbm | April 17, 2007 06:01 PM

Impeachment trial first, war crimes trial second, treason trial

Posted by: Mike | April 17, 2007 06:01 PM

It is quite amazing to read the vitriol and hatred from the wacky
leftist that dominate this site. You people need to get a life or
maybe read the Constitution, maybe Article 2.

By your standards Franklin Delano Roosevelt would not be considered
the greatest President of this century, but a disgraced man that was
impeached and driven from office. What Roosevelt did to civil
liberties in the name of national security makes George Bush look like
a Girl Scout. If any historical precedent was considered at all in
judging Bush's actions versus the actions of other President's,
particularly Lincoln and Roosevelt, this President would walk away
completely unscathed.

Secondly, you little whining morons have claimed for years Bush "lied"
about Weapons of Mass Destruction. When Bob Woodward's book came out
and described George Tenet telling the President the WMD's in Iraq
were a "slam dunk" you simply ignored it. When you read a transcript
or heard an audio clip of almost every Democrat leader in the House
and Senate saying the exact same things about Hussein and Iraq as Bush
did you ignored that too. Since you people really know the truth there
is only one conclusion; It is you people that are liars and scoundrels
and if you can hide the truth or distort the facts to get your way you
are quite willing to do so.

You people are truly pathetic.

Posted by: Charles McFarling | April 17, 2007 06:04 PM

By pardoning Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford lost the support of American
voters and greatly increased general apathy and cynicism regarding
accountability in government. Now, having reached the point where
Americans see glaring evidence of the most corrupt administration
since the age of robber barons, citizens simply will not take it any
more. Now, even as a retired, life-long Republican, I am one of them.
I have absolutely had it.

It is painfully evident that the highest levels of my party and
American democracy itself are being hijacked by corrupt ideologues
funded by corrupt corporations and religious groups. At long last "We
The People" are uniting to face this real and present danger, arming
ourselves with facts, and acting decisively to take back American
democracy. We will impeach Bush and Cheney and prosecute to the full
extent of the law those who have defrauded, deceived and stolen from
us. Once again we citizens have learned, at enormous cost to coming
generations, to keep personally involved in the responsibilities of
American democracy.

Recently, in a Middlebury VT town meeting led by Gov. Douglas himself,
citizens passed a resolution to impeach George W. Bush and Dick
Cheney. A Putney VT, vote to impeach was unanimous. More than 36 towns
passed similar resolutions and it's happening all over America. These
are inspiring examples of citizens uniting to take back their
government and to re-affirm Constitutional accountability, equal
justice and equal protection under the law. What a great time to be an

Posted by: sslyon | April 17, 2007 06:05 PM

"BIRD" writes: "It is time to quit looking back and move forward."

Yes, no doubt all you RepugniCONs would like us to overlook the crimes
of the Bush/Cheney Gang and act as if the past six years never
happened. "Move along, folks -- nothing to see here."

But guess what -- we're not in a mood to oblige you. We will "move
forward" when and how we damn well please, thank you.

Posted by: hbm | April 17, 2007 06:07 PM

Dennis Kucinich - a true patriot!! Thank you , Dennis!!

Posted by: Sean McKernan | April 17, 2007 06:09 PM

"Rick" writes: "Funny how everyone wants to hang him high without

By no means -- have a thorough investigation first. That's what
holding hearings and a debate over an impeachment resolution will

Evidence first, THEN hang him.

Posted by: | April 17, 2007 06:10 PM

Might as well do Bush AND Cheney at the same time. They are both

Posted by: wdb | April 17, 2007 06:10 PM

While this is long overdue, and is on target, our Congress does not
have the integrity to back it up.

The best that could be hoped for is that nations all over the world
will take out warrants for Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice and many
others as war criminals, and if and when they should enter any of
those countries, they be arrested and charged and tried in the World

You don't have to be a blind conservative not to see it, just an
ignorant one to deny it.

Posted by: Dennis | April 17, 2007 06:12 PM

McFarling: It is statements like yours that will consign the
RepugniCON Party to the dustbin of history -- deservedly so.

There is absolutely no comparison between the REAL wars FDR and
Lincoln had to fight and the trumped-up, phony war manufactured by the
Bush/Cheney Gang for their own aggrandizement.

BTW it's amusing to hear you call us "whackos" when your great
president enjoys the support of only 30 percent of the country. Sure
must be a lotta "whackos" out there.

Posted by: hbm | April 17, 2007 06:14 PM

It's clear from reading the comments here that the Bush/Cheney dead-
enders have learned absolutely nothing from the 2006 elections or what
has followed.

You have been MARGINALIZED, ladies and gentlemen.

Posted by: hbm | April 17, 2007 06:17 PM

Dick Cheney will be impeached in one for or another. Rep. (D) Dennis
Kucinich is on the right track with an open letter and invitation of
impeachment. America, along with the world, is truly fed up with the
present installed regime in America today. The killings at Virginia
Tech are just the tip of the iceburg, as to how this administration of
illegally installed individuals have destroyed the very fibre of a
once free society. Money and greed are not the answer.....

Posted by: Stavo | April 17, 2007 06:18 PM

Reagan should have been impeached for the Iran contra scandal. The
failure to remove him from office set a precedent which has enabled
the Bush/Cheney cabal to literally "get away with murder". We can
thank Reagan for the disatrous foreign policy generations to follow
will be paying the price for in every conceivable way. The rest of us
pay the price for American stupidity.

Kucinich is on the right track. Impeachment resolutions and
investigations were drafted long ago documenting the crimes and
felonies of both men. To date Congress is complicit in the holocaust
they have created in Iraq which makes how Hitler managed his genocide
in Nazi Germany more understandable.

That Nancy Pelosi has glibly dismissed impeachment for having better
things to do with her time is a direct assault on her constituents as
well as failure to uphold the oath under which she assumed her office.
She has a moral duty to uphold the Constitution which she is miserably
failing to do. Her counterparts follow suit.

Today Kucinich is the only Democratic candidate worth spending time
on. If we fail to impeach, however, 2008 will be another coup and our
democracy will then be as good as dead.

What is most amazing is that so many Americans insist upon remaining
in a state of absolute denial to the truth of what is happening around
them. Is there any wonder that atrocities like Virginia Tech happen on
our soil when Americans are reared on Star Wars, nintendo games, and
"shock and awe"?

We have razed the country of Iraq and created a holocaust equally as
evil as Hitler's for all of ten years worth of oil. Hundreds of
thousands of people murdered so Americans can hit the highway in
behemouth SUVs? This isn't the American Dream -- it's the American

Meanwhile, as Bush has indebted us to China for trillions upon
trillions of dollars, that country develops the most sophisticated
technology in the world to assure their own sustainability while in
the bat of an eyelash they could bankrupt the USA. All for oil and
corporate greed.

The USA has been sold down the river, lock, stock and barrel.

Oh, yes, another 8 years of a Conservative like Reagan is just what
America needs right now. Another actor for president. And another

Posted by: SFisher | April 17, 2007 06:19 PM

Much as it might briefly feel good, we can't impeach Cheney first.
Then Bush could appoint a VP who might actually be an attractive
candidate in 2008 and then wouldn't we all feel foolish. No, either
impeach both or neither.

Posted by: Fritz | April 17, 2007 06:21 PM

there is no way he or any lib will get anywhere with that crap all you
libs are just sore losers

Posted by: mike byrd | April 17, 2007 06:26 PM

Help Kucinich to Impeach Bush

Kucinich says he's ALSO pursuing impeachment of Bush. Well let's help
him out. Sacks and sacks of mail are about to arrive in Dennis
Kucinich's office initiating impeachment via the House of
Representative's own rules. This legal document is as binding as if a
State or if the House itself passed the impeachment resolution (H.R.

Kucinich says he is building his case for impeachment, and is working
to build the support of his peers in Congress. He says he intends to
impeach. He said he needs us to keep building the groundswell of
support for impeachment all over the country. He asks that we send him
copies of all the resolutions passed in various States, local
Legislative Districts, County Districts and of any petitions with
signatures, so that he can present them to the floor of the House. He
said he felt that our framing the issue of impeachment in terms of the
Constitution is a principled choice, and ultimately more effective
than just acting on anger. Here's video of Kucinich addressing the
impeachment issue:

Let's answer Kucinich's call with a petition that has it's precedent
in history, and it's legitimacy in the Rules of the House of

There's a little known and rarely used clause of the "Jefferson
Manual" in the rules for the House of Representatives which sets forth
the various ways in which a president can be impeached. Only the House
Judiciary Committee puts together the Articles of Impeachment, but
before that happens, someone has to initiate the process.

That's where we come in. In addition to a House Resolution (635), or
the State-by-State method, one of the ways to get impeachment going is
for individual citizens like you and me to submit a memorial. has created a new memorial based on one which was
successful in impeaching a federal official in the past. You can find
it on their website as a PDF.

You can initiate the impeachment process and simultaneously help
Kucinich to follow through with the process. Do-It-Yourself by
downloading the memorial, filling in the relevant information (your
name, state, etc.), and sending it in. We're not only having you send
them to Dennis now, but also to Impeach for Peace. That way, we can
collect them all in one place, and deliver them all simultaneously
(with cameras rolling) in July. Be a part of history.

Posted by: Jodin Morey | April 17, 2007 06:27 PM

Begin the impeachment hearings with Cheney first ... and leave time
for the trial for treason

Business before pleasure ... first Cheney, then Bush

Posted by: Lance R B | April 17, 2007 06:27 PM

You people are truly pathetic.

Posted by: Charles McFarling | April 17, 2007 06:04 PM
Charles, The majority of Americans support the impeachment of both
Bush and Cheney. Why do you hate America? Why aren't you defending the
Constitution as vigorously as you're defending Bush/Cheney. Stop
putting party loyalty ahead of the country.

Posted by: Sonofabastard | April 17, 2007 06:27 PM

I am so sick and tired of hearing , " oh ," we can't do that " or "
its a non starter " or other such crap . If this crowd hasn't reached
the level of impeachment then they might as well strike the articles
from the constitution because apparently no crime can reach the level
required .

Posted by: | April 17, 2007 06:31 PM

Virginia Patriot, Patrick Henry once stated:"For my part, whatever
anquish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth;
to know the worst, and provide for it." There is compelling and
conclusive evidence that the tragedy of 9-11-01 was a false-flag,
"inside-job"operation (engineered and covered-up by the Bush/Cheney
administration). This heinous crime has been used by this law-breaking
and sadistic regime to "justify" all their other illegal, immoral,
callous, and depraved atrocities. This "treason" on 9-11 must be
placed at the top of the list of impeachable offenses of Bush and
Cheney. Only by addressing this most grave and important issue can we
truly restore decency, integrity, and goodness to what was once a
Constitutional Republic.

Posted by: Frances Scarcille | April 17, 2007 06:31 PM


Impeachment = The House believes Bush is peachy.
Conviction = The Senate believes Bush is a man of convictions
Being Hanged for treason = Suspension of disbelief

Posted by: Sonofabastard | April 17, 2007 06:32 PM

Dennis is the only one that has the guts to tell the truth. No, his
chances of becoming Preisdent are slim, but his is a very important
voice in the Congress...Anyone who goes after Cheney is ok in my book!

Posted by: JD | April 17, 2007 06:33 PM

Reading the stupidity posted here never fails to bring a laugh and
brighten my day.


Posted by: Dick Cheney | April 17, 2007 06:40 PM

What world do you guys live in? THIS ISN'T A DEMOCRACY!!! (and to you
other whiners out there, no it's not a republic either).

More than half of the thirteen colonies were FOUNDED by Corporations!
Unelected rich, property owning, slave 'owning' white males came up
with a business model that would work for THEM. And it has.

If this were a democracy, Congress would have had some spine in 2003,
when EVERY Congressmember had calls in a landslide AGAINST the
Invasion and Occupation of Iraq.

So to think that "Congress" might actually represent us NOW (why,
because of Pelosi and the "Demcorats"?) flies in the face of all
evidence and common sense, and means that you are in DENIAL!

The 2006 "election" was no more legitimate than the ones in 2000 and
2004. Oh yeah, and all the ones before that! Remember ballot box
stuffing, dead people voting, poll taxes and literacy tests, LBJ
almost challenging Kennedy in '60? Oops, sorry, that's no longer valid
because it's "old news"!

And as for Kucinich?! I almost fell for his scam in 2004, with all his
talk about ending the wars, unions, withdrawing from NAFTA, and blah
blah blah. But he is in the position he's in for a reason - in order
to succeed in politics, it's often neccessary to rise above your
principles. When push came to shove, he could've gone independent and
had a real platform for serious topics in the campaign, but he bent
over for the "Democratic" party so he could play nice in DC and have
another go round in 2008.


This is not a democracy, so start acting accordingly!

Posted by: SLKirish | April 17, 2007 06:40 PM

With Dick's approval rating hovering around 18 % , I think there is
going to be WAY more support out there for impeachment than this
article suggests. Cheney is borderline delusional and I don't think it
is good for the country to just "wait out" Bush's time in office. A
lot of nasty stuff can happen in the next 18 months.

It would be really interesting if WaPo and the other big polls started
asking the public if they are for it.

Posted by: Maria | April 17, 2007 06:42 PM

Unfortunately - this a a big PIE in the SKY. NEVER happen!!!!!

Posted by: Tom | April 17, 2007 06:44 PM

You people are a bunch of hard core socialists. The nation needs to be
sundered because I hate you as much as you hate Repblicans. Either
that, or get ready to rumble.

Posted by: Rick | April 17, 2007 06:44 PM

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On 17 Apr 2007 15:46:54 -0700, Sarcastic American!
<> wrote:

>Articles of Impeachment To Be Filed On Cheney
>Looks like he's reached his boiling point.
>Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio), the most liberal of the Democratic
>presidential candidates in the primary field, declared in a letter
>sent to his Democratic House colleagues this morning that he plans to
>file articles of impeachment against Vice President Dick Cheney.

