Social worker charged with possession of child porn



Social worker charged with possession of child porn

Oct 02, 2007 - 10:05:09 CDT
By the Associated Press
BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) — A man who was a social worker in five counties is
awaiting a hearing on child pornography charges that were filed after he
brought his computer in for service.

Paul Hill, 42, of Grand Forks, was charged Sept. 20 with one misdemeanor
and 10 felony counts of possession of obscene material involving minors,
court documents show.Authorities said the child pornography was found on
Hill's computer on April 8, 2006, after he brought it in for service at
a Best Buy Co. store in Grand Forks.

Some of the pornographic images found on Hill's computer dated back to
June 2004, court documents show.

Hill is free on a $500 bond. A preliminary hearing on the child
pornography charges is slated for Nov. 7, authorities said.

A telephone number listed for Hill in Grand Forks has been disconnected.

Hill had been a social worker in Pierce County, working with elderly
people but not children, State's Attorney Galen Mack said Monday. He
would not say if Hill resigned or was fired last week.

``He is no longer working for Pierce County,'' Mack said.

Hill had worked for the county since April, and had been on probationary
status because of his short tenure, Mack said.

Mack said Hill also worked as a social worker in Grand Forks, and in
Foster, Eddy and Wells counties.

John Mogren, the social services director for Foster, Eddy and Wells
counties, said Hill was employed as a social worker in the counties from
April 24, 2006 until Feb. 21, when he resigned.

Hill lived in Carrington while employed as a social worker for the three
counties, Mogren said.

``We never had any complaints about him, to my knowledge,'' Mogren said.
``He never worked with individuals — he worked in a family setting where
parents were present.''
News > State
Printer friendly version
Social worker charged with possession of child porn

Repeating the Question wrote on Oct 7, 2007 10:33 AM:
" Why did it take 17 months to "catch this guy". Why wasn't he arrested
when the pornography was found? What is the CBI doing? If he had been
arrensted when the stuff was found he would hopefully not been able to
get another job. By the way - does he still have his license? Is he
still able to work? What are we doing? Why are these people allowed to
run rampant in our state? Are we that naive? 17 Month? Come on people -
17 months where he could be molesting children? That's sick, disgusting,
and the investigators should be ashamed it took them 17 months where
this man continued to work as a Social Worker free and unfettered -
truly horrific "

S.S. Needs A CLEANUP wrote on Oct 6, 2007 9:26 PM:
" AreYouAllNuts?, what "ignorant speculations" have I made? maybe it
should not be a political vote, but perhaps it should be a vote by all
the people who have to deal with socail services. they should have a
voice to Carol Olson or the governor or some advocate who speaks for
vulnerable people who have a hard time speaking for themselves. "

S.S. Needs A CLEANUP wrote on Oct 6, 2007 9:19 PM:
" maybe social services was covering up for him. "

Mike R wrote on Oct 6, 2007 9:09 PM:
" Question here. Does anyone else wonder how Best Buy found the images?
I am not defending the social worker. I am glad the images were found. I
am just curious what led the Best Buy people to find the images? The
normal proceedure is to scan for virus infections, fix missing code,
things like that. Is it normal proceedure to open every file on the
computer? I am sure there wasn't an icon on the desktop that said "child
parn". I have to wonder what they are going through when I bring my
computer in? I have things that are fairly private - poems, letters,
random thoughts, etc. These are things that are not illegal but very
private to me - things that I don't want anyone else to see. Are the
employees riffling through my files reading all this stuff? Just
wondering. "

Wondering wrote on Oct 6, 2007 4:15 PM:
" I am just wondering, is anyone as curious as I am that it took
officials in Grand Forks 17 months to issue an arrest warrant for this
dirt bag? "

