Songs that make you cry or feel emotional..


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2004
i search and couldnt find a thread like this so i made 1..

this song makes me teary..:

My december(the original version)

it makes me sad becuz its like that for a lot of people its really sad, but its 1 of my fav songs..

anybody else have songs like that?
Mockingbird by Eminem because it reminds me of how much Em loves his daughter when my dad couldnt give a ****.
Numb by LP because i can relate.
And Tell Me Why by Will Smith because its such a true song. It made me cry today after the attacks on London. :(
this is gonna sound gay, but when i was younger micheal jacksons the earth song really got to me...i still get really sad when i hear it...
and also hello by evanescence, thats a really sad song...
Most Evanescence songs make me feel sad, which is one reason why I don't often listen to them anymore.

Sometimes LP - In The End makes me sad as well, but not always. That depends on what mood I'm in to start with, I think. If I'm mellow, ITE usually worsens it.

Avril's song "Forgotten" makes me sad as I accosiate it with something that happened to me earlier on this year. I listened to the song a lot then because I could relate it to my situation, so whenever I hear it now, I still find it depressing.

Also, Greenday's song "Wake Me Up When September Ends" is really sad. I don't know why, exactly, but it gets to me.

But the song that always, without fail, makes me cry is "Full Of Grace" by Sarah McLachlan. It is quite possibly the saddest song ever lol. I also relate that one to the situation I mentioned, and it always makes me feel extremely depressed.
My December, BTH, ETR, Right Where it Belongs-NIN (man, its really sad), a lot of Evanescence stuff, 45-Shinedown, Alone I Break-Korn, "Bother" Stone Sour, "The Man Who Sold The World" Nirvana, "Nothing Else Matters"-Metallica, "Turn the Page" Metallica, "Imagine" -APC....and I'm sure there's others
^ yeah that Greenday song gets to me too.
Everlong by the Foo Fighters, makes me cry, idk
and Love Song by The Cure, it doesnt' make me cry, just makes me emotional :(
My December definatly, Easier to Run

Pretty much all Evanescence songs, especially Tournaquet and Hello

The Johnny Cash version of Hurt

Mad World by Gary Jules

Sand And Water by Beth Nielsen

Everything Burrns by Ben Moody and Anastacia
i dont like evanescence but their song My Immortal reminds me of my friend who committed suicide, so it just grows on me and plus it was like his fave song.
Im must say Puhsing Me Away by LP makes me feel so guilty for some reason and I end up feeling sad.
Also, Danger, Keep Away by Slipknot puts me in a sad mode.

We too feel alone.........Danger Keep Away
I Don't Want To Miss A Thing - Aerosmith (Armageddon Soundtrack)
I Wish I Felt Nothing - The Wallflowers (Bringing Down The Horse)

Why? Because they are sad songs. Period.
My December-LP
Easier To Run-Lp
Breaking the Habit-Lp
From The Inside-Lp
Blue and Yellow-The Used
Hear You Me-Jimmy Eat World
the one song that makes me cry without fail is Rain Song by Cold

it reminds me of the night my best friend, and then girlfriend and i just stood in the pouring rain in the middle of the park near her house... it was durring a thunderstorm...and she HATES lightning... and we were standing in the middle of an open feild soaking wet... and each time thunder would clap she'd hold me tighter... and i'd put my ear to her ear ans whisper "it's alright" ... i dont remember whow long we stood there but it seemed like an eturnity... *sigh* best night of my life sofar... and the song just reminds me of her... and that night... and that i'll NEVER get another night like that again with her... *sigh*

uup...and there it goes...the song just started to play form my playlist... interesting timing... *tear*
Bleed Like Me-Garbage
The End-The Doors
Fall to Pieces-Velvet Revolver
Have You Ever Felt-Ill Niño
Hold On-GC

thats about it..they dont make me cry but usually they do make me sad.