Some Minor Changes


Active Members
Last night I made some minor changes I wanted to point out to everyone. I combined the Lyrics Room and Fan Fiction sections into the "Writers Corner". I have also renamed the Pictures and Fan Art section to Fan Art & Expression. Finally, I moved the LP Pictures forum to the Linkin Park Section of the site.

As always I am open to new ideas on how to improve the site. Some of the changes above where member request. If you have an idea, let me or a mod know, as it might better the site.



New member
lol i thought i was too tired and couldn't read right. lol, thanks for clearin that up for me
Thats cool...even though I spent like 5 minutes looking for Linkin park pictures though.....I'm so dumb....I thought it was either deleted or I was just blind


New member
B4 going into this thread I had already noticed some changes on the site which are really kool.

I think it was very smart what u did with the Writters section cuz in that way u save 2 sections into 1.

Nice work Atlien,my congrats 2 u:thumbsup:

'writer's corner' sounds...i don't know, but i like it better than 'fanfiction'! :)

i just noticed it was changed right now when you told me, if you wouldn't of said anything, i wouldn't of noticed! arn't i inteligent? of course not!

hahaha, 'mukk'! that's cool, Friðbjörn. i spelled it! woohoo!


Amy Shinoda

New member
cool... i was gone for a while and when i came back i was all like "whoa... what did i miss??"... lol liked the changes though ^^
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