I don't think these charges will go anywhere. I do think Cheney is
richly deserving of impeachment (and more!) and I admire Kucinich's
initiative and indendance, but I don't think that's the plan of the
Democratic leadership.

I just want to point out here that if/when the Democrats are ready to
throw the Bush admin. out on their collective ears, Cheney will go
first. Because there's no point in throwing Bush out and making
Cheney president, and because Repubs, even though disgusted by the
admin. and frightened of what admin. misdeeds can do to their own
careers, won't hand the White House over to Democrats.
On 17 Apr 2007 15:46:54 -0700, Sarcastic American!
<> wrote:

>Articles of Impeachment To Be Filed On Cheney
>Looks like he's reached his boiling point.
>Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio), the most liberal of the Democratic
>presidential candidates in the primary field, declared in a letter
>sent to his Democratic House colleagues this morning that he plans to
>file articles of impeachment against Vice President Dick Cheney.

Poor Dennis Kucinich, what a fuking retard.
On 17 Apr 2007 15:46:54 -0700, Sarcastic American!
<> wrote:

>Articles of Impeachment To Be Filed On Cheney
>Looks like he's reached his boiling point.
>Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio), the most liberal of the Democratic
>presidential candidates in the primary field, declared in a letter
>sent to his Democratic House colleagues this morning that he plans to
>file articles of impeachment against Vice President Dick Cheney.


Komrade Kuchinich is still upset that the Soviet Union fell. But hey,
let him waste his time on impeachment. Maybe it will keep him from
actually doing something, like when he almost destroyed Cleveland.

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On Apr 17, 5:46 pm, Sarcastic American! <> wrote:
> Articles of Impeachment To Be Filed On Cheney
> Looks like he's reached his boiling point.
> Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio), the most liberal of the Democratic
> presidential candidates in the primary field, declared in a letter
> sent to his Democratic House colleagues this morning that he plans to
> file articles of impeachment against Vice President Dick Cheney.
> Kucinich has made ending the war in Iraq the central theme of his
> campaign. He has even taken aim at the leading Democratic presidential
> candidates in the field for their votes on authorizing the war.
> Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution gives Congress the authority
> to impeach the president, vice president and "all civil Officers of
> the United States" for "treason, bribery, or other high Crimes and
> Misdemeanors."
> Sources tell the Sleuth that in light of the mass killings at Virginia
> Tech Monday, Kucinich's impeachment plans have been put on hold. There
> will be no action this week, they say.
> Kucinich's office had no comment on the Congressman's "Dear Colleague"
> letter -- which apparently was drafted over the weekend, before the
> school massacre -- or on what the focus of articles of impeachment
> against Cheney would be.
> But Kucinich shouldn't hold his breath on getting anywhere with his
> impeachment plan. "We'll see a Kucinich Administration before we'll
> see a Cheney impeachment," quipped one Democratic aide.
> Here is the text of his letter, a copy of which was forwarded to the
> Sleuth:
> April 17, 2007
> Dear Colleague:
> This week I intend to introduce Articles of Impeachment with respect
> to the conduct of Vice President Cheney. Please have your staff
> contact my office . . . if you would like to receive a confidential
> copy of the document prior to its introduction in the House.
> Sincerely,
> /s/
> Dennis J. Kucinich
> Member of Congress
> By Mary Ann Akers | April 17, 2007; 10:09 AM ET
> Previous: Bush Administration: Breakdown |
> CommentsPlease email us to report offensive comments.
> It may never happen, but Kucinich is right to propose it. The lies,
> deception, and seemingly endless corruption require more than a
> Congressional scolding. Bush too must be held accountable, yet the
> great irony is Bush can't be impeached because if it were successful,
> then Cheney would become president.
> Posted by: Arcadian | April 17, 2007 10:35 AM
> Ah, yes, but the question is whether or not it'll stick, or if this is
> the last we ever hear from Kucinich after the WH finds out?
> I'm off to find a tub of popcorn -- if it does stick, this could be an
> interesting ride.
> Posted by: | April 17, 2007 10:39 AM
> You know...oddly enough, this sounds like a stroke of genius! The
> media waters have been thoroughly poisoned with the idea that
> impeachment proceedings against Bush as a no-go because of the Clinton
> impeachment. By the same logic, the failure to convict even ONE person
> - even if they were innocent - somehow makes it impossible to even try
> to convict the most depraved mass-murderer.
> But going after the Vice-President is different. He's even more
> unpopular than Bush, for one thing. And I don't believe that a Vice-
> President has ever been impeached in the history of the US, so this is
> actually something quite new.
> I understand why the perpetually-cowed Democrats in Congress are too
> terrified to dream of impeaching Bush, no matter how thoroughly he
> deserves it. But for some reason, it seems just barely possible that
> they might feel better about supporting a Cheney impeachment bid.
> Maybe.
> Posted by: Quasit | April 17, 2007 10:47 AM
> At first, I thought this was brilliant--finally someone has the
> courage to hold the engine driving the train accountable. However, on
> second thought, this (if it were to succeed and Cheney were to leave
> office) would get the next Republican president into office.
> Appointing a new vice president would be a dream for the GOP. Good
> intentions Kucinich, but bad idea overall.
> Posted by: DreA | April 17, 2007 10:51 AM
> The proposed action by Kucinich may well explain why he is near last
> place among even Democratic presidential candidates: political zeal
> not balanced by political smarts.
> The Constitution allows impeachment for high crimes-normally
> interpreted as felonies- or misdemeanors that warrant removal from
> office despite being elected by the people. It doesn't call for
> impeachment for bad judgment or political ineptitude. This makes about
> as much sense as impeaching Clinton did. The most probable results
> will be to a) suggest Kucinich is desperate to revive a sinking
> campaign, b) ensure that the Republicans rally around Bush whether
> they believe in him or not.
> We need to hope the leadership of the Democratic Party is smarter than
> Kucinich and will defeat the move in committee. If Bush is indeed
> wrong, then he and his party should be defeated at the polls.
> Posted by: John G. | April 17, 2007 11:00 AM
> Who's dick cheney?
> Posted by: | April 17, 2007 11:06 AM
> It is too bad the shooter at VT spent all of his mojo on students and
> faculty.
> Posted by: mmather | April 17, 2007 11:20 AM
> Maybe Kucinich knows something the rest of us don't. Maybe he evidence
> that links Cheney's office to that infamous Italian letter. Or maybe,
> based on Cheney's statements in the media regarding our success in
> Iraq, he's going to try to impeach Cheney based on the assertion that
> the guy is effing crazy. Or maybe, he's going to go after him for
> obstructing an investigation when he refused to see the authorities
> for 14 hours after he shot a man (surely he wasn't drunk when that
> happened).
> Posted by: caneiac01 | April 17, 2007 11:22 AM
> Of course cheney should be impeached and Bush simultaneously. With
> investigations, the evidence would be overwhelming that they did
> indeed manipulate intelligence and lie to america about iraq's wmds,
> ties to 911 and imminent threat. Additionally, they committed crimes
> of authorizing torture, illegal spying and illegal detentions.
> Democrats need some balls like Kucinich. Does america stand for
> criminal leaders? The rest of the world is viewing america as a
> torturing arrogant beast that invades other countries and is
> guantanomo. We have lost our moral authority and the way to regain it
> is impeachment!
> Posted by: Abel tomlinson | April 17, 2007 11:28 AM
> Also, 51% of americans support impeachment, so we are the majority,
> including 20% of republicans, so it is bipartisan. If they support
> Bush as the head of their party, then they are represented by a
> criminal and their party will die.
> Posted by: Abel Tomlinson | April 17, 2007 11:29 AM
> Posted by: R.E.LENZ | April 17, 2007 11:46 AM
> The lack of leadership by the Democratic Party makes really solidifies
> my Green Party affiliation.
> Criminals should not be allowed to run our country.
> Posted by: Robert | April 17, 2007 11:51 AM
> Go Dennis!
> Dick is a great start in holding this administration accountable,
> screw the polls and political talking points, Dennis has the truth on
> his side!
> -Mike
> Posted by: Michael | April 17, 2007 12:00 PM
> Why won't the Democrats pursue this? I don't understand. There is
> plenty of already documented, sworn evidence from Fitzgerald. In fact,
> at his last press conference Patrick Fitzgerald stated that he would
> be happy to send Congress any evidence they want. An invitation?
> Cheney's approval rating is only about 18%. Moreover, he is at the
> root of all the war mongering that comes out of this administration
> because people are afraid to cross him. Let's all stand up for
> Cheney's impeachment and make this happen from the grass roots. One
> person can make a difference.
> Posted by: D. Wakefield | April 17, 2007 12:06 PM
> i say definitely start with cheney... he would be more dangerous if
> bush got axed, bush is just a dumb puppethead for the real evil doers
> behind the scenes in their governmental undisclosed locations
> Posted by: | April 17, 2007 12:07 PM
> According to Sue Lindsey's article (of the Associated Press), the
> first statement the White House made after the VT shooting was the
> following:
> "A White House spokesman said
> President Bush was horrified by the rampage and offered his prayers to
> the victims and the people of Virginia. "The president believes that
> there is a right for people to bear arms, but that all laws must be
> followed," spokeswoman Dana Perino said "
> Why aren't journalists jumping on this? Doesn't this show how special
> interest oriented he is and how he is out of touch with the main
> stream and reality?
> Posted by: | April 17, 2007 12:23 PM
> Kucinich should introduce a single article over Geneva Convention
> violations. Cheney has publicly dismissed the horror that is
> waterboarding as "dunking."
> The Hamdan ruling has already established the reality of Geneva
> violations. These acts are also federal crimes under US Code: Title
> 18,2441.
> This would put the DC Dem "leadership" (and that craven quipping Dem
> aide) on the spot to defend or oppose war crimes. The GOP Senators
> would be put on the same spot in a Senate trial.
> It is the charge that would stick.
> In fact, it is a "slam dunk."
> --
> Posted by: thedeanpeople | April 17, 2007 12:28 PM
> Well, Kucinichs lame grandstand play got him his 15 minutes of fame,
> but it wont save his candidacy. Somehow I suspect in the world he
> walks in Kucinich sees this as a way to firm up his base in
> preparation for his run to the White House. My only question is if
> that is the case just what world is Kucinich in?
> Posted by: Dave Anthony | April 17, 2007 12:58 PM
> I am sick and tired of hearing all these damn excuses why Bush and
> Cheney should not be impeached. Politicians are not above the law,
> dammit! Kucinich speaks for the majority of the Americans. Democrats,
> hear this, Don't let those bastards blame you for losing a non-
> winnable war. This is on their shoulders and is theirs to keep. Win or
> lose!
> Posted by: forest sprague | April 17, 2007 01:09 PM
> Impeach them both. it'll be...
> read more
Sarcastic American! <> wrote in