Left Coastie wrote on Oct 5, 2007 11:40 AM:
" I work entirely with Social Workers. They are all nuts. This doesn't
surprise me, and honestly, there is most likely ALOT more to this story.
Not a week goes by that I don't attend a staff meeting of all Social
Workers. They start crying, and yelling, and rembling on about how much
more important social work is compared to ANY other prefession. Heck,
the cheif of the section where's a shirt with a big S on the chest for
Social Work. Before I started working with Social Workers, I actually
dated one. She ended up being a social worker, but working under the
covers for the FBI. Wouldn't even tell me until I found her ex, also a
social worker; FBI, stalking me. THEY ARE ALL NUTZ. DON"T GET THAT

frenchie wrote on Oct 5, 2007 12:55 AM:
" I can't believe just how ignorant some of folks are who write letters
to the paper. I would bet they have some really wild conversations with
their neighbors who are just as ignorant about what back ground checks
are and what shows up on them. I agree with Are you allnuts. People
please think before you start to type and send in your opinion, your
showing just how ignorant you are. Of course, this is America and you
can feel free to show your lack of education and worthless opinion. I
sure would like to see how much smut is on the complainers computers.i "

Concerned wrote on Oct 4, 2007 5:27 PM:
" I really hate when people post about things they know nothing about.
Social Service Agencies are self standing agents of DHS. Go read the
NDCC and the Administrative LAW Codes. Start with the section on public
welfare, NDCC Chapter 50, then try Chapter 75. An interesting fact about
our state is that the Executive Director of DHS, which over sees Social
Services Agencies is that they are members of the Govenor's apponited
cabinet. So, as we all know, DHS carries out the policies of the
governor, and while many well qualifed indivduals are here in the state,
our govenor rewarded his campaign manager, Carol Olson, a woman who is
well qualified to manage bridges, buildings and highways with this well
paying and extremely important job. The social welfare system, i.e.
social services and DHS are part of a severely broken system. I point to
the story that broke yesterday all over the country but here about the
foster care payments system. ND is one of those states that needs to
make major changes, but until the federal government steps in, it won't
happen. Why, becuse of the mismanagement and illegal policies of the
Hoeven controled DHS. But, I understand that a major lawsuit is being
prepared and should be filed by the end of the year to stop DHS from
illegally housing foster children. It will be a federal suit, from what
I understnad and will include another aspect similiar to the religious
freedom violations that were recently filed regarding Dakota Boys and
Girls Ranch, only more braodbased and from people who were actually
damaged by DHS and Social Services. So my friend, until you avail
yourself of the structure of our state government, it would be nice if
you would stop making baseless assumptions and accustaions that you know
nothing about. "

AreYouAllNuts? wrote on Oct 4, 2007 1:26 PM:
" Social Services answers to the governor. Nearly everything social
services does is confidential to respect people's privacy. Making their
position electable is totally stupid because neither candidate can
comment on real facts & both sides of the story, just platitudes or
ignorant speculations like S.S. Needs a Cleanup is making. Too bad this
forum is being used for a vendetta platform than the moral of this news
story: that no one can totally know someone even if they think they do. "

S.S. Needs A CLEANUP wrote on Oct 3, 2007 11:20 PM:
" Are You All Nuts?, i don't even have a clue where Pierce County is,
but i do know from experiences several years ago, and from listening to
others, that people need to have some reservations about trusting social
services in general. what are the oversites for social services? who do
they answer too? perhaps they should have to be voted in by the general
public every 4 years, that might put them on their toes. maybe not the
regular workers, but the DIRECTOR should be voted in or out. "

AreYouAllNuts? wrote on Oct 3, 2007 4:38 PM:
" Sounds to me like some self-righteous narcissist with a grunge against
Pierce County Social Services is writing most of these posts since they
have nothing to do with the social worker in question. "

S.S. Needs A CLEANUP wrote on Oct 3, 2007 12:40 PM:
" Our Social Service had a wombat working there who was so insideosuly
psychologialy NASTY that the Christian women "prayed her out". Too bad
they didn't pray out the director right along with her. That nasty, cold
self serving director gets umpteen thousands of dollars retirement etc.
etc. etc. but really should have just gotten her pink slip. FIRED! NORTH
DAKOTA Social Services needs some better serious oversite. "

Online Editor wrote on Oct 3, 2007 9:07 AM:
" To Allen: I'm not sure why it will allow that, I agree that's pretty
harsh. "

AreYouAllNuts? wrote on Oct 3, 2007 8:57 AM:
" How would a background check produce evidence of a crime with which
this guy was never charged out as a crime? There's lots of illegal
things you've probably done that a background check would never turn up
because you haven't been charged yet; crimes your employer (if you have
any) couldn't possibly know about until then. Bonds are set by judges,
not state's attorneys or social workers. The Pierce Co. Social Service
director handled this as professionally as possible; there's no reason
to fire him or her for that. "

