Soldier mom refuses deployment to care for baby


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Soldier mom refuses deployment to care for baby


An Army cook and single mom may face criminal charges after she skipped her deployment flight to Afghanistan because, she said, no one was available to care for her infant son while she was overseas.

The article goes on to say that this mom had a plan in place for her own mother to take care of the baby, but the mom later said she couldn't.

The article also says that they don't deploy single parents who have no one to take care of their kids.




New member
Lets quit recruiting our children to kill and be killed so some politically connected multi generational ******** living high on the public coffers can maintain their perceived importance in this world..



New member
Lets quit recruiting our children to kill and be killed so some politically connected multi generational ******** living high on the public coffers can maintain their perceived importance in this world..
nice thought, but kinda irrelevant in this day and age, wez. The world would be a much nicer place if everyone in the world could all play nice and stuff, but that ain't gonna happen anytime soon.

So, Do you have an actual thought pertaining to the story?



New member
Put her kid up in a dog kennel for 12 months? She's got some freedom to fight for..
who's gonna take care of her kid while she's in jail for bailing on her job?

The Army said she wouldn't be deployed if she didn't have someone to take care of her kid, but instead she decided to just not show up.

Pretty sure the military don't look to kindly on that...



New member
who's gonna take care of her kid while she's in jail for bailing on her job?

The Army said she wouldn't be deployed if she didn't have someone to take care of her kid, but instead she decided to just not show up.

Pretty sure the military don't look to kindly on that...

hahaha.. no.. they sure don't.. they are the kings of or else..

You bring up a good point.. Would you.. or anyone else other than someone in the military go to jail for bailing on your job? Why don't they just fire her.. :rolleyes:

Wonder why they gotta threaten with prison.. go kill / be killed / or else..

Good ***.. the world is a sick place..

One thing I learned the hard way.. If someone is or else-ing you.. or else is always the best choice no matter what it is..



Active Members
Gowing awol will have consequences but I am sure that she will not spend time in jail or anything.

"She said Hutchinson is no longer in a relationship with the father."


Just because she is not in a relationship with the father that is not the same thing as the child being dead. I think most of this is just smoke being blown so she can get out of deploying. She took the money every month and took the training and now that it is time to do as she agreed to do by contract, she wants to get out of it with these kinds of games.

The mother runs a daycare but it is too difficult to take care of her own grandchild?

This reminds me of the mess when long time reservists were ordered to show up for active duty during Desert Shield/storm. They took the money and when it was actually time to earn it, they did not want to go.

Wez, America without a military would mean Hitler was never stopped, do you think that would have been a better result for humanity?

What would have stopped him from getting on boats and then taking over America too? Unfortunately we must have a military, for the same reason we have to have domestic police. You said you would go to police if you were robbed and get the guy arrested so an army is simply a larger scale police force dealing with larger scale criminals.

You can't say you support the use of force/power only if they are actively protecting or otherwise serving your desires Wez, you have to look at the larger picture. Without a strong army, your not free to complain about that army protecting you, that is the catch 22.



New member
My kids trump war any day! The army should just get over it all ready. What do they expect her to do...leave the kid in it's playpen and hope for the best? Geeze...I wonder what the article would be like if..."army mom leaves child unattended to go cook in the army". Sounds like she can't win to me. Also...who do you leave a child with indefinitely. Good christ! Stupid all around.


New member
Maybe she shoulda thought about that before having the kid, Emkay (remember, she's been in the Army longer than she's been a mother.)

Not to sound heartless, but what if she got hit by a bus tomorrow? Who would take care of Jr then?

TJ brings up some good questions, particularly about the gramma. Where's the dad?

I'm not much of a fan of sending single parents to deploy period, but she knew the game when she signed up for it. Her lack of preparation shows a real lack of responsibility, IMO.



New member
Maybe she shoulda thought about that before having the kid, Emkay (remember, she's been in the Army longer than she's been a mother.)
Not to sound heartless, but what if she got hit by a bus tomorrow? Who would take care of Jr then?

TJ brings up some good questions, particularly about the gramma. Where's the dad?

I'm not much of a fan of sending single parents to deploy period, but she knew the game when she signed up for it. Her lack of preparation shows a real lack of responsibility, IMO.
This is a good point. Was she unaware there is a war going on when she got pregnant?
While I do agree that young babies should not be seperated from their mothers (If the mothers' are good). I also think she should have thought about possibly being deployed before getting pregnant.

If she can prove that her mother is caring for ailing relatives then that should excuse her officially I would think.


Old Salt

New member
Military members who are single parents are required to maintain an up-to-date child care plan in case of deployment. If there is no plan in place, the soldier is undeployable - it is her responsiblity to do what it takes to keep her deployable status. If she gun-decked (that's a Navy term - ask snaf) her care plan, that's a violation - false official statement, and there's no one to blame but herself. If there's no way of taking care of the child while she's gone, that's grounds to be separated. She could have worked with her unit.

I'm wondering if she didn't just put her mom's name on the form. There are legalities to be taken care of, the care-giver has to have guardianship (or at least a power of attorney) to take care of any medical problems which might pop up. This would also allow the care-giver to shop on a military base in the child's name.



New member
Maybe she shoulda thought about that before having the kid, Emkay (remember, she's been in the Army longer than she's been a mother.)
Not to sound heartless, but what if she got hit by a bus tomorrow? Who would take care of Jr then?

TJ brings up some good questions, particularly about the gramma. Where's the dad?

I'm not much of a fan of sending single parents to deploy period, but she knew the game when she signed up for it. Her lack of preparation shows a real lack of responsibility, IMO.
Good points, eddo.

She is getting paid to be in the Army and she did choose to enlist, it was not forced upon her.



Active Members
My kids trump war any day! The army should just get over it all ready. What do they expect her to do...leave the kid in it's playpen and hope for the best? Geeze...I wonder what the article would be like if..."army mom leaves child unattended to go cook in the army". Sounds like she can't win to me. Also...who do you leave a child with indefinitely. Good christ! Stupid all around.
Nobody said she should leave the child unattended emkay.

Like eddo pointed out, she was already comitted to the military life when she got pregnant and it seems she was never married either so she has shown massive amounts of irresponsibility up to this point. Is it possible she got pregnant without a care plan on purpose to get out of deployments?

There are many options open to her including giving the child to the father, why is it in all these cases letting the father care for the child is never an option to be considered?

At the least if she cannot work as a soldier due to her own choices she should have to pay back any bonus money she was paid for her enlistment as she is released from duty. She entered into a contract, she is now breaking that contract.



New member
Yeah sounds like a last ditch effort not to be deployed. I can't believe her CO told her she was going to be deployed anyway but I've seen worse **** before so it's not out of the realm of reality. they should be able to find a suitable place for the child and then send her on her marry way to the front.


Active Members
Yeah sounds like a last ditch effort not to be deployed. I can't believe her CO told her she was going to be deployed anyway but I've seen worse **** before so it's not out of the realm of reality. they should be able to find a suitable place for the child and then send her on her marry way to the front.
It is certainly possible that the CO was talking very harsh but still the responsibility for taking care of these things was on the soldier, not the military. It was her responsibility to make sure she had her child's care figured out long before the time came to be deployed.

Sure, I feel bad for the child and mother being seperated but as eddo pointed out already, the woman decided to get pregnant after she was a soldier so she knew the risks and she also knew her own responsibility before she decided to have children without even having a husband first to help with raising children.

I know a lot of people are trying to make the military sound like the bad guy in this but all the military is doing is asking her to live up to her obligations and responsibilities. It is the woman who dropped the ball and has broken her contract by her own actions.

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