> Articles of Impeachment To Be Filed On Cheney
> Looks like he's reached his boiling point.
> Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio), the most liberal of the Democratic
> presidential candidates in the primary field, declared in a letter
> sent to his Democratic House colleagues this morning that he plans to
> file articles of impeachment against Vice President Dick Cheney.
> Kucinich has made ending the war in Iraq the central theme of his
> campaign. He has even taken aim at the leading Democratic presidential
> candidates in the field for their votes on authorizing the war.
> Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution gives Congress the authority
> to impeach the president, vice president and "all civil Officers of
> the United States" for "treason, bribery, or other high Crimes and
> Misdemeanors."
> Sources tell the Sleuth that in light of the mass killings at Virginia
> Tech Monday, Kucinich's impeachment plans have been put on hold. There
> will be no action this week, they say.
> Kucinich's office had no comment on the Congressman's "Dear Colleague"
> letter -- which apparently was drafted over the weekend, before the
> school massacre -- or on what the focus of articles of impeachment
> against Cheney would be.
> But Kucinich shouldn't hold his breath on getting anywhere with his
> impeachment plan. "We'll see a Kucinich Administration before we'll
> see a Cheney impeachment," quipped one Democratic aide.
> Here is the text of his letter, a copy of which was forwarded to the
> Sleuth:
> April 17, 2007
> Dear Colleague:
> This week I intend to introduce Articles of Impeachment with respect
> to the conduct of Vice President Cheney. Please have your staff
> contact my office . . . if you would like to receive a confidential
> copy of the document prior to its introduction in the House.
> Sincerely,
> /s/
> Dennis J. Kucinich
> Member of Congress
> By Mary Ann Akers | April 17, 2007; 10:09 AM ET
> Previous: Bush Administration: Breakdown |
> CommentsPlease email us to report offensive comments.
> It may never happen, but Kucinich is right to propose it. The lies,
> deception, and seemingly endless corruption require more than a
> Congressional scolding. Bush too must be held accountable, yet the
> great irony is Bush can't be impeached because if it were successful,
> then Cheney would become president.
> Posted by: Arcadian | April 17, 2007 10:35 AM
> Ah, yes, but the question is whether or not it'll stick, or if this is
> the last we ever hear from Kucinich after the WH finds out?
> I'm off to find a tub of popcorn -- if it does stick, this could be an
> interesting ride.
> Posted by: | April 17, 2007 10:39 AM
> You know...oddly enough, this sounds like a stroke of genius! The
> media waters have been thoroughly poisoned with the idea that
> impeachment proceedings against Bush as a no-go because of the Clinton
> impeachment. By the same logic, the failure to convict even ONE person
> - even if they were innocent - somehow makes it impossible to even try
> to convict the most depraved mass-murderer.
> But going after the Vice-President is different. He's even more
> unpopular than Bush, for one thing. And I don't believe that a Vice-
> President has ever been impeached in the history of the US, so this is
> actually something quite new.
> I understand why the perpetually-cowed Democrats in Congress are too
> terrified to dream of impeaching Bush, no matter how thoroughly he
> deserves it. But for some reason, it seems just barely possible that
> they might feel better about supporting a Cheney impeachment bid.
> Maybe.
> Posted by: Quasit | April 17, 2007 10:47 AM
> At first, I thought this was brilliant--finally someone has the
> courage to hold the engine driving the train accountable. However, on
> second thought, this (if it were to succeed and Cheney were to leave
> office) would get the next Republican president into office.
> Appointing a new vice president would be a dream for the GOP. Good
> intentions Kucinich, but bad idea overall.
> Posted by: DreA | April 17, 2007 10:51 AM
> The proposed action by Kucinich may well explain why he is near last
> place among even Democratic presidential candidates: political zeal
> not balanced by political smarts.
> The Constitution allows impeachment for high crimes-normally
> interpreted as felonies- or misdemeanors that warrant removal from
> office despite being elected by the people. It doesn't call for
> impeachment for bad judgment or political ineptitude. This makes about
> as much sense as impeaching Clinton did. The most probable results
> will be to a) suggest Kucinich is desperate to revive a sinking
> campaign, b) ensure that the Republicans rally around Bush whether
> they believe in him or not.
> We need to hope the leadership of the Democratic Party is smarter than
> Kucinich and will defeat the move in committee. If Bush is indeed
> wrong, then he and his party should be defeated at the polls.
> Posted by: John G. | April 17, 2007 11:00 AM
> Who's dick cheney?
> Posted by: | April 17, 2007 11:06 AM
> It is too bad the shooter at VT spent all of his mojo on students and
> faculty.
> Posted by: mmather | April 17, 2007 11:20 AM
> Maybe Kucinich knows something the rest of us don't. Maybe he evidence
> that links Cheney's office to that infamous Italian letter. Or maybe,
> based on Cheney's statements in the media regarding our success in
> Iraq, he's going to try to impeach Cheney based on the assertion that
> the guy is effing crazy. Or maybe, he's going to go after him for
> obstructing an investigation when he refused to see the authorities
> for 14 hours after he shot a man (surely he wasn't drunk when that
> happened).
> Posted by: caneiac01 | April 17, 2007 11:22 AM
> Of course cheney should be impeached and Bush simultaneously. With
> investigations, the evidence would be overwhelming that they did
> indeed manipulate intelligence and lie to america about iraq's wmds,
> ties to 911 and imminent threat. Additionally, they committed crimes
> of authorizing torture, illegal spying and illegal detentions.
> Democrats need some balls like Kucinich. Does america stand for
> criminal leaders? The rest of the world is viewing america as a
> torturing arrogant beast that invades other countries and is
> guantanomo. We have lost our moral authority and the way to regain it
> is impeachment!
> Posted by: Abel tomlinson | April 17, 2007 11:28 AM
> Also, 51% of americans support impeachment, so we are the majority,
> including 20% of republicans, so it is bipartisan. If they support
> Bush as the head of their party, then they are represented by a
> criminal and their party will die.
> Posted by: Abel Tomlinson | April 17, 2007 11:29 AM
> Posted by: R.E.LENZ | April 17, 2007 11:46 AM
> The lack of leadership by the Democratic Party makes really solidifies
> my Green Party affiliation.
> Criminals should not be allowed to run our country.
> Posted by: Robert | April 17, 2007 11:51 AM
> Go Dennis!
> Dick is a great start in holding this administration accountable,
> screw the polls and political talking points, Dennis has the truth on
> his side!
> -Mike
> Posted by: Michael | April 17, 2007 12:00 PM
> Why won't the Democrats pursue this? I don't understand. There is
> plenty of already documented, sworn evidence from Fitzgerald. In fact,
> at his last press conference Patrick Fitzgerald stated that he would
> be happy to send Congress any evidence they want. An invitation?
> Cheney's approval rating is only about 18%. Moreover, he is at the
> root of all the war mongering that comes out of this administration
> because people are afraid to cross him. Let's all stand up for
> Cheney's impeachment and make this happen from the grass roots. One
> person can make a difference.
> Posted by: D. Wakefield | April 17, 2007 12:06 PM
> i say definitely start with cheney... he would be more dangerous if
> bush got axed, bush is just a dumb puppethead for the real evil doers
> behind the scenes in their governmental undisclosed locations
> Posted by: | April 17, 2007 12:07 PM
> According to Sue Lindsey's article (of the Associated Press), the
> first statement the White House made after the VT shooting was the
> following:
> "A White House spokesman said
> President Bush was horrified by the rampage and offered his prayers to
> the victims and the people of Virginia. "The president believes that
> there is a right for people to bear arms, but that all laws must be
> followed," spokeswoman Dana Perino said "
> Why aren't journalists jumping on this? Doesn't this show how special
> interest oriented he is and how he is out of touch with the main
> stream and reality?
> Posted by: | April 17, 2007 12:23 PM
> Kucinich should introduce a single article over Geneva Convention
> violations. Cheney has publicly dismissed the horror that is
> waterboarding as "dunking."
> The Hamdan ruling has already established the reality of Geneva
> violations. These acts are also federal crimes under US Code: Title
> 18,2441.
> This would put the DC Dem "leadership" (and that craven quipping Dem
> aide) on the spot to defend or oppose war crimes. The GOP Senators
> would be put on the same spot in a Senate trial.
> It is the charge that would stick.
> In fact, it is a "slam dunk."
> --
> Posted by: thedeanpeople | April 17, 2007 12:28 PM
> Well, Kucinichs lame grandstand play got him his 15 minutes of fame,
> but it wont save his candidacy. Somehow I suspect in the world he
> walks in Kucinich sees this as a way to firm up his base in
> preparation for his run to the White House. My only question is if
> that is the case just what world is Kucinich in?
> Posted by: Dave Anthony | April 17, 2007 12:58 PM
> I am sick and tired of hearing all these damn excuses why Bush and
> Cheney should not be impeached. Politicians are not above the law,
> dammit! Kucinich speaks for the majority of the Americans. Democrats,
> hear this, Don't let those bastards blame you for losing a non-
> winnable war. This is on their shoulders and is theirs to keep. Win or
> lose!
> Posted by: forest sprague | April 17, 2007 01:09 PM
> Impeach them both. it'll be a good thing.
> President Pelosi would severely piss Hillary off.
> Posted by: Mike | April 17, 2007 01:16 PM
> Both Cheney and Bush have misled and betrayed our country, our
> democracy and our TRUST. They have commited high crimes and
> misdemeanors, which can be read HERE:
> The momentum for impeachment is growing every day. This online
> petition has already gathered nearly 90,000 signatures of THE PEOPLE:
> We are in the midst of a Constitutional crises, and guess what? Our
> government isn't going to fix things unless WE THE PEOPLE stand up and
> make a big stink about it. This is a non-partisan issue. Bush and
> Cheney have betrayed their own party as well. They are not true to
> democracy; they are traitors and enemies of democracy and if they are
> not stopped, we are going to lose our country, and our world, to
> corporate power.
> The demand for impeachment is a cry from the American People for the
> protection of DEMOCRACY as we have known it! Whether they are
> impeached, or not, at least we the people are starting to make noise
> about the injustice happening RIGHT NOW to America the Beautiful!!!
> A true patriot of democracy and the USA
> Posted by: gracefounddog | April 17, 2007 01:16 PM
> hats off to Kucinich! Cheney, then Bush. Impeachment proceedings are
> likely to blow the lid off a lot of things we've been getting inklings
> of for years... such as, but not limited to:
> How are Duke Cunningham, corrupt Lobbyists like Jack Abramoff and
> Cheney connected?
> Why did Cheney really target Valerie Plame Wilson, taking down her
> counter-WMD-proliferation network?
> Why did we listen to phoney bunk from drunks and liars about Iraqi
> wmd?
> Was Cheney behind the Niger yellowcake scam in the first place?
> What was Cheney doing on 9/11/01? The Secretary of Transportation's
> witness testimony of Cheney's actions were strange!
> Is Cheney profiting from the war in Iraq and its aftermaths?
> Posted by: enzo titolo | April 17, 2007 01:20 PM
> it is brillant because cheney will pass the blame to bush, both will
> go down and we will have Pres. Pelosi!
> Posted by: bks | April 17, 2007 01:22 PM
> This will be a brilliant move. It will insure. upon impeachment (and
> conviction), that this criminal will not have a chance to be the head
> of the government. One thing at a time, in it's own time, when the
> time is right. The chimp will get his due...
> Posted by: Jack Alexander | April 17, 2007 01:23 PM
> Cheney is one of the best vote-getting tools the Democrats have in
> their arsenal and every time he opens his scowly mouth out pops more
> reason for an Independent or moderate Republican to think seriously
> about defecting from the GOP. This is the nasty RealPolitik reason
> Cheney will never be impeached. . . he is too valuable a motivator for
> the Dem base!
> Posted by: Christian in NYC | April 17, 2007 01:24 PM
> At least someone has the guts to do something. To whatever it might
> lead. But the American people need to wake up and get rid off the
> corrupt administration and its cronies. Finally some real news!
> Posted by: Democrate in NOVA | April 17, 2007 01:30 PM
> Kucinich likely has an accurate picture of his lightweight status in
> the pecking order.
> But he surely isn't dumb. Just MAYBE,he's moving on some brand new
> impeachable dirt on Five Deferment Dick.
> I advise the congressman not to board any small planes that are
> scheduled to land on icey runways.
> Posted by: muzza | April 17, 2007 01:30 PM
> This is the only thing a congress person can do in the face of the
> abuse of power exhibited by the administration. Any representative
> that does not go along with these investigations is defying their oath
> of office to protect the constitution against enemies both foreign and
> domestic. Go Kucinich!
> Posted by: Matthew G | April 17, 2007 01:43 PM
> Democrats are still learning something that the GOP learned long ago:
> don't run from your party's most extreme elements.
> The GOP has relied for years on the "repeating it makes it so"
> phenomenon. Even if Kucinich's request goes nowhere, he's the first
> representative to mention it. If the Democrats wanted to, they could
> make use of it.
> Posted by: Sammy | April 17, 2007 01:49 PM
> Impeach! Yes democrats, go right ahead and spend the next two years
> focusing on that, assuring another win for the Republicans.
> Posted by: Peachy | April 17, 2007 01:53 PM
> Thank you Dennis I knew if anyone would come through it would be you.
> At least one politician still believes that the constitution is a
> useful safeguard of the rights of the people of the United States
> against the dangers of unbalanced executive power. For this president,
> vice president and the future of the democracy we need more brave and
> constitutionally mandated action like this. You have my support for
> this action.
> Posted by: John L. | April 17, 2007 01:57 PM
> If Bush and Cheney are not impeached then the idea of impeachment
> should never again be brought up. For the future of OUR democracy and
> the whole idea of "We the People" impeachment is the ONLY way to
> restore the ideals of our Founding Fathers.
> Posted by: Ravenwood | April 17, 2007 01:57 PM
> Posted by: suexian | April 17, 2007 01:58 PM
> YESSSSSS!!! Is America finally demanding our people to be responsible?
> Posted by: ddezignz | April 17, 2007 02:10 PM
> Coo Coo Kucinich is running toward his base and away from reason and
> intellect. So whats new?
> Posted by: TheHatMan | April 17, 2007 02:25 PM
> I wish Kucinich would stop dreaming he has any shot at the presidency
> in this world. If he set his sights just a little lower, like a major
> cabinet position, he would be so much more effective. He is a
> brilliant and principled man, but he has so little charisma, how can
> he not see that?
> that aside, I hope he has the cojones to follow through with this, and
> I hope he isn't hung out to dry for it. if these bastards don't
> deserve impeachment, then I can't imagine how far the next maniac mob
> will feel they have a mandate to go unopposed. spineless dems, I wish
> they'd just disband if they aren't going to even throw the ball back,
> so pathetic.
> and if this country elects another monster to replace that robot if
> he's impeached, well to hell with us all.
> Posted by: verdinckt | April 17, 2007 02:35 PM
> What charges, specifically would be filed against Cheney--what crime
> or misdemeanor would be charged?