Background check? wrote on Oct 3, 2007 7:56 AM:
" What would it have shown in April of 2006 when he started work? He
hadn't been tried or convicted of anything, so nothing would be on his
record at the time he was hired for Foster, Eddy and Wells counties. He
probably had a very clean record until this happened. "

Allen wrote on Oct 3, 2007 7:42 AM:
" Good grief people, while I cannot and would not ever defend anyone
caught with child por_, what do you think is involved in a background
check? It's a check to make sure a person doesn't have a criminal record
that would preclude employment in that business/service. It isn't a
frigging crystal ball! I think the counties did the right thing. They
terminated him immediately upon discovering the presence of child por_
on what I can only assume is his personal (not county owned) computer.
And to online editor, why can the Trib stories use the word p.o.r.n and
comments can't? That's not a bad word, it's just another noun. "

To Social Servicing Who? wrote on Oct 2, 2007 6:32 PM:
" I agree Heads Should Roll - the County SS Director should be walking
out the door - hat in hand for letting this guy come into our community.
Although we've been told he only dealt with the Elderly, who's to say
that's the truth. I wouldn't be surprised if he was counseling little
children one-on-one. SocSrvs here lie all the time - for whatever suits
their purpose. Heads Should Roll - I doubt the will - but they Should "

Concerned wrote on Oct 2, 2007 5:38 PM:
" Heads should roll??? I am sure the background check was done. However,
it is interesting to note that our local officials didn't even think it
imporant to let us know this guy was living here after he was charged.
We learned about it from a post on a website. If it wasn't for the AP
this story would never have been published. None of the local TV
stations are reporting it, and our "local" daily news paper didn't carry
the story until the AP report. Our local weekly wasn't even aware of it
until he was called by a concerned citizen. No, no heads will roll,
after all he is fired and we did what we were supposed to do according
to our local officials. Maybe we should hire our own Social Services
Director instead of contracting her from another county. Maybe if she
lived here, she would have been a bit more prudent. "

Social Servicing Who? wrote on Oct 2, 2007 4:03 PM:
" Whatever happened to "Background Checks" for all employees who work in
the Social Service Division of North Dakota's dysfunctional bureaucracy?
Who dropped the ball on this guy? Heads should roll because this guy
slipped through the system! "

lw wrote on Oct 2, 2007 10:14 AM:
" $500??? Can bond GET any lower? What a joke. "


CPS Does not protect children...
It is sickening how many children are subject to abuse, neglect and even
killed at the hands of Child Protective Services.

every parent should read this .pdf from
connecticut dcf watch...

Number of Cases per 100,000 children in the US
These numbers come from The National Center on
Child Abuse and Neglect in Washington. (NCCAN)
Recent numbers have increased significantly for CPS

Perpetrators of Maltreatment

Physical Abuse CPS 160, Parents 59
Sexual Abuse CPS 112, Parents 13
Neglect CPS 410, Parents 241
Medical Neglect CPS 14 Parents 12
Fatalities CPS 6.4, Parents 1.5

Imagine that, 6.4 children die at the hands of the very agencies that
are supposed to protect them and only 1.5 at the hands of parents per
100,000 children. CPS perpetrates more abuse, neglect, and sexual abuse
and kills more children then parents in the United States. If the
citizens of this country hold CPS to the same standards that they hold
parents too. No judge should ever put another child in the hands of ANY
government agency because CPS nationwide is guilty of more harm and
death than any human being combined. CPS nationwide is guilty of more
human rights violations and deaths of children then the homes from which
they were removed. When are the judges going to wake up and see that
they are sending children to their death and a life of abuse when
children are removed from safe homes based on the mere opinion of a
bunch of social workers.


Nabbed for nonpayment again?

