Socialism Update: Children Find Naked Child's Body in Suitcase in Australian Park


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Children Find Naked Child's Body in Suitcase in Australian Park
Thursday, October 18, 2007

SYDNEY, Australia - A group of children found a boy's naked body jammed
into a suitcase floating in a duck pond at a suburban Sydney park,
triggering a murder investigation Thursday and a police warning to parents.

There was widespread outrage at the apparent brutality directed toward the
unidentified child, who police said did not match the description of anyone
on missing-persons lists, though clues indicated the body had been there for

"Put simply, it's one of the most monstrous acts imaginable," New South
Wales state Premier Morris Iemma told the state legislature.

A group of about 10 children playing in the park in the Sydney suburb of
Rosemeadow pulled the dark, tartan-patterned bag of carry-on luggage size
ashore on Wednesday evening and reported their gruesome discovery after
opening it.

"We were riding on our scooters when a friend came up and said there was a
dead pig down at the duck pond, so we went down to see," one of the children
said on Australian television. His name was not given and his face was
obscured because of his age.

"Me and my friend got sticks and flipped it over and then we saw that there
was feet, so we went up to our houses to call the police," he said.

Homicide Detective Superintendent Geoff Beresford said the dead boy - who
was jammed in a fetal position and wrapped in plastic - was believed to be
age 4 to 8, revising downward an earlier estimate of 5 to 10.

Beresford said witnesses told investigators that they had seen the bag
floating in the pond for at least two days, and that the body was in the
early stages of decomposition.

A post-mortem examination began Thursday to try determining who the boy was
and how he died. Beresford said it was too early to say if he had been

Police divers scoured the pond Thursday and found items including clothes
and a knife, though investigators had not yet linked them to the death.

Beresford also said police were looking into reports of a suspicious white
van seen recently in the suburb.

"It's certainly being investigated. Obviously I would certainly be wary if I
was a parent," Beresford said.