> Cheney is a vile, stupid, cowardly man. He deserves to be put through
> every ringer we can think of, and I love that Kucinich is willing to
> squeeze the *******. It may even work, if specific legal charges can
> be found.
> I may even kick a few bucks Kucinich's way if he can pull this off...
> Posted by: windserf | April 17, 2007 02:38 PM
> Posted by: Sarah R-M | April 17, 2007 02:42 PM
> Contact your Rep.! Tell them to support Kucinich's Articles of
> Impeachment! I called and emailed Rep. DeFazio, my rep. Please do the
> same, email and call yours!
> You can find your rep here:
> Thanks Mary Ann for breaking the story.
> ---
> Posted by: Jim | April 17, 2007 02:48 PM
> Go for it Kucinich.
> He has no chance of winning because he's as far to the left as Bush is
> to the right, and I think people are done with the extremes for now.
> Plus, impeachment has no chance of success due to the fact that
> Democrats do not carry the perception of having strength, so nobody is
> going to stand beside them in any endeavor of this magnitude.
> So at the very least it could provide some entertainment as we head
> into the campaign season. I give him points for being creative though.
> Going after the VP is original. Maybe next he'll try to get Bush with
> a Court Marshall.
> Posted by: crid | April 17, 2007 02:51 PM
> I dearly hope this turns out to be true and not merely a rumor. Cheney
> is so vulnerable and there is no doubt he's the right place to start.
> Kucinich is truly taking a powerful leadership role here and I admire
> the man.
> For those discounting his presidential aspirations, how about
> Kucinich/ Obama in 08. Who would the GOP put against that ticket on
> the heels of an impeachment that inevitably reveals the depths of the
> GOPs bloodthirsty militarism? McCain?
> Posted by: Thank the Lord | April 17, 2007 02:57 PM
> I love it when Democratic leftist fringe types talk about impeaching
> Bush or Cheney since it really makes them seem like loons to the
> majority of people. Why cant the Dems just get a president elected
> rather than try to impeach? Also, exactly what crimes have been
> committed? I would like specifics on that last one, not vague canards
> like "lying to the people" or "mass murder".
> Posted by: flyoverman | April 17, 2007 02:57 PM
> It will happen if we want it to! That's all it takes. So do you want
> it? Another great representative to check out-
> Posted by: Trevor Lyman | April 17, 2007 02:58 PM
> If Kucinich follows through with this, he will instantly become the
> first and only candidate running for President in 2008.
> Everyone else is simply running for Unitary Executive - hoping to
> assume the grossly expanded powers of this most corrupt, inept and
> morally bankrupt President.
> Yet Cheney is by far the more sinister character of the two.
> If you are not yet convinced of the impeachable offenses of both Bush
> and Cheney, please view them here:
> And please contact Kucinich through the Congressional Switchboard at:
> (202) 224-3121 to encourage him to do the right thing and follow
> through with this.
> Then call your Representative and Senator and tell them to sign on
> with Kucinich. The Senate may not be in play at first, but the more
> members committed to honoring their oaths to protect and defend the
> Constitution of the United States of America against these DOMESTIC
> ENEMIES TO THE CONSTITUTION who have occupied our White House.
> Mikael Rudolph
> Posted by: Mikael Rudolph | April 17, 2007 03:04 PM
> How long will it take you propaganda disseminating genocidal
> apologists to figure out that Bush and Cheney and their gang are mass
> murderers, thieves, liars, and traitors. Anyone who had a basic civics
> class in high school that required reading (and understanding) the US
> Constitution and Bill of Rights should clearly see reason to impeach.
> Oh, wait. I keep forgetting most Americans haven't actually had the
> privilege of a proper civics class; so much for Democracy!
> Posted by: King George | April 17, 2007 03:19 PM
> Based on the Mineta 9.11 Commission Report testimony alone, Cheney
> MUST be impeached.
> Posted by: Right on... | April 17, 2007 03:23 PM
> I find this all hard to believe. On 9/11/01 the entire United States
> wanted Bush to do something and he did, the United States wanted to be
> rid of Hussein and we are. Now comes the calls for PRESIDENT PELOSI
> give me a break, she's conspiring with Syria who sponsors terrorism
> and she's wanting to go to Iran, and anyone with a pea brain knows
> about Iran. WHAT HAS THE PELOSI CROWD ACCOMPLISHED in their 1st 100
> days of power?? absolutly NADDA, NOTHING, ZILCH, oh and by the way,
> she saw everyone but never had time to stop to see the troops, maybe
> she realized that wouldn't be a real good idea.
> Well ya'll are probably have your dreams come true next year and when
> you get the likes of Hillary or some other block head I'll set back
> and say "TOLD YA SO"
> Posted by: Danny | April 17, 2007 03:27 PM
> It's about time a Democrat actually had some spine. What could have
> possibly come over America, to think that such a historically
> spineless party would actually rise to the occasion this time?
> Fortunately for us, there are still some mavericks like Kucinich who
> have not yet been silenced by their ultra-right wing masters (i.e.
> Hillary Clinton).
> If the Republicans were like the Democrats, we'd have never gotten
> into any of this -- not because of wisdom, but simply because the
> Republicans would have pre-emptively psyched themselves out of every
> victory with the same defeatist attitude shown by the "liberals"
> commenting here.
> Posted by: David Hennessy | April 17, 2007 03:28 PM
> I can't prove this, but I don't have to because this is comment post
> and not a court of law.
> I believe that Dick Cheney was involved with the Anthrax attacks on
> Patrick Lehey among others and that he ordered the downing of Paul
> Wellstone's plane.
> Remember, this guy likes torture. He might even like it in a kinky
> way. Maybe he gets off to people suffering.
> They call these people sadists. They do exist. They do tend to seek
> powerful positions.
> Posted by: Alexjonesfan | April 17, 2007 03:44 PM
> The US of A wasn't born from people incapable of taking risk, and more
> importantly, action in the face of wrongdoing. Assume what you want
> about the outcome; but is there ever a time that it's not worth it to
> do what is right? Justice needs to be done. Our country needs to be
> restored. This will only be done through action and holding those
> accountable that have had a hand in destroying what was once a great
> nation!
> Posted by: Stefan | April 17, 2007 03:47 PM
> Typical of a scummy DLC dem operative to skewer the only real liberal
> in the crummy party.
> "We'll see a Kucinich Administration before we'll see a Cheney
> impeachment," quipped one Democratic aide.
> Why are the febrile effing dems so hot to dismiss impeachment for what
> Are high crimes and misdemeanors, from lying us into war to massive
> and blatant cronyism and corruption? This is not an imaginary or
> politically motivated impeachment, like the repugs tried to do. They
> had the guts to do a bogus impeachment but the dems don't have the
> balls to go for a real one.
> What a rotten party. I quit. I'll never vote Democrat again. What a
> scummy, nonrepresentatie party. The Majority of Americans would now go
> along with impeachment, and as disaster unfolds that majority will
> grow.
> The DEADocrats suck. And all they'll give us as a choice for the next
> election is procorporate globalist warmonger Hillary, or prettyboy,
> emptyhead Obama (I heard him speak the usual jingoism against Chavez,
> which showed he has No idea of what we have done in Latin America for
> ages, or what the real situation is.)
> Posted by: Jim Mooney | April 17, 2007 03:53 PM
> Funny how everyone wants to hang him high without evidence. I read
> everything here and found no foundation for impeachment. What are the
> charges? Sorry, he "Mislead" or "Lied" isn't impeachable unless the
> lie is under oath. You people are fun to listen to but once again no
> truthful reason other than you suspect him or just don't like him. It
> takes a lot more than that kids.
> Posted by: Rick | April 17, 2007 04:00 PM
> See above. I'm with Jim.
> Posted by: Herbert Hoover | April 17, 2007 04:03 PM
> It would be awesome to see this war criminal impeached. The problem is
> that Cheney has already made billions from his Haliburton deals so he
> probably wouldn't even care if he was impeached. He's so rich he can
> go buy 100,000 acres in any country he wishes, like Bush has already
> bought land to plot his escape destination.
> Posted by: | April 17, 2007 04:03 PM
> How many kinds of treason must this one man commit, until SOMEONE
> calls him out on it? Why, if "liberals" are such whimps, is it a
> liberal standing up, taking the old man to task?
> Posted by: Prissy | April 17, 2007 04:10 PM
> The guy who wrote this blog response below is truly an a-h0le. No
> wonder the whacky left gets ZERO respect beyond its own echo-chamber
> in the blog-o-sphere.
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> "It is too bad the shooter at VT spent all of his mojo on students and
> faculty.
> Posted by: mmather | April 17, 2007 11:20 AM"
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> Posted by: Dave From Alexandria | April 17, 2007 04:13 PM
> what kind of moronic Democratic aide would "quip" that "We'll see a
> Kucinich Administration before we'll see a Cheney impeachment."
> Don't these people understand the crimes that Cheney has committed?
> How despised he is by the American people? (protests at BYU!)
> Cheney certainly should be impeached, and Democrats should be rallying
> behind his impeachment, not cowering behind their lobbyist's losing
> advice.
> Posted by: mike g | April 17, 2007 04:13 PM
> Rick, STOP..."without evidence" tells me you are either loyal to the
> point of watching your constitution go up in smoke or you aren't
> educated enough. I'll go with the latter. Now go to this website
> read all the court certified
> evidence and then try to tell us he's innocent. It's all there in his
> own handwriting...
> Posted by: Uncle Sammy | April 17, 2007 04:14 PM
> Rick - your stupidity is stunning.
> Posted by: Dave | April 17, 2007 04:17 PM
> Just another "non-binding" proposal
> Posted by: yellowdog | April 17, 2007 04:17 PM
> I hope this pans out. I'd like to see that evil SOB squirm.
> Posted by: John Paul | April 17, 2007 04:22 PM
> The fact that WaPo posts this without censor is impressive-especially
> considering the Editor performance of the last 6 years. Did they
> finally realize they better tell the truth or watch the country perish
> until the rule of one man?
> Posted by: | April 17, 2007 04:23 PM
> Go Dennis Go!!!
> Posted by: Jeff in Ohio | April 17, 2007 04:26 PM
> Rep. Kucinich was right FROM THE BEGINNING when he voted against the
> Iraq War and he is right about this also. One of the few in Congress
> with the insight, integrity and guts to support the laws of the
> Constitution. You show a lot of love for America Rep. Kucinich!!
> Actions like yours may restore some sense of morality to the American
> Govt. and begin to regain some respect overseas to America. It's
> simply outrageous what this admin is doing to our beloved America and
> to it's citizens.
> Posted by: FreedomRider | April 17, 2007 04:26 PM
> They deserve not only impeachment, but a full public trial in the
> system they have undermined or ignored for six years. And if/when
> found guilty, they should be placed in prison for hard time. Let them
> try to spend their ill-gotten gains then!
> BTW, if they run, they open themselves to being arrested and charged
> under international law, under which it would be much harder for them
> to evade serious punishment. Why do you think Bush wouldn't sign on to
> the war crimes act?
> Posted by: cosmogenium | April 17, 2007 04:30 PM
> Seems the nation is waking up and finally rising up to the real
> terrorists.....
> Good luck from Amsterdam
> Posted by: J. Portland | April 17, 2007 04:30 PM
> Impeach both Bush and Cheney simultaneously. That way if it works,
> Pelosi becomes president.
> It won't work, but it will be fun trying. After all, if Specter can
> rail against the Patriot Act Reauthorization because it revokes the
> right of habeus corpus, claiming that we would be doing away with one
> of the rights passed on down from the magna carta, and then goes and
> votes for the blasted thing, well, he will never vote to convict. What
> a tool.
> Posted by: coltergeist | April 17, 2007 04:31 PM
> It is astounding to read some of the comments above, so many of them
> have nothing to do with the subject of why impeachment makes sense for
> Cheney and Dumbya. The obvious criminal activity of this
> administration should have any American upset to say the least, but no
> it has to be dragged down to a partisan issue.
> Not only are the crimes of Cheney and Dumbya impeachablr offenses but
> some of their dirty deeds are clearly in violation of international
> law. I an not a Democrat and surly not a Neocon Republican but how
> anyone could support some of these Dems that have taken impeachment
> "off the table" is beyond me. What Clinton did was just so minor
> compared to what is going on, these people are tyrants and need a jail
> cell. I say give Cheney and Dumbya one more term - Life in prison.
> Posted by: Dmitri | April 17, 2007 04:32 PM
> maybe an article of impeachment should be about those missing e-mails
> which will soon turn into entire missing computers no doubt. rumour
> has it that one has been found in a field in wyoming. sources tell me
> it appears to have been destroyed with several blast fired from of all
> things, a shotgun! well, thats just a real crude way to attempt to
> hide the facts. kucinich should worry about his voting record on iraq
> as well. voting for an immediate withdrawal and therefore helping to
> diminish support for the democrats lacks any sense of pragmatism
> whtsoever dennis baby! so lets get real and get on to some reality,
> o.k.? this is why even though you got my vote last time around you
> won"t get it this time. we all want to get cheney and get out of iraq
> but we need to go after the money and deadlines and not just cut and
> run.cheney will hang himself and leave behind the legacy of a snarling
> weasel and that's o.k. with me. patience, patience, dennis.
> Posted by: logan | April 17, 2007 04:33 PM
> Very smart to go after Cheney rather than Bush. Cheney control's the
> show and it's his willful ignorance and incompetence that is primarily
> responsible for the worst military fiasco in American history, as well
> as the pervasive corruption of the Bush administration. It won't
> stick, but you have to start somewhere.
> Posted by: Craig | April 17, 2007 04:36 PM
> Well there is quite a body of work out there spelling out the grounds
> for impeachment. United States v. George W. Bush et al. by Elizabeth
> de la Vega, a former federal prosecutor is quite compelling. Also
> there is The Case for Impeachment: The Legal Argument for Removing
> President George W. Bush from Office by Dave Lindorff. AND there is
> Impeach the President: The Case Against Bush and Cheney by Dennis Loo.
> Sooo before you Fox News viewers go off deriding the loony left for
> advocating impeachment you should educate yourselves. Here's a hint,
> you are not going to find the facts on Fox News.
> Posted by: Scotter | April 17, 2007 04:37 PM
> "The lack of leadership by the Democratic Party makes really
> solidifies my Green Party affiliation.
> Criminals should not be allowed to run our country.
> Posted by: Robert | April 17, 2007 11:51 AM"
> Well Robert, while it's nice to have ideals and convictions that draw
> you to the likes of the Green party, your inability to foresee the
> effects of a wasted vote contributed to that moron Bush getting
> installed as president in 2000. Thanks a lot.
> Posted by: John Paul | April 17, 2007 04:39 PM
> I'm all for it. Kucinich is currently getting my vote.
> You cant impeach bush and put cheney in charge. BUT you can impeach
> cheney and THEN impeach bush. cheney's arrogance will be his downfall,
> the information that comes out in his trial would be enough to impeach
> bush.
> In a perfect world they would then be tried for warcrimes.
> Posted by: KenF | April 17, 2007 04:39 PM
> "The proposed action by Kucinich may well explain why he is near last
