So who's your nation's political leader?


New member

Kevin Rudd, Prime Minister.

Arrogant *** who put a tax hike on mixed alcoholic drinks. So now when I go out to have a good time, I pay double the price and resort to cheap **** like goon because my ******* woodstock's are expensive because of this "fight-binge-drinking" regime he's got going. The government's already letting teenager's suffer by having a 18+ drinking law, don't punish the 18+ responsible drinkers *cough*

Complained about the environment when trying to get into head office and now he ain't doing anything about it (and also accepted the singer of the band Midnight Oil into his party despite the fact that Peter Garrett oughta belong in the Taronga Zoo cos he looks like a ferret).

Publically apologised to the "Lost Generation" of the indigenous culture about mistakes made by past generations and also announced compsensation benefits for them. I don't pay tax but I sure hate to think that my father's money is going towards them and not me.

Is a friend of mine on Facebook, and yet, he never replies to any of the complaints I leave on his wall.

Co-operates with TV comedians and has had many parodies named after him. Stairway to Kevin is just one out of a few.

Cleverly rhymed his name with the election year, Kevin '07.

Decieved the Australian public into believing that Julia Gillard was the hottest politican around (no joke, my fellow aussies!).

Did something that the previous Prime Minister was too afraid to do, sign the Kyoto Protocol.

Got rid of IR (Industrial Relation) Laws. Kudos. I was sick of the ******** going on from the Trade Unions.

Showed his concerns over the building of Islamic schools in Camden. Hasn't done jackshit since.

Is John Howard, but replaces the eyebrows with a combover.

Still hasn't done social welfare (Centrelink) reforms to make their forms less confusing and less political redtape bullshit.

Is no longer George Bush's ***** nor is he the Australian public's ***** no more.

They must be related. They've both got that arrogant ******* smirk on them.

Have I missed any points my fellow Australians?



New member
i thought u were PRO-Krudd

gotta love it how its magic when the **** hits the fan...its a labor man in charge




New member
If John Howard continued I would've given that man a stroke.

It's better than being PRO-Liberal. Look at them now, they are the most disorganised party ever at least Labor knows right from left.

Okay look what he's done for the country starting with the pros -

* He's the second longest serving Prime Minister in Australian history

* He beat Pauline Hanson in an election

* He revised Medicare reforms

* He refused to say sorry on behalf of past generations to the indigenous culture


* Every time he was in office, Treasurer or PM inflation increased and mortgage rates increased. Despite what people might say on this matter, YES the government has control over this because they influence the banks who set mortgage rates and interest rates.

* The "One Australia" idea ****** him and the party over big time because they couldn't agree on the same, so organised.

* He's the first PM in australian history to lose his own seat to the opposition. haha, he lost Bennalong.

* He was basically Bush's ***** concerning this whole "War on Terror" thing going on.

* The whole "NT Emergency Response" scam that they had happening for a while, was a load of trollop! Why weren't they doing anything in Redfern? Why weren't they doing anything in Macquarie Fields? Why were they specifically targeting the isolated regions when the exact same **** was happening in places like rural (not outback) QLD and NSW? I know I can be extremely mean to aboriginals but I'm on their side. Rudd clearly pointed out these flaws in the Howard's government's plan to "clean the aboroginals of child **** etc etc"...

* WHY WOULD YOU LET BRENDAN NELSON BE IN CHARGE OF A NATION? (he was second-in-charge when Howard was thinking about retiring plans).

So when you read this and think of how happy I must be (excluding the tax hike part that makes me frown so much I'm going to get wrinkles pretty soon) when I see Rudd doing what is best for our nation I think of this picture


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New member
******* Gordon Brown =_=

The biggest failure of a PM, EVER in my opinion. Does he even know what he's doing? At least David Cameron is charismatic.



New member
he lost his seat to a celebrity who was more for the popularity than for anything that to be done

i spose u could say that for a few other labor members

and in anycase, the plan was for COSTELLO to take over if Howard had won, not brendan nelson, the mans got no idea, turnbull would have been alot better, or abbot

mind you, Howard had a mammothly low populaarity rating when he started, and stuck it out and became one of australias longest serving PM's, so who knows...maybe nelson has a few tricks we havnt seen yet

fact is, kevin didnt beat howard on policies or any great political moves(his policies and howards were pretty much the same-copycat ******* really), he beat howard on POPULARITY

people saying howard doesnt have a clue really themselves dont have a clue, what has Rudd implemented since his arrival in office, his political stunt for sorry day as well as that stupid convention in canberra where people gave in ideas rather than the party came up with their own. their budget is surplus, and given atm there had been talk of a interest rate DECREASE, hes about to raise the TAX in the country

my issue however, isnt really on the federal government, its the NSW State government im peeved at, theyve got NO idea about ANYTHING, Iemma is a rort and we NSWelshman are getting ****** hard, everything is the pitts and given the next election is 2011, we're bound for more suffering, im all for axing the ENTIRE state Labor party right now, given all the scandals...bribes...****** public services, pollies running off overseas right before the vote on the privatisation of power supplies, NSW has really gone to the dogs



New member
Iemma is an idiot. I openly admit that. The whole lets-privatise-electricity-company thing isn't my piece of cake. But yet again, we can have another labor party leader to come after him.

ACTUALLY Costello was the second choice. Originally it was meant to be Nelson but Howard changed his mind. All of them are as good as monkeys put in a circus ring and given hoola hoops to play with.

