Socialist Dems Promise Union Takeover in America, Mass Firings for Those Who Disobey


Patriot Games


Dems Pledge to Help Labor Organize
Thursday, August 16, 2007

WATERLOO, Iowa - Six Democratic presidential contenders, courting one of
the party's most crucial interest groups, pledged Wednesday to work to
reverse decades of decline in the nation's union movement.

Sens. Joe Biden, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Chris Dodd and Barack Obama, former
Sen. John Edwards and New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson said they would
support labor-backed issues, such as expanding health care and toughening
trade rules.

However, they contended that the biggest problem facing unions was the
steady drop in membership, and all vowed to make it easier for unions to

"It is not rich people that made this country great," Clinton said. "We
would not have had a middle class without the American labor movement."

Edwards sounded a similar theme: "If we want to grow and strengthen the
middle class, we have to grow the union movement."

Labor leaders grilled each of the candidates at the annual convention of the
Iowa Federation of Labor, a key player in the state's Democratic politics.
Each candidate had a half-hour session, and they were often dragged through
the arcane details of policies backed by labor.

The umbrella labor group is unlikely to formally endorse a candidate for
Iowa's leadoff precinct caucuses, but the more than 250 activists who
listened to the candidates are all local political leaders. The federation
represents roughly 55,000 workers, and it's likely that about 100,000
Democrats will settle next winter's caucuses.

"As long as I'm alive and breathing, I will be standing with you," said
Edwards, who joined Obama in pledging to walk a picket line if elected.

"Think about a president of the United States walking a picket line,"
Edwards said. "You're looking at one."

All the candidates noted their long ties to unions.

"The AFL-CIO in New York has dubbed me their favorite sister," Clinton said.
"I will use the bully pulpit as president."

If elected, Obama promised to include organized labor when he shapes his new

"You have to have a president who is willing to talk about unions," he said.
"I'd make sure the AFL-CIO was involved in the transition process."

Biden called for easing restrictions on union organizing and noted the
decline in membership from the 1950s, when roughly one in four workers
belonged to a union.

"You are the middle class," he said. "If you want to grow the middle class,
you have to grow the union movement."

All agreed that a series of trade deals has given competitors an unfair
advantage and shifted jobs overseas.

"There ain't no such thing as free trade unless its fair trade, and that's
not what's happening now," Biden said.

Dodd called for new restrictions on toys and food imported into the U.S.
from China, pointing to reports of contaminated food and recalls of
dangerous toys.

"This is an issue of safety," he said. "Parents should be confident that the
toys they give their children have been inspected and are safe."

Richardson said he would set concrete goals for increasing union membership
from its current 12 percent of the work force, pushing for a level as high
as 20 percent.

"My secretary of Labor would be a union member," he said. "All of those
union-busting attorneys would be gone."
"Joe S." <> wrote in message
> "Patriot Games" <> wrote in message
> news:46c43c44$0$4095$

> Tell us about Bush's Dow -- you know, the DJIA that's about to fall to
> where it was when he took office -- or lower.
> You know, the DJIA that, when it hit 14,000, caused you to praise GWBush
> as an economic genius.
> Waiting.

We already covered that.

Tell us why you're a liar.

In the Article "MSNBC Busts Corrupt Media, Part 3: Naming Names"

> The list: Journalists who wrote political checks
> And their explanations, from 'Yikes!' to 'They're all in somebody's
> pocket'
> June 21, 2007

Joe S. said:

> If you read the original MSNBC article
> you find that the dollar amounts donated to Republicans exceed by far the
> dollar amounts donated to Democrats.

Joe S. is a LIAR.

The amounts are:

Democrats: $206,805

Republicans: $56,125

"Joe S." is now a PROVEN LIAR.

Do yourself a favor and KILLFILE the LIAR Joe S.


"Joe S." <> wrote in message
> Oh, my goodness, but if you read the follow-up you'll find that MSNBC
> listed as donating to Democrats one individual who donated six figures to
> Republicans and when the amounts were corrected - - - - -

But Joe S. is now LYING in an attempt to get out of being CAUGHT LYING.

"(Correction: One of the names was included in error in this list of
newspeople who contributed to political campaigns. Joe Cline, a graphic
artist at The San Diego Union-Tribune, is in the advertising department, not
in news. His name has been removed. Because Cline had given to Republicans,
the adjusted tally is 143 journalists: 125 giving to Democrats and liberal
causes, 16 to Republicans, and two to both parties.)"

"(R) The New York Sun, Liz Peek, financial columnist, $2,000 to Elizabeth
Dole, Republican, in March 2007; $2,000 to the Volunteer PAC, which supports
Republicans, in June 2006; $1,000 to Mark Kennedy, Republican, in June 2006;
$500 in June 2006 to Straight Talk America, which supported Republicans;
$15,000 to the National Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee in April
2006; and $4,200 to Kathleen Troia McFarland, Republican House candidate, in
November 2005. IN PREVIOUS YEARS, SHE GAVE $65,000 to the National
Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee." [Emphasis mine.]

Joe S. thinks $65,000 is SIX FIGURES? No. Joe S. IS A LIAR!
"Joe S." <> wrote in message
> "Patriot Games" <> wrote in message
> news:46c43c44$0$4095$

> Tell us about Bush's Dow -- you know, the DJIA that's about to fall to
> where it was when he took office -- or lower.

That is great news for young people, lousy news for those seniors who depend
on their stock market investment to live on, and for everyone else, not too
significant at all.
"Jerry Okamura" <> wrote in message
> "Joe S." <> wrote in message
>> "Patriot Games" <> wrote in message
>> news:46c43c44$0$4095$

>> Tell us about Bush's Dow -- you know, the DJIA that's about to fall to
>> where it was when he took office -- or lower.

> That is great news for young people,

Because they can buy in at a lower entry point.

> lousy news for those seniors who depend on their stock market investment
> to live on,

I doubt there are any such people.

> and for everyone else, not too significant at all.