On Oct 10, 12:30 am, fx <> wrote:
> Social worker charged with possession of child porn
> Oct 02, 2007 - 10:05:09 CDT
> By the Associated Press
> BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) - A man who was a social worker in five counties is
> awaiting a hearing on child pornography charges that were filed after he
> brought his computer in for service.
> Paul Hill, 42, of Grand Forks, was charged Sept. 20 with one misdemeanor
> and 10 felony counts of possession of obscene material involving minors,
> court documents show.Authorities said the child pornography was found on
> Hill's computer on April 8, 2006, after he brought it in for service at
> a Best Buy Co. store in Grand Forks.
> Some of the pornographic images found on Hill's computer dated back to
> June 2004, court documents show.
> Hill is free on a $500 bond. A preliminary hearing on the child
> pornography charges is slated for Nov. 7, authorities said.
> A telephone number listed for Hill in Grand Forks has been disconnected.
> Hill had been a social worker in Pierce County, working with elderly
> people but not children, State's Attorney Galen Mack said Monday. He
> would not say if Hill resigned or was fired last week.
> ``He is no longer working for Pierce County,'' Mack said.
> Hill had worked for the county since April, and had been on probationary
> status because of his short tenure, Mack said.
> Mack said Hill also worked as a social worker in Grand Forks, and in
> Foster, Eddy and Wells counties.
> John Mogren, the social services director for Foster, Eddy and Wells
> counties, said Hill was employed as a social worker in the counties from
> April 24, 2006 until Feb. 21, when he resigned.
> Hill lived in Carrington while employed as a social worker for the three
> counties, Mogren said.
> ``We never had any complaints about him, to my knowledge,'' Mogren said.
> ``He never worked with individuals - he worked in a family setting where
> parents were present.''
> News > State
> Printer friendly version
> Social worker charged with possession of child porn
> Comments
> Repeating the Question wrote on Oct 7, 2007 10:33 AM:
> " Why did it take 17 months to "catch this guy". Why wasn't he arrested
> when the pornography was found? What is the CBI doing? If he had been
> arrensted when the stuff was found he would hopefully not been able to
> get another job. By the way - does he still have his license? Is he
> still able to work? What are we doing? Why are these people allowed to
> run rampant in our state? Are we that naive? 17 Month? Come on people -
> 17 months where he could be molesting children? That's sick, disgusting,
> and the investigators should be ashamed it took them 17 months where
> this man continued to work as a Social Worker free and unfettered -
> truly horrific "
> S.S. Needs A CLEANUP wrote on Oct 6, 2007 9:26 PM:
> " AreYouAllNuts?, what "ignorant speculations" have I made? maybe it
> should not be a political vote, but perhaps it should be a vote by all
> the people who have to deal with socail services. they should have a
> voice to Carol Olson or the governor or some advocate who speaks for
> vulnerable people who have a hard time speaking for themselves. "
> S.S. Needs A CLEANUP wrote on Oct 6, 2007 9:19 PM:
> " maybe social services was covering up for him. "
> Mike R wrote on Oct 6, 2007 9:09 PM:
> " Question here. Does anyone else wonder how Best Buy found the images?
> I am not defending the social worker. I am glad the images were found. I
> am just curious what led the Best Buy people to find the images? The
> normal proceedure is to scan for virus infections, fix missing code,
> things like that. Is it normal proceedure to open every file on the
> computer? I am sure there wasn't an icon on the desktop that said "child
> parn". I have to wonder what they are going through when I bring my
> computer in? I have things that are fairly private - poems, letters,
> random thoughts, etc. These are things that are not illegal but very
> private to me - things that I don't want anyone else to see. Are the
> employees riffling through my files reading all this stuff? Just
> wondering. "
> Wondering wrote on Oct 6, 2007 4:15 PM:
> " I am just wondering, is anyone as curious as I am that it took
> officials in Grand Forks 17 months to issue an arrest warrant for this
> dirt bag? "
> Left Coastie wrote on Oct 5, 2007 11:40 AM:
> " I work entirely with Social Workers. They are all nuts. This doesn't
> surprise me, and honestly, there is most likely ALOT more to this story.
> Not a week goes by that I don't attend a staff meeting of all Social
> Workers. They start crying, and yelling, and rembling on about how much
> more important social work is compared to ANY other prefession. Heck,
> the cheif of the section where's a shirt with a big S on the chest for
