Socialized Medicine Update - Mistakes, Short-Staffing Led to UK Girl's Meningitis Death


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Coroner: Mistakes, Short-Staffing Led to Girl's Meningitis Death
Friday, January 11, 2008

A coroner's report claims that a baby girl died from meningitis in September
2006 due to short-staffing and mistakes made by a U.K. hospital, according
to a report in the Evening Standard.

Nicola Gilworth feared her daughter Macy was suffering from meningitis when
she took her to Tameside General Hospital in Stockport, U.K.

But the child died after medics made a series of mistakes, Coroner John
Pollard told an inquest into the death this week.

Click here to read the whole story and to see a picture of Macy:'too+busy'+to+save+baby+dying+of+meningitis/

Pollard said Macy, who had a heart defect and had been in and out of
hospital several times, had developed a rash on her body that would not
disappear when pressure was applied - a symptom of meningitis.

But when she arrived at the hospital, where short-staffing was overwhelming
doctors, one doctor failed to follow hospital protocol for checking children
with rashes and made a mistake in her notes. A chart was never filled out
with her symptoms and there was a delay getting the results of her blood
test, the coroner's report showed.

Pollard blasted the same hospital in 2006 for "despicable" and chaotic
treatment" of four elderly patients who died there.