> place among even Democratic presidential candidates: political zeal
> not balanced by political smarts."
> Dear John G:
> I tend to think that your comment is somewhat ironic, considering that
> Kucinich bases his "zeal" on solid evidence and not feelings and
> rhetoric, which you classify as "political smarts," unlike his
> Democratic counterparts that are doing far better in the polls. It
> goes to show what a nice haircut, Armani suit and perfectly placed
> photo ops can do. Quit pandering to mainstream media and wake up to
> reality.
> Posted by: Newman | April 17, 2007 04:40 PM
> I think the one thing that everyone here has overlooked is that if
> both Bush and Cheney are impeached, then Pelosi takes over. I think
> that would be worse then letting those SOBs stay where they are until
> the term is over.
> Posted by: sane1inthecrowd | April 17, 2007 04:46 PM
> "....quipped one Democratic aide?" Impeachment for high crimes and
> misdemeanors is not a subject matter of "quips." It is deadly serious
> business and this aide's boss better take the pulse of his/her
> constituents ...I'm betting there is a lot of support for such an
> action. We need to get the military and intelligence and treasury out
> of Cheney's grimy, greedy little fingers.
> Thank you, Dennis...your integrity is showing.
> Posted by: Sandy D. | April 17, 2007 04:47 PM
> Finally some good news out of this Congress. I wonder how long it will
> be before the Congressional 'leadership' tries to pull the rug out
> from under DK for fear of being called nasty names.
> Posted by: Joe Hill | April 17, 2007 04:50 PM
> Excellent move, one that I hope will be fruitful. Impeachment says a
> lot about the character of the American people not tolerating a wrong
> path administration deterined to ruin our country.
> Don't worry about the Republicans, 22 of them switched sides and won
> seats int eh House as Democrats. Hagel was the first in all Congress
> to suggest Bush be impeached and he is a Republican.
> Go Dennis go - if this is true it will make Mr. K popular with the
> people and unpopular with all those guilty of ruining our counrty. On
> the topic of impeachment, you are either with Bush and Cheney or you
> are against them. I think most Americans are against them and for
> their removal from office.
> Tivana
> Posted by: Tivana | April 17, 2007 04:51 PM
> What a dem love fest!!!
> Take a pil and get over it Bush is our president and the majority put
> him there.
> Also congress rubber stamped the war in Iraq including the dems.
> Posted by: BillyB | April 17, 2007 04:52 PM
> And all those who support this corrupt administration should go sign
> up to fight this war instead of offering up other peoples' children.
> They have even upped the age limit so get off your lazy butts and go
> fight since Bush has you so scared of the terrorists. Cowards.
> Posted by: jaynine | April 17, 2007 04:54 PM
> Rep. Kucinich will find he has more support than he could have
> imagined.
> But why wait? Awful news of any kind should make action more immediate
> instead of less so. After all, more people die everyday for Cheney's
> and Bush's war.
> To say enough death is not disrespectful; quite the contrary...Start
> by going after Dr. Death.
> Posted by: judy | April 17, 2007 04:57 PM
> "What a dem love fest!!!
> Take a pil and get over it Bush is our president and the majority put
> him there.
> Also congress rubber stamped the war in Iraq including the dems.
> Posted by: BillyB | April 17, 2007 04:52 PM "
> BillyB - Go back to your beer.
> Posted by: John Paul | April 17, 2007 05:02 PM
> Newman...Thanks for saying one of the things I wanted to go into.
> ANYONE who puts down D.K. for this courageous and much-needed and,
> apparently, well thought out move needs to go to and
> learn a few things about this man. He is a dream come true for WE THE
> PEOPLE! As someone else above said, stop being a pawn to mainstream
> media. This man is the real deal for us REAL Americans...not the top
> 1% of tax-avoiding, ludicrously wealthy.
> Dennis, Get the ball rolling on the bastards, and we'll sit back and
> see the wussies in Dem party who squirm and the ones who stand beside
> you.
> Posted by: Robert A. Brown | April 17, 2007 05:03 PM
> Definitely start with Cheney, because if we impeach Bush first, then
> Cheney gets to be president. Even FIVE MINUTES with Dick Cheney is 10
> minutes TOO LONG
> Posted by: Jimmy G | April 17, 2007 05:04 PM
> Well praise the Lord and pass the peace pipe. If we now apply Darth
> Cheney's One Percent Doctrine to him, it'll be a cinch.
> Dick Cheney believes if one percent of the details look fishy, there's
> probably a whale in the picture. I agree when it comes to him.
> Posted by: Kax | April 17, 2007 05:14 PM
> Can't come soon enough.
> Posted by: Send Him to Gitmo | April 17, 2007 05:14 PM
> "Take a pil and get over it Bush is our president and the majority put
> him there."
> Posted by: BillyB | April 17, 2007 04:52 PM
> ... a majority that has since dwindled to roughly 30 percent. The pill
> to help "get over" this nightmare of an administration starts with an
> 'i' and ends with an "mpeachment". What a perfect way for the country
> to tell Darth Cheney exactly what he told Sen. Leahy a few years ago
> on the floor of the U.S. Senate.
> Posted by: xii | April 17, 2007 05:17 PM
> Dennis is awesome! It's about time someone in DC told the truth.
> Posted by: BT | April 17, 2007 05:17 PM
> Why should Kucinich wait on taking action - even though his articles
> of impeachment don't have a chance in hell of being acted upon -
> because of the Virginia Tech massacre? It sounds like he's just
> looking for some much needed media attention.
> Posted by: Eric blair | April 17, 2007 05:20 PM
> xii: you mean Cheney used the F word? I'm horrified. Yeah, nail the
> SOB.
> Posted by: John Paul | April 17, 2007 05:20 PM
> What will Bush, Cheney's hand puppet, do without Cheney? While
> Kucinich may not be the most astute politician or the most popular,
> sometimes even a child can see the right of an action. We need to
> remove the puppet master before he comes up something even bigger for
> Bush to do.
> Posted by: Bob | April 17, 2007 05:21 PM
> Finally! Go Denis!!!
> Posted by: SB | April 17, 2007 05:23 PM
> There is surely much more cause (and evidence) to impeach Bush and/or
> Cheney than there was to impeach Clinton.
> However, impeachment is really not the proper mechanism for mitigating
> against the damage of the Bush Administration. THere was an election
> in 2006 where the voters had a chance to speak and there will be
> another in 2008.
> I suspect thre will be very few candidates asking either the outgoing
> VP or POTUS to campaign for them.
> Posted by: GR Sloan | April 17, 2007 05:27 PM
> Thank you Dennis.
> Posted by: Peter | April 17, 2007 05:28 PM
> Impeachment of chaney,would be about the most stupid idea i have
> heard. Bush is the supposed to be president,even though we know he
> doe;s not run anything. cut off the head, and the tail will
> die.Impeach bush ,problem solved. chaney will automatically
> impeachment is enough, if it is G.Bush. signed tip.
> Posted by: charles hendrix | April 17, 2007 05:29 PM
> All Roads Lead to Dick Cheney
> ney.html
> Posted by: Jesse Jones | April 17, 2007 05:30 PM
> Bravo, Kucinich! Now, maybe the MSM and the pollsters will start
> asking the impeachment question every week!
> Posted by: sally | April 17, 2007 05:34 PM
> Forget the political ramifications of this. This country needs, for a
> brief moment at least, to step way back beyond politics and see what
> has happened in the last six years. Perhaps we need a serious course-
> correction and perhaps, if Cheney is indeed guilty of the things most
> posters have written about, then this is the event that needs to
> happen next. No one knows the effect truth will have on the future.
> But I would be willing to bet that the airing out of all that has
> festered in the minds on both sides would be a good thing for this
> country. Lets do it and move on.
> We've got big issues to tackle in the near future and I don't think
> the current administration is up to the task. If nothing else, we can
> show the world that we can ask the tough questions of our leaders. No
> red, no blue just the white truth please.
> Posted by: Jim | April 17, 2007 05:34 PM
> IMPEACH CHENEY FIRST, as the bumper sticker says.
> The ball is already rolling all over the United States:
> Yes, other Dems wouldn't initiate it -
> they're too chicken. But if WE push for it and the media at least
> get out of the way, Congress will follow (mooo!)
> I saw All the President's Men again last night. We need just
> a little luck and Woodward & Bernstein circa 1973 (bring back
> THAT Washington Post) and the hearings, prosecutions and
> resignations can be completed in a few short months.
> No kidding.
> Violence is cowardly. Peace takes courage.
> Kucinich is a visionary with guts to spare.
> Posted by: Nina | April 17, 2007 05:35 PM
> You conspiracy spinners need to get back on your meds.
> Posted by: Fel8Moi | April 17, 2007 05:37 PM
> You folks need to stop beating the dead horse and get on with business
> that impacts us all. Impeachment (Cheney or Bush) is of no value to
> the American people. Quit trying to run up the score. It is time to
> quit looking back and move forward. Work for your candidate in 08 and
> quit living in the past. To be truthful, the biggest crime during this
> administration was Sandy "Burglar" stealing and destroying classified
> documents from the National Archive.
> Bird (Las Cruces, NM)
> Posted by: BIRD | April 17, 2007 05:38 PM
> First Rosie on 9/11, now Dennis on impeachment... it seems our
> "enemies" are becoming our friends.
> Posted by: Anonymous Coward | April 17, 2007 05:38 PM
> Impeachment is neccessary or we are endorsing everything that this
> administration has done. Irregardless of consequences, crimes must be
> punished. The guilty must be prosecuted, or justice dies.
> Accountability has to be the word we live by. No one is above the law.
> The Constitution spells out the relationship of the justice department
> to the executive branch and warns that it must be diligent and on
> gaurd against corruption by the executive branch. Justice must
> prevail. The Vice President and the President should no longer
> represent the people of the United States if they are criminals.
> Posted by: Clarion | April 17, 2007 05:39 PM
> Not enough votes in the senate.
> Get busy everybody.
> Get the word out.
> Call, email, etc.
> Posted by: V | April 17, 2007 05:39 PM
> "It is too bad the shooter at VT spent all of his mojo on students and
> faculty." Posted by: mmather | April 17, 2007 11:20 AM
> Yeah, he should have saved some for the leftist traitors, like mmather
> and the rest of you morons who are ENCOURAGING THE JIHADISTS TO FIGHT
> Posted by: Joe Sixpack | April 17, 2007 05:40 PM
> I sympathize with the passion I read in the comments, and also believe
> that both should be removed from office.
> Unfortunately I can't ignore that which no one has mentioned: if the
> goal is removal, then at the moment impeachment simply won't work.
> Even with a bare majority of Americans agreeing (& thus lessening
> whatever backlash would come from a Senate trial in which they were
> acquitted, as they would be), it requires a super majority of Senate
> votes to remove an impeached office holder.
> Go ahead, count the votes for removal in the Senate and tell me how
> many Republicans will vote to remove these two (or either one
> seperately) from office?
> (Crickets chirping in the long, long, long silence.........)
> Posted by: oddjob | April 17, 2007 05:40 PM
> G_ddammit this is funny! I can only hope that Mrs. Pelosi is stupid
> enough to help Lil' Dennis out and bring this to the floor! It would
> be the death knell for the defeatocrat party, IMHO.
> Posted by: Alan | April 17, 2007 05:41 PM
> Bravo, Bravo!!! Dennis! Now we must ask ourselves how we can get the
> rest of these gutless democrats to see what must be done now. I'm
> quickly becoming as angry at the dems than I ever was against the
> reps. How dare they not to have started holding these full-blown
> criminals accountable for their hideous crimes against the American
> people and millions of other people around the world; the Earth
> itself.
> Posted by: James Benton | April 17, 2007 05:42 PM
> Liberal Scum.
> Posted by: | April 17, 2007 05:43 PM
> I've felt for several years that the reason why democratic congressmen
> are only a few percentage points more popular than republicans is
> because the people think they should be doing more to rid our nation
> of cheney and bush. If Kucinich's popularity raises after he files to
> impeach cheney it might finally send this message to the rest of the
> bunch.
> Posted by: Orville Gunther | April 17, 2007 05:44 PM
> Here is the best basis for impeachment.
> Posted by: Attorney And Former Law School Professor | April 17, 2007
> 05:45 PM
> jaynine: Many who support the War on Terror and the administration
> ALREADY SERVED in the military, or didn't you realize that? Look at
> the Gathering of Eagles last month, who protected the Vietnam Memorial
> from leftist crazies:
> Posted by: Frank | April 17, 2007 05:46 PM
> If presidential candidates were chosen for their intellect and
> commitment to the people of this country, Dennis Kucinich would have
> gotten the nomination instead of the wealthy and well-connected Kerry.
> But it could turn out ok in the end if Kucinich can pull this off.
> Kucinich has courage, brains, and heart to spare - he deserves our
> unfailing support because he's doing this for every citizen of this
> country.
> Posted by: Leonard | April 17, 2007 05:48 PM
> As this US Attorney scandal is investigated more thoroughly, it will
> become apparent that the reason why this scandal is so scary, is the
> election laws and voting irregularities are at the heart of the
> scandal. One of the reasons the firings happened right after the Nov
> election was that the GOP doesn't want to lose another eletction. My
> analysis leads me to believe that both the 2000 and the 2004 election
> were rigged to give Bush et al the win. They didn't rig the last
> election enough. The rethuglicans never understood just how much they
> were going to lose by. they estimated 7 to 10%. Never dreamed they
> were goimg to lose by such big margins and the rigging couldn't make
> up for that much of a difference. Just check the exit polls and the
> actual numbers. As usual, they don't match up like they always did
> before the Bush people and their corrupt voting machines were in
> place.
> We have this one window of opportunity to get rid of these crooks. We
> may never have another as these crooks are in the process of
> consolidating power and stacking the courts and the US Attorneys and
> the media and the Army and the Blackwell mercinary army. Impeach
> Cheney and Bush and indict Rove and the others.
> Posted by: Ali B | April 17, 2007 05:48 PM
> I'll bet some of you hippies will go crazy next year when a
> conservative GOP ex-senator named Fred Thompson is elected president.
> Eight years of a real conservative like Reagan might be enough to
> bring this country back to where it was when I was growing up.
> Posted by: Harry Lime | April 17, 2007 05:50 PM
> ....."But Kucinich shouldn't hold his breath on getting anywhere with
> his impeachment plan. "We'll see a Kucinich Administration before
> we'll see a Cheney impeachment," quipped one Democratic aide."....
> The new dynamics of NH politics are not well known outside of local
> activist circles, but I can assure you that we are laughing at the
> uninformed media coronations of the "Big Three" Dems. Watch & learn,
> grasshopper.
> Posted by: IrregardlessNH | April 17, 2007 05:53 PM
> I'm all for giving the VP a fair trail, and then hanging the .
> Posted by: g Anton | April 17, 2007 05:54 PM
> This may not have the backing of the House and Senate. It may not even
> have the backing of the many spineless Democrats, but it's the right
> thing to do.
> Posted by: bill | April 17, 2007 05:58 PM
> About time.
> Posted by: LeepII | April 17, 2007 06:00 PM
> "Peachy" writes: "Impeach! Yes democrats, go right ahead and spend the
> next two years focusing on that, assuring another win for the
> Republicans."
> You mean, like removing Nixon insured a win for the RepugniCONs in
> '76?
> Exposing the lies and criminality of the Bush/Cheney Gang is going to
> ensure the election of a RepugniCON in '08? Sorry, not buying it.
> Impeachment proceedings -- even if unsuccessful -- would drag the full