> Social Work. Before I started working with Social Workers, I actually
> dated one. She ended up being a social worker, but working under the
> covers for the FBI. Wouldn't even tell me until I found her ex, also a
> social worker; FBI, stalking me. THEY ARE ALL NUTZ. DON"T GET THAT
> frenchie wrote on Oct 5, 2007 12:55 AM:
> " I can't believe just how ignorant some of folks are who write letters
> to the paper. I would bet they have some really wild conversations with
> their neighbors who are just as ignorant about what back ground checks
> are and what shows up on them. I agree with Are you allnuts. People
> please think before you start to type and send in your opinion, your
> showing just how ignorant you are. Of course, this is America and you
> can feel free to show your lack of education and worthless opinion. I
> sure would like to see how much smut is on the complainers computers.i "
> Concerned wrote on Oct 4, 2007 5:27 PM:
> " I really hate when people post about things they know nothing about.
> Social Service Agencies are self standing agents of DHS. Go read the
> NDCC and the Administrative LAW Codes. Start with the section on public
> welfare, NDCC Chapter 50, then try Chapter 75. An interesting fact about
> our state is that the Executive Director of DHS, which over sees Social
> Services Agencies is that they are members of the Govenor's apponited
> cabinet. So, as we all know, DHS carries out the policies of the
> governor, and while many well qualifed indivduals are here in the state,
> our govenor rewarded his campaign manager, Carol Olson, a woman who is
> well qualified to manage bridges, buildings and highways with this well
> paying and extremely important job. The social welfare system, i.e.
> social services and DHS are part of a severely broken system. I point to
> the story that broke yesterday all over the country but here about the
> foster care payments system. ND is one of those states that needs to
> make major changes, but until the federal government steps in, it won't
> happen. Why, becuse of the mismanagement and illegal policies of the
> Hoeven controled DHS. But, I understand that a major lawsuit is being
> prepared and should be filed by the end of the year to stop DHS from
> illegally housing foster children. It will be a federal suit, from what
> I understnad and will include another aspect similiar to the religious
> freedom violations that were recently filed regarding Dakota Boys and
> Girls Ranch, only more braodbased and from people who were actually
> damaged by DHS and Social Services. So my friend, until you avail
> yourself of the structure of our state government, it would be nice if
> you would stop making baseless assumptions and accustaions that you know
> nothing about. "
> AreYouAllNuts? wrote on Oct 4, 2007 1:26 PM:
> " Social Services answers to the governor. Nearly everything social
> services does is confidential to respect people's privacy. Making their
> position electable is totally stupid because neither candidate can
> comment on real facts & both sides of the story, just platitudes or
> ignorant speculations like S.S. Needs a Cleanup is making. Too bad this
> forum is being used for a vendetta platform than the moral of this news
> story: that no one can totally know someone even if they think they do. "
> S.S. Needs A CLEANUP wrote on Oct 3, 2007 11:20 PM:
> " Are You All Nuts?, i don't even have a clue where Pierce County is,
> but i do know from experiences several years ago, and from listening to
> others, that people need to have some reservations about trusting social
> services in general. what are the oversites for social services? who do
> they answer too? perhaps they should have to be voted in by the general
> public every 4 years, that might put them on their toes. maybe not the
> regular workers, but the DIRECTOR should be voted in or out. "
> AreYouAllNuts? wrote on Oct 3, 2007 4:38 PM:
> " Sounds to me like some self-righteous narcissist with a grunge against
> Pierce County Social Services is writing most of these posts since they
> have nothing to do with the social worker in question. "
> S.S. Needs A CLEANUP wrote on Oct 3, 2007 12:40 PM:
> " Our Social Service had a wombat working there who was so insideosuly
> psychologialy NASTY that the Christian women "prayed her out". Too bad
> they didn't pray out the director right along with her. That nasty, cold
> self serving director gets umpteen thousands of dollars retirement etc.
> etc. etc. but really should have just gotten her pink slip. FIRED! NORTH
> DAKOTA Social Services needs some better serious oversite. "
> Online Editor wrote on Oct 3, 2007 9:07 AM:
> " To Allen: I'm not sure why it will allow that, I agree that's pretty
> harsh. "
> AreYouAllNuts? wrote on Oct 3, 2007 8:57 AM:
> " How would a background check produce evidence of a crime with which
> this guy was never charged out as a crime? There's lots of illegal
> things you've probably done that a background check would never turn up
> because you haven't been charged yet; crimes your employer (if you have
> any) couldn't possibly know about until then. Bonds are set by judges,
> not state's attorneys or social workers. The Pierce Co. Social Service
> director handled this as professionally as possible; there's no reason
> to fire him or her for that. "
> Background check? wrote on Oct 3, 2007 7:56 AM:
> " What would it have shown in April of 2006 when he started work? He
> hadn't been tried or convicted of anything, so nothing would be on his
> record at the time he was hired for Foster, Eddy and Wells counties. He
> probably had a very clean record until this happened. "
> Allen wrote on Oct 3, 2007 7:42 AM:
> " Good grief people, while I cannot and would not ever defend anyone
> caught with child por_, what do you think is involved in a background
> check? It's a check to make sure a person doesn't have a criminal record
> that would preclude employment in that business/service. It isn't a
> frigging crystal ball! I think the counties did the right thing. They
> terminated him immediately upon discovering the presence of child por_
> on what I can only assume is his personal (not county owned) computer.
> And to online editor, why can the Trib stories use the word p.o.r.n and
> comments can't? That's not a bad word, it's just another noun. "
> To Social Servicing Who? wrote on Oct 2, 2007 6:32 PM:
> " I agree Heads Should Roll - the County SS Director should be walking
> out the door - hat in hand for letting this guy come into our community.
> Although we've been told he only dealt with the Elderly, who's to say
> that's the truth. I wouldn't be surprised if he was counseling little
> children one-on-one. SocSrvs here lie all the time - for whatever suits
> their purpose. Heads Should Roll - I doubt the will - but they Should "
> Concerned wrote on Oct 2, 2007 5:38 PM:
> " Heads should roll??? I am sure the background check was done. However,
> it is interesting to note that our local officials didn't even think it
> imporant to let us know this guy was living here after he was charged.
> We learned about it from a post on a website. If it wasn't for the AP
> this story would never have been published. None of the local TV
> stations are reporting it, and our "local" daily news paper didn't carry
> the story until the AP report. Our local weekly wasn't even aware of it
> until he was called by a concerned citizen. No, no heads will roll,
> after all he is fired and we did what we were supposed to do according
> to our local officials. Maybe we should hire our own Social Services
> Director instead of contracting her from another county. Maybe if she
> lived here, she would have been a bit more prudent. "
> Social Servicing Who? wrote on Oct 2, 2007 4:03 PM:
> " Whatever happened to "Background Checks" for all employees who work in
> the Social Service Division of North Dakota's dysfunctional bureaucracy?
> Who dropped the ball on this guy? Heads should roll because this guy
> slipped through the system! "
> lw wrote on Oct 2, 2007 10:14 AM:
> " $500??? Can bond GET any lower? What a joke. "
> CPS Does not protect children...
> It is sickening how many children are subject to abuse, neglect and even
> killed at the hands of Child Protective Services.
> every parent should read this .pdf from
> connecticut dcf watch...
> Number of Cases per 100,000 children in the US
> These numbers come from The National Center on
> Child Abuse and Neglect in Washington. (NCCAN)
> Recent numbers have increased significantly for CPS
> Perpetrators of Maltreatment
> Physical Abuse CPS 160, Parents 59
> Sexual Abuse CPS 112, Parents 13
> Neglect CPS 410, Parents 241
> Medical Neglect CPS 14 Parents 12
> Fatalities CPS 6.4, Parents 1.5
> Imagine that, 6.4 children die at the hands of the very agencies that
> are supposed to protect them and only 1.5 at the hands of parents per
> 100,000 children. CPS perpetrates more abuse, neglect, and sexual abuse
> and kills more children then parents in the United States. If the
> citizens of this country hold CPS to the same standards that they hold
> parents too. No judge should ever put another child in the hands of ANY
> government agency because CPS nationwide is guilty of more harm and
> death than any human being combined. CPS nationwide is guilty of more
> human rights violations and deaths of children then the homes from which
> they were removed. When are the judges going to wake up and see that
> they are sending children to their death and a life of abuse when
> children are removed from safe homes based on the mere opinion of a
> bunch of social workers.