The reason why Labor is so popular because they aren't delivering empty promises unlike the last Howard government seemed to hand out in party bags last election before last years. Mind me, the eyebrows needed replacing majorally and we got it! We got a combover! But I did think it was kinda funny that Rudd owned Howard when the Chinese President came to Australia and there they were happily talking in manderin (not tangerine like Kath and Kim put it). It's not stardum that wins sits, it's convincing the people that they are going to do a good job. Kevin '07 is 75% in my books. HOWARD LOST HIS SEAT BECAUSE HE WAS FAILING AT RUNNING THE NATION LETTING ALONE RUNNING A SMALL AREA OF VICTORIA.

edit. did you even vote last year?



New member
from where im sitting, rudd hasnt done anything better/different to howard, and looking at his policies, im not relly expecting anything outrageous other than that proposed tax hike to lower inflation which has been lambasted as it has holes in it

i got my friend to vote for me, he didnt care but had to vote, and i told to vote liberal obviously



New member
******* Gordon Brown =_=
The biggest failure of a PM, EVER in my opinion. Does he even know what he's doing? At least David Cameron is charismatic.
LOL, u know that his first name is James! i guess he couldnt really call himself James Brown as its was kinda already VERY MUCH taken!!! :p

Gordon Brown doesnt even look interested when he talks! He really REALLY needs to get a good PR person to teach him to be charrismatic especially as British politics have become increasingly Americanised. Everyone says that he was a better chancellor than PM, i dont doubt his intelligence bc he is rather well educated (Edinburgh Uni), however i dont think he was such a great chancellor thinking about the recession (which isnt his fault) but surely there was signs of little growth in the 2000-2001 period. this little slowdown is what some economists argue forecasted what was to come now. I just think if he was such a great chancellor wouldnt he have predicted this and done some more measures especially to soften the inevitable blow? (meh..i dunno, i failed economics! :p ).

The more and more i think about it i really do think that Cameron will be the next PM. Its the age old story, not because of their strenghts but because of the oppositions weakness. However, i do worry about Cameron for several reason. Firstly, i feel that he has jumped on the environment global warming bandwagon a bit to much and im VERY KEEN to get a hold of the Con manifesto when the next election is called or at the next party conference to see his economic policies, because it worries me that they arnt at the forefront especially now. I know the general Tory outlook on economic policy. Low tax, space for business encourage enterpership (sp). But all cameron has really said is that the economy will be dynamic under the tories and that he is a 'free marketer' Hmmm???

Oh and lastly, what everyone forgets, he wrote the ****** 2005 Con mantifesto which some say contributed to the failure of Con at that election bc the proposed legislature on immigration was seen as soo tight that it bordered mild xenophobia. Also, he use to be the typicial countryside tory and deeply homophobic.



New member
if it wasnt for iraq

i think alot of people would remeber Bush,Blair and Howard as quite brilliant leaders of their respective nations

especially Blair, i read a Time article on him, and the things he has done/did before he stepped down, were simply outstanding



New member
Tonz;585248']if it wasnt for iraq
i think alot of people would remeber Bush,Blair and Howard as quite brilliant leaders of their respective nations

especially Blair, i read a Time article on him, and the things he has done/did before he stepped down, were simply outstanding
yes it was outstanding that he murdered old labour and cut ties with TU (well that started when Smith was the leader of the Labour party but he really pushed it). It was also annoying how he pushed through some more legislation when he had emergency powers during the foot and mouth crisis -.-. But yes, he was certainly at the beginning one of our most popular PMs. Especially when he invited Oasis to downing street. lol.



New member
Howard was just an *** period. He made so many bad political moves in his political career that made the Australian public vote him out of office. Blair was awesome, even I admit to that (except for Iraq).


New member
Agreed, Blair was decent. Despite the amount of flak he took from the media, he managed to keep it together very well.


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Turkey- Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Total douchebag, not only is his party Islamist and wants Turkey to become like Iran he sold like all of Turkey's big companies to foreigners and let America have do whatever it wants Turkey to do, but SOMEHOW their party gets around 40% of votes which is crazy i dont get it lol



New member
c'mon people! The Rudder is my fiance! Show my special friend some respect!

but seriously...

Kevin Rudd hasn't done anything to **** me off yet so I like him!



New member
Actually not true, and I was formerly on the Ruddy-bandwagon *lmao* Fact, the Australian Public is WORSE off under Rudd than it was this time last year. They even admit that. I just wish they'd fix it rather than own up to their mistakes. Sure, an honest politician *scoffs* is waaay better than a ******* (Howard was the King Kong of bastards in Parliament House), but still, once you acknowledge a problem you should do your damnest to fix it NOW not years down the track right before voting time. A-holes. The cost of living, fuel, rent, interest rates etc etc has gone up and up and up and yet the cost of wages remains the same. And they say what? Thank *** he got rid of the IR laws but he still hasn't properly implimented a viable replacement - the agreements we have now are just a bandaid solution really... nope, he's more windy than a winter arvo in Chicago. All talk no action. I wanted a fresh start with Rudd but jesus am I paying for my mistakes -and so is the rest of the nation - literally!


New member
Rudd = insolant ******* legend.

Howard = just an insolant *******.



New member
Touche actually. I'll give you that. And regardless how bad we are off under Rudd, it could be worse. We could have George W. (I love Letterman's Great moments in Presidental Speeches' skits, man they give Bush a lot of ****! Funny to watch, but in a way still makes me cringe. Apologies to all you Americans out there suffering, I meant, serving under him ;) Good luck in the polls!)

Oh and funny pic btw :lol: Sorta says it all really...



New member
We could be under the regime of North Korea. Well, it sorta was when Howard was around, the IR Laws sounded like polished communism.

Kevin Rudd - Not a big fan of drinking and when he does drink it's with the strippers. Hahaha.

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