Some sense of Truth


New member
so this is the new idea that ive been mesing around with. I hope its ok it will contain some things (ie blood shed and such) that might give nightmares so im warning you if you have a weak stomache then i would skip the dreams.

(Brad's POV)

I couldnt sleep. I was scared. Scared to see them all die again. It got so bad that im afraid to sleep, they seemed to be pushing me away so why does it matter if they are tourtured in my dreams? My only friend who seems to see somthing wrong with me is Rob. but then we are two lone people in this endless sea of uncertainty and confusion. My eyes have been red from the crying, me a grown man crying like im some pathetic little three year old. But this is the satisfaction of everyones critisizim, the satisfaction of them knowing how much I hurt and yearned to be with someone, someone who saw me for what I really was and not what I pretended to be. sometimes in my dreams I'd see her, I'd be watching the **** that she was going through. but in all sense I wanted to help her. I wanted to pull her up and away from it. Nothing hurt me more then to watch her struggle. Rob would stay up with me, depriving himself of sleep just so I could know that he was there for me. but not this time. I made Rob get some sleep. I fought against inner demons as I tried to rid my mind of anything evil. I saw her again. I knew this time she was trying to reach out to me, trying to hold me in her arms so I would be safe. As her hands, soft and warm, closed around mine, I woke up falling. As I hit the floor of the bus, I raised the hem of my shirt to wipe the sweat off of my face. As I reached my eyes, I realized that I had been crying again. My hands were shaking and I had a hard time trying to steady myself on my feet as I stumbeled into the bathroom. I splashed cold water on my face. I felt a sting as I drew the towel down over my face. Looking up, My eyes searched the mirror to see as cut running from my eyebrow down to my cheek. blood was pouring from it. I quickly washed it off and put the liquid stitches on it. I sighed and turned back to the bunks. I almost ran smack into Rob.

"You alright Brad?"

He asked his voice laced with concern. I nodded.

"What happened to you?"

He asked turning my head into the light so he could see my cut better. Shrugging I said,

"I dont know. I saw her again in my dreams. This time she was reaching out for me."

Rob gave a half smile before pulling me into a hug. He gave me a punch on the shoulder after he released me from his hug.

"Try to get some sleep we have an extreamly early interview then a meet and greet today."

Rob said in a brotherly way. I nodded and climbed back into my bunk. Staring at the ceiling, I sighed. I was in for another long day.

hope you guys like this but its still a work in progress



New member
ok this is the next part AJ hope u like it

I tried to sleep. I saw her once more, her arms streatching out towards me. I could feel the softness once more on my skin. lite as a feather. I could just die in her arms out of happieness.

"Why do you play guitar brad?"

She asked me, her voice low in my ear. I swallowed. This must seem kind of awkward for me to be talking to a dream girl, but even so I couldnt lie to her about anything.

"Because I can only truly express my self playing it."

I said. My voice low, harsh, and grating. As she smiled at me, I could feel her hand on mine.

"Then it shouldnt matter if someone hears you play or just plays ignorant to your talent. Continue to play for me and yourself."

I opened my mouth to say something, but everything started to fade. I wanted her to stay here with me. I almost called out to her. She raised a finger, silencing me.

"You will see later."

She said. I shot up out of the bunk, smacking my head on the bottom of Rob's bunk. I swore as someone opened up the curtins. I looked at Rob's smiling face. How could this man be so friggen happy at seven in the morning? He tugged at my sleeve.

"Come on man, meet and greet, we were suposed to be there five minutes ago."


I cursed as I tumbeled out of the bunk, grabbing the first pair of pants and the first shirt I could find that was mine. I hurriedly threw a hoodie on over my shirt as I ran after rob. **** that boy can run. Chester gave us both a strange look as we came up to the signing booth that was set up outside of the stadium.

"Sorry slept in late."

Rob and I both said at the same time.

"Yeah whatever just dont let it happen again."

Chester said coldly. Mike however grinned.

"Brad there is someone who's really interested in seeing you. She wont talk though."

I looked up to see the girl. My mouth dropped open. It was her. I mean the girl that I kept on seeing in my dreams. Everything from her eyes to her hands.


I said a little suprised. She nodded and handed me something. It was a folded up piece of paper. I silently read it to myself.


I know that its you, the person who watches me in my dreams. I know it might look a little awkward but I'm unable to speak. In my dreams I can talk to you but in the real world I cant. I have always dreamed of the day where we would finally meet in the real world.

I looked up at her and smiled. Her eyes told me that she expected something harsh and unfriendly from me. I folded up the paper again and placed it in my hoodie pocket.

"I know I'm glad to finally meet you too."

She made movements with her hands. I raised an eyebrow.

"She says that you are exactly like she thought you would be."

A guy about her hight with redish brown hair said.

"How do you know?"

I asked. The guy smiled.

"I'm her twin brother."

I nodded.



New member
i like grapes
dude please. I dont mean to sound a little angry but please leave the pointless stuff for other threads. or for none of these threads at all. keep the posting on here to constructive critisiem (sp?) please


LP Lager

New member
Here we go cliffhanger its another clubbanger got u hangin on the edge of your seat Get on DOWN!!

Great job :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:



New member
Brad looked around as he stood up from the signing booth, He had asked the girl to wait for him so they could talk alone. he had a feeling about the guy that called himself her brother. Mike grabbed me by the arm.

"Big bad, where are you headed off to?"

Brad detatched his arm from Mike.

"I'm going to meet a friend for lunch."

Mike looked from him to chaz. He raised his eyes in warning.

"Brad tred carefully ok? I dont think it would be a good idea to be late twice in the same day."

Brad sidestepped mike.

"Dont worry about me mike. Between you and rob both, I think everythings under control."

Brad said as he walked off. Mike and Rob sighed. Well it was his skin not theirs. Brad walked quickly to the place where he was going to meet her. Brad tugged at his grey hoodie as he waved at the girl. He ran over to meet her. They were pretty much ignored by the passers by.

"How about lunch?"

Brad asked. The girl nodded her head with a smile.

"How does this place look?"

He asked as He pointed to a pizza joint. The two managed to get a table in the corner.

"This looks pretty strange."

Brad said laughing. The girl raised an eyebrow.

"I mean it looks like im talking to my self."

She gave him another look then motioned with her hands to the drinks. Brad tilted his head sideways trying to read her eyes. She smiled then pulled out a pen. She took Brads hand and wrote something on it. He turned his hand to look at it.

"Your name's Kasi?"

She nodded her head happily. Brad was starting to get the hang of everything and all by just looking at her and reading her eyes. Everything about her told him something. The way she moved, the way her eyes looked, it told him what she felt, what she wanted in general.

"So kasi, you want a pizza?"

Brad asked. She nodded.

"how about cheese and peperoni?"

Kasi smiled and gave another nod. Brad gave the waitress their order.

"So you a fan of the band?"

Kasi nodded as she rolled her sleeve up showing brad this tattoo of his guitar on her arm.

"Holy **** thats just really awesome."

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