Solution to resolve 0x8DDD0004



Hi haqin, after i copy the following commands and then paste into the Notepad

window,then i close the Notepad window it just prompted do you want to save

change to untitled?save,don't save or cancel.I also try click start,Run,type:

C:\fix.reg and enter the windows cannot find ,make sure you typed the name

correctly.what should i do?

"Haqiu" wrote:

> 1. Click Start, Click Run, type in "notepad C:\fix.reg" (without quotation

> marks) and press Enter. Choose Yes when you are prompted.

> 2. Copy the following commands and then paste them into the opened Notepad

> window.


> Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

> [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{0000031A-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}]

> @="ClassMoniker"


> [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{0000031A-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\InprocServer32]

> @="ole32.dll"


> [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{0000031A-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\ProgID]

> @="clsid"



> @="{0000031A-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"


> 3. After you paste the above commands, please close the Notepad window.

> Choose Yes when you are prompted to save the file.

> 4. Click Start and Click Run, type in "C:\fix.reg" (without quotation marks)

> and press Enter to run the commands we have pasted.

> 5. A dialog box will pop-up saying "Are you sure you want to add the

> information in C:\fix.reg to the registry?". Click Yes on this dialog box

> 6. Reboot the machine.

> 7. After the machine reboots use Windows Update and see if the problem has

> gone away.



> "Aldaran" wrote:


> > Hello

> >

> > If youy want to resolve 0x8DDD0004 error code try to install Microsoft

> > Internet Explorer 7 Beta 2 Preview ...

> > It works for me!

> >

> > Good luck

> >

> > Aldaran

> >

> >
Since you do not know about .reg files I strongly suggest that you

DO NOT USE THEM. Using the incorrect .reg file may cause your system to

NEVER BOOT AGAIN unless you reinstall whichever edition of Windows it is


If the edition of Windows is XP, then see these KB articles:

Error message when you scan for updates on a Windows XP Service Pack

2-based computer: "Error number: 0x8DDD0004"

Error that you see in the upper-right corner when you visit the Windows

Update Web site on a Windows XP-based computer: "[Error number:


If this is not an XP system, then please post which edition of Windows

this is.



-343- FDNY

Never Forgotten


"Security updates should never have non-security content prechecked

eric wrote:

> Hi haqin, after i copy the following commands and then paste into the Notepad

> window,then i close the Notepad window it just prompted do you want to save

> change to untitled?save,don't save or cancel.I also try click start,Run,type:

> C:\fix.reg and enter the windows cannot find ,make sure you typed the name

> correctly.what should i do?


> "Haqiu" wrote:

><snipped to protect the uninitiated>