> depravity of this maladministration into the light of the day. It's
> the RepugniCONs' worst nightmare. So save your "helpful" advice, okay?
> Posted by: hbm | April 17, 2007 06:01 PM
> Impeachment trial first, war crimes trial second, treason trial
> third.
> Posted by: Mike | April 17, 2007 06:01 PM
> It is quite amazing to read the vitriol and hatred from the wacky
> leftist that dominate this site. You people need to get a life or
> maybe read the Constitution, maybe Article 2.
> By your standards Franklin Delano Roosevelt would not be considered
> the greatest President of this century, but a disgraced man that was
> impeached and driven from office. What Roosevelt did to civil
> liberties in the name of national security makes George Bush look like
> a Girl Scout. If any historical precedent was considered at all in
> judging Bush's actions versus the actions of other President's,
> particularly Lincoln and Roosevelt, this President would walk away
> completely unscathed.
> Secondly, you little whining morons have claimed for years Bush "lied"
> about Weapons of Mass Destruction. When Bob Woodward's book came out
> and described George Tenet telling the President the WMD's in Iraq
> were a "slam dunk" you simply ignored it. When you read a transcript
> or heard an audio clip of almost every Democrat leader in the House
> and Senate saying the exact same things about Hussein and Iraq as Bush
> did you ignored that too. Since you people really know the truth there
> is only one conclusion; It is you people that are liars and scoundrels
> and if you can hide the truth or distort the facts to get your way you
> are quite willing to do so.
> You people are truly pathetic.
> Posted by: Charles McFarling | April 17, 2007 06:04 PM
> By pardoning Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford lost the support of American
> voters and greatly increased general apathy and cynicism regarding
> accountability in government. Now, having reached the point where
> Americans see glaring evidence of the most corrupt administration
> since the age of robber barons, citizens simply will not take it any
> more. Now, even as a retired, life-long Republican, I am one of them.
> I have absolutely had it.
> It is painfully evident that the highest levels of my party and
> American democracy itself are being hijacked by corrupt ideologues
> funded by corrupt corporations and religious groups. At long last "We
> The People" are uniting to face this real and present danger, arming
> ourselves with facts, and acting decisively to take back American
> democracy. We will impeach Bush and Cheney and prosecute to the full
> extent of the law those who have defrauded, deceived and stolen from
> us. Once again we citizens have learned, at enormous cost to coming
> generations, to keep personally involved in the responsibilities of
> American democracy.
> Recently, in a Middlebury VT town meeting led by Gov. Douglas himself,
> citizens passed a resolution to impeach George W. Bush and Dick
> Cheney. A Putney VT, vote to impeach was unanimous. More than 36 towns
> passed similar resolutions and it's happening all over America. These
> are inspiring examples of citizens uniting to take back their
> government and to re-affirm Constitutional accountability, equal
> justice and equal protection under the law. What a great time to be an
> American!
> Posted by: sslyon | April 17, 2007 06:05 PM
> "BIRD" writes: "It is time to quit looking back and move forward."
> Yes, no doubt all you RepugniCONs would like us to overlook the crimes
> of the Bush/Cheney Gang and act as if the past six years never
> happened. "Move along, folks -- nothing to see here."
> But guess what -- we're not in a mood to oblige you. We will "move
> forward" when and how we damn well please, thank you.
> Posted by: hbm | April 17, 2007 06:07 PM
> Dennis Kucinich - a true patriot!! Thank you , Dennis!!
> Posted by: Sean McKernan | April 17, 2007 06:09 PM
> "Rick" writes: "Funny how everyone wants to hang him high without
> evidence."
> By no means -- have a thorough investigation first. That's what
> holding hearings and a debate over an impeachment resolution will
> accomplish.
> Evidence first, THEN hang him.
> Posted by: | April 17, 2007 06:10 PM
> Might as well do Bush AND Cheney at the same time. They are both
> criminals.
> Posted by: wdb | April 17, 2007 06:10 PM
> While this is long overdue, and is on target, our Congress does not
> have the integrity to back it up.
> The best that could be hoped for is that nations all over the world
> will take out warrants for Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice and many
> others as war criminals, and if and when they should enter any of
> those countries, they be arrested and charged and tried in the World
> Court.
> You don't have to be a blind conservative not to see it, just an
> ignorant one to deny it.
> Posted by: Dennis | April 17, 2007 06:12 PM
> McFarling: It is statements like yours that will consign the
> RepugniCON Party to the dustbin of history -- deservedly so.
> There is absolutely no comparison between the REAL wars FDR and
> Lincoln had to fight and the trumped-up, phony war manufactured by the
> Bush/Cheney Gang for their own aggrandizement.
> BTW it's amusing to hear you call us "whackos" when your great
> president enjoys the support of only 30 percent of the country. Sure
> must be a lotta "whackos" out there.
> Posted by: hbm | April 17, 2007 06:14 PM
> It's clear from reading the comments here that the Bush/Cheney dead-
> enders have learned absolutely nothing from the 2006 elections or what
> has followed.
> You have been MARGINALIZED, ladies and gentlemen.
> Posted by: hbm | April 17, 2007 06:17 PM
> Dick Cheney will be impeached in one for or another. Rep. (D) Dennis
> Kucinich is on the right track with an open letter and invitation of
> impeachment. America, along with the world, is truly fed up with the
> present installed regime in America today. The killings at Virginia
> Tech are just the tip of the iceburg, as to how this administration of
> illegally installed individuals have destroyed the very fibre of a
> once free society. Money and greed are not the answer.....
> Posted by: Stavo | April 17, 2007 06:18 PM
> Reagan should have been impeached for the Iran contra scandal. The
> failure to remove him from office set a precedent which has enabled
> the Bush/Cheney cabal to literally "get away with murder". We can
> thank Reagan for the disatrous foreign policy generations to follow
> will be paying the price for in every conceivable way. The rest of us
> pay the price for American stupidity.
> Kucinich is on the right track. Impeachment resolutions and
> investigations were drafted long ago documenting the crimes and
> felonies of both men. To date Congress is complicit in the holocaust
> they have created in Iraq which makes how Hitler managed his genocide
> in Nazi Germany more understandable.
> That Nancy Pelosi has glibly dismissed impeachment for having better
> things to do with her time is a direct assault on her constituents as
> well as failure to uphold the oath under which she assumed her office.
> She has a moral duty to uphold the Constitution which she is miserably
> failing to do. Her counterparts follow suit.
> Today Kucinich is the only Democratic candidate worth spending time
> on. If we fail to impeach, however, 2008 will be another coup and our
> democracy will then be as good as dead.
> What is most amazing is that so many Americans insist upon remaining
> in a state of absolute denial to the truth of what is happening around
> them. Is there any wonder that atrocities like Virginia Tech happen on
> our soil when Americans are reared on Star Wars, nintendo games, and
> "shock and awe"?
> We have razed the country of Iraq and created a holocaust equally as
> evil as Hitler's for all of ten years worth of oil. Hundreds of
> thousands of people murdered so Americans can hit the highway in
> behemouth SUVs? This isn't the American Dream -- it's the American
> Nightmare.
> Meanwhile, as Bush has indebted us to China for trillions upon
> trillions of dollars, that country develops the most sophisticated
> technology in the world to assure their own sustainability while in
> the bat of an eyelash they could bankrupt the USA. All for oil and
> corporate greed.
> The USA has been sold down the river, lock, stock and barrel.
> Oh, yes, another 8 years of a Conservative like Reagan is just what
> America needs right now. Another actor for president. And another
> chimp.
> Posted by: SFisher | April 17, 2007 06:19 PM
> Much as it might briefly feel good, we can't impeach Cheney first.
> Then Bush could appoint a VP who might actually be an attractive
> candidate in 2008 and then wouldn't we all feel foolish. No, either
> impeach both or neither.
> Posted by: Fritz | April 17, 2007 06:21 PM
> there is no way he or any lib will get anywhere with that crap all you
> libs are just sore losers
> Posted by: mike byrd | April 17, 2007 06:26 PM
> Help Kucinich to Impeach Bush
> Kucinich says he's ALSO pursuing impeachment of Bush. Well let's help
> him out. Sacks and sacks of mail are about to arrive in Dennis
> Kucinich's office initiating impeachment via the House of
> Representative's own rules. This legal document is as binding as if a
> State or if the House itself passed the impeachment resolution (H.R.
> 635).
> Kucinich says he is building his case for impeachment, and is working
> to build the support of his peers in Congress. He says he intends to
> impeach. He said he needs us to keep building the groundswell of
> support for impeachment all over the country. He asks that we send him
> copies of all the resolutions passed in various States, local
> Legislative Districts, County Districts and of any petitions with
> signatures, so that he can present them to the floor of the House. He
> said he felt that our framing the issue of impeachment in terms of the
> Constitution is a principled choice, and ultimately more effective
> than just acting on anger. Here's video of Kucinich addressing the
> impeachment issue:
> Let's answer Kucinich's call with a petition that has it's precedent
> in history, and it's legitimacy in the Rules of the House of
> Representatives.
> There's a little known and rarely used clause of the "Jefferson
> Manual" in the rules for the House of Representatives which sets forth
> the various ways in which a president can be impeached. Only the House
> Judiciary Committee puts together the Articles of Impeachment, but
> before that happens, someone has to initiate the process.
> That's where we come in. In addition to a House Resolution (635), or
> the State-by-State method, one of the ways to get impeachment going is
> for individual citizens like you and me to submit a memorial.
> has created a new memorial based on one which was
> successful in impeaching a federal official in the past. You can find
> it on their website as a PDF.
> You can initiate the impeachment process and simultaneously help
> Kucinich to follow through with the process. Do-It-Yourself by
> downloading the memorial, filling in the relevant information (your
> name, state, etc.), and sending it in. We're not only having you send
> them to Dennis now, but also to Impeach for Peace. That way, we can
> collect them all in one place, and deliver them all simultaneously
> (with cameras rolling) in July. Be a part of history.
> Posted by: Jodin Morey | April 17, 2007 06:27 PM
> Begin the impeachment hearings with Cheney first ... and leave time
> for the trial for treason
> Business before pleasure ... first Cheney, then Bush
> Posted by: Lance R B | April 17, 2007 06:27 PM
> You people are truly pathetic.
> Posted by: Charles McFarling | April 17, 2007 06:04 PM
> `
> Charles, The majority of Americans support the impeachment of both
> Bush and Cheney. Why do you hate America? Why aren't you defending the
> Constitution as vigorously as you're defending Bush/Cheney. Stop
> putting party loyalty ahead of the country.
> Posted by: Sonofabastard | April 17, 2007 06:27 PM
> I am so sick and tired of hearing , " oh ," we can't do that " or "
> its a non starter " or other such crap . If this crowd hasn't reached
> the level of impeachment then they might as well strike the articles
> from the constitution because apparently no crime can reach the level
> required .
> Posted by: | April 17, 2007 06:31 PM
> Virginia Patriot, Patrick Henry once stated:"For my part, whatever
> anquish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth;
> to know the worst, and provide for it." There is compelling and
> conclusive evidence that the tragedy of 9-11-01 was a false-flag,
> "inside-job"operation (engineered and covered-up by the Bush/Cheney
> administration). This heinous crime has been used by this law-breaking
> and sadistic regime to "justify" all their other illegal, immoral,
> callous, and depraved atrocities. This "treason" on 9-11 must be
> placed at the top of the list of impeachable offenses of Bush and
> Cheney. Only by addressing this most grave and important issue can we
> truly restore decency, integrity, and goodness to what was once a
> Constitutional Republic.
> Posted by: Frances Scarcille | April 17, 2007 06:31 PM
> Impeachment = The House believes Bush is peachy.
> Conviction = The Senate believes Bush is a man of convictions
> Being Hanged for treason = Suspension of disbelief
> Posted by: Sonofabastard | April 17, 2007 06:32 PM
> Dennis is the only one that has the guts to tell the truth. No, his
> chances of becoming Preisdent are slim, but his is a very important
> voice in the Congress...Anyone who goes after Cheney is ok in my book!
> Posted by: JD | April 17, 2007 06:33 PM
> Reading the stupidity posted here never fails to bring a laugh and
> brighten my day.
> ((((MUHAHAHAHAHAHAhahahaha!))))
> Posted by: Dick Cheney | April 17, 2007 06:40 PM
> What world do you guys live in? THIS ISN'T A DEMOCRACY!!! (and to you
> other whiners out there, no it's not a republic either).
> More than half of the thirteen colonies were FOUNDED by Corporations!
> Unelected rich, property owning, slave 'owning' white males came up
> with a business model that would work for THEM. And it has.
> If this were a democracy, Congress would have had some spine in 2003,
> when EVERY Congressmember had calls in a landslide AGAINST the
> Invasion and Occupation of Iraq.
> So to think that "Congress" might actually represent us NOW (why,
> because of Pelosi and the "Demcorats"?) flies in the face of all
> evidence and common sense, and means that you are in DENIAL!
> The 2006 "election" was no more legitimate than the ones in 2000 and
> 2004. Oh yeah, and all the ones before that! Remember ballot box
> stuffing, dead people voting, poll taxes and literacy tests, LBJ
> almost challenging Kennedy in '60? Oops, sorry, that's no longer valid
> because it's "old news"!
> And as for Kucinich?! I almost fell for his scam in 2004, with all his
> talk about ending the wars, unions, withdrawing from NAFTA, and blah
> blah blah. But he is in the position he's in for a reason - in order
> to succeed in politics, it's often neccessary to rise above your
> principles. When push came to shove, he could've gone independent and
> had a real platform for serious topics in the campaign, but he bent
> over for the "Democratic" party so he could play nice in DC and have
> another go round in 2008.
> This is not a democracy, so start acting accordingly!
> Posted by: SLKirish | April 17, 2007 06:40 PM
> With Dick's approval rating hovering around 18 % , I think there is
> going to be WAY more support out there for impeachment than this
> article suggests. Cheney is borderline delusional and I don't think it
> is good for the country to just "wait out" Bush's time in office. A
> lot of nasty stuff can happen in the next 18 months.
> It would be really interesting if WaPo and the other big polls started
> asking the public if they are for it.
> Posted by: Maria | April 17, 2007 06:42 PM
> Unfortunately - this a a big PIE in the SKY. NEVER happen!!!!!
> Posted by: Tom | April 17, 2007 06:44 PM
> You people are a bunch of hard core socialists. The nation needs to be
> sundered because I hate you as much as you hate Repblicans. Either
> that, or get ready to rumble.
> Posted by: Rick | April 17, 2007 06:44 PM
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"Sarcastic American!" <> wrote in message
Articles of Impeachment To Be Filed On Cheney
Looks like he's reached his boiling point.

Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio), the most liberal of the Democratic
presidential candidates in the primary field, declared in a letter
sent to his Democratic House colleagues this morning that he plans to
file articles of impeachment against Vice President Dick Cheney.


You're pinning your hopes on a man that even Fuddie thinks is crazy.

Lotsa luck to you, you'll need it. wrote:
> On 17 Apr 2007 15:46:54 -0700, Sarcastic American!
> <> wrote:
> >Articles of Impeachment To Be Filed On Cheney
> >Looks like he's reached his boiling point.
> >
> >Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio), the most liberal of the Democratic
> >presidential candidates in the primary field, declared in a letter
> >sent to his Democratic House colleagues this morning that he plans to
> >file articles of impeachment against Vice President Dick Cheney.
> >

> Poor Dennis Kucinich, what a fuking retard.

Yea and you people impeached Clinton for what was essentially ****ing
NOTHING. Yet you people let your herd trample over anything it wants
to. What a bunch of ****ing retards.

Also you and your people are exactly what isn't America. Kucinich is
one person who 'understands' and follows the rule of law. He is doing
what most are too politically cowardly to do.
On 17 Apr 2007 15:46:54 -0700, Sarcastic American!
<> wrote:

>Articles of Impeachment To Be Filed On Cheney
>Looks like he's reached his boiling point.
>Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio), the most liberal of the Democratic
>presidential candidates in the primary field, declared in a letter
>sent to his Democratic House colleagues this morning that he plans to
>file articles of impeachment against Vice President Dick Cheney.
>Kucinich has made ending the war in Iraq the central theme of his
>campaign. He has even taken aim at the leading Democratic presidential
>candidates in the field for their votes on authorizing the war.
>Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution gives Congress the authority
>to impeach the president, vice president and "all civil Officers of
>the United States" for "treason, bribery, or other high Crimes and

> Well that sums up Clinton to a tee!

>Sources tell the Sleuth that in light of the mass killings at Virginia
>Tech Monday, Kucinich's impeachment plans have been put on hold. There
>will be no action this week, they say.
>Kucinich's office had no comment on the Congressman's "Dear Colleague"
>letter -- which apparently was drafted over the weekend, before the
>school massacre -- or on what the focus of articles of impeachment
>against Cheney would be.
>But Kucinich shouldn't hold his breath on getting anywhere with his
>impeachment plan. "We'll see a Kucinich Administration before we'll
>see a Cheney impeachment," quipped one Democratic aide.
>Here is the text of his letter, a copy of which was forwarded to the
>April 17, 2007
>Dear Colleague:
>This week I intend to introduce Articles of Impeachment with respect
>to the conduct of Vice President Cheney. Please have your staff
>contact my office . . . if you would like to receive a confidential
>copy of the document prior to its introduction in the House.
>Dennis J. Kucinich
>Member of Congress
>By Mary Ann Akers | April 17, 2007; 10:09 AM ET
>Previous: Bush Administration: Breakdown |
>CommentsPlease email us to report offensive comments.
>It may never happen, but Kucinich is right to propose it. The lies,
>deception, and seemingly endless corruption require more than a
>Congressional scolding. Bush too must be held accountable, yet the
>great irony is Bush can't be impeached because if it were successful,
>then Cheney would become president.
>Posted by: Arcadian | April 17, 2007 10:35 AM
>Ah, yes, but the question is whether or not it'll stick, or if this is
>the last we ever hear from Kucinich after the WH finds out?
>I'm off to find a tub of popcorn -- if it does stick, this could be an
>interesting ride.
>Posted by: | April 17, 2007 10:39 AM
>You know...oddly enough, this sounds like a stroke of genius! The
>media waters have been thoroughly poisoned with the idea that
>impeachment proceedings against Bush as a no-go because of the Clinton
>impeachment. By the same logic, the failure to convict even ONE person
>- even if they were innocent - somehow makes it impossible to even try
>to convict the most depraved mass-murderer.
>But going after the Vice-President is different. He's even more
>unpopular than Bush, for one thing. And I don't believe that a Vice-
>President has ever been impeached in the history of the US, so this is
>actually something quite new.
>I understand why the perpetually-cowed Democrats in Congress are too
>terrified to dream of impeaching Bush, no matter how thoroughly he
>deserves it. But for some reason, it seems just barely possible that
>they might feel better about supporting a Cheney impeachment bid.
>Posted by: Quasit | April 17, 2007 10:47 AM
>At first, I thought this was brilliant--finally someone has the
>courage to hold the engine driving the train accountable. However, on
>second thought, this (if it were to succeed and Cheney were to leave
>office) would get the next Republican president into office.
>Appointing a new vice president would be a dream for the GOP. Good
>intentions Kucinich, but bad idea overall.
>Posted by: DreA | April 17, 2007 10:51 AM
>The proposed action by Kucinich may well explain why he is near last
>place among even Democratic presidential candidates: political zeal
>not balanced by political smarts.
>The Constitution allows impeachment for high crimes-normally
>interpreted as felonies- or misdemeanors that warrant removal from
>office despite being elected by the people. It doesn't call for
>impeachment for bad judgment or political ineptitude. This makes about
>as much sense as impeaching Clinton did. The most probable results
>will be to a) suggest Kucinich is desperate to revive a sinking
>campaign, b) ensure that the Republicans rally around Bush whether
>they believe in him or not.
>We need to hope the leadership of the Democratic Party is smarter than
>Kucinich and will defeat the move in committee. If Bush is indeed
>wrong, then he and his party should be defeated at the polls.
>Posted by: John G. | April 17, 2007 11:00 AM
>Who's dick cheney?
>Posted by: | April 17, 2007 11:06 AM
>It is too bad the shooter at VT spent all of his mojo on students and
>Posted by: mmather | April 17, 2007 11:20 AM
>Maybe Kucinich knows something the rest of us don't. Maybe he evidence
>that links Cheney's office to that infamous Italian letter. Or maybe,
>based on Cheney's statements in the media regarding our success in
>Iraq, he's going to try to impeach Cheney based on the assertion that
>the guy is effing crazy. Or maybe, he's going to go after him for
>obstructing an investigation when he refused to see the authorities
>for 14 hours after he shot a man (surely he wasn't drunk when that
>Posted by: caneiac01 | April 17, 2007 11:22 AM
>Of course cheney should be impeached and Bush simultaneously. With
>investigations, the evidence would be overwhelming that they did
>indeed manipulate intelligence and lie to america about iraq's wmds,
>ties to 911 and imminent threat. Additionally, they committed crimes
>of authorizing torture, illegal spying and illegal detentions.
>Democrats need some balls like Kucinich. Does america stand for
>criminal leaders? The rest of the world is viewing america as a
>torturing arrogant beast that invades other countries and is
>guantanomo. We have lost our moral authority and the way to regain it
>is impeachment!
>Posted by: Abel tomlinson | April 17, 2007 11:28 AM
>Also, 51% of americans support impeachment, so we are the majority,
>including 20% of republicans, so it is bipartisan. If they support
>Bush as the head of their party, then they are represented by a
>criminal and their party will die.
>Posted by: Abel Tomlinson | April 17, 2007 11:29 AM
>Posted by: R.E.LENZ | April 17, 2007 11:46 AM
>The lack of leadership by the Democratic Party makes really solidifies
>my Green Party affiliation.
>Criminals should not be allowed to run our country.
>Posted by: Robert | April 17, 2007 11:51 AM
>Go Dennis!
>Dick is a great start in holding this administration accountable,
>screw the polls and political talking points, Dennis has the truth on
>his side!
>Posted by: Michael | April 17, 2007 12:00 PM
>Why won't the Democrats pursue this? I don't understand. There is
>plenty of already documented, sworn evidence from Fitzgerald. In fact,
>at his last press conference Patrick Fitzgerald stated that he would
>be happy to send Congress any evidence they want. An invitation?
>Cheney's approval rating is only about 18%. Moreover, he is at the
>root of all the war mongering that comes out of this administration
>because people are afraid to cross him. Let's all stand up for
>Cheney's impeachment and make this happen from the grass roots. One
>person can make a difference.
>Posted by: D. Wakefield | April 17, 2007 12:06 PM
>i say definitely start with cheney... he would be more dangerous if
>bush got axed, bush is just a dumb puppethead for the real evil doers
>behind the scenes in their governmental undisclosed locations
>Posted by: | April 17, 2007 12:07 PM
>According to Sue Lindsey's article (of the Associated Press), the
>first statement the White House made after the VT shooting was the
>"A White House spokesman said
>President Bush was horrified by the rampage and offered his prayers to
>the victims and the people of Virginia. "The president believes that
>there is a right for people to bear arms, but that all laws must be
>followed," spokeswoman Dana Perino said "
>Why aren't journalists jumping on this? Doesn't this show how special
>interest oriented he is and how he is out of touch with the main
>stream and reality?
>Posted by: | April 17, 2007 12:23 PM
>Kucinich should introduce a single article over Geneva Convention
>violations. Cheney has publicly dismissed the horror that is
>waterboarding as "dunking."
>The Hamdan ruling has already established the reality of Geneva
>violations. These acts are also federal crimes under US Code: Title
>This would put the DC Dem "leadership" (and that craven quipping Dem
>aide) on the spot to defend or oppose war crimes. The GOP Senators
>would be put on the same spot in a Senate trial.
>It is the charge that would stick.
>In fact, it is a "slam dunk."
<> wrote in message
> wrote:
>> On 17 Apr 2007 15:46:54 -0700, Sarcastic American!
>> <> wrote:
>> >Articles of Impeachment To Be Filed On Cheney
>> >Looks like he's reached his boiling point.
>> >
>> >Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio), the most liberal of the Democratic
>> >presidential candidates in the primary field, declared in a letter
>> >sent to his Democratic House colleagues this morning that he plans to
>> >file articles of impeachment against Vice President Dick Cheney.
>> >

>> Poor Dennis Kucinich, what a fuking retard.

> Yea and you people impeached Clinton for what was essentially ****ing

Clinton was impeached for, among other things, perjury in front of a federal
grand jury (a felony). Care to cite the specific felonies and other
violations of law that Chaney committed?

Yet you people let your herd trample over anything it wants
> to. What a bunch of ****ing retards.
> Also you and your people are exactly what isn't America. Kucinich is
> one person who 'understands' and follows the rule of law.

Kucinich is a left-wing "kook" that most main-stream Democrats distance
themselves from. He has never sponsored anything that passed nor will he
ever. He's a sick nut, just like you, you ****ing moron.
On 17 Apr 2007 19:24:09 -0700, wrote:

> wrote:
>> On 17 Apr 2007 15:46:54 -0700, Sarcastic American!
>> <> wrote:
>> >Articles of Impeachment To Be Filed On Cheney
>> >Looks like he's reached his boiling point.
>> >
>> >Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio), the most liberal of the Democratic
>> >presidential candidates in the primary field, declared in a letter
>> >sent to his Democratic House colleagues this morning that he plans to
>> >file articles of impeachment against Vice President Dick Cheney.
>> >

>> Poor Dennis Kucinich, what a fuking retard.

>Yea and you people impeached Clinton

And don't forget that Klintoon also had his law license suspended.
But I guess that was just for **** and giggles, eh...
Don't do the crime if ya can't do the time.
>Also you and your people are exactly what isn't America. Kucinich is
>one person who 'understands' and follows the rule of law. He is doing
>what most are too politically cowardly to do.

