some sigs

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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2004
I have two sig requests here, i hope they get done.

First One:

Size: 450x150

Colors: Any colors you think suits the pics I give

Pics: perfeitinhu.jpg (try to put this faded in the BG somehow) (want this faded in the BG too)

Text: Blaze and somewhere else on the sig, Linkin Park Street Solider

Second One:

Size: 450x150

Colors; Any colors

Pics: (faded a lot in the BG) (want this faded in the BG too)

Text:Blaze and somewhere else on the sig, Linkin Park Street Solider

I need a matching avatar for the second sig

Thanks in advance and I hope I get these done ASAP, theyre not too complicated at all :)
Then there arent many good GFXers here then because this is an easy sig. Oh well, I will get 30 posts soon, and I haven't spammed at all. And there is nothing wrong with wanting two sigs. I want two sigs because i want two sigs.
Blaze said:
Then there arent many good GFXers here then because this is an easy sig. Oh well, I will get 30 posts soon, and I haven't spammed at all. And there is nothing wrong with wanting two sigs. I want two sigs because i want two sigs.

Well it might not be terribly complicated for you to request but people do need to find time to make these things, you know. For a sig to look decent, as Hyper said, it takes time and care.

I would also suggest that, once you've got your 30 posts, you might have more luck requesting in somebody's thread - you will see that several members here have their own request threads - but that's just my opinion. Well good luck with getting your sigs. :)
Blaze said:
Then there arent many good GFXers here then because this is an easy sig. Oh well, I will get 30 posts soon, and I haven't spammed at all. And there is nothing wrong with wanting two sigs. I want two sigs because i want two sigs.

heh, heh. i'm not even going to.. touch that subject. and if it's so simple.. why don't you do it? cmon, it's *easy*. unless your version of decent looks like ****.. might wanna open your eyes a little.
I dont have PS, and if you wanna mess wit me, take it on AIM. You wanna see other GFXers cuz you obviously havent seen anything. thanks everyone else, though, ill take your advice.
if everyone else is so god damn good take it to them. using real pictures in gfx isn't easy with such a small size. i've seen good gfx artists, real good ones. don't tell me what i know, or what i've seen, just take a step back.
You can make the pics smaller, i guess. and what size should i make them if thats too small
well if you make them bigger, through ps you can always make them better,i know i had a free trial once
Well, I used the trial for CS2. Besides, I can't make graphics even with Photoshop it is hard for me, really easy for others, like other people besides me I see.
I havent been talking any smack at all. And I cant do this request but other people can, thats why im requesting it here.
I never said anything, I just assumed that they aren't amazing because you said this is a complicated request when it isn't, all I'm asking for is a nice BG, the pics to be there and some text
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