Socialist Canadian Ross John Lambourn Demands Martial Law In The USA!!



Socialist Canadian Ross John Lambourn Calls For The Cancellation Of American
Civil Liberties

In his deluded mind, the world is fighting a war on Islam and he is a
cheerleader; a coward unwilling to fight wars who demands that someone else do
the dirty work.

Here is a recent post by the socialist Canadian troll, a pathetic case who
pretends on usenet to be a rich American Republican.

The following is proof that Canada's Ross John "Clay Northwood" / "Clint
Hunter" / "anonymous@dizum" / "Centurion" (and now
Lambourn is a seditious America hating traitor who has continually called for
the suspension of the US Constitution and the cancellation of American civil
liberties. Lambourn is consumed with hate and bitterness and expresses it by
posting incoherent screeds based on his distorted and delusional view of the
world. He is a retired career civil servant who resides in Canada sucking from
the social safety net and living off a tax payer funded pension. It's no end of
irony that he sees himself as a capitalist. He frequently uses the above
pseudonyms to fake support for the gibberish he posts on Usenet.

Listen to the jackbooted Canadian fascist Bush Lover squawk about how he
despises Americans and their hard won civil liberties.

Message-ID: <>

Can The U.S. Win The War Against Islam Without Temporarily Suspending Human

It is looking more and more that it cannot.

In going back in history we see that Republican Rome had to suspend,
actually terminate, its constitution to survive against internal
social turmoil and the military threat of menacing barbarians whom it
seemed were always at or near the gates. Rome had become very
cosmopolitan as the U.S. has today.

Rome ceased to be a republic and was forced to become a dictatorship
which staved off the empire's eclipse for about 350 years.

Virtual suspension of Americans' civil rights and its Constitution
took place in the U.S. during the Civil War in which President Abraham
Lincoln revoked Habeas Corpus and actually had the U.S. navy shell
downtown NY City when an anti-conscription riot broke out. But Lincoln
is still regarded as one of America's greatest presidents.

So such draconian action now would not be unprecedented in the U.S.
Perhaps the first action would be the suspension of the First
Amendment. It would almost surely require a coup to do this unless the
Republican and Democrats got together to form a temporary wartime
government during which elections would be suspended.

Civil unrest, crime and the threat of anarchy increase week by week in
the U.S. The future of the country looks bleak as the following
article on the Muslim organization CAIR shows how subversion in the
U.S. is becoming a very serious and threatening problem.