Kucinich is a joke, just like you.
Come back when you get one more brain cell operational to the two you
have now.

It all began a hundred thousand years ago on a ledge in front of a
cave. A female homo sapiens walked by, attracting the attention of
a male. The male stepped forward and smacked her over the head with
his club. WHACK! He then dragged the unconscious female into his
cave for sex.

One day there were two males standing in front of a cave when a
female walked by. The first raised his arm to club the female, but
the second male communicated to him that clubbing females over the
head to have sex was not nice. WHACK! WHACK! The first male stepped
over the unconscious second male and proceeded to rape the female.
On that day the first liberal paid the price for expressing a new

Things didn't change much for thousands of years until the advent
of projectile weapons. This was first symbolized by the David and
Goliath story in the Bible, where the big strong brute was laid
flat by the small but smarter boy. Once brute strength was no
longer the controlling factor in social interaction, liberal ideas
slowly gained a foothold in human culture, and civilization began.

Throughout human history, the price for advocating tolerance and
progressive change has been paid in threats, beatings,
excommunication, incarceration, torture, murder, assassination, and
execution. Countless liberals have paid the ultimate price for
their humanity. Though Jesus Christ is the most famous, names in
recent history that come to mind are Gandhi, Martin Luther King
Jr., John Lennon, and Robert Kennedy.

Today there are many conservatives - individuals, groups, and
nations - who use threats and violence to silence the voices of
reason, tolerance, and progress. Here in America it is seen in
racists and homophobes beating blacks and gays, sometimes to death,
not for money or out of anger generated by interactive cause, but
because of religious or racial intolerance and secular bigotry.

Alan Berg on talk radio was a strong voice against a conservative
organization called the Aryan Nation. For thus exercising his
freedom of speech, he was shot dead while walking his dog in front
of his house.

David Rice is a man on death row in Washington State who has no
remorse whatsoever for entering the home of a family of four and
carving out their living hearts only because he heard they were
"liberals." He got their names from a Democratic Party membership

Right-wingers Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols killed 168 men,
women, and children as an act of protest. What liberals have ever
committed such an abominable atrocity?

The most abominable atrocity in several decades is the 9/11
terrorist attacks in which thousands of innocent civilians were
murdered. The alleged perpetrators, Osama Bin Laden and the al
Qaeda-Taliban terrorists, epitomize the right-wing religious
fundamentalist mentality.

Some believe that the 9/11 attacks were deliberately allowed to happen,
exacerbated, or even perpetrated by radical right-wing elements within
our own government to further their fascistic agenda. Two buildings
were hit by planes, but THREE collapsed. The evidence that the three
collapsed buildings were brought down with demolition explosives put in
place BEFORE the attacks is very strong.

Arguing that such horrendous crimes are not political in nature or
that they are not done primarily by conservatives is utter
nonsense. Look back:

Who nailed who to a cross?

Who were the Loyalists to the totalitarian monarchy of King George?

Who started our Civil War to defend slavery?

Who fought to keep women as property, and now fights their
sovereignty over their own bodies in the freedom to choose

Who fought against child labor statutes?

Who fought against the concept of free public education?

Who fought against the right of women to vote?

Who fought against anti-trust and anti-monopoly legislation?

Who fought against workers organizing?

Who fought against government controls on manufacturers of cars
"unsafe at any speed?"

Who killed several thousand innocent civilians in the 9/11
terrorist attacks?

Who started WW2, murdered 13 million and caused the death of 40
million more?

Who defended Jim Crow for a hundred years?

Who fought against voting rights, civil rights, social security,
health care for the elderly, and minimum wages?

Who fights against environmental protection statutes?

Who opposes equal rights for gays and other free-lifestyle

Who cruelly opposes physician-assisted dying for suffering,
terminally ill patients soon to die anyway?

Who is sabotaging the separation of Church and State, and all our
other Constitutional rights, freedoms, and protections?

Who are the moralizing hypocrites forcing their puritanical
inhibitions and prohibitions on ALL Americans via legislation and
draconian, police-state enforcement practices?

Who always puts personal gain and corporate wealth and power above
the common good?


The historic, undeniable truth is that these evils are THE NATURE

Conservatives have distorted and demonized the word "liberal,"
whose true political meaning is favoring progressive change,
humanistic values, and opposition to authoritarianism. They
identify it with governmental waste and tolerance of criminality,
when in fact they themselves are guilty of abuses such as corporate
welfare bail-outs and tax evasion, fraud against investors, and
other white-collar crime. Conservatives fear and oppose all change
and progress beyond "what's in it for me?"

At the core of conservatism is the Machiavellian bully - the
despotic practitioner of "might makes right," craving wealth and
power, and willing to use any and all means to get them.
Conservatism is the philosophy of the caveman wearing a business

"Freedom Fighter" <> wrote in message
> It all began a hundred thousand years ago on a ledge in front of a
> cave. A female homo sapiens walked by, attracting the attention of
> a male. The male stepped forward and smacked her over the head with
> his club. WHACK! He then dragged the unconscious female into his
> cave for sex.
> One day there were two males standing in front of a cave when a
> female walked by. The first raised his arm to club the female, but
> the second male communicated to him that clubbing females over the
> head to have sex was not nice. WHACK! WHACK! The first male stepped
> over the unconscious second male and proceeded to rape the female.
> On that day the first liberal paid the price for expressing a new
> idea.
> Things didn't change much for thousands of years until the advent
> of projectile weapons. This was first symbolized by the David and
> Goliath story in the Bible, where the big strong brute was laid
> flat by the small but smarter boy. Once brute strength was no
> longer the controlling factor in social interaction, liberal ideas
> slowly gained a foothold in human culture, and civilization began.
> Throughout human history, the price for advocating tolerance and
> progressive change has been paid in threats, beatings,
> excommunication, incarceration, torture, murder, assassination, and
> execution. Countless liberals have paid the ultimate price for
> their humanity. Though Jesus Christ is the most famous, names in
> recent history that come to mind are Gandhi, Martin Luther King
> Jr., John Lennon, and Robert Kennedy.
> Today there are many conservatives - individuals, groups, and
> nations - who use threats and violence to silence the voices of
> reason, tolerance, and progress. Here in America it is seen in
> racists and homophobes beating blacks and gays, sometimes to death,
> not for money or out of anger generated by interactive cause, but
> because of religious or racial intolerance and secular bigotry.
> Alan Berg on talk radio was a strong voice against a conservative
> organization called the Aryan Nation. For thus exercising his
> freedom of speech, he was shot dead while walking his dog in front
> of his house.
> David Rice is a man on death row in Washington State who has no
> remorse whatsoever for entering the home of a family of four and
> carving out their living hearts only because he heard they were
> "liberals." He got their names from a Democratic Party membership
> list.
> Right-wingers Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols killed 168 men,
> women, and children as an act of protest. What liberals have ever
> committed such an abominable atrocity?
> The most abominable atrocity in several decades is the 9/11
> terrorist attacks in which thousands of innocent civilians were
> murdered. The alleged perpetrators, Osama Bin Laden and the al
> Qaeda-Taliban terrorists, epitomize the right-wing religious
> fundamentalist mentality.
> Some believe that the 9/11 attacks were deliberately allowed to happen,
> exacerbated, or even perpetrated by radical right-wing elements within
> our own government to further their fascistic agenda. Two buildings
> were hit by planes, but THREE collapsed. The evidence that the three
> collapsed buildings were brought down with demolition explosives put in
> place BEFORE the attacks is very strong.
> Arguing that such horrendous crimes are not political in nature or
> that they are not done primarily by conservatives is utter
> nonsense. Look back:
> Who nailed who to a cross?
> Who were the Loyalists to the totalitarian monarchy of King George?
> Who started our Civil War to defend slavery?
> Who fought to keep women as property, and now fights their
> sovereignty over their own bodies in the freedom to choose
> abortion?
> Who fought against child labor statutes?
> Who fought against the concept of free public education?
> Who fought against the right of women to vote?
> Who fought against anti-trust and anti-monopoly legislation?
> Who fought against workers organizing?
> Who fought against government controls on manufacturers of cars
> "unsafe at any speed?"
> Who killed several thousand innocent civilians in the 9/11
> terrorist attacks?
> Who started WW2, murdered 13 million and caused the death of 40
> million more?
> Who defended Jim Crow for a hundred years?
> Who fought against voting rights, civil rights, social security,
> health care for the elderly, and minimum wages?
> Who fights against environmental protection statutes?
> Who opposes equal rights for gays and other free-lifestyle
> minorities?
> Who cruelly opposes physician-assisted dying for suffering,
> terminally ill patients soon to die anyway?
> Who is sabotaging the separation of Church and State, and all our
> other Constitutional rights, freedoms, and protections?
> Who are the moralizing hypocrites forcing their puritanical
> inhibitions and prohibitions on ALL Americans via legislation and
> draconian, police-state enforcement practices?
> Who always puts personal gain and corporate wealth and power above
> the common good?

You forgot one.

Who is mentally ill and needs psychiatric help immediately? - Answer:
Freedom Fighter (aka "kook")
On Apr 19, 6:59?pm, "COL. BILL KILGORE" <> wrote:
> "Freedom Fighter" <> wrote in message
> news:6mRVh.329734$

> > It all began a hundred thousand years ago on a ledge in front of a
> > cave. A female homo sapiens walked by, attracting the attention of
> > a male. The male stepped forward and smacked her over the head with
> > his club. WHACK! He then dragged the unconscious female into his
> > cave for sex.

> > One day there were two males standing in front of a cave when a
> > female walked by. The first raised his arm to club the female, but
> > the second male communicated to him that clubbing females over the
> > head to have sex was not nice. WHACK! WHACK! The first male stepped
> > over the unconscious second male and proceeded to rape the female.
> > On that day the first liberal paid the price for expressing a new
> > idea.

> > Things didn't change much for thousands of years until the advent
> > of projectile weapons. This was first symbolized by the David and
> > Goliath story in the Bible, where the big strong brute was laid
> > flat by the small but smarter boy. Once brute strength was no
> > longer the controlling factor in social interaction, liberal ideas
> > slowly gained a foothold in human culture, and civilization began.

> > Throughout human history, the price for advocating tolerance and
> > progressive change has been paid in threats, beatings,
> > excommunication, incarceration, torture, murder, assassination, and
> > execution. Countless liberals have paid the ultimate price for
> > their humanity. Though Jesus Christ is the most famous, names in
> > recent history that come to mind are Gandhi, Martin Luther King
> > Jr., John Lennon, and Robert Kennedy.

> > Today there are many conservatives - individuals, groups, and
> > nations - who use threats and violence to silence the voices of
> > reason, tolerance, and progress. Here in America it is seen in
> > racists and homophobes beating blacks and gays, sometimes to death,
> > not for money or out of anger generated by interactive cause, but
> > because of religious or racial intolerance and secular bigotry.

> > Alan Berg on talk radio was a strong voice against a conservative
> > organization called the Aryan Nation. For thus exercising his
> > freedom of speech, he was shot dead while walking his dog in front
> > of his house.

> > David Rice is a man on death row in Washington State who has no
> > remorse whatsoever for entering the home of a family of four and
> > carving out their living hearts only because he heard they were
> > "liberals." He got their names from a Democratic Party membership
> > list.

> > Right-wingers Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols killed 168 men,
> > women, and children as an act of protest. What liberals have ever
> > committed such an abominable atrocity?

> > The most abominable atrocity in several decades is the 9/11
> > terrorist attacks in which thousands of innocent civilians were
> > murdered. The alleged perpetrators, Osama Bin Laden and the al
> > Qaeda-Taliban terrorists, epitomize the right-wing religious
> > fundamentalist mentality.

> > Some believe that the 9/11 attacks were deliberately allowed to happen,
> > exacerbated, or even perpetrated by radical right-wing elements within
> > our own government to further their fascistic agenda. Two buildings
> > were hit by planes, but THREE collapsed. The evidence that the three
> > collapsed buildings were brought down with demolition explosives put in
> > place BEFORE the attacks is very strong.

> > Arguing that such horrendous crimes are not political in nature or
> > that they are not done primarily by conservatives is utter
> > nonsense. Look back:

> > Who nailed who to a cross?

> > Who were the Loyalists to the totalitarian monarchy of King George?

> > Who started our Civil War to defend slavery?

> > Who fought to keep women as property, and now fights their
> > sovereignty over their own bodies in the freedom to choose
> > abortion?

> > Who fought against child labor statutes?

> > Who fought against the concept of free public education?

> > Who fought against the right of women to vote?

> > Who fought against anti-trust and anti-monopoly legislation?

> > Who fought against workers organizing?

> > Who fought against government controls on manufacturers of cars
> > "unsafe at any speed?"

> > Who killed several thousand innocent civilians in the 9/11
> > terrorist attacks?

> > Who started WW2, murdered 13 million and caused the death of 40
> > million more?

> > Who defended Jim Crow for a hundred years?

> > Who fought against voting rights, civil rights, social security,
> > health care for the elderly, and minimum wages?

> > Who fights against environmental protection statutes?

> > Who opposes equal rights for gays and other free-lifestyle
> > minorities?

> > Who cruelly opposes physician-assisted dying for suffering,
> > terminally ill patients soon to die anyway?

> > Who is sabotaging the separation of Church and State, and all our
> > other Constitutional rights, freedoms, and protections?

> > Who are the moralizing hypocrites forcing their puritanical
> > inhibitions and prohibitions on ALL Americans via legislation and
> > draconian, police-state enforcement practices?

> > Who always puts personal gain and corporate wealth and power above
> > the common good?

> You forgot one.
> Who is mentally ill and needs psychiatric help immediately? - Answer:
> Freedom Fighter (aka "kook")- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Oh, there's more. Who lied about his totally bogus military
background and "5 figure monthly military pension"? Answer:
KKKILGORE. <snicker>