some help


New member
umm im trying to log out so I can register my brother as a new member, but every time i click the log out button, then go to a different page, it logs me back in. can someone help me out with this? that would be really nice.


New member
same thing happens to me. try clearing the cookies, logging out, then clearing the cookies again.


New member
Yeah clearing your cookies or your temporary internet files usually works. Try refreshing first though. My pages never seem to update unless I refresh so that's how it works for me.


New member
i tried refreshing and I have no idea what cookies are (ugg i am such a nitwit being on the internet all the time and not knowing what cookies are) i might have to go in under a different screen name
Okay buddy, cookies,

Click your 'Start button',

Click on 'Control Panel',

Go to 'Internet Options',

About in the middle of the new pop up, you should see a section called, 'Temporary Internet Options' with three options, 'Delete Cookies', 'Delete Files', & 'Settings'. Click on 'Delete Cookies'.

Log out of LPF & you should actually be logged out now.

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